120+ Bewitchingly Hilarious Halloween Witch Jokes to Cast a Laughter Spell on Your Day

Looking for some Halloween-themed humor to add a touch of whimsy to your holiday celebrations? Look no further! In this blog post, we have compiled a collection of Halloween witch jokes that are sure to bring a cackle to your face. From broomstick mishaps to spellbinding punchlines, these jokes will have you cackling like a witch around the cauldron. So grab your pointy hat and get ready for some wickedly funny laughs!

Witchful Thinking: Hilarious Halloween Witch Jokes (Editor’s Pick)

1. How do witches tell time?  With a witch watch!

2. Why do witches wear name tags?  So they can remember which witch is which!

3. What do you call a witch who plays baseball?  A switch hitter!

4. How do you make a witch itch?  Take away the “w”!

5. What did the witch’s cat say to her on Halloween?  “You’re purr-fectly wicked!”

6. Why do witches always get invited to parties?  They know how to cast a spell on the guests!

7. What do witches put on their hair?  Scare-spray!

8. What do witches use to keep their hair tidy?  A scarebrush!

9. Why did the witch go to the doctor?  She was feeling a bit under the spell!

10. How do witches stay in shape?  They exercise with broom-aerobics!

11. Why did the witch join the football team?  She heard they needed a good broom-sweeper!

12. What do you get when you cross a witch and a boxer?  A witch with a punch!

13. Why was the witch’s fortune-telling business booming?  She had crystal ball-s!

14. How do you scare a witch?  You give her some witchful thinking!

Funny Jokes About Halloween Witch 

Potion Jokes: Funny Jokes About Halloween Witch

Get ready to cackle with laughter with our collection of witch jokes! Perfect for Halloween parties and trick-or-treat fun. Find the best witch puns and humor here.

15. Why did the witch wear a seatbelt?  For protection in case of broomstick turbulence!

16. What do you call a witch’s garage?  A broom closet!

17. How do you know a witch is in a bad mood?  She flies off the handle!

18. What do witches use to keep their hair in place?  Scare-spray!

19. What do you call a witch’s cat that likes to surf?  A broom shredder!

20. Why did the witch go to the doctor?  She had a spell of bad health!

21. How does a witch know what time it is?  She looks at her witch-watch!

22. What do you get when you cross a witch and a dog?  A broom-poo!

23.  Why don’t witches ride their brooms when they’re angry?  They’re afraid of flying off the handle!

24. How do witches stay safe while surfing the internet?  They use spell-check!

25. What’s a witch’s favorite subject in school?  Spelling!

26. How do you make a witch itch?  Take away the “w”!

27. What did the witch say to her cat when she stood on its tail?  “Bad luck, huh?”

28. What do you call a witch who goes to the beach but doesn’t swim?  A sand-witch!

29. How do you break a witch’s spell?  With a “witch be gone” spray!

30. How do witches tell the time?  With witch-watches and time-flying spells!

31. What pants do witches wear?  Hex-slacks!

32. Why don’t witches fight each other?  They don’t want to give each other any hex-tra credit!

One-Liner Wonders for Halloween Witch Humor

Get ready to cackle with our hilarious witch jokes and puns. These witchy one-liners are perfect for Halloween parties, jokes, and pranks. Start laughing now!

33.  What do you call two witches living together?  Broommates!

34.  Why did the witch go to school?  To improve her spell-ing!

35.  Why do witches always have smooth skin?  They use hexfoliate!

36.  What do witches put on their hair?  Scare spray!

37.  How do witches keep their hair in place?  With scare spray!

38.  What do you call a witch’s garage?  A broom closet!

39.  How do witches keep fit?  They exercise with witch aerobics!

40.  What did the witch say to the vampire at the Halloween party?  “You suck!”

41.  What happened to the witch who didn’t wear her seatbelt?  She got a broomstick ticket!

Best Halloween Witch Jokes

42.  What did the witch do when her broom broke?  She witch-hiked!

43.  How do witches stay organized?  They keep everything in cauldron-logical order!

44.  Why did the witch become a baseball player?  She had a great broom-ball swing!

45.  How do witches stay safe while surfing?  They always wear broomies!

45.  Why did the witch go to the party in her pajamas?  She wanted to sleep like a log!

46.  What did the witch say to the ghost who stole her candy?  “You’ve got some nerve!”

47.  Why don’t witches like to play hide-and-seek?  Because they’re always up to their old tricks!

48. What’s a witch’s favorite subject in school?  Spelling!

Wickedly Giggling: Adults-Only Halloween Witch Jokes

49. Why did the witch join the gym?  She wanted to keep her broomstick figure.

50. What did the witch say to the vampire at the Halloween party?  “Brew-tiful costume!”

51. Why do witches make great therapists?  They have the best “hex” advice.

52. Why did the witch invite the ghost to join her coven?  She heard he was a real “spirited” addition.

53. How did the witch get such flawless skin?  She uses a spellbinding skincare routine.

54. What did the witch say to her broomstick when it broke down?  “Sweep it off!”

55. Why do witches wear name tags?  So they can spell their names correctly during spells.

56. How does a witch practice self-care?  By brewing herbal teas and casting relaxation spells.

57. What do you call a witch who plays pranks?  A hex-ellent trickster!

58. What do you get when you cross a witch with a politician?  A spell-binding candidate.

59. Why are witches excellent secret keepers?  They’re skilled at keeping their cauldrons the witch-est secret.

60. How does a witch make her favorite potion?  By carefully eye-of-newting the ingredients.

61. What did the witch use to cure her cold?  A broom-ic remedy!

62. Why did the witch bring her vacuum cleaner to the coven meeting?  She wanted to avoid any “spell-dust.”

Halloween Witch For Adults

63. What do witches wear during hot weather?  Hexy-canes!

64.  What do witches use to style their hair?  Scarespray!

65. What do you get when you cross a witch and an owl?  Something whoo-dini!

66. Why did the witch become a meteorologist?  She loved forecasting the wicked weather.

67. How do witches keep their skin glowing? They use a potion made from moonlight and stardust.

Witchy Giggles: Halloween Witch Jokes Tailored for Kids

68  .Why did the witch go to the party?Because she heard it was going to be a “spooktacular” time!

69. What do witches put on their hair? Scare-spray!

70. What do you call two witches living together? Broommates!

71. Why did the witch become a comedian? She had a wicked sense of humor!

72. How do you make a witch scratch her nose? You don’t, you just leave her alone and let her do her own witchcraft!

73. What’s a witch’s favorite subject in school? Spelling!

74. What do you call a witch’s garage?  A broom closet!

75. How do you know when a witch is about to sneeze?  She says, “Ah-choo-dini!”

76. What do witches put in their tea? Scream and sugar!

77. Why did the witch bring a ladder to the bar? She heard the drinks were in the house!

78. How do you make a witch itchy? Take away her broom!

79. What do witches say before they eat?  Bone Appétit!

80. Why did the witch become a baseball coach? She had a great pitch!

81. How do witches keep their pants up? With an “abracadabra” belt!

82. What do you call a witch’s cat on the beach? Sandy Claws!

83.  Why do witches fly on brooms? Vacuum cleaners are too heavy!

Witchy Wordplay in Double Entendre (Halloween Witch Jokes)

84. Why did the witch break up with her broomstick boyfriend? Because he always swept her off her feet, but never really took her anywhere!

85. Why did the ghost go to the Halloween party with a witch?

Because he heard she had a bewitching personality!

86. What did the witch say to the vampire at the costume party? “Fancy meeting you here, I thought I was the only one who got a real bite out of life!”

87. Why did the witch go to therapy? She needed to address her broomstick issues and learn to sweep her problems under the rug!

88. How do you compliment a witch on her cooking? “Your spells-bury steak is simply bewitching!”

89. What do you call a witch who likes to play pranks? A hexplorer she’s always stirring up double, double, toil and trouble!

90. Why did the witch become an astronaut? She wanted to explore the galaxy and find her own “spell-ites” out there!

91. How do witches keep their hair in place? With scare-spray, of course!

92. Why did the witch go to school? To improve her spell-ing skills and learn the art of “cackle-culation”!

Pundamental Wordplay (Halloween Witch Jokes Juxtaposition)

93. Why did the witch enroll in a comedy class?  Because she wanted to brew up some laughter spells before her nightly cackling sessions!

94. What’s a witch’s favorite subject in school?  Spell-ling – she always aces it with her enchanting vocabulary!

95. Why did the ghost go to the comedy club? He heard they had a killer lineup, and he wanted to see if they could raise his spirits!

96. Why did the vampire become a stand-up comedian? He wanted to prove he could really sink his teeth into a good joke!

97. What’s a witch’s favorite comedy genre?  Hex-comedy – she loves a good laugh potion!

98. How does a witch prepare for a comedy show? By practicing her cackles and making sure her jokes have a spellbinding delivery!

Witchy Chuckles: Humerus Wordplay in Halloween Witch Jokes (Spoonerisms)

99. Why did the witch refuse to join the spooky band? Because she couldn’t stand the fright music – it made her broom shiver!

100. How does a witch answer the phone during a potion-making session? “Halloween-o? Brew are you?”

101. Why did the witch enroll in a baking class? She wanted to learn how to cast the perfect “spell-cious” treats!

102. What’s a witch’s favorite type of party?  A bewitching ball – where the spells are dancing and the brooms are twirling!

103.   Why did the witch bring a ladder to the potion-making class? Because she heard the recipe called for a “stir in the sky”!

104. How does a witch fix her furniture? With a spell-check – to make sure everything’s properly hexed!

105. Why did the witch become a stand-up comedian? She wanted to put a spell on the audience and leave them howling with laughter!

106. What did the witch say to the ghosts at the Halloween party? “Ghouls just wanna have fun – let’s dance until the witching hour!”

Witchy Delights: Punderful Wordplay in Halloween Witch Jokes (Wordplay Oxymorons)

107. Why did the witch refuse to use a broomstick for transportation? Because she thought flying in a  vacuum was a cleaner contradiction!

108. How does a witch stay positive during a thunderstorm? She casts a spell to turn lightning into her own electrifying disco!

109. Why did the witch open a bakery during a full moon? She wanted to create howl-icious pastries that were both wicked and sweet!

110. What did the witch say to her potion that tasted unexpectedly good? “Well, this brew is simply spellbindingly delicious  a true concoctiontradiction!”

111.  Why did the witch get a job as a librarian during Halloween? Because she wanted to brew up a bookishly magical atmosphere, a quiet and cackling paradox!

112. How does a witch describe her favorite spellbook? It’s both enchantingly mysterious and surprisingly spellbinding – a real page-turner!

113. What did the witch say when she accidentally turned herself into a cat? “Well, this transformation is a real purr-adox – I guess I’ve got a feline for irony!”

114. Why did the witch decide to become a gardener? She wanted to grow her own “bewitching herbs” and create a garden of magical contradictions!

115. How does a witch stay calm during a potion-making disaster?

She brews up a laughter elixir  turning the chaos into a hilarious spell of confusion!

Spellbinding Repetition: Witty Wordplay in Recursive Halloween Witch Jokes

116. Why did the witch enroll in a potion-making class? Because she wanted to brew up some magical concoctions, but the class was spellbindingly difficult!

117. What did the witch say to her broomstick when it started shedding bristles? “I guess we need to sweep this under the rug and find a more bewitching solution!”

118. Why did the witch start a garden on her broomstick?  Because she wanted to grow her own “bewitching herbs” and create a flying garden of enchantment!

119. How does a witch calm her nerves before a potion-making competition? She stirs in a pinch of humor and lets out a cackle – turning the pressure into a brewing laugh!

120. What did the witch say when her crystal ball needed polishing? “I need to see my future clearl– it’s time to put a sparkle in this clairvoyant orb!”

121. How does a witch react when her spellbook goes missing? “Oh, broomstick it! I must have left it in my spellbindingly cluttered potion room again!”

122. What did the witch say to the ghost who couldn’t scare anyone? “You need to up your boo-game – haunting is a specter-acular art, not a phantom-tomime!”

Final Thoughts

In the spirit of Halloween, why not add some laughter to your festivities with these Halloween witch jokes? Whether you’re looking to entertain friends or family, these jokes are sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face. So, gather around and share a laugh with these Halloween witch jokes.

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