75+ Best Walking Dead Dad Jokes

Survive the apocalypse of laughter with our collection of Walking Dead dad jokes. From clever undead puns to playful wordplay, these jokes will have you grinning from ear to ear.

Whether you’re a fan of the hit TV show or simply enjoy a good dad joke, these Walking Dead-themed puns will add a touch of humor to your day.

Share a laugh with fellow zombie enthusiasts and bring some undead fun to your next gathering. Get ready to unleash your inner comedian and walk through a world of hilarity with these side-splitting dad jokes.

Funny Walking Dead Dad Jokes

1. What similarities do The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones share?

Both have deceased characters walking around.

2.  How is Fast and Furious distinct from The Walking Dead?

Unlike The Walking Dead, Fast and Furious does not feature undead beings.

3.  How does Fast and Furious differ from The Walking Dead?

Fast and Furious is unique in that it does not have any Walkers, unlike The Walking Dead.

4.  What is the advantage of reading a dead author’s work?

Their words remain timeless.

5.  Why did the zombie break up with his girlfriend?

She just wasn’t his type anymore.

6.  How does a deadbeat dad say hello to his child?

“I’m back from buying cigarettes.”

7.  What do you call a dead comedian?

A laughing stock.

8.  What are the unique similarities between The Walking Dead and Fast & Furious 5?

Both feature dead walkers.

9.  What do Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, and Spider-Man share in common?

All are more realistic than The Bachelor.

10.  What’s the latest plan for Glee’s next episode?

It’s going to be a crossover with The Walking Dead.

11.  Where does Glenn from The Walking Dead love to eat?

Popeyes is his favorite restaurant.

12.  What are the unique comparisons between Flint, Michigan, and The Walking Dead universe?

Both are post-apocalyptic, but only one still produces new cars.

13.  Why did Negan cross the road?

To get to the bat side.

14.  What do you call a group of walkers playing poker?

A dead man’s hand.

15.  What do you call a walker who wears a suit?

A businessman.

16.  What’s the difference between a walker and a bad comedian?

 One tells jokes and the other eats brains.

17.  What do you call a walker who’s really good at math?

A brainiac.

18.  What do you call a group of walkers who are also musicians?

A dead band.

19.  Why did Rick’s car break down in the middle of a walker herd?

Because it ran out of dead-online!

20.  “Why don’t walkers ever go to the dentist?

Because they prefer to chew on live flesh!”

Funny Walking Dead Dad Jokes

Walking Dead Carl Dad Jokes

21.  Why did Carl Grimes bring a shovel to the zombie apocalypse?

Because he wanted to dig a grave for his dad jokes!

22.  Why did Rick Grimes refuse to use a crossbow?

Because he didn’t want to be a Walking Dead stereotype!

23.  Why did Carl Grimes refuse to eat the last slice of pizza?

 Because it was a slice of death!

24.  Why did Rick Grimes refuse to become a chef during the zombie apocalypse?

 Because he was afraid of serving up some walker tartare!

25.  Why did Carl Grimes become a zombie comedian?

 Because he wanted to be the Walking Dead’s funniest survivor!

26.  Why did Rick Grimes refuse to take a day off during the zombie apocalypse?

 Because he didn’t want to be caught dead on the job!

27.  Why did Carl Grimes refuse to wear sandals during the zombie apocalypse?

 Because he didn’t want to be a walker’s next meal!

28.  Why did Rick Grimes refuse to join a zombie book club?

Because he was afraid of spoilers!

29.  Why did Carl Grimes refuse to go on a roller coaster during the zombie apocalypse?

 Because he didn’t want to lose his brains!

30.  What did Carl Grimes’ dad say when he saw a zombie in the garden?

 He said “I didn’t plant that!”

31.  What did Carl say when his dad asked him to mow the lawn?

“I ain’t no walker!”

32.  What do you call it when Carl is the only one left of his family in The Walking Dead?

A Dad-lonely situation!

33.  Why did Carl Grimes cross the road?

 To get to Negan’s side!

34.  What did Carl do when he got a hole in his shoe?

The zombie-walked it off.

35.  Why don’t zombies eat clowns?

Because they taste funny.

Walking Dead Rick Dad Jokes

36.  What do you call a walker with a cold?

 A snot zombie!

37.  Why did Negan break up with his girlfriend?

 She was bat-shit crazy!

38.  Why did the walker go to the dentist?

To get his teeth cleaned!

39.  What did Rick say when he saw a walker in a clown suit?

“That’s dead-iculous!”

40.  Why did the walker join the gym?

To work on his core!

41.  Why did Daryl go to the bank?

 To get his crossbow loaned!

42.  Why did Glenn go to the farmer’s market?

To get some walker melon!

43.  What did Michonne say to her sword?

“You complete me!”

44.  What do you call a walker who works in a library?

A bookworm!

45.  Why don’t walkers ever get married?

 Because they’re afraid of a shotgun wedding!

46.  What do you call a group of survivors who are also skilled musicians?

The Walken Dead!

47.  What do you call a walker who’s good at math?

 A calculator!

48.  Why don’t walkers ever learn how to swim?

 Because they always sink their teeth into their instructors!

49.  What did Rick say when he ran out of toilet paper during the apocalypse?

“Carl, give me a hand!”

50.  What do you call a walker who’s also a chef?

A brainyak!

51.  Why don’t zombies eat comedians?

 Because they taste funny!

52.  Why did the zombie go to the gym?

He wanted to get into better flesh!

53.  How does a zombie like his steak cooked?


54.  Why did the zombie get a ticket?

He parked in a no-brainer zone!

55.  What do you call a zombie who’s good at basketball?

 A slam-dunking dead!

56.  What’s a zombie’s favorite food?

Brain food!

57.  Why did the zombie go to the doctor?

He was feeling a bit undead!

58.  Why did the walker cross the playground?

 To get to the other slide!

59.  What do you call a group of walkers who are also talented artists?

The Walking Dead-strokes!

Hilarious Walking Dead Dad Jokes

60.  What do you call a walker who’s always running late?

A dead-line.

61.  What do you call a walker who’s really good at math?

 A calculus.

62.  What do you call a group of walkers on a road trip?

 The undead-tour.

63.  Why don’t walkers ever get tired?

Because they’re always dead on their feet.

64.  What do you call a walker with a degree in philosophy?

 A walker of thought.

65.  What do you get when you cross Rick Grimes with a turkey?

A walker talkie.

66.  Why did the walker refuse to eat Carl?

He heard he was full of himself.

67.  What do you call a group of walkers playing music?

A decomposing band!

68.  Why did the zombie go to the dentist?

He wanted a taste of cavity-flesh!

69.  What do you call a walker who can run really fast?

A sprinter in the dead heat of the zombie apocalypse!

70.  Why did the walker join the gym?

To beef up his core!

71.  What do you call a group of walkers at a party?

A dead-lock!

72.  What did the walker say when he stumbled into a vegetarian restaurant?

“This place is a grave-yard for me!”

73.  What do you call a walker who can’t move fast?

 A slow-walker!

Hilarious Walking Dead Dad Jokes

74.  What do you call a walker who’s afraid of the dark?

A fright-walker!

75.  What’s a walker’s favorite type of music?

 Heavy dead-metal!

76.  Why did the walker refuse to eat Michonne?

He heard she was armed and dangerous!

77.  Why did the walker go to the doctor?

He was feeling a bit run down!

78.  Why do walkers make terrible dancers?

They have two left feet, and they’re always falling apart!

Corel the Walking Dead Meme

Of course! Here are seven funny lines related to walking:

79.”I walked into a spider web today; I’m pretty sure I’m now the proud owner of a haunted house.”

80.”Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field… of walking!”

81.”I’m on a seafood diet. I see food, and I eat it. While walking, of course!”

82.”I tried to lose weight by walking five miles a day, but then I realized I was just losing track of time.”

83.”I walked into a room, and everyone suddenly stopped talking. Either I’m really interesting, or it’s a library.”

84.”I asked my dog if he wanted to go for a walk, and he acted like I’d just proposed a trip to the moon.”

85.”Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything, even the excuse for skipping a morning walk!”

Some Final Talk

These jokes may be simple, but they offer a lighthearted take on a show that can often be quite heavy. They also showcase the creativity and humor of the show’s dedicated fanbase.

In addition to being a fun way to break up the tension of the show, Walking Dead Dad Jokes have also become a way for fans to connect with one another. Whether it’s sharing jokes on social media or telling them in person, these jokes have brought fans together in their love for the show and its quirky sense of humor.

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