90+ Funny Dragon Jokes for Kids

Dragon jokes for kids are the perfect way to get your little ones laughing! Dragons are some of the most beloved creatures in both fantasy and pop culture, and their silly antics make them great fodder for kid-friendly jokes. From riddles to puns, this collection of dragon jokes for kids has something for every dragon-lover!

If your kids love dragons, they’ll love these dragon jokes! Whether they’re a fan of the Harry Potter series, the How to Train Your Dragon movies, or the classic fairy tales, these dragon jokes are sure to get a giggle and a smile.

And even if your kids don’t know much about dragons, these jokes are simple enough to get them laughing. Ready to get started? Here are some of our favorite dragon jokes for kids:

Dragon Joke for Kids

1.  What do you call a dragon that snores?

A fire breather!

2.  What do you call a dragon that loves to read?

 A bookworm!

3.  What did the dragon say when it ate too much knights?

I feel a little hoarse.

4.  What do you call a dragon that likes spicy food?

A flame-thrower!

5. What do you call a dragon that’s always cold?

An ice dragon!

6.  What do you call a dragon that’s good at math?

A dragon-curator!

7.  What do you call a dragon that’s always playing tricks?

A prankster dragon!

8.  What did the dragon say when it saw its reflection in the mirror?

“Wow, I’m really hot!”

9.  What do you get when you cross a dragon with a bee?

 A fire-breathing buzzzzz!

10.  What do you call a dragon that’s always sleeping?

 A snore-lax!

11.  Why did the dragon wear a bandage?

Because it had a dragonfly!

12.  What do you call a dragon that loves music?

 A rock dragon!

13.  What do you call a dragon that’s always telling jokes?

A pun-dragon!

14.  What do you call a dragon that’s really fast?

 A blur-gon!

15.  What did the dragon say when it saw a knight in shining armor? “

Hey, you’re glowing!”

16.  What do you call a dragon that’s really good at hide and seek?

A hidra-gon!

17.  What do you get when you cross a dragon with a penguin?

A fire-breathing fridge!

18.  Why did the dragon go to the dentist?

 To get its teeth cleaned!

19.  What do you call a dragon that’s really clumsy?

 A trip-and-fall dragon!

20.  What do you call a dragon that’s always happy?

 A smiley dragon!

21.  What did the dragon say when it won the race?

 “I’m the drag-on the track!”

Dragon Joke for Kids

Jokes About Dragons for Kids

Dragon jokes for kids are the perfect way to bring a smile to your little one’s face. These funny, pun-filled jokes are sure to have your kid laughing out loud.

Whether you’re looking for some silly jokes to share with your kid at school or just for some family fun at home, these dragon jokes are sure to put a smile on everyone’s face.

22.  What do you call a dragon that likes to sleep?

 A Dra-z-Zzz!

23.  Why did the dragon go to sleep when it was time for dinner?

 Because he didn’t want to get BBQ’d!

24. What did the dragon say when it saw a knight?

“Cheers, mate!”

25.  What did the dragon say when it saw a knight coming its way?

 “Here comes dinner!”

26.  How did the dragon get to school?

He rode on his fiery steed!

27.  Why was the dragon always so hot?

 Because he breathed fire all day long!

28.  What do you call a dragon that sleeps all day?

 A snoozefire!

29.  Why do dragons always win at races?

Because they’re always fired up!

30.  How do you know if a dragon has a cold?

 It keeps coughing up smoke rings!

31.  Why did the dragon cross the road?

To get to the other castle!

32.  How do you get a dragon to clean its room?

 You tell it to hoard less!

33.  What did the dragon say when it found a treasure chest?

This is just what I’ve been hoarding for!”

34. How do you know if a dragon is telling the truth?

 You can always see right through it!

35.  What do you call a dragon that’s afraid of heights?

A groundfire!

36.  Why did the dragon go to school?

 To get a fire-breathing degree!

37.  Why do dragons like to fly over water?

 Because they’re afraid of rust!

38.  How do you stop a dragon from smelling bad?

 You give it a bath and some deodorant!

39.  What’s a dragon’s favorite snack?

Knights on crackers

Dragon Jokes for Adults

If you’re looking for a few good dragon jokes for kids, you’re in luck! We’ve gathered some of the best dragon jokes for kids that we could find and put them all in one place so you can have some laughs with your kids.

40.  Why did the dragon cross the road?

 To get to the butcher’s and grab a bite!

41.  What do you call a dragon wearing earrings?

 A fire-belle!

42.   What did the dragon say when it realized it had misplaced its keys?

Man, I am fire breathing mad!

43.  What do you call a dragon that likes to party?

A flam-bongo!

44.  Why did the dragon lie on his back all day?

 He wanted to see what clouds were made of!

45.   What did the dragon say when it woke up late for school?

“Darn, I guess I slept in!”

46. Why did the dragon go on a diet?

Because he was tired of being called a fire-breathing fatass.

47. What do you call a dragon who has bad breath?

 A flame-throwing halitosis dragon.

48.  How do you know if a dragon is married?

It’s the one with the fire extinguisher.

49.  What’s the difference between a dragon and a politician?

 One is a mythical creature known for its hot air, and the other is a dragon.

50.  What’s a dragon’s favorite meal?

Knights in shining armor with a side of roasted vegetables.

51.  Why did the dragon join the gym?

He wanted to build his flame muscles.

52.  How do you train a dragon to be polite?

 Teach it some manners, otherwise, you might get burned.

53.  What did one dragon say to the other when they met at a bar?

“I’ll have a fiery martini, please.”

Jokes About Dragons

54.   What did the dragon say when it saw a knight in shining armor?

“Oh look, lunch with claws!”

55.  Why did the dragon go to the dentist?

To get his teeth sharper!

56.   Why do dragons make bad pets?

 They breathe fire and always need more gold.

57.  What do you call a dragon’s sneezing fit?

 A flame-ua!

58.  What did the dragon say after eating a comedian?

 That was hilarious!

59.  How do you know if a dragon has a cold?

 It keeps on dragon!

60.  What do you call a dragon that’s always skipping class?

A truant-tula!

Jokes About Dragons

61.  How does a dragon keep its scales shiny?

 With armor-all!

62.  What do you call a dragon with a bad attitude?

 A fire-breathing jerk!

63. Why do dragons always sleep during the day?

 Because they like to hunt knights!

64.  What do you get when you cross a dragon with a cat?

 A dragon that’s always chasing its tail!

65.  How do you make a dragon stop smoking?

 Take away its matches!

66.  Why do dragons make terrible chefs?

Because they always char their meat!

Best Dragon Joke for Kids

67.  What do you call a dragon that likes to be on its own?

 A fire-breathing lone ranger!

68.  What did one dragon say to the other?

 Let’s get fired up!

69.  What did the dragon say when he saw two knights fighting?

He said, “Knights of the round table, cut it out!”

70.  What kind of music do dragons like?

They love to roar-ock!

71.   What did the dragon say when he was offered a cup of tea?

  ‘No thank you, I’m scared of hot liquids!’

72.   What did the dragon say when someone stepped on his foot?

 “Ouch, there’s a knight in my shoe!”

73.  Why did the dragon go to school?

 To learnfire-language!

74.  What do you call a dragon netting butterflies?

A bug zapper!

75.  What do you call a dragon that likes to eat knights?

Sir Loin!

76.  Why did the dragon cross the road?

 To get to the other castle!

77.  What do you call a dragon that’s always running late?

 A fire-tardy!

78.  What do you get when you cross a dragon and a snowman?


79.  Why did the dragon go to the doctor?

He was feeling a little hoarse!

80.  How do you make a dragon happy?

 You give him a big, warm hug!

81.  What do you get when you cross a dragon with a cat?

A fire-breathing furball!

82.  Why do dragons sleep during the day?

 So they can stay up all knight!

83.  How can you tell if a dragon has a cold?

 He’ll be a little hotheaded!

Funny Dragon Joke for Kids

Whether your kids are dragons experts or just getting to know the creatures, these dragon jokes are sure to get them laughing. So, why not fire up your next family game night with a few of these dragon jokes for kids? They’re sure to bring out the dragon in everyone!

84.   What did the dragon say when it saw a knight?

“I see you have scales!”

85.  What did the dragon say when it saw a massive feast?

 “Fire before food!”

86.  Why did the dragon go to the dentist?

Because he needed to get his fangs fixed!

87.  What did the dragon say when he saw a funny hat?

“I flame it!”

88.   What did the dragon say when he ate too much?

 “I’m feeling firey!”

89.  What do you call a dragon that likes to make puns?

 A Carni-dragon!

90.  What did the dragon say when he saw a fool?

is that you or are you just happy to see me!

91.  Why did the dragon go to school?

To learn how to be fire-breath solid!

92.  What did the dragon say when he ate too much cake?

“I’m feeling a little hot under the scales!”

93.  What did the dragon say when it saw a knight in shining armor?

 Nothing, dragons are naturally mute!

94.  What did the dragon say when it saw a knight?

“Oh, look! Dinner with armor!”

95.  Why did the dragon go to school?

 To learn fire-breathing lessons!

96What did the dragon say when he saw his mother-in-law?

“Is that old lady bothering you?”

97. What did the mommy dragon say to her hatchling?

 “You’ll be on fire in no time!”

98.  What do dragons like to eat for breakfast?

Toast, of course!

99.  What do you call a dragon that likes to take naps?

A lazy-saurus!

100.  What did the dragon say when it saw something strange?

“It looks like I need to fire breathe!”

101.  Why don’t dragons like fast food?

Because they can never catch it!

102.  What do you call a dragon who loves to tell jokes?

A Joke-o-saurus!

Short Dragon Puns

103.What do you call a dragon with a sweet tooth? A “fire-breathing dessert-royer”!

104.How do you stop a dragon from attacking your castle? You offer it a “knight”-cap!

105.Why did the dragon bring a smoke detector to the cave? For a little extra “fire-protection”!

106.What do you get when you cross a dragon with a snowman? Frostbite!

Short Dragon Puns

107.Did you hear about the dragon who loved to tell jokes? It had a “fire”-y sense of humor!

108.Why did the dragon go to the dentist? To fix its “dragon” breath!

109.What do you call a dragon that’s a sore loser? A “dragon” your spirits down!

Short Funny Dragon Jokes for Kids

110.What do you call a dragon that loves to share stories? A “fire-teller”!

111.Why did the dragon bring a fire extinguisher to the barbecue? Just in case it wanted to “wings-extinguish” the flames!

112.What do you get if you cross a dragon with a fruit? A “fire-breathing dragonfruit”!

113.How do dragons like their eggs? “Eggscellently” cooked!

114.Why did the dragon start a band? Because it had the scales for some fiery music!

115.How do you stop a dragon from charging? You take away its credit “hoard”!

116.What’s a dragon’s favorite snack? “Roasted knights” with a side of “princess pies”!

Jokes About What Dragons Eat

117.What’s a dragon’s favorite cereal? “Flamin’ Oats”!

118.How do dragons eat their spaghetti? With “fire-marinara” sauce, of course!

119.What do you call a dragon’s favorite fast food joint? “Burger Roar”!

120.Why did the dragon order a salad with its knights? To make sure it’s a well-balanced “meal”!

121.What do dragons eat when they’re sick? “Toast”-ed knights in shining armor!

122.How does a dragon make its coffee? With “scalding-hot” water!

123.Why did the dragon open a bakery? To make sure its treats were always “fire-baked” to perfection!

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Final Thoughts

Dragon jokes are great for kids because they allow them to explore their imaginations in a fun and safe environment. So, the next time your kids need a laugh, try out some of these dragon jokes. Who knows, they might just start a dragon joke tradition of their own!

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