100+ Funny Bar Exam Jokes 2023

Taking the bar exam is no joke. It’s a grueling process that requires months of studying, sleepless nights, and endless amounts of coffee. But sometimes, the best way to get through the stress and anxiety of exam day is to laugh.

And what better way to do that than with some bar exam jokes? After years of studying and preparing, law school graduates face the daunting task of passing the bar exam in order to become licensed attorneys.

It’s a serious undertaking, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find some humor in it. In fact, there are plenty of bar exam jokes circulating on the internet that are sure to make even the most stressed-out law student crack a smile. Here are some of our favorite bar exam jokes:

Funny Bar Exam Jokes

1.  Why did the lawyer bring a briefcase full of sandwiches to the bar exam?  Because they heard it was an open and “sandwich” exam!

2.  Why did the aspiring lawyer bring a parachute to the bar exam?  In case they needed to “pass” the bar quickly!

3.  How do you know a lawyer just passed the bar exam?  They’ve already made an objection to the bartender’s drink recipe!

4.  Which examination is mandatory for aspiring rappers?  The BARS examination.

5.  How would you refer to a nun who recently passed her bar exam?  A sister-in-law advocate.

6.  Why are law students often associated with drinking?  They are preparing themselves for the Bar exam.

7.  How can one become a lawyer specializing in snacks?  By acing the bar exam.

8.Why did Jesse James decide to pursue the BAR exam?  To become a renegade attorney.

9.  What term is used for a priest who successfully passes the bar exam?  A legal clergyman.

10.  What was Jesse James’ motivation for taking the BAR exam?  To transform into a legal outlaw.

11.  What is the initial inquiry on the West Virginia Bar Exam?  If a married couple divorces, do they still retain their sibling relationship?

12.  What similarity exists between a law student and a recovering alcoholic?  Both must successfully pass the bar.

11.  What is the most challenging task for a law student who has been sober for two days?  BPassing the bar exam.

12.  What do lawyers and recovering alcoholics share in common?  Both must triumphantly pass the Bar.

13.  Did you hear about the attorney who exclusively consumed gold?  They successfully passed the bar.

14.  Why aren’t there any Irish lawyers?  Because they couldn’t pass the bar exam.

15.  Why did the lawyer bring a ladder to the bar exam?  Because they wanted to raise the bar!

16.  What do you call a lawyer who doesn’t pass the bar exam?  A bartender!

Bar Exam Jokes One Liners

As law students prepare for the bar exam, it’s important to remember that laughter is the best medicine.

While studying can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, taking a break to indulge in some bar exam jokes can help lighten the mood and provide some much-needed comic relief.

Here are some of the funniest bar exam jokes to help you get through this challenging time.

17.  How many bar exam takers does it take to change a lightbulb?  None. They’re too busy studying!

18.  Why did the bar exam taker bring a math textbook to the exam? Because they wanted to count on their success!

19.  Why did the lawyer become a comedian after passing the bar exam?

Because they realized they had a great talent for “cross-examining” the audience!

20.  What’s a lawyer’s favorite drink after passing the bar exam?  An “Affidavit-tini”!

21.  Why did the lawyer bring a ladder to the bar exam?  Because he wanted to raise the bar!

22.  What did one successful bar exam taker say to the other?  “Let’s raise a toast to our achievements!”

23.  Why did the lawyer fail the bar exam?  Because they couldn’t pass the “bar”!

24.  Why did the lawyer cross the road?  To sue the chicken.

25.  What do you call a lawyer who’s also a good person?  A unicorn.

26.  What’s the difference between a lawyer and a used car salesman?  The used car salesman knows he’s a crook.

27.  What do you call a lawyer who passed the bar exam on their first try? A miracle.

28.  What do you call a lawyer who’s also a good person?  A unicorn.

29.  What’s the difference between a lawyer and a used car salesman?  The used car salesman knows he’s a crook.

30.  What do you call a lawyer who passed the bar exam on their first try?

A miracle.

Bar Exam Jokes One Liners

Best Bar Exam Jokes

Whether you’re a law student gearing up to take the bar for the first time, or a practicing lawyer looking back on your own bar exam experience with a mix of nostalgia and horror, these jokes are sure to make you laugh. So grab a cup of coffee (or something stronger) and enjoy!

31.  Why did the lawyer become a bartender after passing the bar exam?

Because they wanted to pass the drinks too!

32.  How did the bartender console the stressed-out law student studying for the bar exam?  They said, “Don’t worry, you’ll pass the BAR-ender exam too!”

33.  Why did the lawyer choose to study at the bar?  Because they wanted to be a “trial-blazer”!

34.  What’s the difference between a lawyer and a bartender?  One serves justice, the other serves cocktails, but both deal with “bar” rules!

35.  How did the lawyer celebrate passing the bar exam?  They raised the “bar” and had a “prosecutorial” cocktail!

36.  What do you call a bar where only lawyers are allowed?  A “legal lounge”!

37.  Why did the attorney go to the bar exam with a briefcase full of bread?  Because they wanted to pass the “bar” with flying colors!

38.  Why did the lawyer bring a ladder to the bar exam?  Because they wanted to raise the bar!

39.  What do you call a lawyer who passes the bar exam on their first attempt?  A barrister-bulous success!

40.  Why was the bar exam so stressful for the law students?  Because they had to DRINK up all the knowledge!

41.  What’s a law student’s favorite type of drink during bar exam season?

A “brief” shot of espresso!

42.  Why did the lawyer celebrate passing the bar exam with a glass of champagne?  Because they wanted to toast to their legal “prosecco”!

43.  What did the law student say to the bartender after passing the bar exam?  “I’ll have a ‘bar’-tini, and make it a double verdict!”

44.  Why did the lawyer bring a ladder to the bar exam?  Because they wanted to raise the bar!

45.  How did the bartender prepare for the bar exam?  By studying the “spirits” of the law!

46.  What’s a lawyer’s favorite type of drink?  A “bar-gin”!

47.  Why did the lawyer bring a compass to the bar exam?  Because they wanted to find their “true north” in the legal field!

48.  What do you call a lawyer who passed the bar exam on their first try?

A “barracuda”!

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Passing the Bar Exam Jokes

49.  Why did the lawyer start a gardening business after passing the bar exam?  They wanted to specialize in “suing the plants”!

50.  What do you call a lawyer who passed the bar exam but can’t find a job?  Homeless.

51.  What’s the difference between a lawyer who passed the bar exam and a magician?  The magician knows when to stop pulling things out of their hat.

52.  What do you call a lawyer who passed the bar exam?  A miracle.

53.  What do you call a lawyer who’s also a good person?  A myth.

54.  What caused Jimmy’s grades to decline after the holidays?  Because everything was marked down.

55.  What grade did the fish receive on the math exam?

A sea plus.

56.  Why did the lawyer get fired from the hot dog stand?  He kept giving everyone the runaround.

57.  What do you call a lawyer who’s also a good friend?  A figment of your imagination.

58.  What do you call a lawyer who’s also a good person?  A breath of fresh air.

59.  What’s the difference between a lawyer and a used car salesman?  The used car salesman knows he’s a crook.

60.  Why did the lawyer bring a ladder to the bar exam?  Because he wanted to “pass” the bar!

61.  How did the lawyer celebrate passing the bar exam?  They raised the “bar” and had a few drinks!

62.  What did one lawyer say to the other after passing the bar exam?  “Let’s toast to our legal success! We really raised the ‘bar’!”

63.  Why did the lawyer bring a suitcase full of money to the bar exam?  Just in case they needed to “pass” some bribes!

64.  What’s a lawyer’s favorite drink after passing the bar exam?  “Proof” punch!

65.  How do you know a lawyer passed the bar exam on their first attempt? They don’t mention it within the first five minutes of meeting you.

Passing the Bar Exam Jokes

Bar Exam Puns Jokes

These clever puns and one-liners offer a much-needed break from the intense studying and preparation that goes into passing the bar exam.

Here are some of our favorite bar exam jokes that are sure to put a smile on your face.

66.  My friend, a devoted U2 fan, triumphed over the BAR exam.

67.  Persistence triumphs over innate talent when talent lacks diligence.

68.  Cousins exist for the purpose of parental scorecard comparison.

69.  Though you may face countless setbacks, surrender should never be an option.

70.  Dear Mathematics, it’s time to mature and tackle your own dilemmas—I’m weary of resolving them on your behalf.

71.  The human mind is not a tome, to be casually perused whenever desired.

72.  Law school students often struggle to pass the bar, especially those with a fondness for alcohol.

73.  I was overjoyed when my cousin successfully cleared the bar, even though the actual bar was closed due to COVID-19.

74.  A trio of aspiring lawyers stepped into a bar, but only one emerged victorious by passing the bar exam.

75.  I decided to crack a dad joke at my friend who recently conquered the CA bar exam.

76.  In response, he burst into a splendid rendition of the Soviet anthem, captivating the entire bar with his melodious and enchanting performance.

77.  “Bravo! Bravo!” applauded the politician.

78.  Undeterred, the man remained composed, countering, “I’m a historian!

79.  I can enlighten you about the wonders of this magnificent nation.”

80.  The entire bar shifted its focus to the ongoing drinking contest between the politician and the alleged spy.

81.  The bartender diligently served glass after glass of vodka.

82.  It’s a known fact that all practicing lawyers have experienced at least one brawl in a bar.

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Final exam jokes

83.  Which agile creature excels in exams without any study effort?  The nimble gazelle.

84.  How does a sorcerer prepare the evening prior to a university exam?


85.  What type of evaluations do nocturnal instructors impose?  Moonlit assessments.

86.  How do master craftsmen achieve accreditation?  They undergo a woodworking exam.

87.  Why did the pupil exclusively tackle questions 1, 3, 5, and 7 during the examination?  Because they possess an unparalleled oddity.

88.  What kind of assessments do enchantresses undertake?  Spelling incantations.

89.  Why does your geography examination feature an enormous zero on it?  It’s not a zero; the educator lacked stars and granted me a moon instead!

90.   How does one prepare for an examination in pest control?  One spends the entire night swatting away.

91.  What compelled the educator to visit the seaside?  To evaluate the waters.

92.  Why did the individual struggle in their football teamwork exam?  They failed to pass the test.

93.  Prior to the examination, what did the heart tell the brain?  You appear rather anxious.

94.  Which untamed creature achieves remarkable results in exams despite a lack of studying?  The swift leopard.

95.  Witches undergo what type of assessments?  Enchantment evaluations.

96.  What measures do you take to get ready for a pest control exam?  You spend the night battling pests!

97.  What kind of tests do vampire instructors administer?  Hematological assessments.

98.  Which city consistently resorts to dishonesty during exams?  Deceitful Dubai!

99.  Why did Princess Leia perform poorly in her exams?  She possessed Alderaan responses!

100.  Which nation is widely despised?

The nation of Examination.

101.  What is the most uncomfortable sensation during a prostate examination?  Having two hands on your shoulders.

102.  How would you describe a lizard supervising other lizards taking an online test?  The monitor of monitors.

103.  Why don’t cosmetic students worry about missing their exams?

Because they enjoy taking makeup assessments!

104.  How do you compliment a cow that performs moderately well on an exam?  Medium well done. It committed very few missteps.

105.  Despite not studying, which wild creature excels in exams?  The swift leopard.

106.  How do carpenters obtain their certification?  By passing a board examination.

107.  Was there any reason for Sally’s failure in her final exam?  Because she left her paper blank.

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Final Thoughts

While these jokes may not make studying for the bar exam any easier, they provide a much-needed break from the stress and pressure that comes with preparing for such a difficult exam.

So, take a break, have a laugh, and remember that even the most serious professions can have a sense of humor. Good luck to all the future lawyers out there – may the bar exam gods be with you.

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