Lay Down the Laughs with 140+ Best Laying Pipe Jokes

Get ready to burst into laughter with a collection of piping hot jokes and puns that will leave you in stitches. From plumbing mishaps to hilarious anecdotes about laying pipe, these jokes are sure to keep you entertained. So grab your wrench and get ready to dive into a world of laughter with the best laying pipe jokes around!

Funny Laying Pipe Jokes

1. Why did the plumber go to church? Because he heard the benefits were out of this world, even if the pay wasn’t much.

2. Ever notice why plumbers love fishing? It’s the only time they hear someone say, “Wow, that’s a big one!”

3. If you’re not a fan of plumbers, just say “Pipe off!”

4. If you can’t remember the color of your truck anymore, you’re probably doing something right in the plumbing business.

5. My favorite part of winter? Watching it on TV from a cozy, warm pipe-fitting job in the South.

6. Roses are red, pipes are brown, turn on the wrench, let’s fix this town.

7. Plumbers aren’t afraid to love a leak. 8. They ain’t afraid to patch one either.

might be a plumber if your diet  11 consists of coffee and donuts.

9. Boys never grow up, their pipes just get bigger and more complex.

10. Have you heard about the film on plumbing? Yeah, I saw the trailer!

11. City folks go wild, plumbers just go digging.

12. For those who think a woman’s place is in the kitchen, remember, that’s where the plumber keeps the wrenches.

13. Why are plumbers always so irritable? Because pipes are always so irritating!

14. Don’t break a man’s heart; they only have one. But breaking a pipe? They’ve got hundreds to choose from!

15. Three tradesmen walk into a bar a rockstar, a biker, and a plumber. No punchline, just plumbing fantasy.

16. Every woman should have four things in her life a wrench in her hand, a pipe in her toolbox, a snake in her drain, and a plumber who fixes everything.

17. Men are like pipes, they spend their lives trying to fit perfectly into them .

18. Ever wonder why plumbers always carry a wrench? Because they know how to tighten things up and keep them from leaking.

19. Some men forget their plumbing anniversary, but others save a lot of money pretending to forget.

20. Real men stay faithful to their pipes. 

21. They don’t have time to look for other leaks because they’re too busy fixing their own.

22. Two plumbers walk into a bar. The first one asks for H2O.

23.  The second one says, “I’ll have some H2O too.”

24.  The bartender gives them both water, and they spend the night swapping pipe stories.

25. Swag is for boys. Proper pipe laying technique is for men.

26. Some men learn quickly, while others still argue with a clogged drain.

27. The biggest difference between men and women? For men, a facial is just another part of the plumbing repair process.

28. Men with good intentions make promises. 

Funny Laying Pipe Jokes

Laying Pipe Jokes Clean

29. Men with good plumbing skills keep them.

30. Birth Control Pills should be for men.

31. It makes much more sense to prevent a leak than to mop up afterward.

32. Men, if you’ve done your job properly, there should be a satisfying gush when you turn on the water.

33. Did you know that married plumbers are dying to get into hardware stores? That’s where all the real excitement is.

34. The homeowner asked the plumber if it’s true what they say about men with big wrenches being skilled at fixing pipes. 

35. The plumber grinned and said, “You betcha, ma’am. Why don’t you let me show you firsthand?”

36. Curious, she agreed, and he spent the day repairing her plumbing. 

37. The next morning she handed him a bill. 

38. Blushing, he said, “Well, thank you kindly, ma’am. I’m honored. 

39. Ain’t nobody ever tipped me for my services before.” 

40. “Don’t be honored. Take the money and buy yourself a tool belt that fits.”

41. A woman approached the handyman and asked if it’s true what they say about men who can lay pipes being good with their hands. 

42. The handyman smirked and replied, “Absolutely, miss. Care to find out?

43. Blushing, he said, “Well, shucks, ma’am. 

44. I’m mighty grateful. Ain’t nobody ever paid me for my craftsmanship before.

45.  “Don’t be grateful. Take the money and buy yourself a set of gloves that fit.”

46. The customer asked the plumber if it’s true what they say about men who can handle large pipes being skilled at their trade. 

Laying Pipe Jokes One Liner

47.  Why did Queen Peach gasp for air? Mario took a wrong turn and appeared unexpectedly.

48.  Why did the plumber become a comedian?  He was tired of just laying pipe!

49.  How do plumbers say goodbye?  They wave and flush.

50.  What did one pipe say to the other?  “You’re looking flushed today!”

51.  Why did the pipe go to therapy?  It had trouble letting go and always held a grudge.

52.  How do plumbers party?  They turn up the faucet and let it flow!

53.  Why was the pipe always getting into trouble?  It had a bad influence on the other pipes!

54.  What did the pipe say to the faucet?  “You turn me on!”

55.  Why did the plumber bring a baseball bat to work?  To knock it out of the park when it comes to fixing pipes!

56.  Why did the pipe feel lonely?  It couldn’t find a fitting partner.

57.  What’s a plumber’s favorite type of music?  Pipe organ symphonies!

58.  How did the pipe propose to the faucet?  It gave it a ring!

59.  What’s a plumber’s favorite movie?  “The Shawshank Redemption” because it’s all about tunneling and pipes.

60.  What did the pipe say to the wrench?  “You tighten me up!”

61.  Why did the plumber go to art school?  To learn how to pipe with style.

62.  What did the pipe say when it was unclogged?  “That’s a weight off my shoulders!”

63.  How did the plumber win the marathon?  By taking the lead and never letting his pipe down!

64.  Why did the pipe go to school?  I wanted to get a well-rounded education!

65.  Did you hear about the sewage pipe that burst during a football game? Let’s just say the situation hit the fans.

66.  What happened to the person from Poland who tried to ignite a vehicle? They accidentally burned their lips on the exhaust pipe.

Laying Pipe Jokes One Liner

67.  Have you come across the pipe that engages in small talk while you smoke it? It’s quite a conversational accessory.

68.  How does an exhausted tailpipe feel after a long drive? Totally drained.

69.  What distinguishes a cylindrical pipe from a pale Dutchman? One is a hollow tube, while the other is a pale Dutch person.

70.  What’s the contrast between a helpful life tip and an abortion-related suggestion? One advises on life choices, while the other involves constructing a pipe bomb.

71.  Why are different types of piping used for electrical wiring? Because regular pipes aren’t suitable for electrical conduits.

72.  What does Donald Duck smoke? A pipe that goes “quack.”

Clean Laying Pipe Jokes

73.  It’s a fascinating story, passed down through generations.

74.  The plumber chuckled and replied, “You better believe it, ma’am.

75.  Want me to demonstrate?” Eager to see his expertise, she hired him to fix her plumbing issues.

76.   Blushing, he said, “Well, thank you kindly, ma’am.

77.  They had a lot of “differences”.

76.  When he has a pipe dream.

77.  I’m touched. Ain’t nobody ever compensated me for my talents before.” “Don’t be touched.

78.  To learn how to stay connected.

79.  Because he had a lot of unclogged pipes.

80.  Take the money and invest in some overalls that fit.”

 81.    To prevent his pipe dreams from going down the drain!

82.  They always seem to flush out the punchline!

83.  Women are like pipes – you have to handle them with care and finesse before they’ll let you turn them on.

84. Men, on the other hand, are like wrenches.

85.  Just give them a twist, and they’ll tighten up in all the right places.

86.  A snake! (the plumbing kind, not the slithery kind)

87.  Real plumbers don’t wear pink, they unclog it.

89.  Well, blame it on Mario’s accidental detour into the wrong pipe!

90.  Witnessing a sunflower bloom from concrete on a winter’s day!

91.  They could orchestrate a symphony of silence!

92.   They freeze time with a single click, preserving memories forever!

93.  They traverse the unknown realms of discovery, unlocking the secrets of the universe!

94.  The clues intertwined like a complex puzzle, challenging their intellect!

95.  They turn simple ingredients into delectable delights, captivating taste buds!

96.  They choreograph their movements like whispers, gracefully flowing with the breeze!

Pipe Laying Jokes for Puns

97.  Why did the plumber become a comedian?  Because he had a knack for laying pipe jokes!

98.  Did you hear about the pipe that got married?  It had a plum-bing!

99.  Why did the pipe refuse to go to the party? It didn’t want to get capped!

100. What did the pipe say to the wrench?  “Stop twisting my words!”

101.  What’s a plumber’s favorite type of music?  Pipe organ!

102.  How did the plumber fix his broken heart?  He used a pipe wrench to mend it!

103.  What did the pipe say when it was feeling under the weather?  “I’m a little pipey!”

104.  Why did the pipe go to therapy?  It had issues with its flow!

105.  What did the pipe say to the faucet?  “You turn me on!”

16.  How do you get a plumber to laugh?  Tell them a “pipe-lining” joke!

107.  What’s a pipe’s favorite type of exercise?  Cross-fit!

108.  Why did the pipe refuse to dance?  It had two left elbows!

109.  What do you call a pipe that’s good at solving puzzles?  A plum-bob!

110.  How do plumbers like to celebrate their birthdays?  They throw a “pipe party”!

111.  What did the pipe say when it went on vacation?  “I’m going to pipe-ladelphia!”

112.  Why did the pipe bring a ladder to the party?  It wanted to be a “high-pipe”!

113.  What’s a pipe’s favorite board game?  “Connect Four”!

114.  How do you make a pipe laugh?  Give it a funny valve!

115.  What did the pipe say to the leaking faucet?  “Stop dripping all over me!”

116.  Why did the pipe become a detective?  It loved solving “plumb stories”

Pipe Laying Jokes for Puns

Best Laying Pipe Jokes

117.  Why did the plumber bring a ladder to work?  Because he wanted to raise the bar!

118.  What do you call a plumber who’s really good at his job? A master baiter.

119.  What do you call a plumber who’s really good at his job and also really good at saving money? A water-tight bargain.

120.  What do you call a plumber who’s really good at his job and also really good at keeping his customers happy? A top-notch drainer.

121.  What do you call a plumber who’s really good at his job and also really good at making a good impression? A first-rate pipe fitter.

122.  Why did the plumber have to go to the hospital? He got a hernia from straining too hard.

123.  What do you call a plumber who’s really bad at his job? A disaster drain.

124.  What do you call a plumber who’s really good at his job and also really good at telling jokes? A master baiter and a funny guy.

125.  Why did the plumber get fired from the water park? He kept giving everyone the runs.

126.  What do you call a group of plumbers who are really good at their job? A pipe dream team.

127.  What’s the difference between a plumber and a gigolo? A plumber charges by the hour.

128. What do you call a plumber who’s really good at his job and also really good at making money? A well-paid pipe layer.

129.  Why did the plumber carry a pencil and paper while laying pipe?  He wanted to make sure he could draw a pipeline if needed!

130.  Why did the pipe go to therapy?  It had issues with constant leaks and needed to vent!

131.  What did the pope say when it couldn’t handle the pressure?  “I’m feeling drained!”

132.  Why did the plumber bring a smartphone to work?  So he could take a pipe-fie!

133.  Why did the plumber become a stand-up comedian? Because he knew how to deliver pipe-laughs!

134.  How did the plumber fix his leaky faucet? He gave it a stern talking-to and told it to pipe down!

135.  Why did the pipe go to therapy? It had a lot of issues to unclog!

136.  Which event in the DC Comics universe was dedicated to plumbing?  It was the Plunge Point Paradox!

137.  What’s one habit you’ll never find a plumber doing?  They’ll never, ever bite their nails uniquely!

138.  How can you tell a plumber apart from a chemist?  Ask them to uniquely pronounce ‘unionized’!

139.  What do you call a plumber who has superpowers and stars in his own video game?  Super Mario with a unique twist!

140.  Why did the plumber have to go to the hospital?  He got a hernia from straining too hard.

141.  What do you call a plumber who’s really bad at his job?  A disaster drain.

142.  What do you call a plumber who’s really good at his job and also really good at telling jokes?  A master baiter and a funny guy.

143.  Why did the plumber get fired from the water park?  He kept giving everyone the runs.

144.  What do you call a plumber who’s really good at his job?  A master baiter.

145.  When all the plumbers spontaneously gather for a dance, what do you call it uniquely?  The one-of-a-kind flash mob!

Best Laying Pipe Jokes

146.Why did the plumber bring a ladder to work? Because he wanted to lay pipe in high places too!

147.Did you hear about the plumber who fell in love? He said, “I’ve finally found someone I can lay pipe with forever!”

148.How does a plumber party? They turn up the water pressure and lay pipe on the dance floor!

149.Why did the faucet break up with the pipe? Because it found someone who could handle the pressure better!

150.What did the pipe say to the drain? “You’re so draining, but I can’t resist laying with you!”

151.How does a plumber flirt? They say, “Are you a leak? Because you’ve got my heart flowing.”

152.What do you call a pipe that’s always late? A tardy pipe, of course!

153.Why don’t plumbers ever get lost? Because they always know which way to lay pipe!

154.What do you get when you cross a plumber with a musician? Someone who can lay pipe and make it sound good!

155.Why did the pipe blush? Because it saw the plumber checking it out and thought, “I must be pretty pipe-tastic!

Clean Lying Pipe jokes for Adults

156.Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!

157.Parallel lines have so much in common. It’s a shame they’ll never meet.

158.Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them.

159.I used to play piano by ear, but now I use my hands.

160.Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!

161.I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised.

162.Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired!

163.How do you organize a space party? You “planet”!

Jokes about Pipe Fitters

164.Why did the pipefitter bring a ladder to work? Because he wanted to take his career to the next level!

165.What’s a pipefitter’s favorite type of music? Heavy metal, of course!

166.Why don’t pipefitters ever get lost? Because they always know which way to pipe!

167.How do pipefitters stay cool in the summer? They pipe down!

168.Why was the pipefitter always calm under pressure? Because he knew how to handle the flow!

169.Did you hear about the pipefitter who started a bakery? He made some “piping hot” pastries!

170.What do you call a pipefitter’s favorite TV show? “Pipe Dreams”!

171.Why did the pipefitter become a detective? Because he had a knack for finding leaks and cracks!

Some Final Talk

In conclusion, humor has the power to lighten even the most mundane tasks, like laying pipe. The collection of jokes surrounding this topic not only entertains but also highlights the universal experiences we share. Whether it’s poking fun at the job itself or the inevitable innuendos, these jokes bring laughter to the workplace and beyond, reminding us to find joy in the everyday. So next time you’re laying pipe, remember to take a moment to appreciate the humor in the task at hand.

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