120+ Funny Brunch Puns

Brunch has never been this pun-tastic! Indulge in a delectable feast of laughter with Funny Brunch Puns. From egg-cellent one-liners to toast-worthy wordplay, these jokes are a delightful addition to your mid-morning meal.

Join in on the fun and savor the flavor of humor with this entertaining compilation of puns that will have you brunching and laughing in style!

Breakfast Brunch Puns

1.  What do you call a breakfast buffet that is also a workout class?  Eggs-ercise Brunch!

2.  Why did the bacon go to therapy?  It had some major ham-issues!

3.  What do you get when you cross a pancake and a grape?  A flapjack!

4.  Why did the cereal get a promotion?  It had all the right oats-titudes!

5.  What did the toast say when it won the marathon?  “I’m on a roll!”

6.  Why did the orange go to the doctor?  It was feeling peel-y!

7.  Why don’t eggs tell jokes?  They always crack up!

8. What did the scrambled eggs say when they won the game?  “Egg-celent!”

9.  What did the coffee say to the cream?  “I like you a latte!”

10 .  What do you get when you cross a waffle and a chicken?  A poultrygeist!

11.  Why did the yogurt go to school?  It wanted to be a dairy-doctor!

12.  What do you get when you cross a muffin and a unicorn?  A muffin-corn!

13.  What did the toast say to the avocado at brunch? You guac my world!

14.  Why did the omelet break up with the pancake?  It couldn’t handle the flipping pressure!

15.  Why did the breakfast burrito cross the road? To get to the sunny side!

16.  What did the chef say when he burnt the bacon? It’s time to sizzle out!

17. Why did the French toast refuse to go on a date with the waffle? It already had a cinnamon-swirl in its life!

18.  What did the scrambled eggs say to the sausage patty?  Let’s hash it out and make a great plate together!

19.  Why did the muffin get in trouble at breakfast?  It had a buttery attitude!

Bottomless Brunch Puns

Spice up your brunch game with these hilarious puns that are sure to leave you and your friends in fits of laughter. From silly bacon puns to clever coffee quips, this list has got it all!

20.  Brunch is the best meal of the day, because it’s breakfast, lunch, and booze all rolled into one.

21.  Bottomless mimosas are the best way to start your day.

22.  I’m so hungover, but I can’t miss bottomless brunch.

23.  Brunch is the perfect way to cure a hangover.

24.  I’m so full, I could burst. But I’m still going to have another mimosa.

25.  I’m in a bottomless brunch mood.

26.  Let’s “whisk” our troubles away and have a sunny side up day!

27.  Life is a “toast” and so are these bagels!

28.   Don’t be a “muffin” and join us for a breakfast brunch!

29.   Omelet-ing you know, we make the best breakfast in town!

30.  Come and get your “filling” with our delicious brunch items!

31.   A good day starts with a good cup of coffee and a hearty brunch!

32.  You can’t “hash” your problems away, but you can enjoy our tasty hash browns!

33.  A “frittata” of happiness is what we’re serving up today!

34.  I’m so hungover, I could barely make it to brunch. But I’m here now, and I’m ready to drink my weight in mimosas!

35.  Brunch is the best meal of the day. It’s like breakfast, lunch, and dinner all rolled into one. And with bottomless mimosas, it’s even better!

36.  I’m not a morning person, but I’m always up for brunch. After all, how can you not be when there’s unlimited mimosas involved?

37.  I’m on a bottomless brunch diet. I eat all I can, and then I drink all I can. And then I do it all over again the next day!

38. I’m so glad bottomless brunch is a thing. It’s the perfect excuse to eat and drink my way through the day.

39. Don’t be “bacon” my heart skip a beat, join us for brunch and enjoy some bacon!

40.   Did you hear about the French toast who went on a date? He said it was un-eggs-unexpectedly delightful!

41.   I’m trying to convince my friends to go to brunch with me. I told them it’s the perfect excuse to drink before noon. They replied, “but that’s the whole point of mimosas!”

42.   You know what’s a quiche subject? Breakfast politics.

43.  My brunch crew loves a good Eggs benedict, but we’re not above cracking a few jokes while we eat. You might say we’re yolk-ing around.

44.   When life hands you lemons, make lemon ricotta pancakes! And then add a generous dollop of whipped cream, of course.

45.  The best way to start your day? French press some coffee and Danish your worries away.

46.  I like my brunches like I like my jokes: egg-stra cheesy!

Bottomless Brunch Puns

Funny Brunch Puns

Sunday mornings just got a whole lot better with these funny and punny brunch ideas. Whether you’re a fan of pancakes or avocado toast, these puns are sure to brighten up your day and make you go from fry-day to my-day!

47.   Did you hear about the French toast that went to a psychiatrist?   It said it had an egg problem.

48.  What do you call a group of pancakes?   A stack of friends!

49.  Why did the omelet break up with the frying pan?   It said the relationship was too egg-citing.

50. What do you call a sad breakfast? Melon-choly!

51.   Why don’t eggs tell jokes?  They might crack up.

52. What do you call a brunch with only coffee and donuts?  Hole-y communion.

53. What do you call an egg that can sing?  An operagoer!

54.  How does a farmer count his breakfast?  Eggs-actly!

55.  Why don’t breakfasts run away from home?  Because they’d get all syrupy-eyed.

56.   What do you call a group of people eating brunch?  A  waffle party!

57. “Why did the avocado skip brunch? Because it was a smashed.”

58.  Brunch   “How do you make a brunch pun? You bacon your head against the wall until one pops up.”

59.  “Why don’t eggs tell jokes?  Because they would crack up.”

60. “What did the grapefruit say to the avocado?  ‘You’re not ripe for this meal!'”

61.   “Why did the toast feel insecure?  Because it always got buttered up.”

Christmas Brunch Puns

62.  Brunch: Breakfast without an alarm.

63.  Brunch is breakfast with a side of mimosas.

64.  Brunch is the most important meal of the day… because it’s the only meal you can eat twice!

65. I’m not a morning person, but I’m always up for brunch.

66.  because  Brunch is the perfect excuse to eat and drink your way through the day.

67.  I’m on a bottomless brunch diet. I eat all I can, and then I drink all I can. And then I do it all over again the next day!

68.  I’m so glad bottomless brunch is a thing. It’s the best way to start your weekend.

69.  Brunch is the best meal of the day because it’s the only meal where you can have pancakes and waffles for dessert.

70. I’m not sure what’s better: the food or the bottomless mimosas at brunch..

71.  I love brunch because it’s the only meal where you can wear sweatpants and still feel fancy.

72. BrunchBrunch is breakfast with a side of mimosas.

73. Brunch is the most important meal of the day… because it’s the only meal you can eat twice!

74.  I’m not a morning person, but I’m always up for brunch.

75. Brunch is the perfect excuse to eat and drink your way through the day.

76. I’m on a bottomless brunch diet. I eat all I can, and then I drink all I can. And then I do it all over again the next day!

77.  I’m so glad bottomless brunch is a thing. It’s the best way to start your weekend.

78.  Brunch is the best meal of the day because it’s the only meal where you can have pancakes and waffles for dessert.

Christmas Brunch Puns

79.  I’m not sure what’s better: the food or the bottomless mimosas at brunch.

80.  Brunch is the perfect way to catch up with friends and family.

81. I love brunch because it’s the only meal where you can wear sweatpants and still feel fancy.

82. Brunch is the perfect excuse to get day drunk.

83.  Brunch is the best meal of the day because it’s the only meal where you can order a bloody mary and a plate of pancakes.

84. I’m not sure what’s better: brunch or breakfast for dinner.

85. Brunch is the perfect way to start your day off right.

86.  I’m always up for brunch, even if it’s on a weekday.

Halloween Brunch Puns

Brunch gets even better with good company and a hearty laugh. Spice up your meal and make everyone smile with these funny brunch puns.

87.  As the morning sun rose, I woke up with a grin,

88.  For today I was gonna enjoy my eggs and a glass of gin.

89.  It was a beautiful Sunday, I had my brunch on my mind,

90.  And nothing could stop me from being the breakfast kind.

91. I made my way to the cafe with a croissant in my hand,

92.  And when I reached, I realized I was the toast of the land.

94.  For the menu had all the puns that I found absolutely fantastic.

95.  The Eggs Benedict was the real McCoy,

96.  And the pancakes made me flip with joy.

97.  But what really got me was the coffee and cream,

98.  It was so good, I had to re-latte the dream.

99.  So if you ever need a break from your daily grind,

100. Just brunch it up, and let the puns unwind.

101.  Brunch, the perfect time to toast and egg-splore the wonders of food!

102.  Let’s raisin our glass to the joys of breakfast and lunch coming together!

103.  Don’t be afraid to take a quiche on brunch with these delicious options!

104. No need to hash things out, just sit back and relish in the flavors of brunch.

105. Pancake a decision to brunch this weekend and waffle no more!

106.  Avocado, oh my, you are a toast-ally awesome addition to any brunch!

107.  Don’t let anyone tell you that brunch is just for the birds – it’s the best meal of the day!

108. No yolk, brunch is the best time to scramble up some tasty treats!

109.  Bread, oh bread, where art thou bread? Don’t worry, brunch will deliver!

110. Time to take a crepe on the wild side and indulge in the delights of brunch!

111.  Brunch may be the most important meal of the day, but it’s also the most pun-tastic! Check out these puns about everyone’s favorite lazy morning meal:

112.   “I don’t always go to brunch, but when I do, I prefer to be ‘croissant-ing’ with the best of them.”

113.  “I don’t mean to be ‘toasting’ my own horn, but I make a mean avocado toast.”

114.   “Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up!”

115.   “My mom always says, ‘you can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs, but you can always ‘whisk’ it.'”

116.   “If you’re ever feeling down, just remember that brunch always has a way of ‘sunny-side-up’ your day.”

Sunday Brunch Puns

Jumpstart your day with a good laugh! Check out these side-splitting brunch puns that will surely give you the good mood you need.

117.  “I’m feeling a little toast-al today, I might need some extra coffee to jump-start my eggs-istential crisis.”

118.   “Don’t worry about the sunny-side up, just let me know if you want your omelette cheesy or veggie-licious.”

119.  “You know what they say about brunch, it’s always bacon me crazy with all these delicious options.”

120. “Forget the early bird, brunch is where it’s at. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love sleeping in a little on the weekend?”

121.   “Egg-citing news! Our brunch specials are all over-easy!”

122.  “Bacon me crazy with these tasty brunch bites!”

123.  “We’re whisking up some serious breakfast magic with our fluffy pancakes.”

124.  “It’s no yolk! Our breakfast burrito will egg-splode with flavor in your mouth.”

125. “Let’s get this bread with our warm and buttery croissants that’ll leave you in pastry heaven!”

126.  “That egg was egg-straordinary, it really bacon me crazy!”

127.  “Avocado toast is the brunch of champions.”

Sunday Brunch Puns

Final Thoughts

Funny brunch puns are a delightful way to add humor and levity to your brunch gatherings. Whether you are hosting brunch with friends or simply looking to brighten your morning, these puns are sure to bring a smile to your face. So go ahead, enjoy a good laugh, and share some funny brunch puns with your loved ones.

If you want to hear more about funny jokes and puns then check out these other great lists of Hilarious jokes:

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