90+ Hilarious Jokes About Worms

Worms may not be the most glamorous creatures in the animal kingdom, but they certainly have their fair share of jokes and humor associated with them.

From their wriggly bodies to their slimy texture, worms are a great source of laughter and entertainment. Here are some of the best jokes about worms:

Funny Jokes About Worms

1.   What did the worm say when it was feeling blue?

I’m down in the dumps!

2.   What did the worm say when it bumped into a wall?

“Ouch, I’m so segmented!”

3.   What did the worm say when he saw a huge apple?

 “Oh boy! That looks juicy and delicious!”

4.   What did the worm say when he was late?

 I’m so sorry, I worms out of time!

5.   Why did the worm cross the street?

To get to the apple juice bar!

6.   Why did the worm go to the bar?

 Because he was looking for a ‘lil twist

7.   Why did the worm cross the playground?

 To get to the other slide.

8.   What do you call a worm that chews up paper?

A bookworm.

9.   What did the worm say to the other worm who wouldn’t share his apple?

“You’re being un-a-peel-ing.”

10.   How does a worm take a selfie?

With an apple camera.

11.   What do you call a worm who works as a secret agent?

 A spy-deworm.

12.   Why did the worm feel sick?

 He had a case of the apple-core.

13.   What did the worm say to the apple?

“You’re the apple of my eye.”

14.   Why don’t worms ever get into trouble with the law?

Because they know how to worm their way out of any situation.

15.   How do you measure a worm’s length?

In worm inches.

16.   Why did the worm go to the doctor?

He was feeling a little bit squirmy.

17.   What did the worm say when he was asked if he wanted to go on a fishing trip?

 “Sure, I’ll just worm my way onto the boat.”

18.   How does a worm make a computer?

By using an apple worm.

19.   Why did the worm get a job as a football player?

 He was great at worming his way through the defense.

20.   What do you call a worm that can’t turn left?

 A right worm.

21.   What do you call a worm that doesn’t have a home?

 A homeless worm.

22.   Why did the worm refuse to come out of his apple?

 He was afraid of getting wormed.

Dad Jokes About Worms

23.    Why was the worm so embarrassed?

 He realized he had made a grave-yard mistake.

24.   What did the worm say when he saw his shadow?

 I’m just a little wriggly.

25.    Why don’t worms get invited to parties?

 Because they always leave a bad apple behind.

26.   What did the earthworm say when it saw two birds?

“Worm your way out of this one!”

27.    What did the worm say when it had to go back in its hole?

 Aww, man-it’s wriggling time again!

28.   Why don’t worms ever tell jokes?

 Because they’re afraid of getting laughs!

29.   Why don’t worms play musical instruments?

 Because they don’t have enough gutstrings!

30.   Why do worms need lawyers?

 Because they’re always getting into legal skirmishes.

31.  Did you hear about the worm that got into a fight with another worm?

 It was a real knock-down, drag-out squirmish!

33.   Why did the gummy worm get a job at the bank?

It wanted to earn a little extra dough.

33.   Why do worms love computers?

Because they’re always online!

34.   What do you call a worm that plays golf?

 A worm burner!

35.   Why do worms make great pets?

 Because they’re low maintenance, and they never bite!

36.   What do you call a worm that’s a snappy dresser?

A worm in a tuxedo!

37.   Why did the worm cross the playground?

 To get to the other slide!

38.   What do you get when you cross a worm and a snake?

A really long worm!

39.   Why don’t worms have noses?

Because they breathe through their skin!

40.   Why do worms like to read the newspaper?

 To find out what’s in the compost!

41.   How does a worm measure its length?

In inches or centi-metres!

42.   What do you call a worm that plays the piano?

A wormphony!

43.   Why do worms make bad detectives?

 Because they’re always following the wrong leads!

44.   How do worms get around?

They inch their way through life!

45.   What do you call a worm that’s a great singer?

 A wormstar!

46.   Why do worms make terrible pets for fish?

Because they keep getting hooked!

47.   What do you call a worm that can fly?

A wigglecopter!

48.   Why did the worm get a job at a computer company?

 Because he was good at debugging!

Jokes About Gummy Worms

Worms may not be the most glamorous creatures on the planet, but they sure do make for some hilarious jokes.

Whether you’re a fan of puns or more into witty one-liners, there’s a worm joke out there for everyone. So sit back, relax, and get ready to laugh with these jokes about worms.

49.   What do gummy worms love to do for fun?

 Go wiggling!

50.    What do gummy worms love most?

 Crawlin’ around and makin’ sick beats!

51.   How do you make a gummy worm laugh?

Tickling its sweet spot!

52.   What do you call a group of gummy worms?

 A squirm.

53.   What’s a gummy worm’s favorite game?


54.   How do you catch a gummy worm?

With a candy hook and a sweet line.

55.   Why did the gummy worm buy a new car?

It wanted to drive faster than the snails.

56.   What’s a gummy worm’s favorite hobby?

 Going fishing with candy bait.

57.   Why did the gummy worm get a job at the bank?

It wanted to earn a little extra dough.

58.   What’s a gummy worm’s favorite movie?

 The Lion Gummy Worm.

59.   How do you know if a gummy worm is happy?

It wiggles and jiggles with delight.

60.   What did the gummy worm say when it got a job as a chef?

 I’m finally in the sweet life.

61.   Why did the gummy worm start wearing glasses?

It was having trouble seeing things in a sour light.

62.   How do you keep a gummy worm from getting too cold

? You give it a warm embrace.

63.   What’s a gummy worm’s favorite song?

 “The Candy Man” by Sammy Davis Jr.

64.   Why did the gummy worm go to school?

 To get its degree in candyology.

65.   What do you call a gummy worm that loves to dance?

 The Worminator.

66.   Why did the gummy worm break up with its girlfriend

 She was too clingy.

67.   How do you know when a gummy worm is scared?

 It turns sour and hides in the candy jar.

68.   What do you get when you cross a gummy worm with a computer?

 A candy bar!

69.    How did the Gummy Worm cross the road?

 With a wriggle and a squirm!

70.   What did the gummy worm say when it was attacked by a bird?

“Help! I’m in a sticky situation!”

71.    What did the gummy worm want for its birthday?

A high-five, because that’s how it likes to party!

72.    What did the gummy worms do when they heard there was going to be a party?

 They started stretching!

73.    Why don’t gummy worms get along with other candy?

 Because they’re too wriggly!

74.   What did the gummy worm say to his friends before a picnic?

 Let’s worm up!

75.   Why don’t gummy worms like to do group projects?

Because they can never agree on the plan of attack!

Children’s Jokes About Gummy Worms

76.   Why did the gummy worm go on a diet?

Because he wanted to be skinnier than a piece of spaghetti!

77.   What do you call a gummy worm who loves to dance?

A worm-bop!

78.   What’s a gummy worm’s favorite TV show?

“Worm’s Got Talent!”

79.   How do you make a gummy worm laugh?

Tickle its belly!

80.  Why do gummy worms make terrible detectives?

 Because they’re always getting stuck in the clues!

81.   What do you call a gummy worm who loves to read?

 A bookworm!

82.   How do gummy worms stay in shape?

By doing the worm!

83.   Why do gummy worms make bad pets?

Because they’re always getting stuck under the furniture!

84.   What’s a gummy worm’s favorite sport?


85.   What do you get when you cross a gummy worm with a bear?

A gummy bear!

86.   How do you know if a gummy worm is lying?

 Its nose grows longer, just like Pinocchio’s!

87.   Why don’t gummy worms like the rain?

Because they’re afraid of getting soggy!

88.   What do you call a gummy worm who’s always telling jokes?

 A funny worm!

89.   How do gummy worms communicate with each other?

 They use their cell phones!

90.   Why did the gummy worm go to the doctor?

 Because it was feeling a little twisted!

91.   What’s a gummy worm’s favorite holiday?

Halloween, of course!

92.  Why did the gummy worm take a job as a spy?

 To work undercover!

93.   What do you call a gummy worm who’s feeling down?

A sad worm!

Clean Jokes About Worms

Worms are fascinating creatures, slimy and wiggly, they play an important role in our ecosystem. But did you know that they also make great jokes?

Yes, you heard that right! Here are some hilarious jokes about worms that are guaranteed to make you laugh.

94.   What does a worm say when it’s in love?

I’m touched!

95.   What do you call a sleeping worm?

A snore-m!

96.   Why didn’t the worm go to the party?

 He was a little too ‘tied up’!

97.   What do you call a worm with a cold?

A snot-nosed earthworm.

98.  How do worms greet each other?

They give each other a little wiggle.

99.   Why did the worm cross the playground?

To get to the slide.

100.   How do you know if a worm is an artist?

It has a lot of squiggles in its drawings.

101.   What do you call a worm that plays the violin?

A string worm.

102.   How does a worm measure its length?

 In inches and outstretched segments.

103.   Why don’t worms like to go to concerts?

 They’re afraid of the early bird.

104.   What did the worm say to the other worm when they fell in love?

 “You make my heart flutter.”

105.   Why did the worm go to the gym?

To work on its core.

106.   What do you call a worm that travels in space?

An astro-worm.

107.   Why did the worm go to the dance party?

To do the worm!

108.   How do you make a worm turn into a butterfly?

Wait and watch, it’ll never happen!

109.   Why was the worm so unhappy?

 It felt like nobody understood its struggle.

110.   What did one worm say to the other when they were crossing a road?

 Haven’t we been through this before?

111.    What did the earthworm say when it was lost?

 I’m so-dee!

112.    Why do worms make such good friends?

 Because they always listen to what you have to say!

113.   What did the worm say when he heard it was raining?

 “Worm cautiously, Wigglytrenches!”

114.    What did the earthworm say when it saw ammonia?

 “Oh no, not ANI-more!”

115.   What did the earthworm say when it was accused of theft?

 It’s not-soil!

One liner Jokes About Worms

These slimy creatures may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about jokes, but trust us, there are plenty of worm jokes out there that will make you chuckle. From puns to one-liners, here are some of the best jokes about worms.

116.   Why did the worm go to school?

To get a ‘wiggle’ education!

117.   What did the worm say after being stepped on?

Nothing, it just let out a little squirm.

118.   What do an earthworm and a parachute have in common?

 They both need to be dropped for their effectiveness!

119.   Why was the worm so unhappy?

Because he got up on the wrong side of the apple.

120.   What did the worm say to the caterpillar?

“You’re just a wannabe worm!”

121.    Why did the worm cross the road?

To get to the compost pile on the other side.

122.  What do you call a worm that has no teeth?

A gummy worm.

123.   Why don’t worms drive cars?

They don’t have steering wheels or legs to reach the pedals.

124.   What do you call a worm with a sense of humor?

A worm that tells good jokes.

125.   Why did the worm go to the doctor?

Because he was feeling a bit wormy.

126.   What do you get when you cross a worm and a snail?

A slow-moving worm.

127.   Why did the worm go to the gym?

To work on his core.

128.   What did the worm say when he got a job at a computer store?

“I’m finally a hard drive!”

129.   What do you call a worm who loves to dance?

A wiggle-worm.

130.   Why did the worm get a ticket?

Because he was parked illegally on the sidewalk.

131.   Why did the worm cross the playground?

 To get to the other slide.

132.   Why do worms taste like bacon?

Because they always have a rind on!

133.   What did the worm say when he was late?

 “I’m wriggling my way through traffic!”

134.   “Why did the worm go to the dentist?

To get a new apple bite!”

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Some Final Talk

We hope these worm jokes have made you smile, or maybe even chuckle a little. Even though worms may not be the most exciting creatures, they can still provide some entertainment in the form of jokes. So when you see a worm, try to come up with a joke of your own. Who knows, it might just make someone’s day.

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