90+ Funny Kangaroo Jokes

The Funniest Way to Hop into Your Day If you’re looking for a way to put a hop in your step, look no further than kangaroo jokes! These adorable marsupials are known for their unique hop and pouches, but did you know they also have a great sense of humor?

From puns to one-liners, kangaroo jokes are the perfect way to add some laughter to your day. So, without further ado, let’s hop into some of the funniest kangaroo jokes out there:

Kangaroo Jokes One Liners

1.   What did the kangaroo say when he saw a funny looking wallaby?

 Ooh, you look jump-erific!

2.   Why did the kangaroo win the race?

Because it was always hopping to the finish line.

3.   What do kangaroos like to listen to?

  HOOPS music!

4.   What did the kangaroo say when he saw a funny-looking cloud?

“Looks like rain, mate!”

5.   Why don’t kangaroos get basketball scholarships?

 Because they’re always hopping to a new school!

6.   What did the kangaroo say when he broke his glasses?

Looks like I’m hoppin’ blind!

7.   Why did the kangaroo break up with her boyfriend?

 He was a hop-on, hop-off kind of guy.

8.  What do you call a lazy kangaroo?

A pouch potato.

9.  Why did the kangaroo join the boxing gym?

To work on his jabs.

10.    Why did the kangaroo cross the road?

To prove he wasn’t a chicken.

11.   What do you call a kangaroo that’s addicted to social media?

A kangaroo-tweet.

12.   Why don’t kangaroos play cards in the jungle?

There are too many cheetahs.

13.   What did the mother kangaroo say when her son came home late?

“Where have you been, Joey?”

14.  Why did the kangaroo go to the doctor?

 Because he was feeling jumpy.

15.   Why do kangaroos make bad sailors?

They always hop on the boat when they see land.

16.   What’s a kangaroo’s favorite game?


17.   Why did the kangaroo go to space?

To see if the moon was made of cheese.

18.   Why did the kangaroo go to school?

To learn how to hop-scotch.

19.   Why don’t kangaroos use elevators?

They prefer to take the stairs, one hop at a time

Kangaroo Puns Captions

20.   You never kangaroo much better than when you’re hopping around with friends!

21.   A sight for sore eyes: When a kangaroo hops into view!

22.   The little things in life that bring us joy – like seeing a kangaroo bounding across the outback!

23.    There’s no need to jump so quickly, take some time to enjoy what life brings your way!

24.  Going Down Under and hopping for joy!

25.   Take a leap of faith with this kangaroo!

26.   Hop into a funny pun with this kangaroo!

27.    Six hops and you won’t be able to stop laughing at these kangaroo jokes!

28.  Don’t jump the gun when it comes to finding a good kangaroo

29.   Outback any competition – get hopping on those hilarious kangaroo captions!

30.   A collection of cleverly crafted puns about lovely bouncing kangaroos…

31.    Kangaroos have jumped straight to the top of my list for best punster!

32.   If you ever find yourself in a pinch, remember: A kangaroo can always hop out of it!

33.   I think this guy hops on over any other joker around!

34.   “Kangaroo-te your way through life!”

35.  “Hopping down the path of life one step at a time!”

36.  “A kangaroo never leaps on an empty stomach!”

37.  “It’s no hops-mission impossible for this cutie!”

38.   “Kanga ROOOooo – always jumping for joy!”

39.   “Kanga-ROOO! Let’s get this party started!”

40.    That kangaroo is really jumping for joy!

41.   Don’t hop to conclusions without getting the facts!

42.   Life’s a jump-rope, so make sure you get it right!

43.   “Leapin’ higher and higher every day!”

44.   “Hopping around with a smile on my face!”

45.   “Jump to it! It’s time for some kangaroo ligans!”

46.   Let’s get hoppin’ with some kangaroo jokes!

47.   This ‘roo really knows how to hop up a storm.

48.    Leap before you think – that’s one rule every kangaroo lives by!

Kangaroo Jokes Dirty

Kangaroos are fascinating animals that are native to Australia. While kangaroos may seem like serious creatures, they can also be quite funny.

In fact, there are plenty of kangaroo jokes out there that are sure to make you laugh. Let’s take a look at some of the best kangaroo jokes that are sure to put a smile on your face.

49.   Why did the kangaroo stop drinking coffee?

 Because it made her jumpy!

50.   Why do kangaroos hate rainy days?

Because their joeys have to play inside the pouch!

51.   Why did the kangaroo go to the doctor?

Because he was feeling a little jumpy!

52.   What do you call a kangaroo that’s good at martial arts?

 A kanga-roo!

53.   Why don’t kangaroos ever get sick?

Because they have really strong antibodies!

54.   What did the kangaroo say when he found his missing wallet?

 “I’m hoppy I found it!”

55.   Why did the kangaroo take a break from boxing?

He needed to work on his hop!

56.   How do you know if a kangaroo is feeling ill?

 He’ll have a case of hopitis!

57.   Why did the kangaroo break up with his girlfriend?

 Because she was too jumpy!

58.   Why did the kangaroo put on boxing gloves?

Because he wanted to kangaroo-punch someone!

59.   How do you catch a kangaroo?

Hide in a tree and make a sound like a carrot!

60.   Why don’t kangaroos make good pets?

Because they’re always hopping away!

61.   Why did the kangaroo go to school?

 Because he wanted to learn how to count hop-perly!

62.   What do you call a happy kangaroo?

A hop-timist!

63.   Why don’t kangaroos like to wear watches?

 Because they already have a hop-clock built in!

64.   Why did the kangaroo go to space?

To see if it really was the final frontier!

65.   Why did the kangaroo put on a tuxedo?

Because he was going to a hop-per

Kangaroo Jokes Reddit

Kangaroos are one of the most unique animals in the world. They are indigenous to Australia and are known for their hopping movements and long tails. Apart from their physical characteristics, they are also quite famous for being the stars of many jokes.

Kangaroo jokes can be quite hilarious and are always a hit among people of all ages. In this blog post, we will share some of the best kangaroo jokes that are sure to make you laugh out loud.

66.   How did the kangaroo win the fight?

 With one hop to victory!

67.   What did the kangaroo say when she saw her son jumping on the trampoline?

“Not long now – he’ll be BOUNCING off the walls soon!”

68.    What did the male kangaroo say to his son when he went out on a date?

ADon’t forget your joey-bank!”

69.    What did the kangaroo say when it saw a magician?

“Pick a pocket or two!”

70.   Why don’t kangaroos get board games?

 Because they always jump to the next level!

71.    How do you stop a kangaroo from hopping?

Tie a boomerang to its foot.

72.   What do you call a boxing kangaroo?

 A pouch boxer!

73.   How does a kangaroo ask for a soda?

 Can I get a pouch please?

74.   Why did the kangaroo join the band?

 Because he had some hopping good rhythm!

75.   Why do kangaroos hate rainy days?

Because their pouches turn into water parks!

76.   How do kangaroos make coffee?

They use a pouched coffee maker!

77.   Why did the kangaroo bring a ladder to the party?

 To hop up the drinks!

78.   What do you call a lazy kangaroo?

 A pouch potato!

79.   Why did the kangaroo go to the doctor?

 Because he was feeling a little jumpy!

80.   How do you know if a kangaroo is wearing a vest?

You can see its pouch pocket!

81.   What’s a kangaroo’s favorite type of sandwich?

A peanut butter and jelly pouch!

82.   What do you call a kangaroo that doesn’t like to hop?

A skipperoo!

83.  Why did the kangaroo cross the road?

 To prove he wasn’t chicken!

84.   How do you know if a kangaroo is going on vacation?

He packs his pouch!

85.    What’s a kangaroo’s favorite type of music?

 Hip hop!

86.   How do kangaroos keep their houses clean?

 They use pouch vacuums!

87.   Why don’t kangaroos play poker in the jungle?

 Too many cheetahs!

88.   What do you call a kangaroo that sells medicine

? A hop-tician!

89.   Why did the kangaroo eat the computer?

Because he wanted to see what a byte tasted like!

90.   What did the kangaroo say when he found out he couldn’t have any more chocolate?

“Oh no, I’ve hit my marsupial limit!”

91.    What do you call a kangaroo with wings?

AA Cariboom!

92.   what did the Kangaroo say when she saw a funny sight?

 “That’s Hopping Amazing!”

93.   What did the kangaroo say when she saw her son jumping on the trampoline?

“Not long now – he’ll be BOUNCING off the walls soon!”

Kangaroo Jokes Reddit

Jokes About Kangaroos

Kangaroo jokes are a great way to lighten up the mood and bring a smile to people’s faces. They are simple yet witty and can be enjoyed by everyone.

So, whether you’re at a party or just hanging out with friends, try telling some of these funny kangaroo jokes and watch as everyone bursts out laughing.

93.   What did the kangaroo say when it saw a comedian?

 This is going to be a hopping good show!

94.  Why do kangaroos make great race car drivers?

 Because they are always ready to take a jump!

95.  What do you call a kangaroo that likes to dance?

A boogie-hopper!

96.    What did the kangaroo say when it saw another kangaroo hopping on the other side of the road?

“Hey Hey! Let’s take a ‘roo-d trip!”

97.   Why don’t kangaroos like to talk?

 Because they’re always hopping from one topic to another!

98.   Why are kangaroos bad at parties?

 Because they always jump to the wrong conclusion!

99.    Why did the kangaroo go to school?

To get a hopping degree!

100.   What did the kangaroo say when it saw a funny joke?

 “That’s pouch-arable!”

101.   Why don’t kangaroos make good pets?

 Because they’re always hopping around!

102.  What did the kangaroo say when he got his coffee?

 “Thanks a latte!”

103.   Why did the kangaroo break up with her boyfriend?

 Because he was too jumpy!

104.  What do you call a lazy kangaroo?

A pouch potato!

105.  Why did the kangaroo go to the doctor?

 Because he was feeling a little jumpy!

106.  Why did the kangaroo cross the road?

 To prove he wasn’t chicken!

107.   How do you know if a kangaroo is really mad?

 When he starts boxing with his tail!

108.   Why did the kangaroo stop at the store?

Because she wanted to get a hop-on!

109.   Why did the Kangaroo cross the road?

 To get to the ‘hop’ side!

Jokes About Kangaroos

Funny Kangaroo Words

110.   Kangarude – a rude kangaroo

111.   Kangaroof – a rooftop with kangaroos

112.   Kangaroots – shoes made for kangaroos

113.   Kangaroommate – a kangaroo that shares your living space

114.   Kangaroomba – a robotic kangaroo vacuum cleaner

115.   Kangaroo-tastrophy – a disastrous situation involving kangaroos

116.    Kangarooster – a kangaroo that crows like a rooster

117.   Kangaroodle – a kangaroo that loves to doodle

118.   Kangaroonie – a term of endearment for a kangaroo

119.   Kangarookie – a young or inexperienced kangaroo

120.   Kangaroohoo – a kangaroo that loves to sing

121.   Kangaroodle-doo – a kangaroo that loves to dance

122.   Kangaroomph – the thumping sound made by a hopping kangaroo

123.   Kangaroo-naut – a kangaroo astronaut

124.   Kangaroo-mitzvah – a kangaroo coming of age ceremony

125.    Kangaroo-cadabra – a kangaroo magician

126.   Kangaroo-saurus – a prehistoric kangaroo

127.   Kangaroo-pocalypse – a fictional event involving a kangaroo takeover

128.   Kangaroo-licious – delicious kangaroo meat

129.    Kangaroo-tastic – fantastic like a kangaroo

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Final Thoughts

Overall, Kangaroo jokes are a fun and light-hearted way to bring a smile to people’s faces. From silly puns to clever one-liners, these jokes showcase the unique and playful nature of these iconic Australian animals.

Whether you’re looking to entertain friends or just want to add some humor to your day, Kangaroo jokes are sure to do the trick. So go ahead and share a few with your friends and family, and see how many laughs you can get out of these lovable marsupials.

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