90+ Funny Lettuce Jokes

Looking for a laugh? Check out our collection of funny lettuce jokes! We’ve got jokes about everything from romaine to iceberg to arugula.

So whether you’re a lettuce lover or just appreciate a good joke, you’re sure to find something to chuckle at here. So sit back, relax, and enjoy our collection of funny lettuce jokes!

Funny Lettuce Jokes

1.   Why did the lettuce go to the doctor?

Because it was feeling a little green!

2.   What do you call lettuce that is full of itself?

A head of lettuce!

3.   What do you get when you cross a lettuce with a tomato?

 A letsmato!

4.   Why did the lettuce refuse to go on a date with the tomato?

 It didn’t want to end up in a salad relationship!

5.   What did the lettuce say to the celery?

Quit stalking me, I’m trying to romaine calm!

6.   Why did the lettuce run away from the fridge?

 It saw the salad dressing!

7.   What did the lettuce say when it was offered a job at the salad bar?

 “Lettuce consider it!”

8.   What’s a lettuce’s favorite day of the week?


9.   Why was the lettuce afraid of the carrot?

 Because it heard it was a killer!

10.   Why did the lettuce get a ticket?

Because it was caught romaining in the wrong neighborhood!

11.   What’s a lettuce’s favorite kind of music?


12.   How did the lettuce propose to the broccoli?

With a salad ring!

13.   Why did the lettuce go on a road trip?

To Romaine curious!

14.   Why did the lettuce break up with the cucumber?

It just couldn’t dill with the pressure!

15.   Why did the lettuce go to the seance?

To speak to the spirit of its ancestor, Caesar!

16.   What’s a lettuce’s favorite movie?

The Salad of Music!

17.   Why did the lettuce go to the gym?

To work on its core beliefs!

Lettuce Puns Funny

Are you ready to have a good laugh? Well, get ready because we have compiled some of the funniest lettuce jokes for you to enjoy!

Whether you are a fan of this leafy green or not, these jokes are sure to tickle your funny bone.

18.   I love you a whole head of lettuce.

19.   Lettuce be friends forever.

20.   You’re the romaine in my heart.

21.   Don’t kale my vibe.

22.   Lettuce turnip the beet!

23.   You’re the dressing on my salad.

24.   I can’t be-leaf how much I love lettuce puns.

25.   Don’t be a chicken, eat your greens!

26.   You’re my soulmate… salad.

27.   I’m not the lion, I really love lettuce.

28.   I can’t think of anything betta than a lettuce pun.

29.   I’m a lettuce lover, not a fighter.

30.   Lettuce all just get along.

31.   Lettuce pray for a good harvest.

32.   You’re the avocado to my lettuce.

33.   I’m not lettuce-ing go of these puns anytime soon.

34.   Lettuce celebrates our friendship with some puns.

35.   You’re my favorite leafy green.

Best Lettuce Jokes

Are you ready to add some laughter to your day? Look no further than these hilarious lettuce jokes!

36.   Why did the lettuce win the race?

Because it was ahead of the cabbage!

37.   What do you call sad lettuce?

 A wilted salad!

38.    How do you make lettuce disappear?

You iceberg it!

39.    Why don’t lettuce and celery go on vacation together?

 They’re always fighting over the dress!

40.   What did the lettuce say to the celery?

 Lettuce be friends!

41.   Why did the tomato turn red?

 Because it saw the lettuce dressing!

42.  Why did the lettuce go to the doctor?

 It was feeling a little green!

43.   What do you call lettuce that’s been chopped up and dressed?

 Caesar’s revenge!

44.   What do you get when you cross lettuce with a vacuum cleaner?


45.   Why did the lettuce go on a diet?

 It wanted to see its romaine figure!

46.   What’s the best way to communicate with lettuce?

 Use a-head lettuce!

47.   Why did the lettuce refuse to go on a date with the tomato?

 I heard he was a bit saucy!

48.   What do you call lettuce that’s been cut down?

 A headless horseman!

49.   What do you get when you cross a lettuce and a snowman?

 Frosty the Salad!

50.   Why did the lettuce go to the doctor?

Because it was feeling a bit green!

51.    What do you call a group of lettuce farmers?

A head of state!

52.    What do you call lettuce that’s always running?

A marathon salad!

53.    How do you make a lettuce laugh?

 Tell it a cheesy joke!

Lettuce Jokes One Liners

Lettuce jokes may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of comedy gold, but trust us, they’re worth a chuckle or two.

So if you’re ready to add a little humor to your daily salad routine, or just need a good laugh, here are some funny lettuce jokes to brighten your day:

54.   What do you call lettuce that’s been shot?

A salad shooter.

55.    How do you make a lettuce laugh?

You tickle its stem.

56.   Why did the tomato turn red?

Because it saw the salad dressing!

57.    Why did the lettuce break up with the spinach?

 Because it just wasn’t his type.

58.   What do you get when you cross a lettuce with a pineapple?

 A salad that’s both sweet and leafy!

59.   Why did the lettuce go to the doctor?

 It was feeling a bit green.

60.   Why did the lettuce go on a date with the celery?

 Because it wanted to get some romaine-tic time.

61.    What do you call lettuce that’s been in the sun for too long?

 A wilted salad.

62.   What do you get when you cross lettuce and a goat

Salad that butts heads!

63.   How do you know if your lettuce is good luck?

 When it’s four-leafed.

64.   What do you call lettuce that’s been kidnapped?

 A salad hostage.

65.   Why did the lettuce join the gym?

To get shredded!

66.   What did the lettuce say to the celery?

 Stop stalking me, you’re making me wilt!

67.   Why did the lettuce go out with the carrot?

 Because it was a match made in salad heaven!

68.   What did the lettuce say to the tomato?

 Let us be friends forever.

69.   What did the lettuce say to the celery?

 Quit stalking me, you’re giving me the crepes!

What is the lettuce joke?

70.   Why was the lettuce cold?

Because it was an iceberg!

71.   What did the lettuce say to the celery?

 “Quit stalking me!”

72.   What’s the difference between a poorly dressed man on a trampoline and a lettuce

 One’s a shabby chap on a springboard, and the other is a cabbage on a string.

73.   Why don’t lettuce and celery ever get into arguments?

 Because they always turn over a new leaf.

74.   What did one lettuce say to the other lettuce when they bumped into each other?

“Lettuce romaine friends!”

75.   Why did the tomato turn red?

 Because it saw the lettuce dressing!

76.   Why did the lettuce call the cops?

Because it was being stalked!

77.   Why did the cucumber blush?

 Because it saw the salad dressing.

78.   What did the lettuce say when it was offered a job?

 “Lettuce work together!”

79.   Why did the lettuce go to the doctor?

 Because it felt wilted.

80.   Why was the lettuce embarrassed at the party?

 Because it was overdressed.

81.   How do you make a salad laugh?

You lettuce tickle its funny bone!

82.   Why did the cucumber get a ticket?

Because it was peeling out!

83.   Why did the carrot break up with the lettuce?

 Because it was too high maintenance!

84.   What do you call lettuce that’s been in the fridge too long?

 A wilted greens!

85.  Why did the romaine lettuce refuse to go on a date?

 Because it had already been tossed around too much!

86.   What did one lettuce say to the other lettuce at the salad bar?

 We’re going to be friends until the endive!

87.   Why did the lettuce go to the doctor?

It was feeling a little green!

88.  Why did the lettuce go to the gym?

To work on its core strength!

89.   Why don’t lettuce and celery ever get into arguments?

 Because they always turn over a new leaf!

90.  What do you get when you cross a lettuce and a hamburger?

A veggie burger.


Some Final Talk

So, there you have it, folks! These lettuce jokes are sure to add some humor to your day and maybe even inspire you to get creative in the kitchen with this versatile vegetable. Don’t be afraid to lettuce know if you have any other funny lettuce jokes up your sleeve!