120+ Jokes About Being Thicc

Laugh out loud with jokes about being thicc! From funny memes to hilarious one-liners, these jokes about being thick will make you chuckle. Whether you’re looking for a good laugh or want to make your friends giggle, this is the perfect collection for you!

Best Jokes About Being Thicc

1.    “Why did the thicc chicken cross the road?

 To show off her curves.”

2.    “Why don’t thicc people need jackets in the winter?

They’ve got their own insulation.”

3.    “How do you know if someone is thicc?

When there’s more of them to love.”

4.    “What did the thicc person say when they saw the scale?

‘I thought you said this was a weighing machine!’”

5.     What do you call a thicc person at the beach?

 A sandy bottom!

6.    What do you call a thicc person at a roller coaster?

 A full-figured thrill ride!

7.     What do you call a thicc person in the pool?

A deep end!

8.     What do you call a thicc person eating a hot dog?

A chubby wiener!

9.    What do you call a thicc person cooking breakfast?

 A hearty breakfast chef!

10.    What do you call a thicc person at the gym?

 A heavyweight lifter!

11.     What do you call a thicc person on the dance floor?

  A bodacious boogie!

12.    “What did the thicc girl say when her friend asked why she was always eating?

 ‘It’s not that I’m always eating, it’s just that I never stop.'”

13.    “Why did the thicc girl cross the road?

To get to the buffet on the other side!”

14.    “What do you call a thicc girl with a flat stomach?

  A miracle!”

15.    “Why did the thicc girl keep walking in circles?

 She was looking for her waist!”

16.    “What did the thicc girl say when the waiter asked if she wanted anything else?

 ‘I’m full, but I could always go for seconds!'”

17.    “Why did the thicc girl go to the gym?

 To make sure she had a good cardio workout!”

18.    “Why did the thicc girl go to the beach?

 To show off her curves of course!”

19.    “Why did the thicc girl always eat healthy food?

  Because she wanted to stay fit and fabulous!”

20.    What do you call a thicc woman who loves to eat?

A Cheat Heep!

21.    How do you know if a woman is thicc?

 She has a waist that won’t quit!

22.    What do you call a thicc woman who loves to dance?

 A Booty Shaker!

23.    What do you call a thicc woman who loves to shop?

 A Bargain Hunter!

24.    What do you call a thicc woman who loves to travel?

 A Curvy Explorer!

25.    What do you call a thicc woman who loves to work out?

 A Fitness Diva!

26.    What did the thicc girl say when she saw the buffet?

 “Help yourself!”

27.    What did the thicc girl say when she saw the salad bar?

 “All I see is cream and butter!”

28.    What did the thicc girl say when she saw the gym?

 “Is that an ice cream shop?”

29.    What did the thicc girl say when she was asked to do squats?

 “I’m already doing them!”

30.    What did the thicc girl say when she saw the treadmill?

 “I thought it was a luxury car!”

31.    What did the thicc girl say when she saw the yoga mat?

“Is that where you put your food?”

32.    What do you call a thicc person who keeps their curves in check?

 A waist-watcher!

33.    What do you call a thicc person who needs a break?

 A rest-stop!

34.    What do you call a thicc person who loves to dance?

 A hip-hopper!

35.    What do you call two thicc people walking hand-in-hand?

 A double-wide!

36.    How do you know when a thicc person is really happy?

 When they’re smiling from ear to ear!

Best Jokes About Being Thicc

Funny Jokes About Being Thicc

What better way to make light of our curves, quirks, and jiggles? We all have our own unique shape and size, and that’s something to be celebrated, not shamed. So why not make some jokes about it? Here are a few of our favorite Being Thicc Jokes:

37.    What do you call a group of average people?

A mediocre bunch.

38.    Why did the average person start a blog?

To share their average thoughts with the world.

39.    Why did the average person become a stand-up comedian?

 To tell average jokes to average audiences.

40.    What do you call an average musician?

A one-hit wonder.

41.    Why did the average person become an accountant?

 To crunch average numbers all day long.

42.    What do you call an average athlete?

A benchwarmer.

43.    Why did the average person choose a plain vanilla ice cream cone?

Because it’s the most average flavor.

44.    What do you call an average party?

A snooze-fest.

45.    Why did the average person choose a middle-of-the-road car?

 Because it’s the most average model.

46.    What do you call an average office worker?

A clock-puncher.

47.    Why did the average person choose a neutral color for their walls?

 Because it’s the most average shade.

48.    What do you call an average chef?

 A recipe follower.

49.    Why did the average person choose a basic cable package?

 Because it’s the most average option.

50.    What do you call an average performer?

 A warm-up act.

52.    Why did the average person choose a regular coffee?

 Because it’s the most average type.

53.     What do you call an average writer?

 A wordsmith in training.

54.     How do you know if a woman is thicc?

 She has a waist that won’t quit!

55.     What do you call a thicc woman who loves to dance?

 A Booty Shaker!

56.     What do you call a thicc woman who loves to shop?

A Bargain Hunter!

57.     What do you call a thicc woman who loves to travel?

 A Curvy Explorer!

58.     What do you call a thicc woman who loves to work out?

 A Fitness Diva!

59.     What did the thicc girl say when she saw the buffet?

“Help yourself!”

60.    What did the thicc girl say when she saw the salad bar?

 “All I see is cream and butter!”

61.    What did the thicc girl say when she saw the gym?

 “Is that an ice cream shop?”

62.     What did the thicc girl say when she was asked to do squats?

 “I’m already doing them!”

63.     What did the thicc girl say when she saw the treadmill?

 “I thought it was a luxury car!”

64.    What did the thicc girl say when she saw the yoga mat?

“Is that where you put your food?”

65 .    What do you call a thicc person who keeps their curves in check?

A waist-watcher!

66.    What do you call a thicc person who needs a break?

 A rest-stop!

67.    What do you call a thicc person who loves to dance?

 A hip-hopper!

68.    What do you call two thicc people walking hand-in-hand?

A double-wide!

69.    How do you know when a thicc person is really happy?

 When they’re smiling from ear to ear!

Jokes About Being Too Organized

70.    What did the hipster say when his friend asked him why he was so organized?

 “It’s what separates us from the chaos!”

71.    Why did the overly organized person go to bed with their shoes on?

 Because they didn’t want to waste time in the morning looking for them!

72.    Why did the overly organized person order alphabet soup?

 So they could put it in ABC order when they ate it!

73.    Why did the overly organised person throw away all their drawers?

 Because they had everything neatly stored in filing cabinets!

74.    Why did the OCD person throw away her coffee mug?

 Because it wasn’t in alphabetical order.

75.    Why did the organised person paint their house in numerical order?

So they could count on a work well done!

76.    What do you call an organized person who never forgets anything?

 A Control-Freak!

77.     Why did the organised person cross the road?

 To get to the other side… in alphabetical order!

78.    Why did the overly organized student bring an eraser to school?

 So he could erase any mistakes in his perfect plans!

79.    What did the organised person do when their pen ran out of ink?

 They planned ahead and had a backup!

80.    How do you organise an orderly kitchen?

 Use alphabetized spices!

81.    Why did the organised person wax their floor?

 So they could have a place to put all of their labels!

82.    What do you call someone who is always on time?

 An organised anarchist

83.    What did the overly organised person say when asked if they’d join a basketball team?

 No, because I heard there would be too much running around!

84.    Why did the overly organised person win first prize?

Because they had everything in alphabetical order!

85.     What do you call someone who’s very organised?

A Control-Freak Master!

86.    Why did the overly organised person take a map to the grocery store?

 So they wouldn’t get lost and forget which aisle had what!

87.     Why was the organised person always in such a rush?

 Because they wanted to stay one step ahead of their own plans.

88.    What did the organised leprechaun say?

 “I’m all over my filing system!”

89.    What did the highly organised person say when they found themselves late to their appointment?

 “I must have missed a step!”

Jokes About Being Awkward

90.    “Did you hear about the awkward guy who couldn’t make any friends?

  He had to settle for a ‘distant acquaintance’!”

91.     “Why did the awkward person cross the road?

 To get away from the conversation!”

92.    “What did the awkward person say when they weren’t sure what to do?


93.     “What do you call an awkward person who can’t talk?

 A mute!”

94.     Why did the awkward person refuse to look at their phone?

They didn’t want to accidentally make eye contact with Siri.

95.    What did the awkward person say to the wall?

  “Um, excuse me, sorry to bother you, but could you move a little to the left? You’re making me uncomfortable.”

96.     Why did the awkward person wear noise-canceling headphones to a party?

So they wouldn’t have to hear anyone asking them to dance.

97.     Why did the awkward person go to a Halloween party dressed as a ghost?

 So they could blend in and not have to talk to anyone.

98.    Why did the awkward person join a support group for people with social anxiety?

 They didn’t want to go alone.

99.     What did the awkward person say when someone tried to start a conversation with them?

 “Oh, sorry, I wasn’t expecting anyone to talk to me.”

100.     Why did the awkward person avoid making eye contact with their crush?

 They didn’t want to accidentally turn into a tomato.

101.     Why did the awkward person walk into a pole?

  They were too busy trying to avoid eye contact with someone walking towards them.

102.     Why did the awkward person keep asking for a do-over in a game of charades?

 They couldn’t get the hang of acting without feeling self-conscious.

Jokes About Being Awkward

103.     Why did the awkward person struggle to order food at a restaurant?

 They didn’t want to sound too picky or annoying.

104.     Why did the awkward person feel uncomfortable at a party?

They didn’t know where to put their hands.

105.     Why did the awkward person avoid making small talk?

 They were afraid of saying something embarrassing.

106.     What did the awkward person say when someone complimented their outfit?

  “Thanks, I’m just trying to blend in.”

107.    Why did the awkward person struggle to make plans with friends?

  They didn’t want to be the one to suggest something weird or boring.

108.    Why did the awkward person have trouble hailing a taxi?

 They didn’t want to be too aggressive or too passive.

109.     Why did the awkward person have trouble using public restrooms?

 They didn’t want to make any noise or draw attention to themselves.

110.     Why did the awkward person struggle to say goodbye to someone?

 They didn’t want to come across as too clingy or too distant.

111.     What did the awkward person say when someone asked if they wanted to hang out?

  “Uh, sure, if you want to. I mean, if it’s not too much trouble.”

112.     Why did the awkward person struggle to make eye contact during job interviews?

 They didn’t want to come across as too eager or too nervous.

113.     What did the awkward person say when someone asked how their day was going?

“Oh, you know, just trying to avoid any awkward situations.”

Cute Jokes About Being Thicc

Being Thicc is a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, you get to enjoy all the perks that come with having curves, but on the other hand, it can be a source of humor for others. We all know that laughter is the best medicine, right?

Well, if you’re looking for a good laugh here are some of the best jokes about being thicc. Enjoy!

114.     What did the awkward person say when they bumped into someone?

 “Excuse me…I didn’t mean to thicc you.”

115.     What did the awkward person do when they realised they were thicc?

 They turned around and walked the other way.

116.    What do thick people do at the gym?

  They take the elevator up, then take the elevator back down!”

117.     Why did the thicc person cross the road?

  Because they couldn’t fit between the cars!”

118.     How can you tell if someone is thicc?

  Try to find them a seat in the cinema  if you can’t, then you know they’re thicc!”

119.     What do you call Donkey Kong’s thick sister?

BaDonky Kong.

120.     Why did the thicc girl cross the road?

She wanted to go to the other side of the street to show off her curves!

121.      What did the thicc girl say when she tried on a pair of jeans?

“I don’t think these are going to fit…but I’ll take them anyway!”

122.    What do you call a thicc person when they’re trying to get up the stairs?

 A stair-master!

123.    What did the thicc person say when their mom told them to clean their room?

  “Let me get a bigger mop!”

124 .     What did the thicc person say when their friend asked if they wanted to go for a run?

  “I’d rather roll!”

125.     Why do thicc people always win at hide and seek?

  Because they have more places to hide!

126.     What did the thicc person say when their friend asked if they wanted to go for a swim?

 “I think I’ll just float!”

127.     Why did the thicc person join the circus?

 So they could be the big top!

128.     What did the thicc person say when they saw their reflection in the mirror?

  “Now that’s what I call THICC!”

129.     How does a thicc person order food?

 “I’ll take the whole menu!”

130.     How do you know if someone is thicc?

 If you can’t see their waistline.

131.    What do you call a thicc person in a swimming pool?

 A hot tub.

132.     What did the thicc girl say when she saw the salad bar?

 “I’ll have everything.”

133.     Why did the thicc girl go to the gym?

 To lift her spirits.

134.     What did the thicc girl say after finishing her ice cream sundae?

 “I’m feeling myself!”

135.     What did the thicc girl do when she got a promotion?

 She showed off her curves.

136.     What did the thicc girl do when she saw her reflection in the mirror?

She said, “I love the way I look!”

137.     What did the thicc girl say after eating an entire pizza?

 “That was delicious!”

138.     What did the thicc girl do after eating a donut?

 She said

139.     What did the thicc woman say when she saw the thinner woman shopping for clothes?

 You’re looking fab thicc!

140.     What did the thicc woman say when she saw the thinner woman at the beach?

 You’re looking beach thicc!

141.     Why did the thicc woman take the elevator instead of the stairs?

 Because she had too much thickness to climb them!

142.      What did the thicc woman say when she saw the thinner woman walking her dog?

You’re looking pup thicc!

143.     What did the thicc woman say when she saw the thinner woman eating a salad?

You’re looking for salad thicc!

144.     What did the thicc woman say when she saw the thinner woman getting a massage?

 You’re looking for a massage thicc!

145.     What did the thicc woman say when she saw the thinner woman at the spa?

 You’re looking spa thicc!

Unique Jokes About Being Thicc

146.     “Why did the thicc girl order a large pizza?

Because she wanted to feel like a medium.”

147.    What did the thicc girl say when she saw a guy with a six-pack?

 I’ll have what he’s having.”

148.    What do you call someone who is too thicc?

 A “Butter Bun”! Or how about this one:

149.    What do you call someone who is so thicc they can’t even fit in their clothes?

  An “Overstuffed Teddy Bear”!

150.    Who is so thicc, they’re like a human pillow?

 A “Cushion”!

151.   Why did the thicc girl cross the road?

 To get to the buffet on the other side!

152.     What did the thicc girl say when she saw her reflection in the mirror?

 Whoa, I look good!

Unique Jokes About Being Thicc

153.     What did the thicc girl say when she finally fit into her skinny jeans?

 It’s about time!

154.     What did the thicc girl say when she heard a compliment about her curves?

 Thanks, I work hard for them!

155.     What did the thicc girl say when she was asked to go on a diet?

 No thank you, I like my curves!

156.     What did the thicc girl say when she saw a new pair of shoes she wanted?

 I’ll take two!

157.     What did the thicc girl say when she saw a sign that said

“No Thicc Girls Allowed”?

158.    What do you call a thick person who can’t stop eating?

 A bottomless pit!”

159.     What do you call a thicc person when they’re on the move?

 A rolling stone!”

160.     What do you call a thicc person when they’re in the shower?

 A wet blanket!”

161.    What do you call a thicc person who loves to party?

 A thicc-y boi!

162.     Why did the thicc person cross the road?

 To get to the buffet on the other side!

163.     What do you call a thicc person who’s always late?

  A thicctual offender!

164:     What did the two thicc people say when they saw each other?

  “Thicc up!”

165.     What did the thicc person say when they saw a scale?

 “Don’t even think about it!”

166.     What did the donut say to the thicc girl?

I’m feeling a little jelly!

167.     What do you call a thicc girl in a mini-skirt?

 A thicc-er wheel!

168.     What did the thicc person say when they saw a marathon?

 “I’ll pass.”

169.     What did the thicc person say when they saw a salad?

“Where’s the dressing?”

170.     What did the thicc person say when they saw a diet book?

“Do I have to?”

171.    What did the thicc person say when they saw a treadmill?

  “Is it an escalator?”

Short Jokes About Being Thicc

172.”I’m not chubby; I’m just ‘thicc’ with extra confidence!”

173.”They say ‘thicc’ thighs save lives. Well, mine are on a mission!”

174.”When I asked for a ‘thicc’ shake, I didn’t expect it to have curves!”

175.”Why do ‘thicc’ people make great bakers? They always bring the ‘buns’ to the party!”

176.”I’m not fat; I’m just ‘thicc’ enough to have my own gravitational pull.”

177.”My doctor said I should go on a diet, but I told him I’m just living life in ‘thicc’ mode!”

178.”Being ‘thicc’ means you’re not afraid to take up space—literally and figuratively!”

Funniest Fat Jokes Ever

Certainly! Here are seven light-hearted lines about the concept of being “thick”:

179.”I’m not skinny, I’m just ‘thick’ with awesomeness!”

180.”Life’s too short to worry about your waistline—embrace the ‘thick’ of things!”

181.”Why be thin when you can be ‘thick’ enough to have your own gravitational pull?”

182.”They say ‘thick’ thighs save lives, but mine are on a mission to steal hearts!”

183.”I’m not heavy; I’m ‘thick’ enough to withstand life’s curveballs.”

184.”My fitness goal? To be ‘thick’ enough to break the internet, not a sweat!”

185.”In a world of trends, being ‘thick’ is a timeless classic!”

Some Final Talk

Jokes about being thicc are a great way to have a good laugh and make light of a serious topic. Being thicc is nothing to be ashamed of, and jokes about it can help break down the stigma of body positivity. Whether you’re thicc or not, these jokes are sure to bring a smile to your face and remind you that it’s okay to be yourself.

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