100+ Dad Jokes About Running with Puns

The following dad jokes about running will make you laugh out loud and bring a smile to your face! Whether you’re a runner yourself, or just looking for a good chuckle, these hilarious jokes are sure to bring some joy and lightheartedness to your day. Perfect for runners of all ages!

We all know that running can be a serious business. But what about those moments when it’s time to lighten up a bit? That’s where dad jokes about running come in.

Whether you’re a runner, a dad, or both, these jokes are sure to get a chuckle from even the most serious of runners. So get ready to share some laughs with these dad jokes about running!

Funny Dad Jokes About Running

1. How do lawnmowers stop?

 They hit a trim-stop.

2.  What did the runner say when dad asked why he was breathing so heavily?

“I didn’t realize you said go!”

3.  Why did the runner wear two left shoes?

 He wanted to have a good soul!

3.  Why did the runner cross the road?

To get to his other shoe.

4.  Why did the runner go for a second lap?

Because he was short of breath!

5.  Why did the runner in red finish last?

 Because he was exhausted!

6.  What did the runner say when they crossed the finish line?

 “I’m exhausted, but I did it!”

7.  Why don’t runners take breaks?

 Because they’re always in a hurry!

8.  What did the runner say when she hit the wall?

“Oh Fudge!”

 9.  What did the runner shout when he tripped and fell?

“Oh Fartlek!”

10.  Why did the runner have to stop to tie his shoe?

Because he had a marathon!

11.  Why did the runner order four burgers?

Because she needed a quarter pounder with cheese!

 12.  What did the runner say when he was about to finish a race?

“I’m almost there!”

13.  Why did the runner keep asking for directions?

Because he was on a detour!

14.  Why couldn’t the runner cross the road?

 Because it was chasing him!

15.  Why did the farmer run in circles?

 He was trying to round up his calves!

16.  What did the runner say to encourage his kids?

 “Go, team slow!”

17.  Why did the runner bring a spare pair of shoes?

 In case he gets a flat!

18.  What did the runner say before eating breakfast?

“I’m ready, set, go!”

Funny Dad Jokes About Running

Jokes About Dads Running Away

It’s no secret that running can be a daunting task. Thankfully, there are some hilarious dad jokes out there to help lighten the mood. Whether you’re an avid runner or a total newbie, these dad jokes about running will have you laughing in no time.

19.  What did the dad say before he ran away?

 “Guess I’m off to a running start!”

20.  What did the dad say when he ran away from home?

“I just need some time to myself!”

21.  Why did the dad run away?

 Because his kids told him it was time for bed!

22.  Why did the dad run away from home?

 He wanted to get a running start on Father’s Day!

23.  What did the dad say when he ran away with his kids?

“Run, Kids! It’s time for Dad to make a run for it!”

24.  Why did Dad run away from the family photo?

 He said he didn’t want to be seen in the same frame as his children!

25.  Why did the dad run away when he saw his son’s grade?

He thought it said “rake”!

26.  Why did the dad run away from home?

He wanted his kids to miss him!

27.  Why did the dad run away during dinner?

 He heard his kids say “We want dessert!”

28.  Why did the dad run away?

He needed some space!

29.  What do you call a dad that runs away?

 A fast parent.

30.  Why did Dad run away?

 He wanted a change of scenery!

 31.  What did the dad say when he ran away from home?

“See ya later, alligator!”

32.  Why did the dad run away?

 He wanted to be a free spirit!

33.  What did the dad say when he ran away from home?

“I’m outta here!”

35.  What did the dad say as he was running away?

“My work here is done!”

35.  What’s a dad’s favorite way to run away?

 With his wallet!

36.  Why did the dad run away from his family?

He heard his kids were looking for some reinforcements!

37.  Why did the dad run away?

He wanted a new start!

38.  Why did the dad run away?

 He wanted to see the world!

39.  Why did the dad run away?

 He heard his kids were looking for a new father figure!

 40.  Why did the dad run away from his family?

 He wanted some time to himself!

41.  Why do dads run away?

Because their kids always catch up to them!

42.  What did the dad say when his kids asked why he ran away?

 I’m just taking a time-out!

43.  What did the runaway dad say when he got lost?

 “It looks like I’m in a pickle!”

44.  Why did the dad run away from home?

He wanted to escape his fatherly duties!

Best Dad Jokes About Running

Are you looking for some laughs while out on a run? Look no further than dad jokes about running.

Dad jokes are sure to make you chuckle, no matter how fast you’re going. We’ve compiled some of the best dad jokes about running, so you can keep your pace and still get a good laugh.

45.  Why did the athlete take a nap before his race?

Because he wanted to be a rested runner!

46.  What did the runner say when he saw a banana peel on the track?

“I’m not slipping up today!”

47.  Why did the runner cross the road?

To get to his next mile marker!

48.  What did the runner say when his shoes said, “Just Do It”?

 I already ran!

49.  Why don’t sprinters do well on family game night?

 They always come in last.

50.  What did the runner say when he tripped over a rock?

I should have hurdled that!

51.  What did the runner say when she finished first?

 “I’m out of breath!”

52.  Why do runners always run in circles?

Because it’s harder to run in squares!

53.  How does a marathoner keep track of all their race times?

With a stopwatch!

54.  Where do most professional running coaches hang out?

 The finish line!

55.  Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the restroom?

Because the “p” is silent!

56.  Why did the man run around his bed?

 He wanted to catch up on some sleep!

57.  What did the runner say when he tripped?

“Oh, I’m falling behind!”

58.  Why did the runners go to church?

Because they wanted to do a little prayer running.

59.  What did the runner say after tripping on a rock?

 I sure stumbled upon something great!

60.  What did the runner say when he couldn’t finish his race?

“I regret it!”

61.  What kind of running do ice cream trucks do?

“chocolate chip” dash!

62.  What did the marathon runner do when he got lost?

 He jogged his memory!

63.  What did the runner say when they saw a rhinoceros?

“Oh no, I’m in for a horn of a race!”

64.  What do you call a jogger who is always on time?

A punctual runner.

65.  What did the athlete say when he hurt his toe while running?

Ow, it’s just my luck to get an Achilles tendon!

66.  What did the runner say when he crossed the finish line?

“Time to catch my breath!”

67.  What did the runner say when he tripped over a stone?

“I just hit rock bottom!”

68.  What did the runner say when someone stepped on his toe?

“No Worries, I’ve got a spare!”

69.  Why was the running race so exciting?

 Because it had such a tight finish!

70.  What did the runner say when they saw a pair of shoes?

“Look, another soulmate!”

71.  Why do runners wear two watches?

In case one stops running!

72.  How do you make sure your marathon goes well?

Practice makes perfect!

73.  What does an athlete keep in their wardrobe?

 Running shorts!

Funny Running Puns

The running world is full of fun and laughter, but nothing can quite compare to a good dad joke about running. Whether you’re a serious runner or just someone who loves to joke around, these dad jokes about running are sure to get a chuckle out of you!

74. “Running shoes are the sole of fitness.”

75. I’m a big fan of running the extra mile.

76.  Going for a run will always give you something to look forward to – more staying power!

77.  If you want to beat the treadmill, increase your speed in intervals.

78. Run like you stole something.

79.  If life gives you lemons, go running and make lemonade.

80.  Don’t be a couch potato; get up and run!

81.  Our running club always has a great turnout – we just need legs to stand on!

82.  Running is tiring, but nothing beats the feeling of accomplishment when you cross that finish line!

83.  My goal during any run isn’t speed, it’s endurance-clarity!

Funny Running Puns

84.  I was going for a jog and suddenly realized I had no hare in mind!

85.  After completing yet another 5K race, my pal said he felt sheepish about coming in last..

86.  I run so fast that you can’t catch me – because I’m the fastest rabbit in town!

87.  Running gives me a sole mate for life!

89.  Taking it slow doesn’t always mean running late!

90.  All runners have track records–some are just better than others!

91.  The trick in racing is to outpace the competition without pacing yourself too quickly!

92.  Don’t get run over by success; aim for a steady jog instead!

93.  Every runner has their breaking point, so don’t burn your bridges when you reach yours!

94.  Take it one stride at a time!

95.  I’m runs-ing late for the bus!

96.  Anything is paw–ssible with enough effort and determination!

97.  A jogger’s greatest motivator is crossing that finish line!

98.  Don’t worry, there’s always time to spare when you go jogging!

99.  Keep your eyes on the prize and you’ll never be misled into taking wrong turns while running.

100.  I’m always in for a jog – that’s why I have a sole.”

Dad Jokes About Running Late

101. What did the mom say when her son asked why he was running late?

“Because you start too slow!”

102.  Did you hear about the half-marathoner who kept running late?

 He was always a few minutes behind!

103.  What’s the difference between a good jogger and a bad one?

About 10 minutes.

104.  Why was the race car late?

Because it got stuck in traffic.

105.  What do you call someone who is always running late?


105.  Why was the person running late?

 They didn’t want to be tardy!

106.  Why did the runner arrive late to the race?

He had a long mile ahead of him!

107.  Why did the runner come late to the race?

He underestimated his lap time!

108.  What did the late runner say as he passed the finish line?

 “Better Late than Never!”

109.  Why did the runner arrive late for practice?

He overslept!

110.  Why was the runner late?

He had a shoe lace-up.

112.  Why was the runner late for work?

 Because he overslept in the marathon!

113.  Why was the runner late?

 He had to stop for a few red lights!

114.  Why was the person running late for their appointment?

 They had to stop and tie their shoelaces!

115.  Why couldn’t the runner get to their appointment on time?

 Because they had no soul.

116.  Why did the runner always come late?

 He had sole searching to do!

Bad Dad Jokes About Running

117.  Why did the runner stop at the crepe shop?

 He wanted to pace himself!

118.  What did the runner say to his coach before setting off?

“Ready, Set, Go!”

119.  Why did the runner go to the store?

 He needed some fresh PACE-mates!

120.  Why was the runner so slow?

 He had a few treadmills.

121.  Why don’t runners make good burglars?

Because they’re always tired after a few miles!

122.  What did the running shoe say to the other?

We have to keep pace!”

123.  Why did the runner stop running?

 He was out of breath!

124.  Why don’t runners make good burglars?

Because they’re always out of breath!

 125.  What did one runner say to the other after a hard race?

  We really took it “foot” first!

126.  What kind of running shoes are made from bacon?


127.  What do you call a runner who never crosses the finish line?

A jogger wheel.

 128.  What did the runner say when he tripped?

 I just hit a roadblock!

129.  What did the runner say when he tripped over a fur rug?

I’ve got to stop running around like a wild animal!

130.  Why did the runner run so slowly?

He was getting his steps in for the day!

131.  Why did the runner cross the road?

 To get to the GYM-stice!

132.  What happened when the runner tripped over a banana peel?

He had to take it on the run!

133.  What did the runner say when he tripped?

 I keep stumbling upon good jokes!

134.  What did the runner say when he tripped?

 I just stumbled upon a shortcut!

 135.  What did the runner say to his coach?

 “I’m just going to go ahead and sprint this one!”

136.  What do runners like to order in restaurants?

Fast food!

137.  What did the runner say when his shoes were too tight?

“My feet are killing me!”

138.  What do you call two monkeys who love to run?


139.  Why don’t runners make good detectives?

 Because they only follow the trail.

Dad Jokes About Running With Puns for Adults

140.Why don’t runners ever tell secrets on the track? Because they can’t help but spill the beans during a “jogging” conversation!

141.Did you hear about the fast runner who opened a bakery? He wanted to “loaf” around at a faster pace!

142.Why don’t runners ever play hide and seek? Because they’re always “jogging” your memory!

143.What do you call a runner who’s also a musician? A “jog-trot” player!

144.Why do runners make terrible thieves? Because they always get caught up in their own “track” records!

145.Did you hear about the running shoe sale? It was a real “sprint-er’s” delight!

146.Why did the runner bring a ladder to the race? Because they heard the competition was going to be a “step up”!

Short Dad Jokes About Running With Puns

147.Why did the scarecrow become a long-distance runner? Because he was outstanding in his field!

148.I told my wife I was going for a run, but I actually just ran to the fridge and back. That’s my kind of “sprint” training!

149.I started a running club for people who love bread. We call ourselves “The Gluten Sprinters.”

150.Why did the tomato turn red during the race? Because it saw the salad dressing!

151.Did you hear about the marathon for introverts? It’s a race where you compete against yourself, but it’s okay if you don’t finish.

152.How does a computer go for a run? It presses “Ctrl + Alt + Delete” and starts all over!

153.What do you call a running race between two pastry chefs? A “baker’s dozen dash”!

Short Running Puns

154.Why did the runner bring a pencil? In case they wanted to draw a “jog-raphy”!

155.I’m not a fast runner, but I’m pretty good at “jog-eling” – juggling while jogging!

156.Running late is my kind of exercise. It’s all about that “fast-paced lifestyle.”

157.My running shoes and I are a perfect match – we’re both “sole” mates!

Short Running Puns

158.What’s a runner’s favorite type of math? “Jog-gometry” – it’s all about the angles!

159.I signed up for a 5K, but I think I could handle a 0.5K. I call it “running for the fridge.”

160.Why did the scarecrow start running? Because he wanted to be outstanding in his field!

Check, out-These

Final Thoughts

dad jokes about running can be a great source of entertainment for runners of all ages. Whether it’s for a quick laugh before a race or for a much needed pick-me-up during the course of a long run, dad jokes about running can provide some light-hearted relief in the midst of the grind. So, the next time you’re out on a run, don’t forget to bring a few dad jokes along for the ride!

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