100+ Jokes About Marathons with Puns

You don’t have to be an athlete to enjoy a good marathon joke. Whether you’re a runner or just a fan of the sport, a good marathon joke can provide a great source of entertainment. From the ridiculous to the practical, here are some of the top jokes about marathons.

If you’re a runner, chances are you’ve heard your fair share of jokes about marathons. Whether you’re a casual jogger, a seasoned veteran, or even a first-time marathoner, you can certainly appreciate a good marathon joke.

Marathon jokes range from the silly to the tongue-in-cheek, but they all have one thing in common: they celebrate the hard work and dedication that goes into running a marathon. So, whether you’re looking for a good laugh or a light-hearted way to encourage a fellow runner, here are some of the best marathon jokes around.

Jokes About Marathons

1.    What did the marathon runner say after crossing the finish line?

 I’m exhausted but ready for a rematch!

2.    “Why did the marathon runner stop running?

 Because he ran out of gas.”

3.    “Why did the marathon runner run backward?

He wanted to feel the wind in his face.”

4.    “Why did the marathon runner wear headphones?

 To keep his feet in rhythm.”

5.    “Why did the marathon runner wear sunglasses?

 To avoid getting blinded by the medal.”

6.     Why did the runner cross the marathon route?

To get to the finish line!

7.     What do you call a snail at a marathon?

 A slow coach.

8.     What do you call a runner who never runs in marathons?

 A spectator!

9.     What do you call a runner that’s been running for two days?

A marathoner!

10.     What’s the difference between a marathon runner and an elephant?

About 8,000 miles!

11.    What did the marathon runner say when they were out of breath?

I think I just hit my peak!

12.    What did the marathon runner say at the finish line?

“That wasE a long distance!”

13.    Why don’t marathon runners play hide-and-seek?

Because no one would ever be able to find them!

Jokes About Marathons

Funny Jokes About Marathons

Whether you’re a fan of the sport or a marathoner yourself, these jokes are sure to give you a good laugh. So, the next time you’re at a race, don’t forget to break out one of these jokes to give everyone a good laugh.

14.    What did the marathon runner say at the finish line?

 “I’m exhausted!”

15.    What type of marathon is the fastest?

 A sprint.

16.    What did one marathon runner say to the other?

Nothing, they just kept running!

17.    Why do marathon runners make bad comedians?

 Because they always run out of material!

18.    What’s the difference between a marathon runner and a couch potato?

The couch potato is more likely to have a marathon of TV shows.

19.    Why do marathon runners love to travel?

 Because they always have a running destination.

20.     How do you make a marathon more fun?

Put a clown at the finish line!

21.    What’s a marathon runner’s favorite fruit?


22.     Why don’t ghosts run marathons?

Because they’re already dead tired!

23.    What do marathon runners eat for breakfast?

 Mile-high stacks of pancakes!

24.     Why do marathon runners wear such tight clothing?

To show off their impressive muscles.

25.     Why did the marathon runner wear two different shoes?

They wanted to run in the left and right lanes!

26.     What do you call a marathon runner who’s always tired?

 A marathon nap-taker!

27.    What’s a marathon runner’s favorite type of music?

Run and rock!

28.    Why don’t marathon runners trust stairs?

Because they’re always inclined to take the elevator.

29.     Why did the marathon runners order take-out?

A: Because they were too tired to cook!

30.     What did the marathon runner say when asked how far he ran?

 “Oh, about a million steps!”

 31.     What did the marathon runner say when he crossed the finish line first?

 “I’m out of breath!”

32.     Why did the marathoner cross the road?

 To reach the finish line!

33.     Why do marathons take so long?

Because there’s no shortcut!

34.     Why did the marathon runners order take-out?

Because they were too tired to cook!

35.    What did the marathon runner say when asked how far he ran?

 “Oh, about a million steps!”

Jokes About Running

Humor is an important part of the running experience. It keeps us going when the miles get tough and it helps us celebrate our successes.

And, it can also help us laugh at the inevitable frustrations and hardships of marathon training. So, if you’re looking for a good laugh, here are some of the best jokes about marathons.

36.    Why did the runner cross the road?

To get to the finish line faster!

37.    What did the runner say when they won the race?

 “I’m on top of the world!”

38.     Why did the runner cross the road?

 To get to Pheidippides’ finish line!

39.     Why did the runner stop at the bank?

She needed to make a withdrawal!

40.     What do you call a runner who never stops?

 Cantstopairs Davis!

41.     How was your race today?

Not very good, I came in last…but at least that means I get to say “I got a nice jog out of it!”

42.     What did the runner say when they ran out of breath?

 “I’ve got to stop and wheeze!”

43.     Why did the runner stop at the bank?

  She needed to make a withdrawal!

44.     Why did the runner cross the road?

 Because he wanted to beat his personal best time!

45.    What do you call a running boiler?

 A steam leader!

46.     Why did the running shoes go on vacation?

 Because they wanted to get soul-searching!

47.    How was your race today?

Not very good, I came in last…but at least that means I get to say “I got a nice jog out of it!”

48.    What did the runner say when he was late for a marathon?

“Jog my memory!”

49.    What did the runner say when he saw a stop sign?

 Halt! Who goes there?!

50.     What did the running shoe say to the other running shoes?

“Let’s lace up and hit the pavement!”

51.     Why did the runner cross the road?

 Because he wanted to beat his personal best time!

52.     Why do cross-country runners never seem to get hurt?

 Because they know how to take a shortcut!

53.     What do you call two rabbits running backward?

A receding hare line!

54.     What did the runner say when they forgot their running shoes?

 “Oh dear, I guess my run is canceled!”

55.    Why did the runner cross the road?

 To get to the finish line!

56.    Why did the runner cross the road?

 To get to the finish line!

57.    Why did the hare lose the race?

Because it had to stop and tie its shoelaces!

58.    What do you call a swift-footed dinosaur?

 Tyrannosaurus Sprintus!

59.    Why do cross-country runners never seem to get hurt?

A: Because they know how to take a shortcut!

60.    Why don’t skeletons ever go running?

A: Because they don’t have the guts!

61.    What do a marathon runner and an alien have in common?

They both like to run long distances!

62.    Why did the runner cross the road?

To get to the finish line!

63.    Why did the runner cross the street?

To get to the finish line!

64.    What did the runner say when he tripped?

“I just got a little ahead of myself!”

Marathon Puns for Instagram

65.    Spreading my wings this week and running a marathon – I’m winging it!

66.    It’s time to get on the fast track and enter my first marathon! Get ready world, here I come.

67.     Making strides towards success in my very first Marathon race Nothing can stop me now.

68.     “Let’s marathon the world of puns together!”

69.     “Run like you mean it! #marathon ready”

70.    “‘Reach’ your potential with this marathon season!”

71.     Time flies when you’re having an awesome race!

72.     I won’t run, but I’ll walk the extra mile for a cute selfie.

73.     You can always count on me to be in your corner at the finish line.

74.    Running for good vibes and fast times!

74.    There’s no marathon like this one coming up! Get ready to break some records.

75.    Going into the last stretch of my race – just gimme that medal already!

76.    If you’re running a marathon, just take it one mile-stone at a time!

77.     Don’t worry if you hit the wall in your marathon – Remember: every kilometer counts!

78.     When running marathons, think of this mantra — One foot today is worth two feet tomorrow!

79.     Keep on running even when things get tough during the marathon – Every extra step brings you closer to success!

80.     Enjoying that runner’s high? Bet the other runners aren’t “marathon” impressed by your moves!”

81.    This marathon isn’t a sprint – it’s an endlessly long haul!

82.    I’m running to the finish line like there were doughnuts waiting for me at the end!

83.    When in doubt, just keep on running. That’s what marathons are all abou¹t!

84.    Crossing the finish line gives us a real “sense of pride!”

85.     We’re always up for a good marathon, no matter how long it takes!

86.     Nothing can stop our stride when we hit the pavement for marathons!

Marathon Puns for Instagram

87.    We don’t run from any challenge – after all that’s why they call it a MARAthon!

88.     Let’s get this party started! Time to run the marathon.

89.    Marathon puns are no joke, so buckle up your running shoes and let’s go! sense of humor.

90.     You can always run away from your problems… or you might even finish a marathon.

91.    When life puts hurdles in front of you, just hop over them and keep running!

92.     Gonna have to start scheduling my runs like it’s an appointment – marathon execution is key!

93.    Keep running and don’t look back- you got the finish line in sight!

94.    Sprinting through life one marathon at a time!

95.     Just keep running’ until all milestones are accomplished.

96.     “A marathon never runs out!”

Funny Jokes About Marathon Runners

96.”Why did the marathon runner bring a ladder? Because they wanted to go the extra mile!”

97.”Marathon runners are the only people who pay to run in the street, and they call it a race!”

98.”I told my friend I was training for a marathon. They asked, ‘How’s it going?’ I said, ‘I’m running out of excuses.'”

99.”Why did the marathon runner carry a pen and paper? In case they needed to take notes on the run!”

100.”Marathon runners are great at relationships. They know how to go the distance!”

101.”Why don’t marathon runners ever tell secrets? Because they can’t keep anything under wraps!”

102.”I tried running a marathon once, but I got winded running to the fridge during a commercial break. Does that count as a sprint?”

Short Jokes About Marathons With Puns

103.”I signed up for a marathon, but I think I misunderstood. I thought they said ‘snackathon.'”

104.”Why did the scarecrow enter a marathon? Because he was outstanding in his field!”

105.”Running a marathon is like eating a sandwich. You start with ‘mile-ability’ and end with ‘in-ability.'”

106.”I participated in a marathon for charity. Turns out, ‘free running’ doesn’t mean I get free sneakers.”

107.”What do you call a marathon for introverts? A ‘solo-run-athon.'”

108.”I ran a marathon once, but I got lost. Now they call it a ‘fun run’ because everyone had a good laugh!”

109.”Why did the tomato turn red during the marathon? Because it saw the salad dressing!”

Running Jokes One Liners

110.”I’m not a jogger; I’m just someone running from my responsibilities.”

111.”Running a marathon is like being in a relationship. It starts all exciting, but halfway through, you question your life choices.”

112.”I don’t always run, but when I do, it’s usually late for something important.”

113.”Why did the scarecrow become a track coach? Because he was outstanding in his field!”

Running Jokes One Liners

114.”Running is my therapy, unless I’m being chased by a bear. Then it’s my ‘scream-apy.'”

115.”I tried running, but I kept spilling my coffee. So, now I just stick to a brisk walk.”

116.”Running a 5K is like making a sandwich: it’s all about pacing yourself and not getting lost in the condiments.”

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Final Thoughts

Jokes about marathons can be a fun way to lighten the mood and bond with fellow runners. However, it’s important to be mindful of the potential impact of our words on others. What might seem like a harmless joke to one person could be hurtful or offensive to another.

It’s crucial to consider our audience and choose our words carefully. Furthermore, it’s important to remember that running a marathon is a significant accomplishment that requires dedication and hard work. We should celebrate and encourage those who choose to take on this challenge, rather than belittling or diminishing their efforts with jokes or sarcastic remarks.

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