100+ Hilarious Dolphin Jokes for Kids

Dive into the deep end of laughter with These following fun and silly dolphin jokes for kids! Perfect for a family game night or just for a giggle, these dolphin jokes will have the whole family in stitches!

Dolphins are beloved creatures that have captured the hearts and imaginations of people all around the world. Known for their playful and intelligent nature, these charismatic marine mammals have become a favorite subject of countless children’s books, movies, and TV shows.

Dolphin jokes for kids, in particular, provide a fun and engaging way to introduce young ones to these fascinating animals while also encouraging them to develop a sense of humor. Whether your child is a fan of marine life or just loves a good laugh, dolphin jokes are sure to tickle their funny bone and leave them smiling.

Funny Dolphin Jokes for Kids

1. What did the dolphin say when it saw an octopus?

 “Look! An 8-pod!”

2. What did the dolphin say when it saw a bucket?

 “Hey, look, I have my own tub!”

3.  Why did the dolphin laugh so much?

 Because it was tickled by a sea of bubbles!

4.  What kind of music do dolphins like to listen to?

 Anything with lots of basses and a high frequency lead.

5.  What do you call a dolphin who lives in the jungle?

 A Lost-porpoise!

6.  Why did the dolphin cross the ocean?

To get to the other tide.

7.  What did the dolphin say when it ate its first shrimp?

“This tastes whaley good!”

8.  What is a dolphin’s favorite TV show?

Whale of Fortune!

9.  What did the dolphin say when he bumped into a wall?

“I didn’t sea that coming!”

10. Why did the dolphin cross the ocean?

 To get to the other tide!

11. What do you call a group of dolphins that play instruments?

The Porpoise Band!

12.  How do dolphins send messages to each other?

 With a sea-gram!

13.  What’s a dolphin’s favorite kind of sandwich?

Peanut butter and jellyfish!

14.  What do you call a dolphin that loves music?

 A tunacello player!

15.  What did the dolphin say when he was asked to pay for his meal?

“Put it on my bill!”

16.  What do you call a dolphin that’s not feeling well?

 A porpoise with a cough!

17.  Why don’t dolphins like wearing bow ties?

 Because they’re too “fintastic” for that!

18.  What’s a dolphin’s favorite kind of candy?

 Reese’s “Pieces” of seaweed!

19. What do you call a dolphin that’s really good at math?

 A math-a-fish!

20.  What do you get when you cross a dolphin and a porcupine?

 A “pokey-fish”!

21.  What do you call a dolphin that’s always on time?

A punctual-pod!

22.  What’s a dolphin’s favorite kind of fruit?

A sea-grape!

23.  Why did the dolphin join a rock band?

Because he wanted to play the electric eel guitar!

24.  What did the dolphin say when he won the race?

 “I feel like a million fins

Funny Dolphin Jokes for Kids

Jokes About Dolphins

25.  What did the dolphin say when it went to the beach?

 “Wave, hello!”

26.  What kind of music do dolphins like to listen to?

 They prefer echomusic!

27.  Why did the dolphin cross the ocean?

 To get to the other tide!

28.  Why did the dolphin laugh?

Because he saw a funny clownfish!

29. What did the dolphin say when it fe a scratch on its back?

A”That tickles! Dolphinately!”

30.   Why don’t dolphins eat bananas?

 Because they can’t peel them!

31.  Why did the dolphin travel to the other side of the ocean?

Because he wanted a sea-change!

 32.  What did the dolphin say when it saw a tuna?

Here comes lunch!

33.  Why don’t dolphins ever get sick?

Because they have porpoise in life!

34.  How do you make a dolphin laugh?

 Tell it a whale of a joke!

34.  Why did the dolphin cross the ocean?

To get to the other tide!

36.  What do you get when you cross a dolphin with a snowman?

 Frosty the dolphin!

37.  How do you know if a dolphin is having a bad day?

 It’s feeling a little down in the mouth.

38.  Why don’t dolphins make good detectives?

 They always blubber the clues!

39.  What do you call a dolphin that’s always telling jokes?

A wittycus!

40.  Why did the dolphin go to college?

To get a higher education!

41. What do you call a group of dolphins that play instruments?

An orca-stra!

42.  What do you call a dolphin that’s always breaking the law?

A porpoiseful criminal!

43.  Why did the dolphin get a ticket?

It was caught porpoisely speeding!

44.  Why did the dolphin get a job as a carpenter?

It was good at making porpoise-ful things!

45.  What do you call a dolphin that’s good at math?

A calcu-swimmer!

46.  Why did the dolphin join the gym?

It wanted to work on its porpoise!

Dolphin Jokes

47. What did the dolphin say when he saw a former classmate?

“Long time no sea!”

48.  What do dolphins like to order at a restaurant?

  Fish and chips.

49.  Why don’t dolphins have hobbies?

Because they already “play” all day!

50.  What did the dolphin say when it saw a shark?

Nothing, it just waved!

51. What do you call a dolphin with two eyes?


52.  What do you call a dolphin with four ears?

 A quadruple-listener!

53. What do dolphins eat for breakfast?

 Fish Crispies!

54. What did the dolphin say when he was offered a cracker?

Nothing, dolphins can’t talk!

55.   What do dolphins like to eat most?

 Fish and Chips!

56.  What do you call a dolphin that’s always prepared for the future?

 A planned porpoise!

57. Why did the dolphin cross the ocean?

To get to the other tide.

58. What do you call a dolphin who loves to bowl?

A strike-flipper.

59. Why don’t dolphins like basketball?

Because they’re afraid of the net.

60. How do you make a dolphin laugh?

Tell it a whale of a joke.

61.  What do you call a group of dolphins playing instruments?

 A band of bottlenose.

62. Why did the dolphin get in trouble at school?

 It was always clowning around..

63.  What do you call a dolphin who’s always telling jokes?

 A laugh-a-pod.

64.  Why don’t dolphins make good detectives?

They always jump to conclusions.

65.  How do dolphins send text messages?

With their mobile flippers.

66.  What do you call a dolphin that’s always on time?

A punctual-pod.

67.  How do you get a dolphin to stop talking?

Put it in a sea-lion.

68.  What do you call a dolphin with a degree in science?

 A smart-splash.

Hilarious Dolphin Jokes for Kids

69.  What do dolphins like to eat most?

AFish and Chips!

70.  What do you call a dolphin that’s always prepared for the future?

A planned porpoise!

71.  What did the dolphin say when he saw a rubber duck?

 “Quack attack!”

72.  What do you call a dolphin that likes to wear a bow tie?

A snappy dresser!

73.  Why did the dolphin cross the ocean?

To get to the other tide!

74.  What is a dolphin’s favorite TV show?

Whale of Fortune!

75.  Why did the dolphin go to space?

To see the moon’s reflection in the ocean!

Hilarious Dolphin Jokes for Kids

76.  How do you know if a dolphin is playing a prank on you?

 They give you a porpoise grin!

77.  What did the dolphin say when it bumped into a shark?

Nothing, it just waved!

78.  What do you call a group of dolphins that sing Christmas carols?

 A pod of angels!

79.  What did one dolphin say to the other dolphin before a race?

“I’ll sea you at the finish line!”

80.  Why don’t dolphins like to watch TV?

 They always

Best Dolphin Jokes for Kids

81.  Why did the dolphin cross the ocean?

To get to the other tide!

82.  How does a dolphin call his friends?

With a shell phone!

83.  What do you call a dolphin that’s always on the go?

 A porpoise driven life!

84.  What do you call a dolphin that’s always singing?

 An opera porpoise!

85.  What do you get when you cross a dolphin and a porcupine?

A creature that can’t decide whether to swim or spike!

86.  How do you make a dolphin laugh?

You tickle its flippers!

87.  What do dolphins use to keep their skin soft?

Ocean lotion!

88.  What do you call a dolphin that’s always telling jokes?

A giggle-fish!

89. What did the dolphin say to the fish who asked how he was feeling?


90.  How do dolphins say hello to each


 They wave their flippers!

91.  What do you call a dolphin who is always happy?

 A smiley-whale!

92.  Why did the dolphin wear a bow tie?

He was going to a porpoise dinner!

93.  What do you get when you cross a dolphin and a walrus?

A creature that’s all brawn and no brains!

94.  What do you get when you cross a dolphin and a shark?

 A creature that’s all bite and no brains!

95.  Why don’t dolphins like basketball?

They’re afraid of the net!

96.  How do you know if a dolphin is feeling sad?

It has a porpoiseful expression!

97.  What do you call a dolphin that’s good at math?

A calcu-whale-tor!

98.  What do you call a group of dolphins that play instruments together?

A pod-estrian band!

99.  Why did the dolphin go to the doctor?

It was feeling a little eel!

100.  What do you call a dolphin that can perform magic tricks?

A hocus-porpoise!

101.  Why did the dolphin eat his homework?

He wanted to get good grades in the school of fish!

Hilarious Dolphin Jokes for Kids Clean

102.Why did the dolphin bring a towel to the sea? Because it wanted to have a “whale” of a time!

103.What’s a dolphin’s favorite TV show? “Flipper”!

104.How do dolphins send each other messages? They use “sonar” texts!

105.Why did the dolphin bring a pencil to the ocean? In case it had to draw a “sea”-cret map!

106.How do dolphins stay organized in school? With their “fin”-al exams!

107.What do you call a dolphin that tells jokes? A “comedian-dolphin”!

108.What do dolphins call a pod meeting? A “fin”-al decision!

What Do Dolphins Say

109.”Ee-ee! Let’s have some fin-tastic fun in the sun!”

110.”Click-click! Surf’s up, buddies!”

111.”Squeak-squeak! We’re the ocean’s acrobats, watch us flip!”

112.”Whistle-whistle! We’re the sea’s songwriters, let’s compose waves of joy!”

113.”Chirp-chirp! Dive deep and discover the secrets of the ocean!”

114.”Echolocation-communication! Our clicks and whistles tell tales of the sea.”

115.”Splash-splash! Dive into life with a dolphin’s sense of adventure!”

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In conclusion, dolphin jokes for kids offer a great way to not only introduce children to these fascinating creatures but also encourage them to develop a sense of humor. The many jokes and puns that have been inspired by these friendly mammals are sure to bring laughter and joy to kids of all ages.

Whether you’re telling jokes at home, in the classroom, or on a family vacation to the beach, dolphin jokes are a fun and engaging way to bond with children and help them learn about the world around them. So, next time you’re looking for a fun and lighthearted activity to share with your child, consider sharing some dolphin jokes and enjoying some laughs together.

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