49+ Funny Jokes About Chicago

Looking for a good laugh? Check out these hilarious jokes about Chicago! From deep-dish pizza to the windy city, these jokes will have you cracking up in no time. Don’t miss out on the funniest Chicago jokes around!

Chicago is a city known for its architecture, delicious food, and unique culture, but there’s also plenty of humor to be found in the Windy City. Whether you’re a resident or just a visitor, there’s no shortage of funny experiences and anecdotes that come with living in one of the greatest cities in the world.

From jokes about the weather to the sports teams and local celebrities, there are plenty of witty Chicago jokes that celebrate everything that makes the city great. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the funniest Chicago jokes that will delight both locals and tourists alike.

Jokes About Chicago

1).  Why did the Chicago Bears quarterback visit the bank?  To get his quarterback check cashed.

2).   How does a Chicagoan order a pizza?  Deep dish please, hold the New York attitude.

3).  What do you call a Chicagoan who has never seen snow?  Lucky.

4).   What do you get when you cross a Chicagoan with a duck?  A cold, wet quack.

5).   Why don’t Chicagoans like talking about sports?   Because every conversation eventually ends with, “Well at least we’re not the Cubs.”

6).  Why did the Chicagoan cross the road?   To get to the other side… of the deep dish pizza!

7).  Why did the Cubs fan throw his clock out the window?  He wanted to see time fly!

8).  Why did the Chicagoans refuse to play cards?  He was afraid of the deal!

9).   Why did the chicken go to Chicago?  To visit the Colonel!

10).   What do you get when you cross a Chicagoan and a snowstorm?  A blizzard of complaints!

11).  Why did the Chicagoan wear a turtleneck sweater to the beach?  He wanted to feel like a shrimp cocktail!

12).  Why did the Chicagoan buy a water bed?   He wanted to sleep like a fish!

13).   Why did the Chicagoan go to the doctor?  He had a bad case of the Windy City!

14).  Why did the Chicagoans join the army?  He wanted to march to the beat of a different drum corps!

15).   Why did the Chicagoan put a lighthouse in his backyard?  He wanted to keep an eye on the Lake Shore Drive traffic!

16).  Why did the Chicagoan install a revolving door at his house?  He wanted to make sure everyone got a Windy City welcome!

17).   Why did the Chicagoan refuse to eat the Italian beef sandwich?  He was afraid of the meat sweats!

18).   Why did the Chicagoan refuse to buy a car with automatic transmission?  He wanted to keep shifting gears!

19).   Why did the Chicagoan open a restaurant on the moon?  He wanted to serve deep-dish pizza that was out of this world!

20).  Why did the Chicagoan refuse to use a GPS?  He was afraid of getting lost in the Bean!

21).   Why did the Chicagoan bring a hair dryer to the lakefront?  He wanted to dry the waves!

Funny Chicago Jokes

Chicago is a city that’s known for its stunning architecture, deep dish pizza, and of course, the Chicago Cubs. But did you know that there’s also a rich tradition of comedy and humor in the Windy City?

From Second City to the annual Just for Laughs Festival, Chicago has produced some of the funniest comedians in the world. And with that in mind, here are some hilarious jokes about Chicago that are sure to make you laugh out loud.

22).   What do you call a Chicagoan in a suit? The defendant.

23).  Why did the Cubs stop playing baseball in the winter?  Because the ball was frozen to the ground!

24).   What do you call a Chicago pizza with no toppings?  A plainly.

25).   Why did the hot dog vendor cross the road?  To ketchup with the customer on the other side!

26).   Why did the Chicagoan cross the road?  To get to the other side…of the deep-dish pizza restaurant!

27).   What did the Chicago Cubs fan say when they won the World Series?  “Wait, this isn’t a dream?”

28).   How do you know you’re in Chicago?  When you order a hot dog and they ask you if you want it with or without ketchup.

29 ).  Why don’t people in Chicago get too excited about tornados?  They’re used to windy conditions.

30 ).  What do you call a person from Chicago who’s always on time?  A tourist.

31).   Why did the Chicagoan refuse to leave the city during a blizzard?  They didn’t want to miss out on any snow days.

32).   Why did the deep-dish pizza refuse to go on a diet?  It was afraid it might lose its shape.

33).   Why did the Chicagoan wear two jackets to the fireworks show?  Because they wanted to make sure they saw all the layers!

Best Jokes About Chicago

Chicago is a city full of history, culture, and of course, deep dish pizza. But did you know that it’s also home to some hilarious jokes?

From the Windy City to the City of Broad Shoulders, here are some of the funniest jokes about Chicago.

34).   What do you call a Chicagoan with a map?  Lost.”

35).   Why don’t Chicagoans tell jokes about Sears Tower anymore?  Because they’re all too high.”

36).   Why did the Chicagoan wear a coat during the summer?  Because he was a hot dog vendor and didn’t want to get too hot to handle.”

37).   Why don’t they have fireworks at Soldier Field anymore?  Because the Bears can’t seem to make any.

38 ).   What do you call a Chicagoan in a suit?  The defendant.

39).   What’s the difference between a Cubs fan and a White Sox fan?  The Cubs fan has never seen a World Series.

40).   Why did the Bulls hire a janitor as their new head coach?  He knew how to sweep.

Chicago Jokes One Liners

Chicago, the Windy City, is known for its stunning architecture, deep-dish pizza, and iconic sports teams.

But did you know that it’s also home to some of the funniest jokes around? Here are some hilarious jokes about Chicago that are sure to make you laugh out loud.

41).   “Why did the Chicagoan cross the road?  To get to the other side…of the deep dish pizza joint.”

42).  “Why did the chicken move to Chicago?  To become a deep-dish pizza topping.”

43).   “Why did the Chicagoan take up jogging?  To stay ahead of the gun violence statistics.”

44).  “Why did the Chicagoan get a job as a tour guide?  They wanted to show off their knowledge of gangster history.”

45).  “Why did the Chicagoan move to the suburbs?  To escape the city’s high taxes.”

46).  “Why did the Chicagoan become a vegetarian?  They couldn’t bear the thought of a Chicago-style hot dog without meat.

47).   Why did the Chicago police officer stop the skunk?  To ask if it had a Chicago scent.

48).  Why did the Chicago politician take up acting?   To become more convincing at lying.

49).  Why did the Chicagoan install a ceiling fan in his car?  He wanted to experience the Windy City even when he was driving!

Some Final Talk

To conclude, while everyone has their own sense of humor, funny jokes about Chicago celebrate the unique cultural aspects of the city and the experiences that come with living or visiting there.

These jokes are a way to find humor and connect with others over shared experiences, whether it’s waiting for the bus in subzero temperatures or celebrating the Cubs finally winning the World Series. Even if you’ve never been to Chicago, the jokes can still provide a lighthearted and entertaining perspective on this iconic city.

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