85+ Funny Volcano Jokes

Volcanoes are a fascinating and awe-inspiring natural phenomenon, but that doesn’t mean they can’t also be the source of some humor. Whether it’s poking fun at their explosive tendencies or playing on the names of famous volcanic peaks, there are plenty of funny volcano jokes out there to lighten the mood.

From geologists to casual volcano enthusiasts, everyone can appreciate a good laugh, and these jokes are sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face. So sit back, relax, and get ready to erupt with laughter at these hilarious volcano jokes.

Funny Jokes About Volcanoes

A place where we celebrate the natural wonders of the world with a good laugh!

Here, we’ve compiled some of the best and funniest jokes about volcanoes that are sure to make you erupt with laughter.

1).   Why do volcanoes always have trouble keeping a secret?  Because they always lava to tell!

2).  Why was the volcano afraid to go to the dentist?  Because it didn’t want to get drilled!

3).   Why did the volcano go to the gym?  To get in magma shape!

4).  Why do volcanoes make terrible comedians?   Because their jokes always fall flat!

5).  What do you call a volcano that’s always erupting?  A hot mess.

6).   Why don’t volcanoes ever go to parties?  Because they always bring the heat.

7).   What’s a volcano’s favorite fruit?  Magma-nificent melons.

8).  Why did the volcano break up with its girlfriend?  She kept taking it for granite.

9).  What do you call a volcano that’s in love?  Lava-struck.

10).  Why did the volcano refuse to wear a tie?  Because it didn’t want to be too formal-dyhyde.

11).   What do you call a group of volcanoes?  A magma-ficent ensemble.

12).   What do you get when you cross a volcano with a potato?  A hot spud.

13).  Why did the volcano have to go to anger management classes?  Because it kept blowing its top.

Funny Volcano Jokes for Kids

Funny Jokes About Volcanoes is here to bring you the best volcanic humor around. So, sit back, relax, and get ready for some explosive laughter.

14).  How does a volcano like his steak cooked?  Well-done!

15).  What did one volcano say to the other when they erupted at the same time?   “What a blast!”

16).   Why did the volcano go to the doctor?  It had magma-nitude!

17).  How do you know if a volcano is angry?   It’s blowing its top!

18).  Why did the dinosaur cross the volcano?   To get to the other side!

19).  What do you call a volcano that’s always on the phone?  Erupting!

20).   What do you call a sleeping volcano?  A doze-a-mountain.

21).   Why don’t volcanoes tell jokes?  They take them too seriously!

22).   Why don’t volcanoes go to parties?  Because they always erupt!

23).   What do you get when you mix a volcano and a car?  A hot rod!

24).   What did the grape say when it got thrown into a volcano?  “It’s getting hot in here!”

25).   How does a volcano order a pizza?  With extra lava!

26).   What did one volcano say to the other when they were arguing?  “Let’s just magma-nimous!”

27).   What do you call a volcano that’s always happy?  Eruption-proof!

28).  Why did the volcano go to the therapist?  It was feeling hot-headed.

29).   Why was the volcano afraid to go to sleep?  It was afraid it might have a nightmare!

30).  What do you call a volcano that’s always running late?  Slow-lava!

31).  Why don’t volcanoes play sports?  They always burn out too quickly!

32).   What did the volcano say when it saw a mushroom cloud?  “That’s not how you erupt!”

33).   How do you make a volcano laugh?  Tell it a hot joke

Funny Volcano Jokes for Kids

Jokes About Volcanoes

If you’re looking for some humor to brighten up your day, you’ve come to the right place. here We’ve rounded up some of the funniest volcanic jokes that are sure to make you laugh.

34).  What do you call a volcanic eruption in Alaska?  A lava hot Alaskan night.

35).   Why did the volcano go to the doctor?  He had hot flashes.

36).  What do you call a volcano that’s always angry?  A grumpire.

37).   Why did the volcano go on a diet?  He wanted to lava few pounds.

38).   What did the volcano say to the earthquake?  “You rock my world.”

39).   Why don’t volcanoes tell jokes?  Because they lava punchline.

40).   Why did the volcano go to the psychiatrist?  He had some deep-seated issues.

41).   What do you call a group of volcanoes?  A hot spot.

42).   What’s a volcano’s favorite type of candy?  Magma-mallows.

43).   What do you call a volcano that’s always on the go?  A lava-holic.

44).   What do you call a volcano that’s good at math?  Eruptus Calculus.

45).   Why did the volcano take up gardening?  He wanted to grow lava beans.

46).   What did one volcano say to the other?  “I lava you.”

47).   Why did the volcano go to the dentist?  He had a bad case of magma-teeth.

48).   What do you call a volcano that’s always up for adventure?  A thrill-a-lava.

49).   What do you call a shy volcano?  A little lava-lone.

50).   Why did the volcano go to the gym?  He wanted to get buff and eruptive.

Jokes About Volcanoes

Volcano Jokes Funny

If you’re looking for a way to escape the stresses of life, look no further than our collection of volcanic wit and humor.

We’ve scoured the internet to bring you the best and funniest jokes about volcanoes. Whether you’re a geology nerd or just enjoy a good laugh, we’ve got something for everyone. So sit back, relax, and let the lava flow.

51).   Why do volcanoes always seem so angry?  They just have a lot of lava to blow off.

52).    What did the geologist say to the volcanic eruption?  “Can’t we just lava alone?”

53).   How does a volcano like its steak cooked?  Medium-rare, just like its lava.

54).   Why did the volcano go to the doctor?  He was feeling a little ash-y.

 55).   What do you call a volcanic eruption in Antarctica?  A chilli explosion!

56).   Why did the volcano wear a sweater?  Because it was getting hot in here!

57).   How do you know when a volcano is going to erupt?  It starts getting very edgy!

58).   What do you call a sleeping volcano?  A dormant!

59).   What did the volcano say when it erupted?  “I lava you!”

60).  Why did the geologist go on a date with a volcano?  He wanted to feel the spark!

61).   Why don’t volcanoes ever go to the gym?  They’re already in peak condition!

62).   Why did the volcano go to the doctor?  It had lava-tory problems!

63).   Why was the volcano afraid to go to the dentist?  It didn’t want to get drilled!

64).   What did the volcano say to the earthquake?  “You rock my world!”

65).   Why did the volcano go to the therapist?  It had magma-ted emotions!

Volcano Jokes One Liners

66).  What do you call a volcanic eruption in a suit and tie ?   A lava-tory.

67).   How does a volcano like its steak cooked?  Well-done.

68).  Why did the volcano go to the doctor?  He had magma-rrhoids.

69).   What do you call a group of volcanoes that love to sing?  A lava choir.

70).   What do you call a fake volcano?  A lava-tory.

71).  Why do volcanoes make terrible comedians?  Because their jokes always bomb.

72).    How does a volcano like his steak?  Erupting with flavor.

73).  What do you get when you cross a volcano with a snowman?   A slushie eruption.

74).   Why don’t volcanoes ever feel cold?   Because they have hot magma running through their veins.

75).   What do you say to a volcano that’s feeling down?   Cheer up, things will lava out for you.

76).   Why did the volcano go to the doctor?   Because he had a magma-tic headache.

77).   What’s a volcano’s favorite music genre?  Rock.

78).   Why did the volcano join the gym?  To get in ashape.

79).    What do you call a volcano that’s always on time?  Reliable magma.

80).   How do you make a volcano erupt? You give it a little lava-tory push!

81).    What do you call a volcano that’s shy?  A lava lamp!

82).    What do you call a volcano that’s a big fan of classical music?  Beethoven Berg!

83).   How do you know if a volcano is happy?  It’s always in a state of eruption!

84).    Why did the volcano go to the gym?  It wanted to get in magma shape!

85).   What do you call a volcano that’s also a comedian?  The Laughing Lava!

Final Thoughts

While not everyone may find humor in jokes about natural disasters, funny volcano jokes can provide a lighthearted and entertaining way to learn about volcanoes and their impact on the world. These jokes can also serve as a way to bring attention to important issues related to volcano safety and preparedness.

So go ahead and share your favorite funny volcano joke with your friends, and spread a little laughter while learning about the power of these amazing natural wonders.

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