68+ Scarecrow Dad Jokes 2023

As Halloween approaches, it’s time to start thinking about costumes and decorations. But what about jokes? If you’re looking for a way to bring some humor to your spooky season, look no further than the Scarecrow Dad Jokes.

First things first, what is a scarecrow? It’s a figure made to resemble a human, usually stuffed with straw or other materials, that is placed in fields to scare away birds.

But in the world of dad jokes, the scarecrow is much more than that. It’s a source of endless puns and silly one-liners that will have you groaning and giggling at the same time. Here are just a few examples of Scarecrow Dad Jokes:

Funny Scarecrow Dad Jokes

1.    Why did the scarecrow win an award?

 Because he was outstanding in his field!

2.   What did the scarecrow say when the birds asked him if he had a brain?

“I’m all straw, no brains!”

3.   Why did the scarecrow go on a diet?

Because he wanted to become a little lighter!

4.   Why did the scarecrow go to the doctor?

Because he was feeling a little stuffed up!

5.   Why did the scarecrow put a bell on his hat?

 So he could hear his crops ringing

6.  What do you call a scarecrow that’s good at math

A count-crow!

7.   What did the scarecrow say to the farmer?

 “Hay there!”

8.   Why did the scarecrow get promoted?

 Because he was outstanding in his field!

9.    Why did the scarecrow take a break?

 He needed some time to chill- Corn.

10.    Why did the scarecrow go to the movies alone?

Because he didn’t have any corn pinions!

 12.   What did the scarecrow use when he wanted to jump over a fence?

 He used his corny meters!

13.  Why did the scarecrow win the award?

 Because he was outstanding in his field!

14.    What did the scarecrow say when his friends asked him why he was so late?

Corny- I took a wrong turn at the cornfield!

15.   What did the scarecrow say when it saw a cornfield?

 “This is ‘caw’-n of my wildest dreams!”

16.   What did the scarecrow say on Thanksgiving?

“Cobble my way home!”

17.   Why was the scarecrow afraid of the storm?

Because he had a lot of grain damage!

18.   What do you call a group of scarecrows performing a play?

A straw-tacular!

19.   Why did the scarecrow need a vacation?

Because he was feeling burnt out!

20.   Why did the scarecrow always wear a hat?

To cover up his bald patch

Dad Jokes Scarecrow

If you need a good laugh or just want to share some corny jokes with your friends, Scarecrow Dad Jokes are the perfect choice.

So grab a glass of milk and a plate of cookies and get ready to laugh until you cry. These jokes are so corny, they’re a-maize-ing!

21.   What did the scarecrow say when he was asked why he didn’t have a hat?

“Hat napping is a crime!”

22.   What did the scarecrow say to the bird?

 “Hey, how do I look?

 I’m outstanding in my field!”

23.   What do you call a scarecrow who’s good at his job?

 Outstanding in his field.

24.   How does a scarecrow drink coffee?

With a straw.

25.   What do you call a scarecrow that does magic tricks?

 The Great Caphoenius.

26.   What’s a scarecrow’s favorite fruit?


27.   Why did the scarecrow go to the beach?

 To get some strawberries..

28.   Why did the scarecrow go to the doctor?

 He was feeling corny.

29.   Why was the Scarecrow such a great singer?

 He had a lot of straw-to.

30.   What did the scarecrow say to the wind?

 Nothing, he just waved.

31.   Why did the scarecrow cross the road?

 To get to the farmer’s market.

32.   Why don’t scarecrows ever tell dad jokes?

 Because they have no people!

33.   Why did the scarecrow join the baseball team?

 He heard they needed a good outfielder.

34.    What did the scarecrow say to the farmer?

 “Hay, it’s nice to be appreciated

Dad Jokes Scarecrow

Best Scarecrow Dad Jokes

The Best Way to Keep Your Fields Laughing If you’re a farmer or just someone who enjoys spending time in the great outdoors, there’s a good chance you’ve encountered a scarecrow.

These straw-filled figures are designed to keep pesky birds away from your crops, but they also have another important function: they make great subjects for dad jokes!

35.   What did the scarecrow say to the corn?

 “Hey, watch out for that farmer. He’s got a kernel of anger in him.”

36.    Why did the scarecrow go to the Wizard of Oz?

 To ask for some strawberry fields.

37.    What do you call a scarecrow that works at a circus?

A hay-ringleader.

38.   What’s a scarecrow’s favorite type of fruit?

Strawberries, because they’re berry scary!

39.    How does a scarecrow keep its hair in place?

 With scare-spray.

40.   What do you call a scared crow?

 A scaredy-cat-crow.

41.    Why did the scarecrow take a break from farming

He needed to unwind and let off some straw-m.

42.   What do you call a group of scarecrows?

 A field of dreams.

43.   What do you call a scarecrow that’s good at math?

 A geometree.

44.   What do you call a scarecrow that’s always dancing?

 A hoedown scarecrow.

45.   Why do scarecrows never have to go to the gym?

 Because they’re always in great shape—straw-ripped!

46.   What do you get when you cross a scarecrow and a snowman?

Frosty the Scare-Snow.

47.   Why did the scarecrow get promoted?

 Because he was outstanding in his scare field

48.   Why did the scarecrow win an award?

 Because he was outstanding in his field!

49.    What do you call a scarecrow that’s good at math?

 A Cal-cu-LAw!

50.    Why did the scarecrow win an award?

Because he was outstanding in his field!

51.   Why did the scarecrow win an award?

Because he was outstanding in his field!

52.   Why didn’t the scarecrow win an award?

 He was too scared to enter.

Outstanding Scarecrow Jokes

53.    What did the scarecrow win in the contest?

The award for outstanding crows!

54.    What do you call a scarecrow who’s always telling bad jokes?


55.   What did the scarecrow win at the fair?

 The Outstanding Crop Award!

56.   How do you make a scarecrow laugh?

You tickle his hay.

57.   What does a scarecrow do on Halloween?

 He goes to the cornfield party.

58.   Why do scarecrows never win an argument

? Because they always straw their points.

59.   Why did the scarecrow go to school?

To get a degree in agriculture!

60.   How do scarecrows send letters?

 By scare-mail.

61.   “What do you get when you cross a scarecrow and a pumpkin?

A straw-man-o-lantern!

62.   Why did the scarecrow get a job at the circus

Because he was an expert in straw tactics.

63.   Why did the scarecrow take up yoga?

To learn how to stand still for longer periods of time.

64.   What do you call a scarecrow that can play the guitar?

A string bean.

65.   Why did the scarecrow break up with his girlfriend?

 Because she said he was too stiff.

66.   Why did the scarecrow go to the dance?

Because he heard it was a hoedown.

67.   How does a scarecrow become popular?

 He becomes corny!

68.   What’s the scarecrow’s favorite type of music?


Outstanding Scarecrow Jokes

Scarecrow Dad Jokes for Adults

69.Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field, just like my dad jokes!

70.Why don’t scarecrows ever make good comedians? Because they’re all straw-men with no sense of humor!

71.Did you hear about the scarecrow who got promoted at work? He was outstanding in his new position, just like he is in the field!

72.Why did the scarecrow become a successful motivational speaker? Because he knew how to stand tall and inspire others, even with a head full of hay!

73.What did the scarecrow say to the cornstalk? “You’re outstanding in your stalk-tivities!”

74.How do scarecrows communicate? They use a “corn-ference” call to discuss their field-related issues!

75.Why did the scarecrow become a weather forecaster? Because he could always tell when a storm was coming—he had a sixth sense for “hay-drology”!

Scarecrow Pick Up Lines

76.”Are you a crow? Because when I see you, all I want to do is scare-crow away and spend some time with you.”

77.”Is your name Dorothy? Because you’ve got me clicking my heels and thinking there’s no place like your side.”

78″Are you a farmer? Because I’d love to guard your field and protect it from anything that tries to steal your heart.”

79.”Do you believe in love at first scare? Because when I saw you, my heart skipped a beat.”

80.”Are you made of straw? Because you’ve certainly got me feeling a little ‘hay’-zy with your beauty.”

81.”Is your smile brighter than the sun? Because it’s making my days in this field a whole lot sunnier.”

82.”If I were a crow, I’d happily risk getting scared away just to perch on your shoulder and be close to you.”

Scarecrow Wizard of Oz Joke

83.Why was the scarecrow so good at math in the Wizard of Oz? Because he had a lot of “brain” to work with!

84.Did you hear about the scarecrow who auditioned for a role in The Wizard of Oz? He thought it was a “straw-tling” performance!

85.What did the scarecrow say to the Tin Man when he asked for advice on love? “Follow your heart, not your rust!”

86.Why did the Wicked Witch of the West hate the scarecrow the most? Because he was outstanding in his field and always gave her corn-y jokes!

Scarecrow Wizard of Oz Joke

87.How does the scarecrow like to relax after a long day in Oz? He enjoys watching “straw”-dramas on the Emerald City TV!

88.What do you call it when the scarecrow takes a nap in the cornfield? A “hay”-cation!

89.Why did the scarecrow become friends with Dorothy and her companions so quickly? Because he realized they were all in “straw-ng” company on their journey!

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re planning to dress up as a scarecrow for Halloween or just want to add some humor to your fall decor, these jokes are sure to bring a smile to your face.

And if you’re a dad, well, you know that there’s nothing quite like a good dad jokes to make your kids roll their eyes and laugh at the same time. So go ahead, give these Scarecrow Dad Jokes a try. Who knows, you might just end up being the life of the party or the pumpkin patch.

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