100+ Hilarious Broken Ankle Jokes

Experience the healing power of laughter with broken ankle jokes. These lighthearted quips and playful one-liners bring a smile to your face while recovering from a broken ankle.

From clever puns to gentle humor, let these jokes brighten your journey to recovery and add a touch of joy to the process.

Funny Broken Ankle Jokes

1. Why does Bill Clinton wear underwear?  To keep his ankles cozy.

2.  Hear about the guy whose brother amputated his leg below the ankle? Betrayal was afoot.

3.  What time is it when you injure your ankle or arm?  Time to seek medical attention.

4.  What would you call Kenny Loggins if he had a severed foot?  Soleless.

5.  Why do cavemen drag their partners by the hair?  Because dragging them by the ankles would lead to dirty feet!

6.  How does a man who has just lost his legs at the ankles feel? Overwhelmed.

7.  What do you say when your friend has a fractured ankle?   “Oh no, you’ve got a fractured ankle!”

8.  What do you call a broken can opener?  A can’t opener. Get it? It can’t open her. LOL!

9.  If you found yourself alone in the woods with your pants down and a condom in an unexpected place, would you share the experience?  Ready for some wilderness surprises?

10.  What kind of ankle are you?  A sprained ankle.

11.  My son came up to me and asked, “Dad, how do you spell ‘diarrhea’?”  I replied, “I’m not sure, but Does It Always Run Really Hard Over Every Ankle?”

12.  Darling, could you please fetch me a pair of ankle socks?  Oh no, those are foot-hugging socks, you goofball!

13.  When does being ankle deep in mud become worse than being waist deep?  When you find yourself completely inverted.

14.  A priest injures his ankle, what’s the first occurrence?  He experiences a sprain.

15.  To qualify as ankle deep, how deep must the water be?  A measurement of two feet will do.

16.  What did the physician say to the patient who stumbled and fractured their ankle?  Well, my goodness, you’ll be feeling splendid in a few days’ time.

17.  Have you heard about the individual who lost both legs at the ankles during a brawl?  He suffered a severe case of defeated feet!

18.  Why are those lower limbs feeling downcast?  Their parents went their separate ways.

19.  What is the name of the foundation for underprivileged legs? It’s called “Arch Support.”

20.  Where did the legs place their newborn?  In a stroller, of course.

21.  Why did the leg visit the doctor?

 It had a femur temperature of 102 degrees.

22.   How did one leg propose to the other?  Just like everyone else, he got down on one knee.

23.  Why should we show gratitude to our legs?  They consistently support us.

24.  I consider myself a genius and possess fourteen legs. What am I?


Jokes About Broken Ankles

25.  What is the least favored garment of a quadriplegic person?  Leggings.

26.  What do you get when you combine a broken leg, a blindfold, and an attempt to cross a busy road?  A collision.

27.  Which part of the leg always forms a right angle?  The ankle on the right side.

28.  Why did the ankle go to therapy after it was broken?  It needed some serious soul-searching!

29.  What do you call a clumsy person with a broken ankle?  A “limping hazard”!

30.  What did the broken ankle say to the doctor?  “I’m feeling a little ‘heel’-they now!”

31.  Why did the broken ankle refuse to go to the party?  It didn’t want to be the “twist” in the celebration!

32.  What do you call an ankle that tells jokes after it’s broken?  A “funny bone”!

33.  Why did the broken ankle go on a diet?  It wanted to shed some “foot” pounds!

34.  Why did the ankle go to therapy after it was broken?  Because it had trouble getting back on its feet emotionally!

35.  Why did the broken ankle become an artist?  It wanted to explore the world of “ankle sketches”!

36.  What do you call a broken ankle that’s always getting in the way?  A pain in the joint!

37.  What’s the best thing about a broken ankle?  You can’t trip over your own feet!

38.  What’s the difference between a broken ankle and a broken heart?  A broken ankle heals.

39.  What do you call a broken ankle that’s always getting you down?  A downer!

40.  What’s the best way to get over a broken ankle?  Get back up and walk it off!

41.  Why did the broken ankle go to the comedy show?  It wanted to get a good “crack” out of the jokes!

42.  Why did the broken ankle refuse to join the dance class?  It said it had two “left feet”!

43.  Why did the broken ankle make a great detective?  It was always “cracking” the case!

44.  Why did the broken ankle get a job as a waiter?   It knew how to “serve” up a good twist!

Jokes About Broken Ankles

Broken Ankle Jokes One Liner

45.  What’s weaker than a daffodil?

“Mundy’s resolve.”

46.  What is your name?  “My name is Samantha, not my ankle!”

47.  Why does Bill Clinton wear boxers?  “To keep comfortable, just like anyone else.”

48.  What do you call a three-legged donkey?  “A unique donkey with a story.”

49.  Which song does a one-legged girl sing?  “Her favorite song, regardless of her leg.”

50.  Why are noses and feet complete opposites?  “They have different functions, but both are essential.”

51.  What has two legs but can’t walk?

“A human with crutches.”

52.  Why does a milking stool have three legs?  “To provide stability and support.”

53.  What do you say to a one-legged hitchhiker?  “I’ll give you a lift!”

54.  What kind of shoes do artists wear?  “They wear shoes that inspire their creativity.”

55.  What shoes can you eat?  “Edible shoes?

Broken Ankle Jokes One Liner

Broken Ankle Jokes Reddit

56.  What did the femur say to the patella?  “I support you, knee-d me or not.”

57.  How did the broken ankle describe its favorite book?  “A real page-“turner”!

58.  Why did the broken ankle love to watch cooking shows?   It enjoyed seeing the chefs “twist” and “sprain” things in the kitchen!

59. Why did the broken ankle go to school?   I wanted to get a little better at spelling “ouch.”

60.  What do you call a person with a broken ankle who’s also an excellent storyteller?  A cast master!

61.  Why did the broken ankle bring a map?  It wanted to stay on the right path to recovery!”

62.  What do you call a broken ankle that’s always getting in the way?  A pain in the joint!

63.  What’s the best thing about a broken ankle?  You can’t trip over your own feet!

64.  What’s the difference between a broken ankle and a broken heart?  A broken ankle heals.

65.  What do you call a broken ankle that’s always getting you down?  A downer!

66.  What’s the best way to get over a broken ankle?  Get back up and walk it off!

67.  What do you call a broken ankle that’s always getting in the way?  A pain in the joint!

68.  Why did the basketball player break his ankle?  He stepped on a crack and fell down.

69.  What’s the difference between a broken ankle and a broken heart?  A broken ankle heals.

70.  What do you call a broken ankle that’s always getting you down?  A downer!

71.  What’s the best way to get over a broken ankle?   Get back up and walk it off!

Ankle monitor Jokes

72.  Why did the ankle monitor go to therapy?  It wanted to work on its attachment issues!

73.  How does an ankle monitor get a job?  It puts its best foot forward!

74.  Why did the ankle monitor join a band?  It wanted to be part of the house arrest!

75.  What do you call a fashionable ankle monitor?  A stylish shackle!

76.  Why did the ankle monitor break up with its partner?  It felt too confined in the relationship!

77.  What did one ankle monitor say to the other at a party?  “Let’s kick up some fun tonight!”

78.  How does an ankle monitor relax after a long day?  It puts its feet up and enjoys some electronic music!

79.  Why did the ankle monitor get promoted?  Because it had outstanding tracking abilities!

80.  What did the ankle monitor say to the shoe?  “I’m always one step ahead!”

81.  Why did the ankle monitor go to therapy?  It had attachment issues and couldn’t let go!

82.  What’s an ankle monitor’s favorite song?  “I Will Survive” by Gloria GPS-tafan!

83.  Why did the ankle monitor join a dance class?  I wanted to learn some fancy footwork!

84.  How did the ankle monitor win the race?  It had a leg up on the competition!

85.  Why did the ankle monitor become a chef?  It loved keeping track of all the spices and seasoning!

86.  What did the ankle monitor say to the shoe?  “I’m keeping an eye on you!”

87.  Why did the ankle monitor join a band?  It wanted to be known as the “house-arrested rockstar.”

88.  What did the ankle monitor say to the handcuffs?  “Looks like we’re both on the ‘house-arrest’ team!”

89.  Why did the ankle monitor start a podcast?  It wanted to track its “ankle-ventures” from the comfort of home.

90.  How do ankle monitors communicate with each other?  They send “sole” signals!

91.  What do you call an ankle monitor with a sense of humor?  A laugh detector!

92.  Why did the ankle monitor get a job at the bakery?  It wanted to keep an eye on the “bread”!

93.  Why did the ankle monitor start a podcast?  It wanted to keep tabs on the latest “ankle”-dotes!

Recommended:  Hilarious Big Feet Jokes

Ankle puns Funny

94.  I advised him not to be so devastated about it.

95.  My daughter complained of discomfort in her foot while walking.

96.  I suggested walking on the feet, not the ankles.

97.  When it comes to intimate moments, aim higher than the ankles.

98.  You wouldn’t want to start off on the wrong foot.

99.  I came across a story about a guy who managed to rotate his ankle 360 degrees.

100.  I wonder if there’s a world record for the most ankle twists by an individual.

101.  A sense of melancholy washed over me as I glanced down and noticed yet another tear in my sock, revealing my entire ankle.

102.  I let out a sigh. My sock was on its final stretch.

103.  My significant other sprained her ankle last night.

104.  After enduring several hours in the emergency room, we were directed to the radiology department for an X-ray!

105.  For a moment, I thought I had fractured my ankle when I stumbled over the tissue box.

106.  Fortunately, it turned out to be only tissue damage.

107.  Despite my broken leg, I’m determined to make every moment count and embrace life’s adventures!

108.  Life sometimes demands agility and equilibrium, especially with a broken leg in the mix .

109.  It was all laughter and joy until my leg took an unexpected detour.

110.  Striding towards a brighter tomorrow, one limping step at a time.

111.  My broken leg won’t dampen my spirit when it comes to enjoying life to the fullest.

112.  Don’t be fooled, my broken leg won’t hinder me from having a blast!

113.  Steadily progressing, one resilient step at a time.

114.  Crutches may challenge me, but surrendering is not an option!

115.  Breaking my leg turned out to be a blessing in disguise, reminding me to slow down and cherish the little joys of life.

116.  I may stumble, but my spirit remains unbroken.

117.  brief setback couldn’t keep me down for long! First stride towards recovery.

Also, check-out:  Jokes About Freckles

Final Thoughts

Broken ankle jokes offer a delightful way to find humor amidst the challenges of recovery. With their light-hearted and playful nature, these jokes bring a smile to your face during the healing process.

They remind us that laughter has the power to uplift our spirits and make difficult times a little easier. So, embrace the healing power of humor and let broken ankle jokes bring joy and laughter to your recovery journey.

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