150+ Clean Toy Story Puns

Laugh out loud with these hilarious Toy Story puns you never noticed before. Perfect for kids and adults alike!

Toy Story, the beloved Disney Pixar film series, is full of memorable characters and quotable lines. And where there are characters and quotes, there are bound to be puns. So, here are some funny Toy Story puns to brighten up your day:

Best Toy Story Puns

  1. Woody and Buzz are such good friends, they’re practically in-fintoyte.
  2. Slinky Dog’s leash may stretch, but his loyalty never does.
  3. You can always count on Mr. Potato Head to root for you.
  4. Rex may be scared of everything, but he’s still dino-mite.
  5. Jessie’s got a lasso, and she knows how to use it! Yeehaw!
  6. The aliens are always up for a good time, they’re truly out of this world.
  7. Bullseye may be a horse, but he’s no neigh-sayer.
  8. Hamm may be a piggy bank, but he’s always happy to bacon it.
  9. Bo Peep is a shepherdess with style, she always knows how to speed up appearances.
  10. Forky may be a spork, but he’s still a great source of inspiration for those who are feeling a little disposable.
  11. “Slinky-dink puns are stretching the limits!”
  12. “Bo Peep-ing into pun-derful wordplay!”
  13. “The puns are just Woody-ful!”
  14. “Aliens have landed with puns from outer space!”
  15. “Bullseye! These puns hit the mark!”
  16. “Andy-anticipating more puns from Toy Story!”
  17. “Buzzing with pun-tastic energy!”
  18. “Sheriff Woody’s got a pun-slinger in town!”
  19. “Toy Story puns, a surefire playtime hit!”
  20. Jessie may be a cowgirl, but she always knows how to hoof it on the dance floor.”
  21. I asked Slinky Dog if he wanted to grab a bite, and he said ‘I’m all coiled up right now.'”
  22. “Rex tried to tell a joke, but it was a little too ‘pre-hysterical’ for us.”
  23. “Bo Peep always has the best style. She’s a real fashion sheriffo.”

Funny Toy Story Puns

Uncover the hidden gems of jokes in the Toy Story movies that you may have missed. Laugh out loud as we reveal the clever wordplay and puns that made these films even more entertaining!

  1. What did Woody say to the alien when he wouldn’t share his food? “You’ve got a friend in greed!”
  2. How did Buzz Lightyear become the best tennis player in the galaxy? He always serves with a laser beam!
  3. Why did Hamm refuse to play cards with Buzz? He kept trying to “infinity and beyond” his bets!
  4. Why did Slinky Dog take up singing? Because he wanted to be a “woof”-meister!
  5. What did Mr. Potato Head say to the chicken when it crossed the road? “Hey, you got any spare eyes?!”
  6. How did Jessie win the dance-off competition? She always had a “rootin-tootin” good time!
  7. What did Bo Peep say when Woody gave her a romantic compliment? “You’re the to infinity, to my beyond!”
  8. What do you call it when Woody’s girlfriend starts baking bread? Bo Peep rising!
  9. When Buzz Lightyear became a farmer, what did he plant? To Infinity Corn and Beyond!
  10. If Hamm was a teacher, what would he tell his students? Don’t be a slop – learn math!
  11. Why did Mr. Potato Head go to a therapist? He had a chip on his shoulder!
  12. What’s Rex’s favorite musical instrument? The Tuba-corn!
  13. How did Slinky Dog get into shape? He went for a woof-run every morning!
  14. Why did Andy’s mom think Buzz Lightyear was an artist? Because he drew in the air with his wings!
  15. What does Woody say when he starts feeling self-conscious? “To infinity and your opinions don’t matter!”
  16. How does Jessie style her hair? With a Rootin’ Tootin’ hairbrush!
  17. Why was the Little Green Man upset? He thought he was being taken for granite!
  18. Why did Buzz Lightyear take his spaceship to the dentist? To get his root-“beer” canal fixed!
  19. What did Woody say when he was asked to make dinner? “I’m gonna “grill” it, partner!”
Funny Toy Story Puns
  1. What did Mr. Potato Head say to his wife after a long day? “I’m “mashed” out, Mrs. Potato Head.”
  2. How did Jessie know that Woody had a cold? Because he was “a-coughin” all night long!
  3. Why was Slinky Dog afraid to cross the road? Because he heard it was a “stretch”!
  4. What did Hamm say to Buzz Lightyear when he lost his helmet? “Looks like you’re “headed” for trouble!”
  5. Why did Bo Peep go to the chiropractor? To get her “crook” fixed!
  6. What did Rex say to Buzz Lightyear after he finished his math homework? “To infinity and beyond plus two, Buzz!”
  7. How did the toy soldiers know when it was time for bed? They heard “taps” playing!
  8. Why did Lotso have a bad attitude? Because he always felt like he was “stuck” in a dump!

Toy Story Sayings Puns

  1. “Buzz off, Woody! Can’t you see I’m trying to catch a fly?”
  2. “To infinity and bed! Time for a good night’s rest.”
  3. “Jessie, don’t cow-tow to peer pressure. You’re a free-range toy!”
  4. “Slinky, don’t be so wound up all the time. Just let loose and have some fun!”
  5. “Mr. Potato Head, stop being such a spud and open up to new ideas!”
  6. “Sheriff Woody, don’t go astray. Stay true to who you are!”
  7. “Buzz, don’t be such a space cadet. Come back down to Earth!”
  8. “To infiniti-grill and beyond!”
  9. “That’s a Rex-tacular idea!”
  10. “You’ve got to be woody kidding me!”
  11. “I’m a slinky-dog, not a winky-frog!”
  12. “I’m the rootinest, tootinest, carrot in the garden!”
  13. “You’ve got to hatch this egg-cellent plan!”
  14. “To inFINity and beyond… with a woody twist!”
  15. “You’ve got a friend in cheese… I mean, me!”
  16. “Rex-ercise caution, these puns are dino-mite!”
  17. “Andy’s toys are punbelievable!”
  18. “Rex, don’t be a sore loser… these puns are raptor-ous!”
  19. “Saddle up, partners! It’s time for some pun-tastic adventures in Toy Story!”
  20. “Once upon a pun in a toy box far, far away…

Woody Toy Story Puns

Discover the funniest and most clever Toy Story puns that will tickle your funny bone. Explore this ultimate collection of puns from the beloved Toy Story movies!

  1. “I’m Woody and you’re my favorite present-tense!”
  2. “To infinity and B-batteries!”
  3. “I’m not slinky, I’m just spring-loaded!”
  4. “We don’t talk about Andy’s dog around here. He’s a real barksidious character.”
  5. “Why did Jessie decide to give up cowgirl-ing? She felt a bit rusty.”
  6. “The sky’s the limit, except when you’re a toy” – said by Buzz Lightyear as he realizes he can’t fly as high as he wants to.
  7. “What’s buzzin’, Woody?” – said by Rex the dinosaur as he tries to start a conversation with Woody.
  8. “Don’t Woody about a thing” – said by Slinky Dog as he tries to calm Woody down.
  9. “Etch-a-Sketching a plan” – said by Etch the Etch-a-Sketch as he comes up with a solution.
  10. “You’re pulling my leg, Woody” – said by Jessie the cowgirl as she tries to trick Woody.
  11. “I’m not lion, I’m just a stuffed animal” – said by Lotso the bear as he defends himself.
  12. “Ride like the wind, Bullseye” – said by Woody as he encourages his trusty horse to go faster.
  13. “I don’t mean to toy with your emotions, but you’ve got a friend in me!”
  14. “To infinity and beyond! Or, you know, just to the toy box.”
  15. “Sheriff Woody always knows how to keep things under his hat – especially when it comes to playtime secrets!”
  16. “Mr. Potato Head might be a little hot-headed sometimes, but that’s just because he’s all eyes and ears.”
Woody Toy Story Puns
  1. “Rex may be a little skittish, but we all know he’s the real king of the toy box – rawr!”
  2. “The aliens might have come from Pizza Planet, but they’ve made our toy box feel out-of-this-world!”
  3. “I can’t ‘toys’ my excitement for Toy Story!”
  4. “Rex may be a dinosaur, but his ‘punny’ sense of humor is dino-mite!”
  5. “Woody’s jokes are always on ‘pointe’—he’s a real ‘toe-y’ stalker!”
  6. “Why did Mr. Potato Head become a stand-up comedian? Because he had a ‘spud-tacular’ sense of humor!”
  7. “Jessie’s jokes are so ‘rootin’ tootin’—she really knows how to ‘lasso’ your funny bone!”
  8. “Hamm’s piggy bank may be full of coins, but his jokes are worth their ‘weight’ in laughter!”

Toy Story Puns One Liners

Laugh out loud with these hilarious Toy Story puns that will take you back to your childhood. Discover some clever jokes that flew under the radar with this list of some one liners.

  1. “To infinity and Baymax!”
  2. “That’s a Slinky move, Woody!”
  3. “You’ve got a friend in Meatwad!”
  4. “Yoda, yoda, yoda. All day, yoda!”
  5. “You’ve got the Etch-A-Sketch touch, Buzz!”
  6. “This party’s gonna be infinity and beyond-awesome!”
  7. “Looks like we’ve got a code woof!”
  8. “Oh my spurs and horseshoes! That’s the best darn Jessie impression I’ve ever heard!”
  9. “To infinity and beyond!”
  10. “I don’t know about you, but I’m rooting for Mr. Potato Head to mash the competition.”
  11. “Etch a sketch move, Bo Peep. You’ve been drawing eyes on yourself for years.”
  12. “Buzz off, Woody. You’re giving me a woody.”
  13. “You’ve got a friend in cheese. Cheesy Potato Heads, anyone?”
  14. “Slinky Dog, let’s leash out and play fetch.”
  15. “Mr. Potato Head, don’t get salty, it’s just a joke.”
  16. “I’ll Hamm it up for the camera, but don’t be bacon me blush.”

Toy Story Sayings Woody

  1. “To infinity and beyond!” exclaimed Buzz Lightyear as he flew through the air.
  2. “To infinity and beyond!” Buzz Lightyear shouted with excitement as he soared through the air, his wings glimmering in the bright sunlight.
  3. Woody raised an eyebrow, wondering which one Buzz was referring to. “Uh, I don’t know, Buzz. Which saying are you talking about?”
  4. “You know, ‘there’s a snake in my boot!'” Buzz laughed.
  5. Woody groaned, rolling his eyes. “Oh, that one. I don’t think it’s as catchy as yours, Buzz.”
  6. Buzz shook his head, grinning. “Come on, Woody. It’s iconic! Everyone knows it.”
  7. Woody shrugged, a small smile still on his face. “Well, maybe you’re right. It’s certainly been quite popular over the years.”
  8. Buzz nodded in agreement. “Exactly! And besides, it’s just another reason why you’re the best sheriff in town.”
  9. “That’s what friends are for, Woody,” Buzz said with a smile.
  10. Buzz raised an eyebrow. “Oh, really? And what would that be?”
  11. Woody thought for a moment before a grin spread across his face. “How about this? ‘Yeehaw! We’ve got a friend in me!'”
  12. Buzz burst out laughing. “Woody, that’s perfect! I love it!”
  13. “We may be different in many ways, but we’re all united by our love for Andy,” Woody said, addressing the other toys.
  14. The room fell silent as the toys took in Woody’s words.
  15. “Reach for the sky, partners!” shouted Woody, his drawstring pulled taut and ready for action

Toy Story One Liners Food Puns

Enjoy giggling with these ultimate Toy Story puns, making your day brighter. Explore the punny dialogues, witty one-liners, and hilarious quips from throughout the Toy Story movies.

  1. “That’s a Slinky move, Woody!”
  2. “You’ve got a friend in Meatwad!”
  3. “Yoda, yoda, yoda. All day, yoda!”
  4. “You’ve got the Etch-A-Sketch touch, Buzz!”
  5. “This party’s gonna be infinity and beyond-awesome!”
  6. “Looks like we’ve got a code woof!”
  7. “Oh my spurs and horseshoes! That’s the best darn Jessie impression I’ve ever heard!”
  8. “I don’t know about you, but I’m rooting for Mr. Potato Head to mash the competition.”
  9. “Etch a sketchy move, Bo Peep. You’ve been drawing eyes on yourself for years.”
  10. “Buzz off, Woody. You’re giving me a woody.”
  11. “You’ve got a friend in cheese. Cheesy Potato Heads, anyone?”
  12. “Slinky Dog, let’s leash out and play fetch.”
  13. “Mr. Potato Head, don’t get salty, it’s just a joke.”
  14. “I’ll Hamm it up for the camera, but don’t be bacon me blush.”
Toy Story One Liners Food Puns

Clean Toy Story Puns

Get entertained with these clever and cheeky Toy Story puns – perfect for both children and adult audiences. Keep the fun rolling with these humor-filled quotes that went unnoticed in Toy Story.

  1. “To infinity and beyond!” exclaimed Buzz Lightyear as he flew through the air.
  2. “To infinity and beyond!” Buzz Lightyear shouted with excitement as he soared through the air, his wings glimmering in the bright sunlight.
  3. Woody raised an eyebrow, wondering which one Buzz was referring to. “Uh, I don’t know, Buzz. Which saying are you talking about?”
  4. “You know, ‘there’s a snake in my boot!'” Buzz laughed.
  5. Woody groaned, rolling his eyes. “Oh, that one. I don’t think it’s as catchy as yours, Buzz.”
  6. Buzz shook his head, grinning. “Come on, Woody. It’s iconic! Everyone knows it.”
  7. Woody shrugged, a small smile still on his face. “Well, maybe you’re right. It’s certainly been quite popular over the years.”
  8. Buzz nodded in agreement. “Exactly! And besides, it’s just another reason why you’re the best sheriff in town.”
  9. “That’s what friends are for, Woody,” Buzz said with a smile.
  10. Buzz raised an eyebrow. “Oh, really? And what would that be?”
  11. Woody thought for a moment before a grin spread across his face. “How about this? ‘Yeehaw! We’ve got a friend in me!'”
  12. Buzz burst out laughing. “Woody, that’s perfect! I love it!”
  13. “We may be different in many ways, but we’re all united by our love for Andy,” Woody said, addressing the other toys.
  14. The room fell silent as the toys took in Woody’s words.
  15. “Reach for the sky, partners!” shouted Woody, his drawstring pulled taut and ready for action

Toy Story Big Names

  1. Buzz Lightyear
  2. Jessie
  3. Mr. Potato Head
  4. Rex
  5. Hamm
  6. Slinky Dog
  7. Bo Peep
  8. Bullseye
  9. Aliens (The Squeeze Toy Aliens)
  10. Lotso Huggin’ Bear
  11. Ken
  12. Barbie
  13. Mrs. Potato Head
  14. Forky
  15. Ducky and Bunny
  16. Gabby Gabby
  17. Trixie
  18. Buttercup
  19. Duke Caboom


Some Final Talk

We hope these puns brought a smile to your face, whether you’re a Toy Story fan or not. After all, even in the world of professional discussions, a little lightheartedness and humor can go a long way.

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