67+ Prom Dad Jokes 2023

Prom night is one of the most exciting events in a high schooler’s life. It’s a night to remember, filled with glitz and glamour, dancing, and laughter. And speaking of laughter, we all know that dads have a special talent for cracking jokes that are so bad, they’re good.

So, in honor of prom night, we’ve compiled a list of the best prom dad jokes that will have you rolling your eyes and laughing at the same time.

Funny Prom Dad Jokes

What did the granola bar say to the dad at prom?

“Hey Dad, I’m a little crunchie tonight!”

2.   What did the prom dad say when someone asked what time it was?

“Time to get ready for the dance!”

3.    What do you call it when a dad takes his daughter to prom?

 A paternal obligation!

4.   What kind of music do Prom Dads like?

 Anything with a good “father-tune” in it!

5.   What’s a dad’s favorite pastime?

Telling funny prompts dad jokes!

6.   What did the prom dad say when his daughter asked to borrow his car?

You can drive my car, but I’m keeping the keys!

7.   What did the father ghost say to his son when he dropped him off at prom?

 “Have a ghoul time!”

8.    What did the prom dad say when his daughter asked him for a new dress?

 “Dresses are expensive! You better wear your sister’s!”

9.   What did the prom dad say when his daughter asked him to dance?

Strictly protons only!

10.   What did the prom dad say when his daughter asked him for a dollar?

 I love you too, but do I look like an ATM?!

11.   What did the biology teacher look for in her prom date?

 An allele-giant!

12.   What did the prom dad say when his daughter asked for a limo?

“My wallet’s in the clutch!”

Funny Prom Dad Jokes

Dad Jokes About Prom

Prom season is right around the corner, and it’s time to start thinking about how you’re going to make your prom night one to remember. One way to make the night, even more, fun and memorable is by telling some hilarious prom dad jokes.

These jokes are perfect for breaking the ice, getting a laugh, and making everyone feel more comfortable. So, without further ado, here are some of the best prom dad jokes that are sure to make your prom night a hit.

13    What do you call a prom where no one dances?

A prom-broke.

14.   What did the prom queen say when she received her crown?

 “I rule!”

 No one monsters in without asking for my crown!

16.   Why did the tomato turn red at prom?

 Because it saw the salad dressing!

17.   What do you call a prom for ghosts?

 A phantom prom.

18.   Why did the prom king get a haircut?

 Because he wanted to make a good impression on his ruler.

19.   Why did the scarecrow win the award for best dancer at the prom?

 Because he had all the moves!

20.   Why did the computer go to prom?

 To get a byte to eat.

21.   Why did the chicken cross the dance floor at prom?

 To get to the other side.

22.    What did the prom queen say when she found out there was noking?

“Oh my gosh, what a to-do!”

23.    What did the prom queen say when she saw a monster?

 “Oh no, I dropped my tiara!”

24.   What do you call a dance for people who don’t like to dance?

A Promiscuous Event!

25.   Why did the prom queen refuse to dance with the basketball player?

Because he kept traveling.

26.    What do you call a prom that’s held in a library?

A quiet night.

27.   Why did the janitor refuse to clean up after prom?

 Because he didn’t want to sweep anyone off their feet.

28.   Why did the grape go to prom alone?

 Because it couldn’t find a date.

29.   Why did the quarterback take his date to a restaurant before prom?

 Because he wanted to pass her the rolls.

30 .   What do you call a prom for bees?

 The buzz ball

Dad Jokes on Senior Prom

31.   Why don’t scientists trust atoms?

Because they make up everything, including prom dates!

32.   Why couldn’t the bicycle go to the prom?

Because it was two-tired.

33.   Why did the senior skip her prom?

Because she heard it was going to be a-door-able!

35.   What did the ghost say to his date on prom night?

“Don’t worry, I Boo-k it!”

35.    What did the dad say when he asked his daughter if she had a date for prom?

Are you gonna go stag or do I have to rent a tux?

36.   What do you call a prom for seniors?

 A golden gown occasion!

37.   Why did the senior go to prom alone?

 He couldn’t find a date; last year’s was already expired!

38.   What did the prom queen say when she found out it was a senior dance?

“Wait, I’m only 17!”

39.   Why didn’t the prom queen go to senior prom?

Because she was too busy ruling over junior prom!

41.   What do you call a group of disorganized cats going to prom?

 A cat-catastrophe!

42.   Why did the tomato turn red?

Because it saw the salad dressing.

43.   Why was the math book sad?

 Because it had too many problems.

44.    Why did the grape stop in the middle of the dance floor at prom?

 Because it ran out of juice.

45.   Why do they never serve beer at prom?

 Because they don’t want anyone getting too hoppy!

46.    What do you call a fake noodle?

An impasta.

Hilarious Prom Jokes

Prom season is upon us, and that means it’s time for the ultimate dad jokes! Whether you’re a father of a teenager attending prom or just a lover of cheesy jokes, we’ve got you covered with our collection of Prom Dad Jokes.

47.   What did the prom queen say when she was crowned?

 I can’t believe it, I rule!

48.  What do you call a prom date dressed like the sun?

A solar eclipse.

49. What did the prom queen do when she saw her date approaching?

 She combed her hair with a Purell wipe.

50.   What did the prom dress say to the tux?

You complete me!

51.   What did the prom dress say to the tuxedo?

 “You complete me!”

52.  What did the prom queen say to her date?

 “Don’t be late!”

53.   What did the prom queen say when she saw a boy with an Apple Watch?

Is that the time already?

54.   What’s a vampire’s favorite prom fashion accessory?

 A date with someone with a great neck!

55.  Why did the baseball player skip prom?

Because he had a big game the next day and didn’t want to strike out.

56.  Why did the nerd wear a calculator to prom?

Because he wanted to figure out the angle of the dance floor.

57.   Why did the banana go to prom?

 Because it had a peel.

Hilarious Prom Jokes

58.   Why did the grape go to prom?

To get juiced.

59.   Why did the vampire go to prom alone?

 Because he wanted to drink punch, not blood.

60.   Why did the football player take his date to the prom in a wheelbarrow?

 Because he wanted to show her he was a catch.

61.   Why did the musician skip prom?

Because he was too busy drumming up business.

62.   Why did the computer go to prom?

To dance with its motherboard.

63.   Why did the elephant wear a tuxedo to prom?

 Because he wanted to look trunk-tactic.

64.   Why did the gardener take his date to prom in a wheelbarrow?

Because he wanted to show her a wildflower evening.

65.   Why did the fireman skip prom?

Because he was already a hot date.

66.   Why did the owl go to prom?

 Because it was a hoot.

67.   Why did the turtle go to prom?

 To show off his shell-tactic moves

Short Prom Dad Jokes 2023

68.”Why did the scarecrow become a chaperone for the prom? Because he’s outstanding in his field, just like my child!”

69.”I told my son he should take his date to the prom on a bicycle. It’s two-tired, but it’s a wheely good idea!”

70.”You know you’re getting old when you chaperone your kid’s prom, and the music is so loud you can’t even hear your own dad jokes!”

71.”Why did the prom committee invite the math teacher to the dance? Because they heard he had some ‘al-gebrations’ up his sleeve!”

72.”I asked my daughter if she was excited about the prom. She said, ‘Dad, you’re embarrassing me!’ I replied, ‘Just wait until I hit the dance floor!'”

73.”I tried to do the moonwalk at the prom, but I ended up doing the ‘dad shuffle.’ I guess I’ll stick to my day job!”

74.”My son asked me to help him tie his tie for prom. I said, ‘Sure, I’m knot too bad at it!'”

Prom Joke Punchline

75.”Why did the prom king bring a ladder? Because he wanted to take his date to a whole new level!”

76.”Why did the prom queen bring a broom to the dance? Because she wanted to sweep everyone off their feet!”

77.”Why did the math teacher go to the prom? To show off his ‘alge-braids’ and dance like a ‘pro-fessor’!”

78.”Why did the ghost couple go to the prom? Because they heard it was a ‘boo-tiful’ event for spirits to ‘haunt’ and mingle!”

Prom Joke Punchline

79.”Why did the smartphone break up with the calculator before prom? It found someone who could ‘count’ on them to text back!”

80.”Why did the shy student finally ask their crush to the prom? Because they realized they had ‘prom-ising’ chemistry!”

81.”Why did the DJ bring a ladder to the prom? Because he wanted to ‘elevate’ the dance floor to new heights of fun!”

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, these punny jokes will make your prom night just a little bit more fun. Remember to dance like nobody’s watching and enjoy this special moment with your friends and loved ones. And if you’re a dad chaperoning the prom, don’t forget to bring your A-game with these dad jokes!

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