105+ Best Jokes About Avocado

Looking for a good laugh? Check out our collection of funny avocado jokes! We’ve got jokes about everything from the fruit itself to the people who love it. So whether you’re an avocado-lover or just appreciate a good joke, you’re sure to find something to laugh at here.

Avocado – The fruit that has taken the world by storm! From guacamole to avocado toast, this humble fruit has become a staple in the modern diet. But did you know that avocados have also taken the world of comedy by storm?

Yes, that’s right – there are plenty of jokes about avocados out there that are sure to make you laugh. So, without further ado, let’s dive into some of the best jokes about avocados!

Funny Jokes About Avocados

1. How can you tell when avocados are in need of rehab?

 When they lose avocontrol.

2.  What is the name for an avocado with a beard?

Avocados with facial hair.

3.  What makes avocados great at herding sheep?

 Many of them have a knack for being Shepards.

4.  Why do avocados have a hard time finding love among their own kind?

Because they are rarely ripe at the same time.

5.  What did the upbeat avocado say to the pessimistic one?

It’s avoca-do, not avoca-don’t!

6.  Why don’t avocados enjoy public transportation?

Because they would rather have a car.

7.  What do inebriated avocados say at house parties?

 Let’s get smashed!

8.  What type of music do avocados enjoy listening to?

Hardcore guac.

9.  How do avocados sign off on their emails?

 “Thanks for your help. Have a nice day!”

10.  What did the avocado say after he had a car accident?

 “You avocado be kidding me! I’m having the worst day!”

11.  What type of exercise do avocados excel at?


12.  What sound does a duck make after consuming an avocado?

“Guac! Guac!”

13.  What did the bride say to her groom at the altar?

I avoca-do.

14.  What did the irate group of cutlery say to the avocado?

 “He’s too soft. Let’s smash him into guac!”

15.  What is an avogadro’s favorite way to leave a room when embarrassed?

They tend to guac-wardly exit.

16.  Which Star Wars character is most loved by avocados?

Jabbacado, of course!

17.  Why do avocados struggle to leave supermarkets?

They’ve been handled by too many people.

18.  Why do avocados always seem perplexed?

Because they avoca-don’t know what they’re doing.

19.  What do you call a baptized avocado?

Holy guacamole.

20.  What’s the name for a baby avocado?

A Pip!

Best Jokes About Avocados

Avocado is a fruit that has become a staple in many people’s diets. It’s versatile, healthy, and delicious. But did you know that avocados can also be the subject of some hilarious jokes?

That’s right, there are plenty of avocado jokes out there that are sure to make you laugh. Here are some of the best jokes about avocados that we could find.

21.  Why was the avocado expelled from high school by the principal?

Their grades were pit-iful.

22.  When an avocado finds the perfect pair of shoes, what do they say?

“I have to have you in my closet!”

23.  How can you tell if two avocados are meant to be?

They’re the perfect avocouple.

24.  What do avocados say when they’re angry with someone?

They tell them to guac off!

25.  What makes romantic comedies the preferred genre of movies for avocados?

Because they enjoy a happy “avo” after.

26.  Why did the astronaut feel like an avocado?

Because he was told he’s an “avocado” in this world.

27.  What do you call an avocado with a long history of girlfriends?

An “avocado-ho.”

28.  What game does an avocado enjoy playing at the carnival?


29.  How can you tell if an avocado has been sunbathing?

It will soon have guaca-moles on its skin.

30.  Why did the melancholic avocado express itself?

 Life as a guacamole can be tough.

31.  How can you tell when avocados require rehab?

They show signs of avoiding addiction.

32.  Which guitar style does avocado love the most?

 Guac-oustic strings.

33.  Did you know that taco and guacamole have a crush on each other?

 It’s an avocado love story.

34.  Who represents the guacamole industry in court?

Advocateos, the legal experts.

35.  What’s your favorite Broadway number of avocados?

 It’s a challenging life.

36.  How did guacamole reach outer space?

 It went on a rocket chip.

37.  What do you call an avocado with a beard?

An Avocado, the stylish one.

38.  What do you get when you mix an avocado with The Lion King?


39.  How can you tell when guacamole has spoiled?

 When it starts to grow guaca-fungi.

40.  What is the key ingredient for chemists in making guacamole?

Avogadros, of course!

41.  Why are avocados skilled at herding sheep?

 Many of them are natural Shepards.

Jokes About Avocado Toast

Avocado is a versatile fruit that can be used in a variety of dishes, from salads to smoothies. But did you know that it’s also a source of entertainment? Yes, you heard it right.

Avocado can be the subject of some hilarious jokes that will have you rolling on the floor laughing. So without further ado, let’s dive into some of the best jokes about avocados.

42.  How do you make an avocado toast laugh?

 You tell it to a really good yolk.

43.  What do you call an avocado toast that won’t stop talking?

 A guac-a-mole.

44.  Why did the avocado toast get a job at the bank?

It wanted to be more financially stable.

45.  Why did the avocado toast cross the road?

To get to the other slice.

46.  What do you call an avocado toast that’s always on the phone?

An Instagram influencer.

47.  Why did the tomato blush when it saw the avocado toast?

It saw its s**xy side.

48.  What do you get when you cross an avocado toast and a kale smoothie?

A hipster’s breakfast.

49.  What did the avocado say to the tortilla chip when the dip bowl ran out?

 We’ve reached the end of the guac line

50.  Why do avocados struggle to find love among their own kind?

 They never seem to be quite ripe for each other.

51.  How do tortilla chips bid farewell?

See you later, avo-gator. In a while, guac-odile.

52.  What do you call an avocado that refuses to communicate?

An incommunicado.

53.  Why did the avocado toast go to the doctor?

Because it was feeling a little bit spread thin.

54.  What did the avocado toast say to the toast?

You are my butter half!

55.  How does an avocado toast introduce itself?

 “Hey, guac-a-mole!”

56.  What do you call an avocado toast that’s always at the gym?

A fitness avocado.

57.  What do you call an avocado toast that’s always on time?

 Punctual guac.

58.  Why did the avocado toast go to the casino?

To try its luck at the slot-ocado machine.

59.  How do you make an avocado toast laugh?

 Just give it a little bit of a-peel.

60.  What do you call an avocado toast that’s always on vacation?

A beachy brunch.

61.  Why did the avocado toast go to the dentist?

 To get its “crown” replaced.

62.  Why did the hipster refuse to eat his avocado toast?

 It wasn’t “artisanal” enough for him.

63.  What do you call an avocado toast that’s always on time?

Punctual-cado toast!

64.  How do you know if someone is a true avocado toast lover?

 They always have a “smashed” avocado on their face.

65.  Why did the avocado toast break up with its partner?

 It was too “toast” focused.

66.  What did the avocado toast say to the sourdough bread?

“You complete me.”

Jokes About Avocado Toast

Funny Avocado Jokes

Avocadoes are a staple in many people’s diets, but did you know they can also be the star of some hilarious jokes? Here are some of the best jokes about avocadoes that are sure to make you laugh:

67.  Avocados make terrible friends because they’re the pits.

68.  An avocado is jealous when it goes green.

69.  The avocado said to the piece of bread during breakfast, “You’re toast!”

70.  A group of avocados under the age of 18 is called avo-kiddies.

71.  The generous bartender said to the avocado, “Avo drink on me tonight.”

72.  An expired avocado is guaca-mouldy.

73.  Avocados play the guitar because they love Guac n’ roll.

74.  Avogadro’s favorite Australian movie is Guac-adile Dundee.

75.  The father avocado said to his son, “You’re just a chip off the old guac.”

76.  An avocado in a famous music video is a guac star.

77.  Avocados are affectionate because they’re good for your heart.

78.  The little avocado was popular at school because she went well with everything.

79.  Avocados are rebellious because they just don’t give a guac!

80.  Avocados aren’t great friends because they’re the pits.

81.  An avocado turns green when it’s jealous.

82.  The avocado told the bread during breakfast, “You’re toast!”

83.  A group of avocados under 18 are avo-kiddies.

84.  The bartender said to the avocado, “Avo drink on me tonight.”

85.  An expired avocado will be guaca-mouldy.

86.  Avocados play guitar because they love Guac n roll.

87.  The avocados’ favorite Australian movie is Guac-adile Dundee.

88.  The father avocado told his son, “You’re just a chip off the old guac.”

89.  An avocado in a famous music video is a guac star.

90.  Avocados are affectionate because they’re good for your heart.

91.  The little avocado was popular at school because she went well with everything.

92.  Avocados are rebellious and just don’t give a guac!

Clever Avocado Jokes

Are you an avocado lover? If so, then you’ll definitely appreciate these jokes about everyone’s favorite green fruit!

93.  What do you call a subpar avocado?

Green spirited.

94.  Why was the avocado expelled from high school?

Because his grades were absolutely pitiful.

95.  What do you call an attractive avocado?

Fruit as a button.

96.  What did the bride say to her groom at the altar?

I avoca-do.

97.  What is the preferred game of avocados?


98.  How does an avocado prefer to meet new people?

 Through peer-to-peer networks.

97.  What type of exercise is best for avocados?


98.  Did you hear about the avocado army that took over a dining table?

They gua-occupied the bowl.

99.  How can you differentiate an avocado from an octopus?

An octopus has eight legs.

100.  What does a duck say after consuming an avocado?

Guac. Guac.

101.  In what material do avocados come packaged?


102.  Why do ducks enjoy avocados?

They love to create guacamole.

103.  Why did the avocado go to Hollywood?

To become a movie star.

104.  Where do avocados go to learn math?

 To an avo-academy.

105.  How can you tell when an avocado is ripe?

 It gives a little when squeezed.

106.  Did you hear about the avocado that became a lawyer?

He passed the bar example.

107.  Why did the avocado break up with his girlfriend?

She was too much of a hassle.

108.  What do you call an avocado that’s a great singer?


109.  Why did the avocado go to the gym?

 To work on his core strength.

Clever Avocado Jokes

Final Words

These jokes might be silly, but they are sure to make you smile. And who knows, maybe they’ll even inspire you to come up with your own avocado jokes. After all, there’s no better way to celebrate this delicious fruit than with a good laugh.

avocados are not only tasty and healthy food but also a source of laughter and joy. So, go ahead, enjoy your avocados, and don’t forget to share some of these jokes with your friends and family. Who knows, you might just make their day a little brighter.

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