170+ Funny Jokes About Oranges

Here are some Jokes About oranges and the best puns about oranges to crack you up. These jokes about oranges are great for kids and adults.”

Oranges are a popular fruit that have been enjoyed by people all around the world for centuries. They are rich in vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants, making them a nutritious and tasty snack.

But did you know that oranges can also be the subject of some hilarious jokes? Here are some of the best jokes about oranges that are sure to make you laugh out loud

Best Jokes About Oranges

1. Why did Lemon’s music receive a bad review?

 Because it wasn’t original.

2.  What did the lemon prepare for its friend’s birthday celebration?

 It arranged all the sour details.

3.  Why did the orange fail the math test?

 It couldn’t count on its peel.

4.  What did the orange say to the grapefruit?

 “You’re the zest!”

5.  How did the orange win the race?

It took the juice lane.

6.  Why did the orange go to the doctor?

 It was feeling a bit citrus-ly.

7.  What do you call an orange that’s afraid of the dark?

A scaredy-peel.

8.  What do you get when you cross an orange with a grape?

 A fruit salad with identity issues.

9.  Why did the orange go on a diet?

 It wanted to become a zest-timonial.

10.  What do you call an orange that’s good at math?

 A calcu-lime.

11.  Why did the orange join the gym?

It wanted to work on its peelings.

12.  Why did the orange become a detective?

 It had a keen pulp-sense.

13.  What do you call an orange that’s been to space?

 An astro-peel.

14.  Why did the orange go to the beach?

 To get a vitamin Sea.

15.  What is a Vampire’s favorite fruit?

A blood orange.

16.  What name would Santa have if he wore orange instead of red?

 Fanta Claus.

17.  Why was the orange so impatient?

It didn’t like to wait and C.

18.  What did the orange hero say after defeating the bad oranges?

Juice-tice will prevail!

19.  What is a unique fruit preferred by vampires?

Blood oranges.

20.  Which language do citrus fruits speak?


Clean Jokes About Orange

Oranges are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They are delicious, refreshing, and packed with vitamins and nutrients.

But did you know that oranges also inspire a lot of jokes? Here are some of the funniest jokes about oranges that will make you laugh out loud.

21.  What makes oranges the most focused fruit?

 Their ability to concentrate.

22.  What kind of music do oranges enjoy?

Compilations of their favorite tunes.

23.  What occurs when a pair of oranges meet?

 They become entangled.

24.  Why couldn’t the lone orange dance at the ball?

It requires a partner for the tang-o.

25.  Why did the orange require glasses?

It lacked Vitamin C.

26.  Why was the orange sent to rehabilitation?

It couldn’t resist popping its peel.

27.  Why are oranges considered healthy fruits?

They possess the “peel good” factor.

28.  Where can you find artificial oranges?

 In Orange County, the land of plastic fruits.

29.  Why did the orange cease running?

He had depleted his juice supply.

30.  How did the orange revive itself after dying?

 By making a deal with the devil to create a new peel.

31.  What did the orange superhero say after defeating the bad fruits?

“Juice tice has been served!”

32.  What occurs when oranges engage in a quarrel?

 The juicy drama unfolds.

33.  What transpires when you rub two oranges together?

Pulp Friction, of course.

34.  Which character did the orange play in Star Wars?

 Emperor Pulpatine was the leader of the citrus empire.

35.  Why are oranges unsuitable for piracy?

They never get scurvy, making it hard to play the part.

36.  Why do oranges put on sunscreen?

 They tend to peel when exposed to too much sun.

37.  Why did the orange opt for a prune as a date?

Because he couldn’t find another fruit to accompany him.

38.  Why did the lemon buy insurance?

 In case it got squeezed.

39.  Why did the lemon assist the elderly woman to cross the road?

To perform an act of kindness.

40.  What occurred when the lemon escaped from jail?

It caused a sour uproar.

Jokes About the Color Orange

Oranges are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They are juicy, sweet, and packed with vitamins. But did you know that oranges also have a funny side?

That’s right, there are plenty of jokes and puns about oranges that are sure to make you laugh. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy some of the best jokes about oranges.

41.  What is the fruit that resembles a parrot?

 The carrot.

42.  What unique ability does a complete orange have compared to a halved one?

 The ability to appear round.

43.  Why did the apple and orange decide against getting married?

Because fruit simply can’t elope.

44.  Why did the navel orange enlist in the military?

To serve its country.

45.  What was the fate of the orange boxer?

He was pulverized.

46.  How did the Orange secure an easy spot in the Olympic group?

By being a well-seeded athlete.

47.  What’s the name of an orange that’s always punctual?

A clockwork orange.

48.  How did the fearless orange ride the rollercoaster?

It had peeling nerves.

49.  Why did the orange decide to become a zester?

 It dressed up as a clown to achieve this goal.

50.  Which type of monkey doesn’t like bananas?

An orangutan.

51.  What happened to the orange when it was peeled?

 It lost its rind.

52.  What do you get when you combine orange soda and a twig?

 A fantastic combination.

53.  Why did the orange transform into juice?

 It couldn’t handle the pressure.

54.  What do a unicorn and an ocean of orange soda have in common?

 They are both a FantaSea

55.  Why did the orange decline the marriage proposal from its parents?

 It was against inter-orange marriages.

56.  When complimented on its appearance, what did the orange say?

“You must be saying that in zest!”

57.  What occurs when two oranges collide?

 They become entangled.

58.  Why was the orange always anxious?

It had a seed of doubt planted in it.

59.  Why did the orange desire to drown the world in orange juice?

 It was its Fanta-sea.

60.  What caused the orange to fail its exams?

 A lack of concentration.

61.  What part did the orange play in Star Wars?

Emperor Pulpatine.

62.  How did the orange prepare for its exam the night before?

 It grinded through the entire syllabus.

63.  Why did the orange jump off the bridge?

 It had peeling nerves.

64.  What kind of music does an orange listen to?

 Compilations with a hint of peel.

65.  What was the germaphobe orange’s most hated thing?

Being squeezed.

66.  Why was the orange chosen as the valedictorian?

It was the zest in its class.

67.  Why did the orange have a gloomy Halloween?

 It was all zest up with nowhere to go.

68.  What occurred when the orange was peeled?

It lost its rind.

69.  Why was the orange sad when it realized it was missing a piece?

Because that segment meant a lot to it.

70.  How did the orange have fun?

 By racing in an orange go-kart.

Jokes About the Color Orange

Best Dad Jokes About Oranges

71.  Why did the orange become a comedian?

 Because it wanted to make people feel good.

72.  What happened to the orange when it fell off the counter?

 It had a segmental fracture.

73.  Why did the orange break up with the lemon?

 Because it found a sweeter citrus.

74.  How does an orange answer the phone?

 Orange you glad I didn’t say banana?

75.  Why did the orange go to the doctor?

 It wasn’t feeling zestful.

76.  What did the orange say to the grapefruit?

 You’re such a bitter fruit.

77.  Why did the orange go to the gym?

 To work on its peel-ups.

78.  What did the orange say when it won the race?

 I’m on a peel.

79.  How do you make an orange laugh?

 Tell it a-pulp joke.

80.  What did the orange say to the apple?

 You’re the apple of my eye.

81.  Why did the orange respond slowly to being on fire?

 It couldn’t peel the burn!

82.  What did the doctor prescribe to the emotionally unstable orange?

Tangor Management.

83.  What occurred when the Orange, Apple, and Banana went on a picnic?

They had a fruitful day.

84.  What happens when a bad orange is put in shawarma?

It becomes sour-ma!

85.  Why was the orange sent to rehab?

It was a peel popper.

86.  What advice did the doctor give to the orange during physiotherapy?

He said, “Concentrate!”

87.  Why did the tangerine’s comedy routine bomb?

Because it lacked zest and appeal.

88.  What did the grapefruit say to the orange during their argument?

“You pull me into this!”

89.  Why did the apple invite the orange to the party?

Because he wanted to juice things up.

90.  How did the orange get into shape?

By doing pull-ups and citrus-cises.

91.  Where were the first orange trees planted?

Orange County.

92.  What does an orange perspire?

Orange juice.

93.  Why did the fruit bat go for the orange?

It had appeal.

94.  Why were the apple and orange lonely?

Because the banana split.

95.  What happened to the orange boxer?

 He got beaten to a pulp.

96.  Why do oranges wear sunscreen lotion?

They don’t want to peel.

Orange Jokes One Liners

97.  I don’t feel like my former self anymore.

98.  When enjoying an orange, the zest is the best part.

99.  I’m anxious I might turn into an orange. I hope it’s just a figment of my imagination.

100.  When the mother then laid an orange, her chick exclaimed, “Look, it’s marmalade!”

101.  I grant this orange my approval for its peel.

102.  A person once claimed, “Nothing rhymes with orange.” I retorted, “It’s true, nothing does.”

103.  In case you were unaware, I’m quite the important peel.

104.  I inquired why my friend was staring at a container of orange juice. She replied that it was labeled “concentrate.”

105.  I went to the store to purchase apples, strawberries, and oranges, but they were out of stock. It turned out to be a fruitless trip.

106.  The orange got into a car crash because it wasn’t paying attention to the road.

107.  Orange, Apple, and Banana had a fruitful day on their picnic.

108.  The orange was impatient because waiting wasn’t its cup of tea.

109.  In prison, oranges are served three square meals a day.

110.  The orange couldn’t believe her friend had let her down and felt citrusted.

111.  The old orange saw the grim reaper before passing away.

112.  Orange declined a marriage proposal from her parents as she was against arranged marriages.

113.  Before jumping into the juicer, the orange exclaimed, “The zest is yet to come!”

114.  On meeting its long lost sister, the orange said, “Orange you glad to meet me?”

115.  The orange told its Environmental Science teacher, “Climate change isn’t peeling.”

116.  The orange caused a car accident by not paying attention to the road.

117.  Orange, Apple, and Banana had a fruitful day during their picnic.

118.  The orange was impatient because waiting wasn’t its cup of tea.

119.  Oranges are served in prison as three square meals a day.

120.  The orange couldn’t believe her friend let her down and felt citrusted.

121.  The old orange saw the grim reaper before passing away.

123.  The orange refused a marriage proposal from her parents because she opposed orange marriages.

124.  The orange asked its long-lost sister, “Orange, are you glad to meet me?”

125.  The orange told its Environmental Science teacher that climate change isn’t something to peel around with.

Orange Jokes One Liners

Orange Jokes for Adults

126.  What was the orange’s favorite topic with his friends?

 His daily grind at work.

127.  What did the orange say when it met its long-lost brother?

Orange, are you happy to see me?!

128.  What happened when the orange escaped from jail?

All hell broke loose in the juice bar.

129.  Why do oranges wear sunscreen?

Because they tend to peel.

130.  Why did the orange turn into juice?

 It couldn’t handle the pressure.

131.  How do oranges communicate with each other?

They speak in Mandarin.

132.  What do you get when you mix orange soda and a stick?

A “fanta-stick” combo.

133.  Why do oranges have such good vision?

 Because they keep their eyes peeled.

134.  Why did the yogi meditate under the citrus tree?

It was a sub-lime spot.

135.  Why did the orange go to the doctor?

 It wasn’t peeling well.

136.  What did the tangerine do the night before the exam?

He burned the midnight oil and memorized the entire textbook.

137.  Why did the clementine get pulled over while driving?

She was speeding and had a peel out of place.

138.  What did the grapefruit say before starting a new job?

“I hope this opportunity bears fruit.”

139.  What is a ghost’s favorite fruit?


140.  What happened when a peach, a kiwi, and a pineapple all went on a picnic together?

They had a fruitful feast.

141.  Why couldn’t the lime dance in the talent show without his partner?

Because he was too sour to find a partner.

142.  What rhymes with mango?


143.  What’s red and sounds like an apple?

A cherry.

144.  Why was the watermelon feeling sad?

It was feeling a little melon-choly.

145.  Did you hear about the lemon boxer?

He was always making sour faces.

146.  Why are strawberries so observant?

They have a keen sense of berryception.

147.  Why did the blueberry cry?

Someone squished its berries.

148.  What happens when you squeeze two lemons together?

You get a sour outcome.

149.  What did the fruits do after concluding the meeting?

They sealed the deal with a juicy handshake.

Funny Orange Jokes

150.  Why did the clementine feel left out of the orange group?

It wasn’t quite the zest fit.

151.  Which character from Star Wars would the tangerine play?

Tango Fett.

152.  What’s your favorite genre of music for citrus fruits?

Indie rock.

153.  What made the grapefruit the top of its class?

It had a palpable intelligence.

154.  What did the lime say when it saw the juicer?

It was like a squeeze.

155.  Why did the lemon refuse to get married?

It wasn’t ready for a relationship.

156.  What does an apple say to an orange to start a conversation?

“Hey there, fruit neighbor!”

157.  Why did the fruit tree break up with its partner?

It wanted to branch out.

158.  Why did the kiwi need a map?

It got lost in the fruit salad.

159.   Did you hear about the devastated orange who went through a rough divorce?

 He was peeled and crushed when it happened.

160.  What brought the oranges to the synagogue?

They were thirsty for some juice.

161.  What word rhymes with orange?

Sorry, there is no rhyme for it.

162.  What is orange and sounds like a bird?

 A carrot.

163.  What do a mythical creature and an ocean filled with orange soda have in common?

 They both are a Fanta Sea.

164.  Why do oranges have great eyesight?

 They are rich in Vitamin See.

165.  Why couldn’t the orange talk to his friend?

Because he spoke Mandarin.

167.  Why did the orange stop running?

He was out of juice.

168.  Why did the orange pay a visit to the doctor?

 He wasn’t peeling well.

169.  What do you get when you mix a primate and a citrus fruit?

An orange-utan.

170.  What language do oranges use to communicate?


Final Words

Well, there you have it – some of the funniest jokes and puns about oranges. Whether you’re a fan of this fruity treat or not, these jokes are sure to bring a smile to your face.

These jokes are a great way to add some humor to your day and make you appreciate the natural comedy that can be found in everyday objects like oranges. Whether you enjoy these jokes alone or share them with friends and family, they are guaranteed to give you a good laugh and brighten your day.

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