70+ Jokes About Starfish

Jokes about starfish may seem like a funny concept at first, but these creatures are actually incredibly fascinating and have been around for millions of years.

Although they may appear simple, they are actually quite complex and have many interesting and unique characteristics. So, if you’re looking for a few laughs, here are some hilarious jokes about starfish that you’re sure to enjoy!

Jokes About Starfish

1. Why did the starfish cross the ocean?

To get to the other tide!

2.  What did the starfish say when he saw the ocean?

“Wow! That’s a lot of water!”

3.   Why don’t starfish have arms?

Because they don’t need them!

4.  How do starfish make sure they don’t get lost?

They always keep an eye on the horizon!

5.  What did the starfish say when it looked in the mirror?

 “Look at me, I’m starfishing around!”

6.  What did the starfish say when it saw a boat?

 “Ahoy matey!”

7.  What did the starfish say when it crossed the street?


8.  What did the starfish say when it saw a shark?

 “Starfish, away!”

9.  What did the starfish say when it got lost in the ocean?

 “Where in the sea am I?”

10.  How do starfish say goodbye?

 They wave their arms!

11.  What type of starfish is always late?

 A procrastinator fish!

12.  What type of starfish is always in a bad mood?

A grump fish!

13.  Why did the starfish go to the doctor?

 He was feeling a bit starstruck!

14.  What do you call a starfish that got lost in the ocean?

A sea-stray!

15.  What did the starfish say when it was asked a tough question?

 I don’t star-in-the-face that kind of pressure!”

16.  What did the starfish say when it saw its reflection in the water?

 “Wow, I look star-studded!”

17.  What do you call a starfish with a broken arm?

 An armless starfish!

18.  What do you call a starfish that’s always late?

 A starfish that’s always fashionably late!

19.  What do you call a starfish that can’t swim?

 A starfish that’s all washed up!

20. What do starfish like to drink?


21.  What did the starfish say when it saw a giant squid?

 “That’s one big inker!”

22.  What did the starfish say when it saw a school of fish?

 “School’s out!”

Jokes About Starfish

Starfish Knock Knock Jokes

23. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Starfish who?

Starfish and chips, anyone?

24. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Oscar who?

Oscar silly question, but do you think starfish like to dance?

25. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Lettuce who?

Lettuce in, it’s cold out here and I’m a starfish!

26. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Turtle who?

Turtle-y awesome to be a starfish!

27. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Alpaca who?

Alpaca my bags and head to the beach with my starfish friends!

28. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Banana who?

Banana split and let’s bring starfish along for the ride!

29. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Boo who?

Don’t cry, little starfish, I’ll keep you safe!

30. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Cash who?

No thanks, I’ll stick to starfish for currency.

31. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Fish who?

Fish and chips are great, but I’d rather have starfish and chips any day!

32. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Gorilla who?

Gorilla-rious day to spend at the beach with starfish!

33. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Harry who?

Harry up and let’s go see some starfish!

34. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Ivana who?

Ivana caught some starfish with my fishing net!

35. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Juice who?

Juice a minute, I need to get my starfish sunscreen!

36. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Ketchup who?

Ketchup with me and let’s go search for starfish!

37. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Llama who?

Llama gets some food and then we’ll go see the starfish!

38. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Mustache who?

I must ask you a question: do you think starfish can grow facial hair?

39. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Orange who?

Orange, are you going to come with me to the beach and find some starfish?

40. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Pizza who?

Pizza is a great day to spend at the beach with starfish!

41. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Rufus who?

Rufus the day I get to see a starfish!

42. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Sausage who?

Sausage party at the beach with starfish!

43. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Tofu who?

Tofu-riffic day to hang out with starfish!

44. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Unicorn who?

Unicorn-y day to find some starfish!

45. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Vampire who?

Vampire-rious creatures like starfish live in the sea!

Dad Jokes About Starfish

We all know that starfish are the funniest of sea creatures, and it’s no surprise that they often make the best jokes.

From their playful nature to their unique shape, starfish can make us all smile with their quick wit. Whether you’re a fan of the ocean or just looking for a good laugh, here are some of the best jokes about starfish.

46.  What do you call a starfish who’s going to a party?

  A starfishee!

47.  Why don’t starfish ever get lonely?

 Because they always have a starfish by their side!

48.  What do you call a starfish who’s always late?

  A starfish is tardy!

 49.  Why did the starfish go to the doctor?

 He was feeling a little star-struck!

50.  Why don’t starfish ever get bored?

 Because they’re always star-gazing!

51.  What did the starfish say when he saw the ocean?

  Wow, what a star-studded event!

52.  Why don’t starfish ever get dizzy?

Because they always have a star-tastic view!

53.  What did the starfish say to the other starfish?

 Let’s star-ticipate in some star-gazing!

54.  What did the starfish say as he left the beach?

 Thanks for the star-tacular time!

55.  What do you call a starfish who’s feeling blue?

 A sad starfish.

56.  Why couldn’t the starfish go to the movie?

 Because it was rated sea!

57.  How do starfish make sure they don’t get lost?

 They always carry a compass!

58.  What did the starfish say when it heard the ocean was shrinking?

“That’s not cool!”

59.  What did the starfish say when it saw a lobster?

 “That’s one crustacean I’d like to meet!”

60.  What do you call a group of starfish?

 A constellation-tion!

61.  What do you call a starfish that’s always hungry?

An echinomunch!

62.  Why did the starfish refuse to play cards?

  Because it was all about suits!

63.  How do you know if a starfish is having a bad day?

  It’s feeling a little crabby!

64.  What do you call a lazy starfish?

A couch potato star!

65.  Why did the starfish join the circus?

To get a little more sea-lion!

Dad Jokes About Starfish

66.  What’s a starfish’s favorite ice cream flavor?

  Sherbet, of course!

67.  What do you call a cool, hipster starfish?

 An echinocool!

68.  How did the starfish get to the party?

  On a sea-ride!

69.  Why did the starfish get a job at the bank?

I wanted to be a finance star of finance!

70.  What do you call a starfish with a fancy hat?

An echinotop!

71.  Why did the starfish get in trouble at school?

  It was caught passing notes in class!

72.  What do you call a starfish who loves to sing?

 A karaoke star!

73.  Why did the starfish go to the seance?

To talk to its ghost stars!

74.  How do you know if a starfish is lying?

 Its stories don’t hold water!

75.  What do you call a starfish that’s always making jokes?

An echinolaff!

76.  Why did the starfish go to the gym?

 To work on its arms and legs!

77.  What do you call a group of starfish who are great singers?

 A choir-alition!

78.  Why did the starfish break up with its girlfriend?

  She was a little too clingy!

79.  What’s a starfish’s favorite band?

 The Beach Boys!

Jokes About Starfish Funny

Starfish may be small in size, but they can sure bring a lot of laughs to the table. Whether you’re looking for a few chuckles or some interesting facts about these remarkable creatures, these jokes are sure to keep you entertained and maybe even give you a few laughs, too!

80.  Why don’t starfish ever get lonely?

Because they always have a starfish by their side!

81.  What do you call a starfish who’s always late?

 A starfish is tardy!

82.  Why did the starfish go to the doctor?

  He was feeling a little star-struck!

83.  Why don’t starfish ever get bored?

Because they’re always star-gazing!

84.  What did the starfish say when he saw the ocean?

  Wow, what a star-studded event!

85. Why don’t starfish ever get dizzy?

 Because they always have a star-tastic view!

86.  What did the starfish say to the other starfish?

Let’s star-ticipate in some star-gazing!

87.  What did the starfish say as he left the beach?

 Thanks for the star-tacular time!

88.  What do you call a starfish who’s feeling blue?

 A sad starfish.

89.  Why couldn’t the starfish go to the movie?

Because it was rated sea!

90.  How do starfish make sure they don’t get lost?

 They always carry a compass!

91.  What did the starfish say when it heard the ocean was shrinking?

 “That’s not cool!”

92. What did the starfish say when it saw a lobster?

 “That’s one crustacean I’d like to meet!”

93.  What do you call a starfish that’s had plastic surgery?

  Patrick Nipplin.

94.  Why did the starfish cross the road?

To get to the other tide.

95.  Why did the starfish get a bad grade in school?

 Because it had no arms to raise its hand.

96.  How do you make a starfish laugh?

 Tickle its tentacles.

97.  Why don’t starfish like to share their food?

 Because they’re shellfish.

98.  Why did the starfish go to the doctor?

 Because it was feeling a little sluggish.

99. What do you call a group of lazy starfish?

A constellation of sloths.

100.  How does a starfish ask for a ride?

Can you give me a lift, I’m armless!”

101.  What do you call a musical starfish?

A rock star.

102.  Why was the starfish late for the party?

 It was stuck in traffic.

103.  What do you call a starfish that’s really good at poker?

 A five-card flush.

104.  Why did the starfish bring a ladder to the party?

  Because the invite said it was a “climbing event.”

105.  What do you call a group of starfish that perform together?

 A sea-phony orchestra.

106. How do you know if a starfish is happy?

 It will smile with all of its arms.

107. What’s a starfish’s favorite type of pizza?

 Anything with extra arms-ricotta.

108.  What did the starfish say when it got lost in the sea?

 “I’m all at sea!”

109.  What do you call a starfish that’s really good at math?

 An algebra-group.

Starfish Puns

110.When the starfish got a promotion, it became the “rising star” of the sea!

111.Why did the starfish blush? Because it saw the ocean’s bottom!

112.What did the starfish say when it wanted to leave the party? “I’m ready to get out of this sea-lebration!”

113.When the starfish opened a seafood restaurant, it gave out free “star-ters” to its customers!

Starfish Puns

114.How do you throw a great underwater party? With some “starfish-tertainment”!

115.Did you hear about the adventurous starfish? It wanted to see the world, so it decided to “dis-coast”!

116.Why are starfish so good at math? Because they have “plenty” of arms for calculations!

Fish Jokes Sophisticated

117.Why do fish make excellent philosophers? Because they’re always in deep thought, contemplating the ocean’s mysteries.

118.Did you hear about the cultured fish who loved classical music? It would only swim to the sounds of Bach and Beethoven.

119.What do you call a well-mannered fish? A gentlemanch!

120.Two fish were discussing literature. One said, “I’m reading Moby Dick.” The other replied, “Ah, I prefer The Catcher in the Rye; it’s a real “catfish” story.”

121.How do fish keep up with current events? They read “fin”-ancial newspapers, of course!

122.Have you heard about the fish who wrote a novel? It was a real “whale” of a tale!

123.Why did the fish attend the art exhibition? It heard there would be some “fin”-e works of art on display!

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Final words

Overall, jokes about starfish can be fun and light-hearted. They can provide a good chuckle and help to put a smile on your face. Whether you are a fan of aquatic life or just looking for a good laugh, these jokes can be a great way to brighten up your day. So why not give them a try and see if they bring a smile to your face?

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