100+ Best Miami Hurricane Jokes to Keep You Laughing

In the colorful landscape of college sports, few teams shine as brightly as the Miami Hurricanes. With a legacy steeped in triumphs, traditions, and a touch of tropical flair, the Hurricanes have captured the hearts of fans across the nation. Now, we invite you to join us as we celebrate the spirit of Miami Hurricanes with a collection of over 65 jokes that pay tribute to their victories, quirks, and unforgettable moments. So grab your orange and green gear, brace yourself for some laughs, and let’s dive into the fun!

Funny Miami Hurricane Jokes

1. If a Miami Hurricane scores a touchdown, but nobody posts about it on Instagram, did it really happen? 

2. Dear Hurricane, Jesus loved you before you made landfall.

3. I ain’t no Hurricane, but I can make your winds stir. 

4. Dear Hurricane, no matter how fierce you think you’re making it look…It’s still just weather. 

5. Two Miami Hurricanes walk onto a football field. 

6. The first one did it before it was trendy, and the second one did it with style.

7. I sneezed in the eye of a Hurricane and watched it spin in confusion. 

8. So a Hurricane blows into town, and well, you’ve probably never heard of it. 

9. What came first, the Hurricane or the evacuation? Push a Hurricane out to sea, …now look who’s dissipating. 

10. Hurricanes wear sunglasses during the storm, before it’s cool. 

11. Hurricanes hate calm seas. Too mainstream.

12. If a hurricane blows through Miami, and nobody’s around to feel it, will a surfer buy the soundtrack? 

13. Dear Hurricane, Jesus loved you before you made landfall in Miami. 

14. If a hurricane hits Miami, but nobody posts about it on Instagram, did it really happen? 

15. I ain’t no hurricane, but I can make your winds stir up a storm. 

16. Dear Hurricane, no matter how fierce you think you’re making it look… It’s still just weather. 

17. Two hurricanes hit Miami. The first one did it before it was trendy, and the second one did it with a Cat 5 flair. 

18. I sneezed in the eye of a hurricane in Miami and watched it spin in confusion. 

19. So a hurricane hits Miami, and, well, you’ve probably never felt winds like these. 

20. What came first, the hurricane or the evacuation plan? Push a hurricane out to sea, …now look who’s making waves.

Funny Miami Hurricane Jokes

Best Miami Hurricanes Jokes

21. Hurricanes in Miami wear sunglasses during the storm, before it’s cool. 

22. Hurricanes in Miami hate calm seas. Too mainstream.

23. Southerners don’t need umbrellas, ’cause they’ve got hurricane shutters. 

24. That awkward moment when a hurricane hits Miami and the rest of the country suddenly cares about Florida. 

25. Working for FEMA doesn’t pay much, but the evacuation benefits are out of this world. 

26. The only reason your husband likes hurricane season so much is that it’s the only time he hears.

27. Someone told him, “Wow, that’s a big storm!” If you don’t like hurricanes, then “Weather You”. 

28. If you can’t tell which way the wind is blowing, then you’re doing something righ.

29. My favorite part of summer is watching hurricanes on TV from Miami. 

30. Rain is wet, wind is wild, Miami’s skyline up, shutters down. 

31. Miami residents aren’t afraid of hurricanes. 

32. They ain’t afraid to board up their windows either. 

33. Furthermore, Miami residents don’t evacuate, they relocate. 

34. You might be from Miami if your hurricane prep mainly consists of stocking up on bottled water and batteries. 

35. Buildings never grow up, their shutters just get bigger and more expensive. 

36. When a hurricane is coming, some people evacuate, but Miami residents just throw a hurricane party.

37. You can’t have a calm day if you live in Miami during hurricane season. 

38. Hurricanes are a lot like unexpected guests. 

39. They both make a big mess and overstay their welcome. 

40. Went to a hurricane party, not a roof stayed put. 

Miami Hurricanes Football Jokes

41.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes football team start a bakery?

 Because they couldn’t stop turning over turnovers!

42.  Why do Miami Hurricanes fans bring a ladder to the game?

 So they can see their team rise above mediocrity!

43.  What do you call a Miami Hurricanes player who wins the lottery?

 A member of the practice squad.

44.   Why did the Miami Hurricanes football team go to the bank?

To get their quarterback some change!

45.  How do you confuse a Miami Hurricanes football player?

Ask him to spell “defense.”

46.  What do you call a Miami Hurricanes football player with a championship ring?

An alumnus.

47.  Why don’t Miami Hurricanes football players eat cereal?

Because they can’t seem to find the end zone!

48.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes football team go to the library?

To try and find a defense!

49.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes football team start making puzzles?

Because they’re tired of missing pieces in their offense.

50.  What’s the Miami Hurricanes’ favorite play?

The turnover.

51.  What do you call a Miami Hurricanes player who can’t catch a pass?


52.   Why did the Miami Hurricanes football team start a lawn care business?

Because they’re experts at mowing down opponents!

53.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes football team go to the movie theater?

To watch “The Longest Yard” for some defensive inspiration.

54.  What’s the difference between the Miami Hurricanes and a dumpster fire?

The dumpster fire has a better chance of winning.

55.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes football team start a band?

 So they could have someone to march them down the field.

56.  What’s the hardest part about being a Miami Hurricanes fan?

 Convincing your friends you’re not a bandwagon supporter.

57.  What’s the Miami Hurricanes’ favorite type of pizza?

 One with lots of turnovers!

58.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes football team start a bakery?

 They heard the best defense is a good roll.

Miami Hurricanes Jokes Funny

59.  Why did the Miami Hurricane player get a job as a crossing guard?

 He wanted to stop the other team from crossing the field.

60.  What’s the difference between a Miami Hurricane player and a hurricane?

A hurricane doesn’t have to worry about getting its head knocked off by a helmet.

61.  Why did the Miami Hurricane player get a job as a referee?

He wanted to make sure the other team didn’t get any calls.

62.  What’s the best way to get a Miami Hurricane player to stop talking about football?

 Tell him you’re a Notre Dame fan.

63.  What’s the difference between a Miami Hurricane player and a hurricane?

A hurricane doesn’t have to worry about getting its scholarship revoked for academic fraud.

64.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes cross the road?

 To get to the other sideline!

65.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes wear their jerseys backwards?

 They wanted to know what it was like to be ahead in the fourth quarter.

Miami Hurricanes Jokes Funny

66.  Why do Miami Hurricanes fans wear ear muffs at games?

To keep their ears warm during the long walk back to their cars after another loss.

67.  How do you know when a Miami Hurricanes football player is at your doorstep?

 They’re usually asking for directions to the nearest victory.

68.  What do you call a Miami Hurricanes player with a championship ring? A former player.

69.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes fan leave the game early?

 To beat the traffic back to reality.

70.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes team bus crash into the sewage truck?

 They wanted to know what it was like to get a real flush.

71.   What’s the difference between the Miami Hurricanes and a lightbulb?

The lightbulb will actually turn on.

72.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes mascot change from a hurricane to a palm tree?

Because even hurricanes win more games.

Funny Jokes About Miami Hurricanes

73.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes bring a ladder to the football game?

 Because they heard the opposing team had a high defense!

74.  What do you call a Miami Hurricanes fan with a Super Bowl ring? A time traveler!

75.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes basketball team bring a compass to practice?

 Because they couldn’t find their way to the basket!

76.  How do you know the Miami Hurricanes are playing a home game?

The stands are filled with fans and empty seats!

77.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes coach go to the bank?

To get his quarterback some “passing” yards!

78.   Why did the Miami Hurricanes quarterback bring a shovel to the game?

 Because he heard the defense was good at digging holes!

79.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes football team start a bakery?

 They couldn’t get any turnovers on the field, so they thought they’d try baking them instead!

80.  What do you call a Miami Hurricanes player with a championship ring?

A collector’s item!

81.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes football team go to the bank?

 To get their quarterback some pocket change!

82.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes fan bring a ladder to the basketball game?

Because they wanted to see the team reach new heights!

83.  What’s the difference between the Miami Hurricanes and a mosquito?

The mosquito stops sucking after you slap it!

84.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes basketball team bring a map to the game?

Because they kept getting lost in the paint!

85.  How do you make a Miami Hurricanes fan’s day?

 Give them a mirror, so they have a chance to see a champion!

86.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes player go to art school?

 To learn how to draw a better defense!

87.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes basketball team go to the bakery?

 They wanted to learn how to make turnovers!

88.  What do you call a Miami Hurricanes player who gets all A’s? A transfer student!

89.  Why did the Miami Hurricanes change their team name to the “Miami Zephyrs”?

Because they wanted something that accurately represents their speed and power nonexistent!

Miami hurricanes shirts Funny

90. Miami Hurricanes: Where the weather’s unpredictable, but our team’s not!

91. I survived a Miami Hurricanes game and all I got was this sweaty shirt!”

92. Category 5 Hurricane Warning: Miami Hurricanes Fan on the Loose!”

93. Even Miami’s palm trees envy our swagger – Go ‘Canes!”

94. In Miami, we don’t just wear shirts, we wear ‘Canes pride!”

95. Orange and green are the new black – Miami Hurricanes style!”

96. Miami Hurricanes: Making waves and winning games, one shirt at a time!”

Funny hurricane memes florida

97.”Florida: Where hurricane parties are just as essential as hurricane supplies.”

98.”When the weather forecast says ‘Category 5,’ but you’re only prepared for ‘Category Netflix and Chill.'”

99.”Florida residents be like, ‘Is it hurricane season or just another Tuesday?'”

100.”Hurricane: approaches Floridians: ‘Time to put on our swim trunks and snorkels!'”

101.”In Florida, hurricanes are just nature’s way of giving us an excuse to break out the blender for ‘storm-margaritas.'”

102.”When you’ve been through so many hurricanes that your hurricane kit includes a selfie stick.”

103. “Florida’s ultimate test of friendship: Can your buddy help you put up hurricane shutters without ending up in a ‘Category 5’ argument?”

Hurricane and snowstorm jokes

104.”Hurricanes and snowstorms are like nature’s versions of ‘Hot and Cold’ – one’s all wind and rain, the other’s all snow and ice!”

105.”Why did the snowstorm invite the hurricane to its party? Because it heard hurricanes really know how to make a splash!”

106.”When a hurricane and a snowstorm met, they said, ‘You bring the chaos, I bring the chill – together, we’re a weather-themed superhero duo!'”

107.”Hurricanes and snowstorms should open a restaurant together – they already know how to serve up ‘stormy’ weather!”

Hurricane and snowstorm jokes

108.”What did the snowstorm say to the hurricane? ‘You think your wind is strong? Try dealing with my icy stares!'”

109.”If a hurricane and a snowstorm ever had a dance-off, who would win? The audience, because they’d have a front-row seat to the ultimate weather showdown!”

110. “Why did the hurricane and snowstorm decide to collaborate on a movie? Because they wanted to create the perfect storm – and a blockbuster hit!”

Florida jokes one liners

111. “In Florida, summer is just nature’s way of saying, ‘Welcome to the sauna!'”

112. “Florida weather: where the forecast is as unpredictable as your neighbor’s pet alligator.”

113. “You know you’re in Florida when the mosquitoes have a better social life than you do!”

114. “Florida: where we have two seasons – summer and slightly less summer.”

115. “Why did the Florida man bring a ladder to the bar? He heard the drinks were on the house!”

116. “In Florida, we don’t tan; we marinate.”

117. “Florida: the only place where ‘winter’ means putting on long pants instead of shorts.”

Jokes about miami beach

118.”Why did the sand blush at Miami Beach? Because the sea-weed!”

119.”Miami Beach is the only place where ‘beach body ready’ means you have sunscreen and a swimsuit.”

120.”At Miami Beach, even the seagulls have better dance moves than most people.”

121. “What did the ocean say to the beach at Miami? ‘You shore look good today!'”

122. “In Miami Beach, the waves might wash away your sandcastle, but the memories are built to last!”

123. Why don’t Miami Beach locals ever get lost? Because they always know which way the beach is!”

124. Miami Beach where the sunsets are as stunning as the parking prices are shocking!”

Some Final Talk

As the excitement of football season unfolds, Miami Hurricanes Jokes take center stage, bringing a delightful dose of humor to sports enthusiasts. With their clever wit and playful banter, these jokes celebrate the team’s victories and quirky moments, leaving fans with smiles on their faces.

So, as the game-day fervor continues, let’s savor the laughter and amusement that Miami Hurricanes Jokes bring to the vibrant world of sports fandom.

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