100+ Funny Mustache Dad Jokes

Are you looking for some hilarious dad jokes to add to your repertoire? Look no further than mustache dad jokes! These jokes are sure to make you and your family laugh. Why mustache dad jokes, you ask? Well, for starters, mustaches are inherently funny.

They’re silly, sometimes goofy, and just plain fun. And when you combine mustaches with dad jokes, the result is pure comedic gold. So without further ado, here are some mustache dad jokes that are sure to tickle your funny bone:

Mustache Dad Jokes Funny

1.  Why did the mustache go to the barber?

 To get a little trim moustache!

2.  What do you call a mustache on a motorcycle?

 A handle-bar-mustache!

3.  Why did the mustache cross the road?

 To get to the other shave!

4.  Why did the mustache break up with his girlfriend?

She didn’t like his hairy upper lip!

5.   Why did the dad with a mustache buy four boxes of cereal?

 He wanted to have Corn Flakes in every room!

6.   Why couldn’t the mustache go to the party?

He was stuck in traffic.

7.  What do you call a fake mustache?

A sham-stache!

8.   What did the mustache say to the other mustache?

Don’t worry, we’ll handle it -stache!

9.  What did the mustache think when it saw itself in the mirror?

 It was shocked, because it didn’t expect such a fancy ‘stache!

10.   Why don’t mustaches talk a lot?

  Because they are usually stuck up.

11.  What do you call a mustache that’s always happy?

 A jolly-stache!

12.  Why did the mustache go to the doctor?

It was feeling a little down in the mouth!

13.  What do you call a mustache that’s also a ninja?

 A stealth-stache!

14.  Why did the mustache refuse to go skydiving?

 It was afraid of a hairy situation!

15.  What kind of mustache does a pirate have?

A buccaneer-stache!

16.  What do you call a mustache that’s also a lawyer?

A bar-stache!

17.  Why did the mustache go to the library?

 To check out some mustache literature!

18.  What do you call a mustache that’s also a detective?

 A sleuth-stache!

19.  Why did the mustache go to the gym?

To work on its curl power!

20.  What do you call a mustache that’s also a chef?

 A culinary-stache!

21.  Why did the mustache go to the zoo?

 To see the handle-barred baboon!

22.  What do you call a mustache that’s also a magician?

 A presto-stache

Mustache Dad Jokes Funny

Best Mustache Dad Jokes

Do you have a dad who has a mustache? Then you’re in luck because we have a collection of mustache dad jokes that will make you and your dad laugh out loud.

These jokes are guaranteed to make you roll your eyes and groan with delight. So, sit back and enjoy the finest collection of mustache dad jokes.

23.  Why did the mustache go to the dentist?

Because it wanted a root canal.

 24.  What did the mustache say to the cheese sandwich?

 I’m looking forward to our date.

25.   Why did the dad with a mustache have so many jokes?

 Because he had lots of whiskers to tickle his funny bone!

26.  What did the mustache say to the face?

Nothing, it already had a mouth.

27.  What’s the difference between a poorly groomed mustache and well-groomed mustache?

  A big difference – about four inches!

28.  What did the mustache say to the face?

  You’re looking sharp!

29.  Why did the mustache wear a cape?

Because it was feeling super.

30.  What’s a mustache’s favorite type of sandwich?

 A “hair”y sub.

31.  How do you make a mustache smile?

You tickle its whiskers.

32.  Why did the mustache cross the road?

 To get to the barber shop.

33.  What’s a mustache’s favorite music genre?

“Stache-tastic” rock.

35.  How does a mustache order its coffee?

 With a little bit of “stache” of course!

35.  What do you call a group of mustaches?

 A “furry” of course!

36.  Why did the mustache join a gym?

To exercise its facial hair.

37.  What’s a mustache’s favorite game show?

“Whisker Fortune”.

38.  How does a mustache make a phone call?

 It uses its “beard-dialing” skills.

39.  Why did the mustache go to school?

 To get a “hair-raising” education.

40.  What do you call a mustache that’s really good at telling jokes?

 A “wit-stache”.

41.  How does a mustache get a job?

 It submits its “furry-culum vitae”.

42.  Why did the mustache break up with his girlfriend?

 Because she couldn’t handle the “stache”.

43.  What’s a mustache’s favorite drink?

 “Whisker-ey” of course!

44.  Why did the mustache go to the doctor?

 It had a “hair-aising” condition.

45.  What do you call a mustache that’s always in a hurry?

A “whisker-splitter”

Dad Mustache Jokes

What happens when you combine the dad joke with another enduring trend: the mustache? You get the Mustache Dad Joke, a form of humor that’s both groan-worthy and strangely delightful. So, without further ado, here are a few Mustache Dad Jokes to brighten up your day:

46.  Why did the mustache go to school?

To get a little edu mustache on.

47.  What do you call a mustache that’s in the military?

 A mustache general!

48.  Why do dads love mustaches so much?

Because they always get a good reaction from their kids!

49.  What’s a mustache’s favorite type of music?

 Classic rock!

50.  How do you catch a mustache thief?

 Just set a trap and wait for him to come in mustache-first!

51.  Why do mustaches always look so serious?

 Because they never smile!

52.  Why did the mustache join a gym?

To get some extra muscle for Movember.

53.  What’s the difference between a mustache and a hedgehog?

One’s a prickly creature, and the other’s a hedgehog!

54.  Why don’t mustaches get bored?

 Because there’s always something new to comb over!

55.  What do you call a mustache that’s also a magician?

Houdini Stache!

56.  Why did the mustache cross the road?

To get to the other side!

57.  What did the mustache say to the beard

 “You complete me!”

58.  What do you call a mustache that’s also a detective?

 Sherlock Mustache!

59.  Why don’t mustaches ever have a bad hair day?

Because they always stay in line!

60.  What’s a mustache’s favorite type of pizza?

 One with extra ‘stache-roni!

61.  Why did the mustache go to the doctor?

 To get a mustache-ectomy!

62.  What’s a mustache’s favorite type of drink?

 A ‘stache of bourbon!

63.  How do you know if a mustache is happy?

 It curls up at the ends!

64.  Why did the mustache go on vacation? To take a well-deserved whisker rest.

Because i overslept its alarm stache!

65.  What did one mustache say to the other?

 Nothing, mustaches can’t talk!

66.  Why did the old man grow a mustache?

 He wanted to look impeccablecibile!

67.   Why do moustaches always tell the same jokes over and over?

 Because they’re stuck in a rut!

68.   What did the mustache say to the face?

“You can never be too hairy!”

69.   Why did the mustache go to the party?

Because it was invited hair.

70.   Why did the mustache cross the road?

To get to the barber shop on the other side.

71.  Why did the mustache go to the bank?

To get a loan for some wax.

72.   Why did the mustache break up with his girlfriend?

She couldn’t handle the tickles.

73.   Why do mustaches like watching TV?

Because they can always find a good must-see show.

74.  Why did the mustache fall asleep on the job?

Because it was working on a night shift.

75.  What do you call a mustache that can speak?

 A whisker whisperer.

76.   Why did the mustache take a nap?

 It was too tired to face the day.

77.   What do you call a mustache that’s always moving?

A mobile mustache.

78.   Why did the mustache join a gym?

To get in shape for the mustache marathon.

79.   Why did the mustache become a musician?

 Because it wanted to play the guitar-stache.

80.   Why did the mustache feel depressed?

 Because it was cut down to size.

81.  What do you call a mustache that’s always on time?

 A punctual whisker.

82.  Why did the mustache visit the museum?

To see the portraits of other famous mustaches.

83.   Why did the mustache start a blog?

 To share its thoughts on grooming and style.

84.  What do you call a mustache that’s been trimmed to perfection?

A work of art.

85.  Why did the mustache run away from home?

 It was tired of being under the nose of its parents

Jokes About Mustaches

86.   What did the man with a mustache say when he was asked to smile?

Mustache myself what?!

86.  What did the man with a mustache say when someone asked him what time it was?

Mustache five o’clock!”

88.   What did the walrus say after getting a mustache?

Mustache me one more time!

89.   What did Mr. Mustache say when he realized his wife was cheating on him?

“Handle it!?”

90.   What did the mustache tell his barber?

 Don’t get too carried away – I’m only here for a trim!

91.  Why did the snowman get a mustache?

 so he could look cool in the winter!

92.  Why did the hipster burn his tongue?

He drank his coffee before it was cool, just like his mustache.

93.  How do you know if someone has a mustache?

 They’ll tell you.

94.  Why did the mustache go to the dentist?

 To get a little fillin’.

95.  Why did the police officer have a mustache?

He wanted to arrest people with style.

96.  How does a mustache stay in shape?

With a hairspray of course.

97.   Why did the mustache break up with the beard?

 It was too hairy for him.

98.   Why did the pirate have a mustache?

So he could say “arr” with style.

Jokes About Mustaches

99.  How many mustaches does it take to change a light bulb?

 None, they just bask in the glow of their own awesomeness.

100.   Why did the mustache cross the road?

To get to the barber shop.

101.   Why did the hipster shave off his mustache?

He realized it was too mainstream.

102.   Why did the mustache get a job as a bouncer?

He knew how to keep a stiff upper lip.

103.   How does a mustache groom itself?

With a comb-over.

104.   Why did the mustache go to the party alone?

Because it didn’t want to be upstaged by anyone else’s facial hair.

105.   What do you call a mustache that smells like bacon?

A flavor saver.

106.   Why did the mustache go on vacation?

 To take a well-deserved whisker rest.

Funny Mustache Dad Jokes for Adults

107.Why did the mustache apply for a job at the bakery? Because it wanted to make “bread-staches”!

108.How does a mustache stay warm in the winter? It grows a “soup strainer”!

109.Did you hear about the mustache that got in a fight? It was a real “whisker-taker”!

110.Why did the mustache refuse to play cards with the other facial hair? Because it was afraid of getting a “5 o’clock shadow”!

111.What do you call a mustache that can play a musical instrument? A “whisker-talented” musician!

112.Why did the mustache go to the comedy club? Because it heard there would be plenty of “lip-smacking” jokes!

113.How do you impress a mustache? With some “razzle-dazzle” and a little bit of “hair-larity”!

Funny Mustache Dad Jokes Clean

114.”Why did the mustache bring a comb to the party? Because it wanted to ‘part’-icipate!”

115.”I grew a mustache during quarantine, but it wasn’t a big ‘stache’—more like a ‘quarantiny’.”

116.”What’s a mustache’s favorite kind of movie? A ‘whisker-thriller’!”

117.”Did you hear about the mustache that got a promotion? It rose to the ‘upper lip-echelon’!”

118.”How does a mustache stay in shape? It does ‘facial’ exercises!”

119.”Why did the mustache sit in the front row of the class? Because it wanted to be ‘close-shaved’ to the teacher!”

120.”What do you call it when a mustache has a party? A ‘lip-stick’ affair!”

Mustache Sayings and Phrases

120″A good mustache can change your entire outlook on life, one hair at a time.”

121.”Life is like a mustache – it can get a bit unruly, but with the right trim, it looks better.”

122.”Behind every great mustache is a man who knows the importance of facial hair maintenance.”

Mustache Sayings and Phrases

123.”A mustache is not just facial hair; it’s a lifestyle choice.”

124.”You can’t spell ‘handsome’ without ‘mustache’ – well, almost!”

125.”A mustache is the silent guardian of the upper lip.”

126.”In a world full of ordinary faces, a mustache makes yours extraordinary.”

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Final Thoughts

As you can see, there’s no shortage of mustache dad jokes out there. Whether you’re a dad, a grandpa, or just someone who loves a good laugh, these jokes are sure to bring a smile to your face. So go ahead and share them with your family and friends you never know who might need a good chuckle.

And if you’re feeling particularly inspired, why not grow a mustache of your own? It’s a fun way to add some humor and personality to your look. Just be sure to keep the mustache dad jokes coming after all, what’s a mustache without a little humor?

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