100+ Boat Dad Jokes To Keep You Afloat

Ahoy there! Welcome to the world of boat dad jokes, where the puns are salty, the humor is buoyant, and the laughter is contagious. Whether you’re a salty sea dog or just a landlubber looking for a laugh, you’re sure to find something that tickles your funny bone here.

From seafaring puns to silly gags, boat dad jokes are the perfect way to lighten the mood and make any outing on the water a memorable one. Whether you’re anchored at the dock, sailing the open seas, or just floating around the harbor, boat dad jokes can bring a smile to everyone’s face.

So, without further ado, here are some of the best boat dad jokes to share with your crew:

Funny Boat Dad Jokes

1. What did the boat say when it ran into a rock?


2.  Did you hear the one about the boat that was sick?

Yeah, it had propellers.

3.   What did the boat say when it saw a big wave?

“Wave me goodbye!”

4.  What did the boat say when it ran aground?

“Looks like I’m in a tight spot!”

5.  What did the boat say when it ran aground?

 “This is unreal!”

6.  What did the boat say when it hit a rock?

 “It’s gonna be a shipwreck!”

7.  What did the boat say when it hit a rock?

 “Ouch! I’m shipwrecked!”

8.  What did the dad say when his son asked him to take him out sailing?

“Don’t rock the boat!”

9.  Why did the sailor go to the bank?

To get some sea-cret funds!

10.  Why did the boat have a bell?

So it could ‘row, row, row his boat’!

11. What did the boat say when it ran into a rock?

 “Oh, ship!”

12.  Why did the boat go to the doctor?

Because it was feeling a bit groggy!

13.  What do you call an accident involving a boat?

 A ship-wreak.

14.  What did the boat say when it hit a rock?


15.  What did the boat say when it crashed into the dock?

“Oh buoy!”

Funny Boat Dad Jokes

Dad Jokes About Boats

16.  How do boats usually cut their hair?

 With an anchor!

17.  What happened when the boat crashed into the dock?

It has a dock cushion!

18.  Why don’t boats tell jokes?

Because they would fall flat!

19.  Why don’t waves ever get seasick?

Because they’re used to the rocking motion of the boat!

20.  What type of boat can you never sink?

A FriendShip

21.   Why did the boat order take so long at the restaurant?

Because they couldn’t find a dock to eat in!

22.  Why are boats the slowest form of transportation?

 Because they’re always stuck in neutral!

23.  Why did the boat run away?

Because it was afraid of the water!

24.  What did the boat say when it hit a rock?


25.  What did the boat say when it crashed into the dock?

Oh, my dock!

26.  What did the boat say when it hit a rock?

 “Oh, hull!”

27.  Why did the boat run away?

 Because it was afraid of the water!

28.  What do you call a boat that gets stuck in the sand?

A hull-less happenstance.

29.  What did the fisherman say when his boat was full of crabs?

Well, it looks like we are definitely in for a pinch!

30. What did the boat say when it ran aground?

“Looks like I’m in a jam!”

31.  Why did the boat go to detention?

Because it was caught out trolling!

Boat Joke One Liners

Are you ready for some of the best boat dads jokes around? If so, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve gathered up some of the most hilarious boat dad jokes to bring a smile to your face. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

32.  Why did the boat have trouble sleeping?

Because it was rocking all night!

33.  What do you call a boating accident?

 A double sinking.

34.  What do you call a boat that grows on trees?

A sail-for!

35.  Why did the boat have so many stains?

 Because it was always paddling in dirty water.

36.  “Why did the boat go to Heaven?

Because it was already saint-ed!”

37. Why did the boat go to art school? 

To brush up on its sailing skills!

38.  Why did the canoe team go broke?

Because they made a huge paddle in expenses!

39.  What happened when the boat hit a rock?

 It was shocking!

40.  Why did the boat go to prison?

 It attempted sea-scaping.

41.  Why did the boat shopkeeper go out of business?

 He couldn’t keep his customers afloat.

42.  Why can’t a boat talk?

 Because it’s out of sail!

43.  Why did the lifeguard go into the ocean?

 To save the lost airline passengers!

44.  What do you call a boat that is too lazy to sail?

 A couch-potato.

45.  What do you call a boat that can’t move?

A Car-a-van.

46.  Why did the boat stay in bed all morning?

 It was feeling shipwrecked.

Boating Dad Jokes

Ahoy there, fellow seafarers, it’s time to set sail on a voyage of dad jokes related to boats. Whether you’re a captain, a first mate, or just a passenger, you’ll be sure to get a good laugh out of these nautical puns. So sit back, relax, and enjoy some boat dad jokes!

47.  Why did the boater have to throw away his map?

 He got lost in directions!

48.  Why did the boat stop running?

Because it ran out of gas!

49.  What did the wave say to the boat?

 Nothing, it just wavered!

50.  What do you call a boater who never tells stories?

 A-dock-ted listener.

51. What do boats say when they crash into a dock?

“Oh dear, I’m in a pier-plex!”

52.  What did the boat say when it saw an iceberg?

“Ice, ice baby!”

Boating Dad Jokes

53.  Why did the boat take a nap?

It wanted to feel wave-ly rested!

54. What did the boat say when it crashed?

“Oh, dock!”

55.  What did the boat say when it hit a rock?

 “Oar-ain’t that a shame!”

56.  What did the sailor say when his boat hit a rock?

 “Oh man, I’m in deep water!”

57.  What did the boat do when it saw a whale?

It split!

58.  What did the whale say when it crashed into the boat?

“Oops, I forgot to watch my porpoise!”

59.  What did the boat call when it ran into a rock?

Hull damage!

60. What did the boat say when it saw land?

 Oh look, there’s a shore thing!

61.  What kind of boat do fish ride in?

A ‘seas the day’ boat!

62.  What did the boat say when it hit a rock?

“Ouch! That really rocked my boat!”

63.   What did the boat say when it saw land?

That’s a nice view.

Boat Dad Jokes to Keep You Afloat Clean

64.Why don’t boats ever go to school? Because they’re already pretty good at “seas-oning” everything!

65.Did you hear about the boat that broke up with the pier? It just needed some space in the open waters!

66.I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised, just like when I drive the boat!

67.What’s a pirate’s favorite letter? You’d think it’s “R,” but it’s actually the “C” they love – for “sea”!

68.Why did the sailor bring a ladder to the boat? Because he wanted to go “step by step” in his maritime career!

69.Why did the boat apply for a job? It wanted to “sail” its way up the corporate ladder!

70.What did the ocean say to the boat? Nothing, it just waved!

Boat Captain Jokes

71.Why did the boat captain become a stand-up comedian? Because he knew how to “float” everyone’s boat with laughter!

72.What’s a boat captain’s favorite type of humor? Puns about “pier” pressure and “ship”wrecks, of course!

73.Why don’t boat captains ever get lost? Because they always “nautical” the right way to go!

74.How do boat captains greet each other? With a “high tide” and a hearty “seas the day!”

75.What do boat captains do for fun? They tell “tall tales” and enjoy some “anchor” management!

76.Did you hear about the boat captain who started a dance club? It was known for its “wave”-themed parties!

77.When the boat captain heard a joke about the ocean, he said, “That’s deep!”

Best Jokes About Boat Ownership

78.Why did the boat owner start a garden on their vessel? Because they wanted to grow “sea-kale”!

79.Boat ownership is a lot like a marriage – you’ll be “tied up” with it forever!

80.Why don’t boat owners ever become dentists? Because they prefer to avoid “anchor” management!

81.How do you know if someone owns a boat? Don’t worry; they’ll “sail” it to everyone they meet!

82.What’s a boat owner’s favorite type of music? Anything with a “buoyant” beat!

83.I asked my friend for advice on buying a boat, and he said, “It’s a slippery slope, but don’t let that ‘rock’ the boat!”

84.Why did the boat owner always carry a pencil? In case they needed to make some “draft” plans!

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There you have it, a collection of boat dad jokes that are sure to make your voyage, whether on the open seas or around the dinner table, a blast. With these jokes, you’ll be sure to navigate the choppy waters of fatherhood with ease. So don’t forget to keep these boat dad jokes handy, and keep your eyes on the horizon for more laughs!

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