300+ Hilarious Axe Throwing Instagram Captions to Hit Your Mark with Laughter

In today’s social media-driven world, captivating Instagram captions are essential for grabbing attention and engaging followers. And what better way to make a statement than with axe throwing? This unique and thrilling activity has gained popularity in recent years, attracting adrenaline junkies, team builders, and adventure enthusiasts alike. Whether you’re a seasoned axe thrower or a newbie looking to spice up your Instagram game, we’ve got you covered. In this blog, we’ll dive into the world of axe throwing Instagram captions, providing you with creative and attention-grabbing ideas to level up your social media presence. Get ready to slay on Instagram with the perfect caption for your axe throwing moments!

Axe Throwing Instagram Captions

  • “Axe throwing is a sport for everyone.”
  • “I’m not afraid of an axe in my hand, I’m afraid of a man with an axe in his hand.”
  • “Axe throwing is like golf, except you’re allowed to hit people.”
  • “An Axethrowing date night would be so romantic!”
  • When they say ‘axe throwing,’ they really mean ‘throwing axes at people.’
  • You throw an axe, then you drink a beer. I like my days like that.
  • You just got served by a lumberjack
  • Axe throwing is like darts but with more blood.
  • It’s not my fault this place has no safety regulations when it comes to axes.
  • I’m so mad I could throw just about anything right now, including myself if necessary.
  • Nothing says “I’m ready for spring break” like being surrounded by axes while drinking beer while wearing shorts in January.
  • Axe Throwing makes me feel like I’m in a movie!
  • If you think throwing axes is easy, try using both hands!
  • The more I throw axes, the more I want to throw axes!
  • Never underestimate the power of an axe-wielding maniac who has nothing to lose!
  • When I throw axes, I feel like a lumberjack who has lost his mind!
  • If you don’t want to be hit by an axe, don’t stand too close to me when I’m throwing one!
  • So, what are we waiting for? Let’s go throw some axes!
  • I think I’m in the wrong business…
  • Never trust a bartender that doesn’t drink beer.
  • Good beer makes you feel more beautiful than you really are, while a bad beer makes you feel more brilliant than you really are!
  • It’s not how much we have in our lives, but how much love we put into our lives that matters.
  • “Throw like a girl” – and I’ll throw like one too!
  • Throw me an axe, I’m ready!
  • Axe throwing is better than therapy…and cheaper too!
  • “Throwing axes is so much fun!” – Spongebob Squarepants (I’m not sure if he was actually saying that but I like to think so.)
  • You’re never too old to throw an axe around…or too young either!

Funny Axe Throwing Instagram Captions

Funny Axe Throwing Instagram Captions
  • I’m going to go axe-throwing tonight and it’s going to be lit af.
  • Axe throwing is the best thing that’s happened to me since I started drinking again.
  • I’d rather be axe-throwing than in a relationship right now…
  • If you don’t know how to throw an axe, then you probably shouldn’t be on this plane with me – unless, of course, you want to learn…
  • Throw an axe, not your hands.
  • “Throw like a girl. Throw like a pro.”
  • “Throw better than you did yesterday.”
  • “Axe throwing is the new golf.”
  • “I just threw my axe and my aim was true.”
  • “Everything happens for a reason, except for ax throwing lessons that are canceled by rain.”
  • You throw wood; I throw axes. Deal with it!
  • Axe throwers unite!
  • The more axes you have, the better.
  • You can’t spell “axe” without “extreme.”
  • “Throwing axes is so much better than therapy.” — Unknown
  • “Axe throwing isn’t just a sport, it’s an adventure.” — Unknown
  • “It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye.” — Unknown
  • “Axe throwing can be more dangerous than it looks.” — Unknown
  • “Don’t worry about the bull behind the horns, worry about the horns behind the bull.” — Unknown
  • “If you don’t know what you’re doing, axe throwing is pretty safe compared to some other sports out there.” — Unknown
  • “Axe throwing brings people together like no other activity I’ve ever seen before in my life.” — Unknown

More Instagram Captions for Axe Throwing

  • How about we throw axes?
  • Don’t worry, it’s safe.
  • I just want to throw axes!
  • Don’t kill me with the axe thrower.
  • Don’t be afraid of the axe thrower!
  • It’s just a little axe throwing practice; nothing to be concerned about here!
  • Lets go axe throwing, who’s in?
  • “Axe throwing is an amazing sport that has grown in popularity over the past few years. It’s a great way to get rid of stress and just have fun!”
  • “The only thing better than axe throwing is axe throwing with friends.”
  • “I love going out with my friends and practicing our axe-throwing skills!”
  • “When I’m feeling stressed, nothing makes me feel more relaxed than going out with my friends for an afternoon of relaxing axe throwing.”
  • “Axe throwing is not just an indoor sport; it can also be played outdoors in the woods if you want to make things more exciting.”
  • Axe Throwing: It’s not just a hobby, it’s an addiction!
  • The only thing better than one tomahawk is two… or three… or four… or five… or six… or seven… or eight… or nine… or ten!
  • If you’re a man and you don’t like axes – then throw away your man card right now because that’s just crazy talk!
  • “Throw like a girl, hit like a pro.” – Unknown
  • “Axe throwing: where fitness meets fun!” – Unknown
  • “You know it’s going to be a good day when you wake up in an ambulance.” – Unknown
  •  “Don’t quit when you’re tired; when you’re done.” – Unknown
  • “The mind is willing but the spirit weak.” – Unknown
  • “Axe throwing is my new favorite hobby.”
  • “Axe throwing is so much fun!”
  • “I am so glad that this place exists!”
  • “Who wants to come with me next time? My treat.”
300 Hilarious Axe Throwing Instagram Captions

Short Instagram Caption for Axe Throwing

  • “Axe” us why you love axe throwing!
  • “Axes” on wood, fire in the hole!
  • “Axes” and “Hoes” don’t mix (but we do).
  • You can’t throw your money away when you’re cutting yourself!
  • You can take our axes…but you’ll never take our freedom!
  • I love how much fun it is to go out with friends and spend time together by doing something new like axe throwing!
  • “It took me a few tries but I finally made it through the course.”
  • “Don’t worry, I have a permit.”
  • “You throw the first axe, then I’ll throw the second one.”
  • “I’m so good at throwing axes that if I was in the Hunger Games, they’d call them The Hunger Throws.”
  • “Axe throwing is how I get all my anger out! And you don’t even have to be mad!”
  • If this were a real axe, I would be dead right now.
  • Axe throwing is my new favorite sport.
  • I love my life because it gave me you.
  • The only thing better than playing with sharp objects is getting paid to do it!

Clever Axe Throwing Captions

  • “The best way to spend an afternoon”
  • “Nothing like a little axe throwing on a Friday night!”
  • “Throw axes! Don’t suck!”
  • “Axe throwing is the new yoga.”
  • “It’s not a party without an axe.” – Unknown
  • “Don’t throw axes at me!” – Unknown
  • “I’m not a lumberjack…but I play one on TV.” – Unknown
  • “I’m not afraid to admit I love woodworking.” – Unknown
  • “You might be an ax murderer if…” – Unknown
  • “Axe throwing is like knife fighting with better choreography.” – Unknown
  • “The only thing more satisfying than throwing an axe is watching someone else throw one.” – Unknown
  • “Axe throwing is not as easy as it looks.” – Unknown
  • “If you can throw an axe, you can throw anything.” – Unknown
  • “It’s a sport where you get to play with sharp objects.” – Unknown
  • “Find what you love and let it kill you.” – Charles Bukowski
  • “If there’s no struggle, there’s no progress.” – Frederick Douglass
  • “Axe throwing is so much more than a game; it’s an experience.” – Unknown
  • “I’m getting better at axe throwing every day because every day I try to improve on yesterday’s performance.” – Unknown
  • Throwing axes is my favorite way to spend a Saturday afternoon!
  • I’m not afraid of getting hurt while throwing an axe because there’s no way I’ll miss my target!
  • “At our axe-throwing party, we don’t need darts!”
  • “It’s like darts, but with axes!”
  • “Come out this weekend and try something new – axe throwing! You won’t regret it!”
  • “What happens in the woods stays in the woods.”
  • “I just wanna chop stuff up and feel powerful and strong again.”

Axe Throwing Puns for Instagram Captions

Axe Throwing Puns for Instagram Captions
  • “I had an axe to grind.
  • “I’ll take an ax to that.”
  • “I’m all about throwing axes.”
  • I’m feeling a little bit axe-cited about this axe throwing thing.
  • Let’s go throw some axes at the park!
  • I’m feeling pretty good about my axe-throwing skills today!
  • Throw it back to the good old days with these axe-throwing puns!
  • Throw up a few axes, and you’ll be feeling right at home.
  • Get in the groove by hitting your groove with an axe.
  • Go ahead, throw your hat into the ring…or just throw your hat!
  • “If you throw like me, then you should throw axes instead!”
  • “I’m going to throw my hat into the ring for this one!”
  • “You can take my axe when you pry it from my cold dead hands!”
  • No matter how good you get, hitting the bullseye is always going to be a challenge.
  • The only thing that makes me throw axes is how much fun it is to throw axes.
  • If I had my way, I’d be throwing axes all day long – even when I’m asleep!
  • If you’re looking for a job that’s fun and pays well, then look no further than axe throwing! (Hat tip: The Office)
  • You can never have too many axes – or too many throwing partners!
  • I’m feeling a little bit axe-cited about this axe throwing thing.
  • Let’s go throw some axes at the park!
  • I’m feeling pretty good about my axe-throwing skills today!
  • Throw it back to the good old days with these axe-throwing puns!
  • Throw up a few axes, and you’ll be feeling right at home.
  • Get in the groove by hitting your groove with an axe.
  • Go ahead, throw your hat into the ring…or just throw your hat!
  • “If you throw like me, then you should throw axes instead!”
  • “I’m going to throw my hat into the ring for this one!”
  • “You can take my axe when you pry it from my cold dead hands!”
  • No matter how good you get, hitting the bullseye is always going to be a challenge.
  • The only thing that makes me throw axes is how much fun it is to throw axes.
  • If I had my way, I’d be throwing axes all day long – even when I’m asleep!
  • If you’re looking for a job that’s fun and pays well, then look no further than axe throwing! (Hat tip: The Office)
  • You can never have too many axes – or too many throwing partners!

Final Thoughts

All of these captions work for the typical axe thrower, but you may need to tweak the wording a bit. I think the one about being ready doesn’t work for everyone so try one that does or make your own up. If you have any other suggestions share them in the comments below! Hope you enjoyed our list of axe-throwing Instagram captions. We will be posting more soon!




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