110+ Funny Sloth Jokes for Kids

Sloths are one of the slowest and cutest animals on the planet. They have a peaceful and laid-back nature, which makes them a perfect subject for funny jokes. Kids of all ages love to laugh, so why not give them a few sloth jokes to enjoy? Here are some of the best sloth jokes for kids:

From silly puns to silly rhymes, here are some of the best sloth jokes for kids that will have them laughing in no time.

Hilarious Sloth Jokes for Kids

Sloths are one of the most lovable animals out there, and they make some of the best jokes too!

If you’ve got a little one in your life who loves sloths, make sure to share some of these sloth jokes to make them giggle.

1.  Why did the sloth cross the road?

To get to the slow side!

2.  What do you call a lazy sloth?

 A slow-poke!

3. Why do sloths always win at poker?

Because they’re experts at bluffing!

4.  What do you get when you cross a sloth and a kangaroo?

 A slow-jumping animal!

5.  How do you make a sloth laugh?

Just tell it a slow joke!

6.  What do you call a group of sloths?

 A snore!

7.  How do you know if a sloth is having a bad day?

 It’s moving faster than usual!

8.  What do you call a sleeping sloth?

A snoozle!

9.  What’s a sloth’s favorite song?

“Don’t hurry, be happy!”

10.  What did the sloth say when it was asked to hurry up?

 “I can’t, I’m sloth-ful!”

11.  Why did the sloth refuse to take a bath?

 He didn’t want to wash his coat!

12.  What do you call a sloth who loves to eat ice cream?

A sloth-scoop!

13.  What’s a sloth’s favorite hobby?

Slow-pitch softball!

14.  How do you make a sloth move faster?

 Give it a cup of coffee… sloooooowly!

15.  What do you call a sloth who loves to dance?

A slow-mo-tion!

16.  Why did the sloth climb the tree so slowly?

 Because he didn’t want to branch out too quickly!

17.  What do you call a baby sloth?

A slow-pokelet!

18.  How do you know if a sloth is feeling down?

 It has a frown… but a slow one!

19.  What’s a sloth’s favourite type of maths problem?


20.  Why do sloths sleep so much?

Because they’re so lazy

21.  Why can’t sloths climb trees?

Because they’re too slow

22.  What do sloths eat?

Leaves and tree bark!

Hilarious Sloth Jokes for Kids

Cute Sloth Puns

23.  slow and steady wins the race – Slothy McSlotherson!

24.  Time is on my side – I’m always late for everything!

25;  You can’t hurry love — but you can delay it a lot with a Sloth.

26.  Give me five, five at a time — Lazy paws up!

27.  Put your arms around me, hold on tight — Hang in there!

28.  Don’t be so sluggish … step up your pun game!

29.   Take it slo-the: Slow down and appreciate the beauty of life.

30.  Hang in there, I believe you can do e-sloth: Don’t give up, keep trying your best!

31.  My favorite animal is definitely the two toed superior!

32.  If your pet looks like it’s trying not to move – It must be sloth mode.

33.  Time flies like an arrow, but sloths linger like a banana!

34.  Slow and steady wins the race when you’re with a sloth by your side!

35.  Time is a relative concept when it comes to sloths; everything moves at “slother” speed around them.

36.   I heard the zoo keeper saying he was putting in much slower motion detectors since there were so many sloths around.

37. Word of caution if you ever encounter one – Never try and rush a sloth, or you might end up looking pretty silly!

38.  My favorite hobby is being lazy … no competition against a Sloth!

39. Time doesn’t fly when I’m around, it slows down.

40.   Slow down and smell the flowers – that’s why they call it a slothboretum!

Sloth Jokes Reddit

Sloths are one of the most lovable animals out there, and they make some of the best jokes too! If you’ve got a little one in your life who loves sloths, make sure to share some of these sloth jokes to make them giggle.

41.  What do you call a sloth who snores?

 A sleeping sloth.

42.   Where do sloths go to have fun?

The slow-dance club!

43.  What did the sloth say when it saw a banana tree?

I’m in the wrong jungle!

44.  What did the sloth say when someone asked him to dance?

 Only if you’re slow-dancing!

45.  Why did the sloth cross the road?

To get to the sleep store on the other side.

46.  What do you call a sloth that can pick up a bowling ball?

 A strong climber.

47.  How does a sloth ask someone to leave them alone?

“Can you please give me a minute?”

48.  Why did the sloth get a ticket?

Because he was driving too sloth-ly

49.  What do you get when you cross a sloth and a kangaroo?

A sloth that takes its time hopping.

50.  What do you call a group of lazy sloths?

A snooze.

51.  Why don’t sloths like to exercise?

Because they’re afraid they’ll get too fast.

52.  What do you call a lazy sloth that never moves?

 A couch potato.

53.  How do you make a sloth smile?

 Tickling it slowly.

54.  What did the sloth say when he fell off the tree?

 “Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”

55.  Why did the sloth take a nap in the middle of the day?

Because he was feeling slothful.

56.  What did the sloth say when he finally caught up to the turtle?

“Hey, wait up!”

57.  Why did the sloth go to the bank?

To withdraw some slot bucks.

Funny Sloth Jokes for kids

These slow-moving mammals are one of the cutest creatures in the animal kingdom! Fortunately, sloth jokes are often just as easy-going and enjoyable as the creatures themselves.

Whether you’re looking for a laugh to share with your child, or a silly joke to tell your friends, we’ve got you covered with our collection of sloth jokes for kids.

58.  How do you know when a sloth is mad?

 It glares at you very slowly.

58.  What did the sloth say when it saw the banana?

I’ll have a slow one, please!

58.  What did the sloth say when it saw a banana?

 I’m gonna go slow!

59.  What did the sloth say when it went for a walk?

I’m gonna go slow www wwwww!

60.   What did the sloth say when it was late for school?

 I’m gonna go slooooooow!

61.   What did the sloth say when it wanted to go to bed?

 I’m gonna go slumber!

Funny Sloth Jokes for kids

62.  What did the sloth say when it crossed the road?

 “I’ll get there… eventually.”

63.  Why did the sloth become a gymnast?

It wanted to win the Slow Olympics!

64.  What do you call a sloth that loves to dance?

A slot hop!

65.  What did the sloth say when it won the race?

 “I can’t believe I actually won something!”

66.  Why did the sloth refuse to do its homework?

 It was too slothful.

67.  What did the sloth say when it fell off the tree? “

Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up… for hours.”

68.  What do you call a group of sloths hanging out together?

 A snore-fest!

69.  Why do sloths always lose at poker?

They’re too slow to bluff!

70.  Why did the sloth go to the doctor?

 It had a case of slowness.

71.  What do you call a lazy sloth?

A slowcoach!

72.  Why did the sloth become a doctor?

It had a lot of patience.

Funny Sloth Memes

73.  Why are sloths so slow?

Because they only have two gears: slow and slower!

74.  Why did the sloth cross the road?

 Because it was a slow-moving Tuesday!

75.  Why don’t sloths like to go to parties?

A: Because they’re always the last to arrive!

76.  What did the sloth say when it saw a tree?

 I’ll be there in a few hours!

77.  Why can’t sloths sing?

 Because they’re always too slow to catch the melody!

78.  What did the sloth say when it saw a banana?

That’s not going to happen anytime soon!

79.  Why are sloths so clumsy?

Because they’re always hanging around!

80.  Where do sloths go on vacation?

 Anywhere they can hang out!

81.  What did the sloth say when he saw a banana?

 “Wow, that looks delicious!”

82.  Why did the sloth cross the road?

 He was too slow to get out of the way!

83.   What did the sloth say when it saw an elephant?

“Whoa, that’s one big tree!”

84.  Why did the sloth go to the party?

He was invited but it took him forever to get there!

85.  Why do sloths always look so sad?

Because they’re always a day behind everyone else!

86.  What did the sloth say when he saw a banana?

It’s about time!

87.  Why don’t sloths like to climb trees?

Because it takes too much energy!

88.  What did the sloth say when he was offered a peanut?

No thanks, I’m already slow enough!

89.  What did the sloth say when he was offered an apple?

Too much work!

90.  What did the sloth say when he was asked to do a somersault?

Sorry, I only do slow motions!

91.  Why do sloths always look so sad?

Because they’re always a day behind everyone else!

92.  What did the sloth say when he saw a banana?

It’s about time!

93.  Why don’t sloths like to climb trees?

Because it takes too much energy!

94.  What did the sloth say when he was offered a peanut?

No thanks, I’m already slow enough!

95.  What did the sloth say when he was offered an apple?

Too much work!

Sloth Jokes Zootopia

Sloth jokes are a great way to get kids laughing. Whether you’re looking for a few laughs at the dinner table or some quick jokes to keep the kids entertained during a long car ride, sloth jokes are the perfect way to bring some joy into any situation.

96.  Why was the sloth always late?

Because he took things slow.

97.  Why don’t sloths get into trouble?

Because they don’t move fast enough to get caught.

98.  What did the sloth say when it crossed the road?

“I made it…eventually.”

99.  What do you call a sloth who loves to dance?

 A slow-motion dancer.

100.  What’s a sloth’s favorite food?

Escar- slow peas.

101.  Why did the sloth take a job at the DMV?

 Because it was the only place where his slowness was an asset.

102.  What do you call a group of sloths?

A snore-fest.

103.  Why did the sloth fall asleep during the movie?

 Because it was a sloth-paced film.

104.  What did the sloth say when he finally caught up with his friends?

“Wait for me, guys!”

105.  How do sloths like to travel?

At a snail’s pace.

106.  What do you call a sloth who’s always on time?

 A mythical creature.

107.  Why do sloths never get stressed out?

 Because they just take things slow and steady.

108.  What do you get when you cross a sloth with a kangaroo?

A very slow hopper.

109.  How do you wake up a sleeping sloth?

You don’t. You let him sleep.

110.  What do you call a sloth who’s always in a hurry?

 An oxymoron.

Short Funny Sloth Jokes for Kids

111.Why are sloths always so calm? Because they take life one “sloooow” step at a time!

112.What do you call a fast sloth? A slo-thlete!

113.How does a sloth order fast food? Slowly, and they still get it wrong!

114.What do you call a group of lazy sloths? A “sloth-timore”!

Short Funny Sloth Jokes for Kids

115.What’s a sloth’s favorite game? “Snail and Seek.”

116.Why did the sloth bring a ladder to the tree? To see the moth at the top, of course!

117.What do sloths say when they’re in a hurry? “Slother be there!”

Funny Sloth Jokes for Kids Clean

118.Why did the sloth bring a pillow to the zoo? Because it wanted to take a “sloth” nap!

119.How do sloths say hello? They say, “Haaaaaay.”

120.What did one sloth say to the other sloth on a tree branch? “Hang in there!”

121.How do you get a sloth to exercise? Put its favorite snack at the other end of the room!

122.Why don’t sloths play hide and seek? Because they’re always “slooooow” to be found!

123.What’s a sloth’s favorite game at the playground? “Sloth and slides”!

124.How does a sloth ask for seconds at dinner? “Can you please pass the leaves… slowly?”

Sloth Sayings & Puns

125.”Sloth-ing in life is as important as achieving. Slow down and savor the moments.”

126.’Sloths may be slow, but their charm is unbe-leaf-able.”

127.”Don’t rush through life; be a sloth in a world of hares.”

128.”Take a cue from sloths: Sometimes, the best view is from a comfortable branch.”

129.”In a fast-paced world, be a sloth – steady, patient, and always hanging in there.”

130.”Why be in a hurry when you can be a sloth and enjoy the journey?”

131.”Slothful wisdom: Slow and steady wins the race to happiness.”

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We hope you and your kids had as much fun reading these sloth jokes as we did! Sloths are such a unique part of the animal kingdom and it’s always great to find ways to appreciate them. Keep these funny sloth jokes in mind the next time you want to share a laugh with your kids!

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