90+ Meatball Jokes for Kids with Puns

If your child loves meatballs and loves jokes, these meatball jokes for kids are sure to have them laughing! From silly puns to clever riddles, these meatball jokes will have everyone in the family chuckling. Enjoy these humorous jokes and share some laughs with your family.

Meatballs are a popular dish loved by kids and adults alike, and these jokes take inspiration from the delicious and savory taste of meatballs. The jokes are easy for kids to understand and are filled with clever puns and wordplay that are sure to tickle their funny bones.

Whether your child is a meatball fan or not, these jokes are sure to bring a smile to their face and brighten up their day. So, sit down with your kids and get ready to share some laughs with these Meatball Jokes for Kids.

Best Meatball Jokes for Kids

1. Why did the meatball go to the doctor?

 Because it was feeling saucy!

2.  How do you make a meatball laugh?

Tickle its sauce!

3.  What did the spaghetti say to the meatball?

 You’re the meat to my sauce!

4.  What do you call a group of meatballs playing music?

 A meat band!

5.  How does a meatball keep its shape?

 It uses a meat ballistic missile!

6.  Why did the meatball fail its math test?

It didn’t know how to count to spaghetti!

6.  What do you call a meatball that is always in trouble?

 A meatbad!

7.  Why did the meatball break up with the spaghetti?

It wanted to see other pastas!

8.  How do you know if a meatball is happy?

It starts rolling around!

9.  What do you call a meatball that is lost?

A meat traveler!

10.  Why did the meatball go to the gym?

To get shredded!

11. What did the meatball say when it found out it was going to be eaten?

 “Oh, balls!”

12. Why did the meatball feel left out?

Because everyone was talking about how “meaty” the situation was!

13.  What do you call a meatball that doesn’t like to roll?

A meatloaf!

14. What kind of music do meatballs listen to?


14. Why don’t cannibals eat clowns?

 Because they taste funny!

16. What did the meatball say to the bread?

You’re just an under-bun.

17. What did the meatball say when it rolled off the table?

“Oh, Meatballs!”

18. What did the meatball say to his friend?

 Let’s get together and Meatballs around!

Best Meatball Jokes for Kids

Funny Meatball Jokes for Kids

It’s no secret that kids love to laugh and joke around. That’s why we’re excited to present some of the best meatball jokes for kids out there! Here’s a collection of some of the best meatball jokes for kids that will have them rolling on the floor. So, let’s get started!

19. What do you call a dancing meatball?

 A Spaghetti-Groover!

20.  What did the big salad say to the bowl of meatballs?

Let’s get a-meat!

21.  Why did the meatball go to school?

 To get smarter!

22. Why don’t meatballs have feathers?

Because they are too heavy!

23. Why did the meatball go to school?

 To get a higher meat-ucation!

24.  What did the meatball say when it saw a hotdog?

 Wow! That’s a-spicy wiener!

25.  Why don’t astronauts eat meatballs?

 Because they float away in zero gravity!

26. What did the big meatball say to the small one?

 Hey, little meatball! Get in my belly!

27.  What kind of meat do astronauts eat?


28. Why did the meatball refuse to roll?

 Because I was tired of being a meatball all the time!

29. What do you get when you cross a meatball with a baseball?

A homerun!

30. What do you call a meatball that’s been in the fridge for too long?

 A chilly ball!

31. What did one meatball say to the other meatball when they were stuck in traffic?

 “Meat you later!”

32. Why did the meatball go to the doctor?

Because it wasn’t feeling very saucy!

33.  How do you make a meatball giggle?

Tickle its meat!

34. Why did the meatball go to school?

To get some higher meat-ucation!

35. What did the meatball say when it won the lottery?

 “I’m rolling in dough!”

36. What’s the difference between a meatball and a basketball?

You can’t dribble a meatball!

37. What do you call a meatball with a lot of attitude

? A meat-baller!

38. Why did the meatball break up with the spaghetti?

 Because it wanted to meat someone else!

39. How do you know if a meatball is a good dancer?

 It has some serious meat moves!

40. Why did the meatball go to the beach?

 To get a little meat and greet!

41. What do you call a meatball that’s always trying to be the center of attention?

 A meatball hog!

42. Why did the meatball cross the road?

To get to the meat-side!

jokes about meatballs

Kids of all ages love a good meatball joke and who can blame them? After all, what’s more fun than a good, hearty laugh over something as delicious as a meatball?

Whether your kids are fans of traditional Italian cuisine or they’re just looking for a good laugh, these meatball jokes are sure to get them giggling. Here are some of our favorite meatball jokes for kids that are sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face.

43. What do you call a meatball that’s a terrible singer?

 A tone-deaf ball!

44.  Why did the meatball go to the doctor?

Because it felt saucy!

45.  Why did the meatball go to the gym?

To get saucy and fit!

46. What did the mother meatball say to her son when he got home late?

“Where have you been meatballing around?”

47.  Why was the meatball so scared?

Because it was in a meat grinder!

48.  What do you call a group of meatballs?

A meatball party!

49. Why did the meatball get arrested?

For meat and driving!

50.  Why did the meatball join a band?

Because it had good rhythm!

51.  What do you get when you cross a meatball with a potato?

 A starchy meatball!

52.  Why did the meatball go to school?

To become a meat-ematician!

Best Meatball Jokes for Kids

53. What do you call a meatball that’s always on time?

A punctual ball!

54. Why did the meatball break up with the spaghetti?

Because it was too saucy!

55.  What did the meatball say to the spaghetti after a long day?

 “Let’s roll into bed!”

56.  Why did the meatball decide to run for office?

 Because it had a lot of meat and greets!

57.  What do you call a meatball that’s been caught stealing?

A meat thief!

58.  Why did the meatball need a lawyer?

Because it was in a sauce!

59.  What did the meatball say when it won the race?

“I meat the finish line!”

60.  What do you call a meatball that’s in a hurry?

 A fast food!

61.  Why did the meatball go on vacation?

 To get a little meat and relaxation!

Funny Meatball Sayings

62. “Sizzling hot and eye-rolling delicious. Meatballs for everyone!”

63. “Mama Mia! The secret to perfect Italian meatballs lies in the sauce.”

64. “With great balls of fire comes mighty tasty beef, pork or chicken meatballs!”

65. “Meatballs: they really stick to your ribs!”

66. “Meatballs make the meal!”

67. “If it wasn’t for meatballs there would be no balls at all!”

68. “My favorite pastime? Kneading dough…for delicious meatballs!”

68.  The meatball that loves the sauce is a ball of joy!

69.  Meatballs are like hugs, they’re best when they’re Italian!

70.  Kung-fu fighting with firepower? Now that’s some spicy meatballs!

71.  Serve me up my favorite dish: spaghetti and deliciously bouncy meatballs!

72. Life isn’t complete without a comforting bowl of pasta and delicious homemade meatballs!

73. “There’s no such thing as too many meatballs!”

74.  “Meatball it up! Go big or go home.”

75. “Steal my sauce but not my meatballs!”

76. “All you need is love…and lots of meatballs!”.

Swedish Meatball Puns

77.  I just met you and this is small, but here’s a meaty pun for ya!

77.  You need to try my Swedish meatballs!

78.  Let’s be frank, these are the best balls ever!

79. My Swedish Meatballs will bring a smile to your taste buds.

80. These spheres of deliciousness can’t be beaten!

81. Meatballs of Sweden, we have you covered!

82. Ikea will be there for ya if you want some Swedish meatballs.

83. no need to get meaty-bald with questions, just come enjoy the deliciousness of our Swedish Meatballs!

84.  Put on your bib because it’s about to get really swellish when those Swedish Meatballs arrive!

85. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix your Swedish meatballs!

86.  Don’t take the wrong fork in the road – that way lies only bad Swedish meatballs.

87.  You can always add spice to life by trying different types of Swedish meatballs!

88. “I’m feeling kind of like a meatball today!”

Spaghetti and Meatballs Joke

89.  Why did the meatball refuse to roll?

Because it was too saucy.

90.  What did the spaghetti say when it met the meatball?

 “You’re a-meats-ing!”

91. How do you make a meatball laugh?

Tickle its spaghetti.

92.  Why did the tomato turn red?

Because it saw spaghetti and meatballs!

93. What do you call a meatball that’s lost its way?


94. Why did the meatball join the gym?

 To get saucy.

95. What do you call a fake spaghetti and meatballs dish?

 Impasta syndrome.

96. Why did the meatball go to the doctor? 

 Because it felt saucy.

97. What do you call a meatball that’s been around the world?

Globe-trotting meat.

98. How does spaghetti like to stay organized?

It keeps its meatballs in line.

99. What’s the difference between spaghetti and your ex?

Spaghetti never gets old.

10. What did the spaghetti say to the meatball when it asked for a date?

“Sure, let’s meat up.”

101. Why did the spaghetti and meatballs break up?

They were just two different pastas in life.

102. What do you call a meatball that’s a big fan of Star Wars?

Spaghet-Boba Fett.

103. Why did the spaghetti get a ticket?

Because it was caught saucing around.

104.  What did the spaghetti say when it saw the meatball in a tuxedo?

“You’re looking pasta-nova!”

105. Why did the meatball cross the road?

To get to the saucier side.

106. What do you call a meatball that’s always on time?


107. How do you know if a meatball is an extrovert?

 It’s always saucing around.

108. What do you call a meatball that’s a great musician?

 A spaghetti-strung artist.

Joke Spaghetti and Meatballs

109.Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the spaghetti and meatballs undressing!

110.How do you organize a spaghetti party? You invite all the pasta-bilities!

111.What’s a pasta’s favorite type of music? Anything with a little “al dente” rhythm!

112.Why did the meatball go to therapy? It had too much emotional baggage!

Joke Spaghetti and Meatballs

113.How do you make a meatball laugh? Just give it a little “pasta” joke!

114.What do you call a sad pasta dish? Depasta-ble!

115.Why did the meatball bring a pencil to the dinner table? Because it wanted to pasta-test its math skills!

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To conclude, Meatball Jokes for Kids are a great way to get children laughing and enjoying a good joke. Not only do these jokes provide a source of fun and laughter, but they also help children to learn and appreciate the importance of humor. So, if you’re looking for a light-hearted and fun way to entertain children, these meatball jokes are the perfect place to start!

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