340+ Funny Doctor Captions for Instagram

Are you a doctor who wants to showcase your dedication and passion on Instagram? Or perhaps you’re a medical student looking for the perfect caption to accompany your white coat selfie? Look no further! In this blog, we will explore a variety of doctor captions for Instagram that will help you express your love for medicine and inspire others in the process. From funny to heartfelt, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and find the perfect caption to make your Instagram posts stand out in the medical community!

Doctor Captions for Instagram Unique

  •  I’m sorry, but I don’t have any medication for your emotional pain.
  • You’re not dying of cancer, so stop crying.
  • We’ll just amputate the arm and you can call it a day!
  • I told him to get up and walk around – he did it in under 12 seconds.
  • It’s just a sprain! Stop whining!
  • I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with you.
  • What did the doctor say?
  • This will only hurt a little bit.
  • We’re going to have to open up your chest cavity and poke around in there.
  • It’s not cancer!
  • You look so healthy! What are you doing differently?
  • I’m sorry, I can’t let you do that.
  • Don’t worry, it’s just a flesh wound.
  • Please stop touching my hair!
  • My patient needs to come back in five years for an update.
  • This is not the time or place for this conversation.
  • I’m a doctor, not your mom.
  • This is what happens when you don’t listen to me.
  • You’re going to need stitches.
  • I warned you about this!
  • Nurse, please help me restrain him before he hurts himself.

Medical Student Caption for Instagram

  • I’m a doctor, not a miracle worker.
  • You don’t have cancer.
  • We’ll fix it up real nice.
  • It’s just a flesh wound!
  • I’m a doctor, not a magician!
  • Do you have any other symptoms?
  • It’s just the tip of the iceberg.
  • There are no more Twinkies left in the break room.
  • I’m sorry, but your insurance card expired last year.
  • It looks like you’ve been having some trouble with constipation recently.
  • You’re doing great! Keep up the good work!
  • I think it’s time for you to start using different soap in the shower.
  • I hate telling people this news…
  • I’m sorry, you’re going to need a bigger prescription.
  • It’s not the end of the world, it’s just a really bad day.
  • You should have told me you were feeling this good!
  • If I had known how much fun being sick could be…
  • and that was before your third seizure!
  • I’m sorry, I can’t find a pulse.
  • Do you want the good news first?
  • You have a cold…you know what that means?
  • It’s been nice knowing you!
340 Funny Doctor Captions for Instagram

Salute to Doctor Quotes

  • A doctor is always in need of what he does not know.” – Hippocrates
  • Doctors are just the same as lawyers; they have to talk so much, and so loud, to cover up their ignorance. – Mark Twain
  • The difference between a good doctor and a poor one is about five minutes.- Jules Renard
  • My favorite patients are those who say ‘Doctor I’m feeling better already!’ because it means I’ve cured them!- Martin Hausner
  • The most important thing a doctor can say to his patient is ‘I don’t know.
  • No one ever came back from the dead and said, ‘Doctor, I wish you had treated me more aggressively.’
  • Doctors are people who tell you what’s wrong with you after they’ve looked inside your body.
  • A good doctor must be able to do three things at once – think while he talks, talk while he thinks, and listen carefully when he doesn’t understand.
  • If doctors could operate on themselves there would be no need for patients.
  • Doctors are not gods because they cannot save everybody, but doctors are gods because they make somebody better than before.
  • The best doctors in their profession are those who regard their patients as fellow sufferers and try to relieve their sufferings with careful attention and kind words. – Florence Nightingale
  • If you have the knowledge, let others light theirs at yours - Benjamin Franklin

Future Doctor Captions for Instagram

  • I’m sorry, I don’t speak Spanish.
  • It’s just an allergy to penicillin…
  • which is why we need to give you more of it.
  • If you’re looking for a cure, it’s in the medicine cabinet.
  • The best doctors are made of sugar and spice and everything nice.
  • This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you.
  • This is what you get for not taking your medicine!
  • Hurry up and get better so I can do something else!
  • Yeah, I can tell you how many calories are in that burrito…but it’s gonna cost ya!

Motivational Doctor Captions and Quotes

  • Keep going and never give up!
  • If at first, you don’t succeed, try again.
  • You can do anything if you put your mind to it.
  • I’m a doctor is a statement that I wear with pride.
  • Dоn’t be аfrаid оf whаt соuld gо wrоng;  be exсited аbоut whаt might gо right.
  • If you want something, reach out and grab it!
  • А  yeаr frоm nоw,  will аny оf this mаtter?
  • I am not a product of my circumstances; I am a product of my decisions – Stephen Covey
  • A doctor is a person who heals wounds, both those on the surface and those that are hidden.
  • I am not a doctor but I play one in real life.
  • Doctors heal your body; teachers heal your mind; parents heal your soul.
  • The оnly thing we hаve tо feаr is feаr itself…аnd dосtоrs. If you want to be happy for an hour, get drunk; if you want to be happy for an evening, go out with friends; if you want to be happy all day, marry somebody – but if you want to be happy forever, become a doctor!
  • Doctors make people healthy so they can die of something else quicker.
  • I am a doctor, not because I want to be, but because I have to be.
  • To err is human; to forgive divine.
  • The profession of medicine has three great duties -to comfort the afflicted, to afflict the comfortable, and to teach all that they may prevent disease.
  • Doctors make mistakes too!
  • It’s nоt аbоut hоw hаrd  yоu  hit  –  it’s  аbоut hоw hаrd  yоu саn get hit аnd keeр  mоving
  • There are no shortcuts in life or in my profession.

Doctor Captions for Instagram for Girl

  • I think I’m sick.
  • You’re mine now.
  • The doctor is in!
  • What’s your diagnosis?
  • Doctor, Doctor, give me the news.
  • I’m sorry, but I don’t speak English.
  • It’s not a tumor… it’s a tumor!
  • Aww! You’re so cute!
  • Do you know what the best thing about this job is?
  • I’m your doctor, but you can call me “Dr.
  • I prescribe this medicine for all of your ailments.
  • The prescription is always the same – a smile!
  • If it’s not one thing, it’s another
  • What are you feeling today – sad or mad or glad or bad or good

Short Doctor Captions for Instagram

  • I’m going to be a doctor.
  • I’ll be the best doctor you’ve ever had!
  • You’re in good hands with me.
  • Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything.
  • This won’t hurt a bit!
  • It’s not too late to change your mind about that surgery.
  • I’m not the smartest guy in the world, but I can sure pick smart colleagues.- Walter White
  • The physician must remember that he is dealing with a human being and that his responsibility is to do no harm.” – Hippocrates
  • A doctor who treats himself has a fool for a patient.” – Benjamin Franklin
  • It’s much more important what you are than what you know” – Albert Einstein
  • the best doctors are those who care.”- John Adams
  • The most important part of my job was not just finding out how people were sick or injured, it was also figuring out why they were sick or injured in the first place so we could fix it and make them better.”- Dr. Brené Brown
  • I believe that the best way to learn is by making mistakes.
  • You can’t save people from themselves.
  • It’s not an easy job, but it’s a good one.
  • Doctors are like athletes – they have to be in shape and know their limits.
  • I’m not sure I’d want my doctor to be able to prescribe me anything without seeing me first.
  • What happens if you’re wrong?” “Then I’ll just apologize, say sorry, and try again next time!

Good Doctor Quotes

  • A physician who treats himself has a fool for a patient.- Martin Hausknecht
  • I am not only proud to be called a doctor; I am proud to be called a surgeon.- Walter Reed
  • Doctors are just what they seem to be – men who have chosen one branch of knowledge out of many branches with which man is endowed.- Francis Bacon
  • Medicine is an art that must always work on unknown ground.- William Osler
  • It’s not how much we do, but how much love we put into doing it that really counts! – Mother Teresa
  • The first thing a doctor should learn is to listen.- Hippocrates
  • In my view, the only way that doctors can justify their existence and heal their patients is by constant study and learning from each other as well as from those with experience outside medicine. – William Osler
  • A doctor’s reputation is made by the number of eminent men that die under his care.
  • The most important thing a doctor can do for a patient is to provide hope.”
  • Doctors, like other human beings, are often wrong in their diagnoses and prognoses.
  • I am not sure if I am doing right or not, but I know that what I want to do is always honorable and good – so it must be right!
  • We doctors have been given the power of life and death over people because we had more knowledge than they did about how to keep them alive when they were sick.
  • It isn’t just enough to heal sicknesses; we also need to cure miseries and heartaches and sorrows as well as diseases. 
Funny Doctor Captions for Instagram

Doctor Captions for Instagram in English

  • I can’t cure stupid, but I can make you feel better.
  • You’re an open book to me – and it’s written in crayon.
  • The doctor says my bedside manner is impeccable … because he never gets up from the bed
  • Please don’t take any of this personally – unless you are personally dying or dead
  • If you need medical attention call your family physician if you need psychiatric care call your family therapist if there’s no answer at either number please leave a message after the beep
  • You don’t have to be crazy to work here, but it helps.
  • If you’re going to do something wrong, at least enjoy the process!
  • My job is so hard that I need two people to help me with it.
  • Do not feed or pet any animals while in the waiting room.
  • Expectant mothers, please wait in your car until we call you back.
  • I’m sorry, you have the wrong doctor’s office.
  • You’re going to need a prescription for that.
  • He’ll be fine in a few days’ time – just give him some rest and fluids.
  • It’s not brain surgery, but it sounds like he needs one!”
  • I’m sorry, we can’t find anything wrong with her… she seems perfectly healthy to me!
  • We should really get around to fixing this sign at some point…
  • I’m sorry, but you’re going to need a prescription.”
  • It’s not like I can prescribe you anything for that.”
  • You know what they say… laughter is the best medicine!”

We’ve compiled the best doctor captions and quotes for Instagram to help you share your inner wisdom with others. If you need some inspiration or if you want some ideas on how to caption your next photo, check this list that we put together. These wise words can be used as an inspirational quote or even just a daily reminder of who you really are! so also, check out  the following articles.

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