80+ Jokes About Oatmeal with Puns

Enjoy a good laugh with these hilarious jokes about oatmeal! From puns to one-liners, these jokes are sure to bring a smile to your face. Whether you’re a fan of oatmeal or not, you’ll love these funny jokes about everyone’s favorite breakfast food.

Ah, oatmeal. The humble breakfast staple that has been around since the dawn of time. It’s a go-to meal for those trying to get a healthy start to their day and has been praised for its filling and nutritious qualities.

But just because it’s a healthy food doesn’t mean it has to be boring. In fact, there are plenty of funny jokes about oatmeal that can help you start your day off with a smile. Let’s start off with a classic.

How do you make an oatmeal cookie?

You put in a bowl, add a cup of sugar and a teaspoon of love. Get it? It’s an oatmeal cookie! 

“You look a little wrinkled, did you forget to soak overnight?”

Oatmeal is also a great breakfast choice for kids, so here’s a joke they’ll love.

What did the oatmeal say to the spoon? “What did you bring me?”

If you want to combine your love of oatmeal with puns, then this one is for you.

What did the oatmeal say to the bowl? “Hey, it’s bowl-me-over!”

And finally, what did the oatmeal say to the bowl when it was ready to eat?

“Let’s get this show on the road-meal!”

Best Jokes About Oatmeal

1.   Why did the oatmeal go to the doctor?

Because it was grueling.

2.   What do you call a bowl of oatmeal that can play the guitar?

 Patsy Osbourne

3.   Why did the raisin go out with the oatmeal?

 Because it couldn’t get a date with a banana.

4.   How do you know if someone is an oatmeal fan?

They’ll always be raisin the roof.

5.    Why did the cookie go to the doctor?

Because it was feeling crumbly.

6.    Why did the oatmeal go to the gym?

To become a fit meal.

7.    What do you call a bowl of oatmeal that’s trying to be fancy?

 A bowl of posh

8.    How do you make a bowl of oatmeal laugh?

 Tick-le its oats.

9.    Why was the oatmeal worried about going on a date with the banana?

Because it didn’t want to get too mushy.

10.    Why did the oatmeal refuse to leave the pot?

 It was too hot to handle.

11.    What’s the difference between oatmeal and porridge?

One’s just a little posher than the other.

12.    Why did the oatmeal run for president?

It wanted to make breakfast great again.

13.    What do you call an oatmeal party?

A porridge board meeting.

14.    Why did the oatmeal break up with the spoon?

 I wanted to try something more stirring.

15.    How do you know if someone is an oatmeal addict?

 They’ll never say no to seconds.

16.    Why did the oatmeal go to the seance?

 To talk to its ghost oats.

17.   What do you call an oatmeal superhero?

 The Incredible Hull.

18.    Why did the oatmeal get into a fight with the granola?

It was spoiling for a bowl.

19.    What’s the best way to describe oatmeal?

 A heart-healthy hug in a bowl.

20.    Why did the oatmeal refuse to join the breakfast club?

 It didn’t want to be part of any clique that was too corny.

21.    What did the oatmeal say to the bowl?

A: “It’s nice to be held.”

22.    What did the oatmeal say when it saw a spoon?

 “Time to get to work!”

23.    What did the oatmeal say when it saw a banana?

“Let’s get mashed!”

24.    What did the oatmeal say when it saw a pot of boiling water?

“Time to get cooking!”

25.    What did the bowl of oatmeal say to the spoon?

“You’re looking a little runny today.”

26.    What do you call a bowl of oatmeal that’s always running late?

 A procrastin-oat.

27.    What did the oatmeal say when it saw the milk?

 “Ah, a little cream to make me dream!”

28.    What did the oatmeal say when it saw the sugar?

 “Sugar and spice and everything nice!”

29.    What did the bowl of oatmeal say to the cook?

 “Don’t forget the cinnamon!”

Best Jokes About Oatmeal

Funny Jokes About Oatmeal

Oatmeal the breakfast of champions! We all know it’s healthy, but did you know it can also be the source of some pretty funny jokes? Here are some of our favorite oatmeal jokes to start your day off right!

30.    What did the oatmeal say to the milk?

“I think we should get married!”

31.    What did the oatmeal say to the honey?

 “Let’s make it sweet!”

32.    What did the oatmeal say to the raisins?

“Let’s get a little fruity!”

33.    What did the oatmeal say to the cinnamon?

“Let’s spice things up!”

34.    What did the oatmeal say to the banana?

“Let’s mash it up!”

35.    What did the oatmeal say to the nutmeg?

 “Let’s give it a nutty flavor!”

36.    What did one oatmeal say to the other?

 Nice bowl-cut!

37.    What did the oatmeal say when it was put in the microwave?

 It’s oat-heat-ing up in here!

38.    Why did the oatmeal cross the road?

 To get to the porridge party!

39.    What do you call an oatmeal that’s been in the fridge too long?


40.    What did the oatmeal say when it was dumped out of the bowl?


41.    What did the oatmeal say when it was put in a cup?

 “This is way too small for me!”

42.    What did the oatmeal say when it was served cold?

 “I’m a little bit cool, but still warm enough to eat!”

43.    What did the oatmeal say when it was put in a bowl with brown sugar?

“Oh boy, this is going to be sweet!”

44.    What did the oatmeal say to the other oatmeal?

A: Let’s Raisin!

45.    What do you call a bowl of oatmeal with a face?

A: A Cereal Killer!

46.   Why did the oatmeal cross the  road?

 To get to the Apple Cinnamon on the other side!

47.    What did the oatmeal say to the raisin?

 Hey, get off my back!

48.    Why did the oatmeal go to the gym?

 To get fit-oats!

49.    What did the oatmeal say when it was asked for advice?

A: Roll with the grains!

50.    What did the oatmeal say when it was asked how it was feeling?


51.    What did the oatmeal say when it saw a bowl of Fruit Loops?

 Don’t Loop me in!

52.    What did the oatmeal say when it was asked what it was made of?

A:  Whole Grains!

53.    Why did the oatmeal go to the library?

A: To get its porridge read!

54.    Why did the oatmeal go to the doctor?

 Because it was feeling grainy.

55.    What do you call an oatmeal that’s been to the gym?

 Muscle porridge.

56.    Why did the raisin refuse to be mixed into the oatmeal?

 It wanted to keep its distance.

57.   What’s an oatmeal’s favorite exercise?

 A cereal killer workout.

58.    How do you make a bowl of oatmeal laugh?

 Tick-le its oats.

59.   What do you call a bowl of oatmeal that’s gone bad?

 Sp Oatmeal.

60.    How do you describe an oatmeal that’s trying too hard to impress you?


61.   Why did the oatmeal break up with the yogurt?

 It was just too soupy.

62.    What do you call a group of oats playing instruments?

 A granola band.

63.    Why did the oatmeal go on a date with the banana?

 It was looking for a-peeling company.

64.    How does an oatmeal become a superhero?

It becomes Steel-cut Oats.

65.    What do you call a bowl of oatmeal with a little bit of sugar?

 Sweet Dreams!

66.    What did the oatmeal say when it saw the bowl of cooked cereal?

 Aww, another bowl of competition!

67.   Why did the oatmeal cross the road?

 To get to the bowl on the other side!

68.    Why did the oatmeal go to the gym?

 To get its daily fiber intake!

69.    What did the bowl of oatmeal say to the pot of boiling water?

Let’s get this party started!

70.    What did the oatmeal say to the salt?

You’re just the seasoning I need!

71.    Why did the oatmeal go to the doctor?

 It was feeling a little runny!

72.    What did the oatmeal say to the spoon?

You make me so happy!

Jokes About Oats

If you’re looking for a good laugh and a delicious breakfast, then you need to check out these jokes about oatmeal.

Whether you like to eat it plain or with a variety of yummy toppings, oatmeal is definitely a breakfast food that can bring a smile to your face. So, read on for some of the funniest oatmeal jokes around.

73.    What did the oat say to the other oat?

 Hey, you want a roll with that?

74.    What do you call an oat that likes to take risks?

 A daring-oats!

75.    What did the oat say when it saw a bowl of soup?

 Hey, I’m feeling a little soupy!

76.    What do you call an oat that’s always in a hurry?

 A hurry-oats!

77.    What do you call an oat that’s always late?

  A late-oats!

78.    What do you call an oat that’s always on time?

 A punctual-oats!

79.    What do you call the oat that always gets its way?

  A boss-oats!

79.    What do you call an oat that plays by its own rules?

 A rebel-oats!

80.    What do you call an oat that’s always up for a laugh?

A: A joke-oats!

81.    What do you call a group of oats that performs music?

 A gr-OAT band!

82.    Why did the oat cross the road?

To get to the other field.

83.    What’s an oat’s favorite sport?


84.    What do you call a dishonest oat?

A chea-OAT.

85.    What do you call an oat that’s always trying to impress others?

An oat-gazer.

86.     What did one oat say to the other when they got separated?

“I miss you a-whole-grain lot!”

87.    Why did the cowboy put oats in his boots?

To keep his feet toasty and oats-y.

88.    Why did the oat refuse to run for office?

 It didn’t want to be a candi-OAT.

89.     What do you call a nervous oat?


90.    What’s an oat’s favorite type of music?


91.    Why was the oat embarrassed?

It saw the milk’s dairy-air.

92.    Why don’t oats have many friends?

 They’re pretty gra-OAT-eful.

93.    What do you call an oat that’s always in a bad mood?

 A grump-OAT.

94.    Why did the oat go to the doctor?

It was feeling a little grainy.

95.   What’s an oat’s favorite type of exercise?


96.    Why don’t oats get into relationships?

 They’re too oat-busy.

97.    What’s an oat’s favorite type of book?

Oat-las Shrugged.

98.     Why did the oat break up with the raisin?

 It just wasn’t currant anymore.

99.    What did the oat say to the wheat?

 “You’re just not my type, I’m more into whole grains.”

100.     Why did the oat go to the art museum?

To get some oats-piration.

Oatmeal Bad Joke

No matter how you like to prepare your oatmeal, these jokes are sure to make you smile. So, the next time you’re thinking about enjoying some oatmeal for breakfast, make sure to tell a few of these jokes and bring some fun to your morning meal.

101.    Why did the oatmeal go to the doctor?

 Because it was feeling a little grainy.

102.    What did one oatmeal say to the other oatmeal?

 “Oat-ma-god, we’re in hot water!”

103.    How does oatmeal stay in shape?

By doing oat-aerobics.

104.    What do you call a group of oats singing together?

 A cereal choir.

105.    Why did the raisin refuse to be in the oatmeal?

Because it wanted to be a raisin bran.

106.    What do you call oatmeal that’s been chopped up?

Oatmeal raisin cookies.

107.    How do you make a bowl of oatmeal laugh?

You tickle its oats.

Oatmeal Bad Joke

108.    What do you call an oatmeal superhero?

The Oat-Avenger.

109.     Why did the bowl of oatmeal break up with the spoon?

 Because it wanted to be single-grain.

110.     What do you call a bowl of oatmeal that’s lost its temper?

 Instant grits.

111.    Why did the oatmeal go on a diet?

Because it wanted to be an oat-mazing body.

112.    What did the oatmeal say when it won the lottery?

“I’m a hot cereal winner!”

113.    Why did the oatmeal go to school?

To become an oats-tronaut.

114.    What do you call a bowl of oatmeal that’s too hot to handle?

A hot oat-ity.

115.    Why did the oatmeal go to the gym?

 To get ripped.

116.    What do you call oatmeal with an attitude?

 Rolled oats.

117.    Why did the bowl of oatmeal cross the road?

 To get to the breakfast table.

Best Jokes About Oatmeal

118.    What did the oatmeal say to the raisin?

 Nothing, it just gave it a raisin.

119.    What did the oatmeal say to the banana?

 Do you want to be friends?

120.    What did the oatmeal say to the egg?

 Let’s get scrambled!

121.    Why don’t oatmeal and eggs make good friends?

Because they’re always getting scrambled!

122.    What did the oatmeal say to the strawberry?

 It’s great to strawberry everything together!

123.    Why did the oatmeal go to the party?

 Because it was a cereal killer!

124.    What did the oatmeal say to the apple?

 Let’s get together and make some apple crumble!

125.    What did the oatmeal say to the peanut butter?

 Let’s team up and make a delicious peanut butter cup!

126.    What did the oatmeal say when it was done cooking?

“A-ha! I’m done!”

127.    What did the oatmeal say when it was transferred to the bowl?

“It’s all downhill from here!”

128.    What did the oatmeal say when it was served with milk and honey?

 “Mmmm… this is the life!”

129.    What did the oatmeal say when it was served with cinnamon and sugar?

“Now I’m really living!”

130.    What did the oatmeal say when it was served with strawberries?

 “I’m feeling fruity!”

131.    What did the oatmeal say when it was served with a spoon?

“Watch me work my magic!”

132.    What did the oatmeal say when it was served with a bowl of ice cream?

“This is the ultimate treat!”

134.    What did the oatmeal say when it was served with a side of bacon?

“Yum, bacon and oatmeal – my favorite combination!”

135.    What did the oatmeal say when it saw the banana?

 “You look so sweet!”

136.    What did the oatmeal say when it saw the spoon?

 “I’m all stirred up!”

137.    What did the bowl of oatmeal say when it was finished?

“That was a-maize-ing!”

138.    What did the oatmeal say when it saw the milk?

 “Let’s get creamy!”

139.    What did the oatmeal say when it was put in the microwave?

“I’m about to get hot!”

140.    What did the oatmeal say when it saw the brown sugar?

 “I’m in for a sweet treat!”

141.    What did the oatmeal say when it was cooked?

“I’m all set!”

142.    What did the oatmeal say to the raisin?

Nothing, they just stared at each other in disbelief!

143.    What did the oatmeal say to the milk?

Stop pouring on me, I can’t take it anymore!

144.    Why did the oatmeal cross the road?

Because it was stuck to the chicken’s foot!

145.   Why did the oatmeal go to the doctor?

Because it was feeling a little lumpy!

146.    What did the oatmeal say to the spoon?

I think I need a bigger bowl!

147.    Why did the oatmeal go to the gym?

Because it was feeling a little flabby!

148.    Why did the oatmeal go to the dentist?

Because it was feeling a little gritty!

149.    Why did the oatmeal go to the vet?

Because it was feeling a little achy!

150.   ‘Why did the oatmeal go to the bar?

Because it was feeling a little boozy!

Jokes About Oatmeal With Puns for Adults

151.”Why don’t oats ever get into arguments? Because they’re too ‘rolled’ with the punches!”

152.”I tried to tell my friend a joke about oatmeal, but it was a little too ‘grainy’ for their taste.”

153.”Oatmeal is the breakfast of champions because it’s not afraid to ‘steel’ the spotlight!”

154.”I asked my oatmeal if it had any exciting plans for the day. It said, ‘No, I’m just going to ‘bowl’ people over.'”

155.”Why did the oatmeal break up with the raisins? Because it wanted to be a ‘smooth’ operator on its own!”

156.”What do you call a detective who loves oatmeal? A ‘cereal’ killer investigator!”

157.”I challenged my oatmeal to a race, but it said, ‘Sorry, I’m too ‘grainy’ to run!'”

Dumb Jokes That Are Funny the Oatmeal

158.”Why did the oatmeal sit down for a chat? Because it wanted to have a ‘bowl’ session!”

159.”Why was the oatmeal always late for work? Because it couldn’t ‘oat’ to get out of bed!”

160.”I tried to make oatmeal laugh, but it just ‘rolled’ its eyes at me.”

161.”What’s an oatmeal’s favorite TV show? ‘The Whole-Grainy Bunch’!”

Dumb Jokes That Are Funny the Oatmeal

162.”Why don’t oats ever play hide and seek? Because they always get ‘scooped’ up too quickly!”

163.”I told my oatmeal a joke, and it said, ‘That’s so corny, it’s not even a-raisin an eyebrow!'”

164.”How do you make oatmeal laugh on a Monday? Tell it a ‘berry’ funny joke!”

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Final Thoughts

Oatmeal is a nutritious and delicious food that can provide us with energy and keep us full. It can also be used in a variety of recipes and can be enjoyed in many different ways.

Jokes about oatmeal can help us to appreciate the many uses of this wonderful food and bring a smile to our faces. Whether you’re looking for a good laugh or just a simple reminder of how great oatmeal can be, these jokes about oatmeal can provide a bit of fun and joy.

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