100+ Funny Rainbow Jokes for Kids

Rainbow jokes are a fun way to bring a little bit of color to your family’s day! Whether you’re looking for a way to bring some sunshine into a rainy day or just want to spread a little joy, rainbow jokes are a great way to do it.

Rainbows feature a beautiful array of colors, and the jokes that relate to them are just as colorful and creative. Here are a few of our favorite rainbow jokes for kids:

Rainbow Jokes for Kids

1. How can you capture a rainbow?

You can’t, it’s just an illusion.

2.  What is at the end of every rainbow?

A spectrum of colors.

3.  Why do rainbows make bad detectives?

Because they always let their colors show.

4.  What did the painter say to the rainbow?

You’ve stolen all my colors!

5.  What do you call a rainbow that doesn’t like to share?


6.  Why do rainbows need to go to the optometrist?

To improve their hue-sight.

7.  What’s the difference between a rainbow and a mirage?

A rainbow is a refraction of light, while a mirage is a reflection.

8.  Why did the rainbow break up with the sun?

Because the sun was too bright and stole all the attention.

9.  What’s the best way to find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?

Be happy with what you already have.

10.  How fond are you of rainbows?

Just a touch?

11.  Which color in the rainbow is a cat’s favorite?


12.  What’s multihued and resides inside your nostril?

A rainbow booger.

13.  What does Santa exclaim while soaring through a rainbow?

 “Hue, hue, hue! Merry Christmas” with cheer aglow.

14.  What does a rainbow symbolize in many cultures?

 Hope and unity.

15.  Have you ever seen a double rainbow?

 It’s a rare and mesmerizing sight.

16.  What do you call the process of splitting light into a rainbow of colors?


17.  Rainbows can be seen all around the world, but did you know there are also moonbows?

Moonbows are rainbows that occur at night, illuminated by the moon.

18.  Rainbows can appear in many different shapes, including circles and arcs.

 Each one is a unique and beautiful display of color.

19.  What’s the best way to capture a rainbow?

With a camera or your own eyes, enjoy the moment while it lasts.

20.  Rainbows have inspired many works of art, literature, and music over the years?

 Their beauty and symbolism continue to captivate and inspire us.

Rainbow Jokes for Kids

Rainbow Jokes for Adults

21. Where do mischievous rainbows wander?

To the prism.

22.  What is the weight of a rainbow?

It’s relatively light.

23.  Why is one side of the rainbow more intelligent than the other?

Because it’s well-read.

24.  How do you secure a cloud?

By using a rainbow knot.

25.  What do you term a rainbow that doesn’t manifest during a sunny rainstorm?

 A refrainbow.

26.  What math topic does a rainbow love the most?


27.  How did the colors eliminate purple from the rainbow?

Through non-violent demonstrations.

28.  What is a rainbow without colors called?

 A plainbow.

29.  How would you describe a rainbow without any colors?

A plainbow, perhaps?

30.  What is the term for a magician wearing a suit with all colors of the rainbow?

 A Hue-dini.

31.  Where did the infant discover at the end of the rainbow?

 A pot of gold.

32.  When Lieutenant Worf made rainbow T-shirts with his child, what did he say?

 “Today is an excellent day to die!”

33.  How does rainfall tie its shoes?

 Using a rainbow.

34.  Why did the rainbow dance when I saw it moving around the other day?

 The rainbow answered, “Because I just got out of the prism.”

35.  What is the method for wrapping a cloud?

Using a rainbow.

36.  Why is the rainbow the colors of the pride flag?

 It is because it is the first thing that appears when the sun comes out.

37.  What is a rainbow without any colors called?

 A plainbow.

38.  Why are rainbows always cheerful?

Because they just got out of the prism.

39.  How much does a rainbow weigh?

I’m not entirely sure, but it’s light!

Best Rainbow Jokes for Kids

Rainbow jokes are a great way to bring a little color and joy into your child’s life.

Whether your little one is a preschooler or a grade-schooler, they’ll find something to giggle about when it comes to rainbow jokes. Here are some of our favorite rainbow jokes for kids.

40.  Have you ever wondered how to wrap up the vast sky?

You can tie it with a colorful rainbow.

41.  If rainbows had an outfit, what would it be?

 Perhaps thunder pants would fit the bill.

42.  Why did the rainbow break up with the cloud?

 It was too clingy!

43.  What do you call a rainbow that’s not colorful?

A “plainbow”!

44.  Why don’t you ever see a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?

 Because leprechauns are too quick to catch!

45.  What’s a rainbow’s favorite type of music?

Heavy “prism” metal!

46.  What did the rainbow say to the rain?

“You wash, I’ll hang around!”

47.  Why did the rainbow go to the dentist?

To get a “filling”!

48.  How do you make a rainbow laugh?

 You tell it a “colorful” joke!

49.  What’s a rainbow’s favorite fruit?

Kiwi (because it has all the colors of the rainbow inside)!

50.  Why was the rainbow sad?

 It had the blues!

51.  What do you call a group of rainbows?

 A “color coalition”!

52.  Why did the rainbow break up with the cloud?

 Because the cloud was too clingy!

53.  What do you call a rainbow that’s sad?

 A blue-bow!

54.  How does a leprechaun find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

 He follows the rainbow’s arch support!

55.  Why did the rainbow go to the gym?

To work on its core!

56.  What do you get when you cross a rainbow with a unicorn?

A rainbow-corn!

57.  Why do rainbows always smile?

Because they’re happy to see you!

58.  What’s a rainbow’s favorite food?


59.  Why did the rainbow go to school?

To learn how to mix colors!

60.  What did one rainbow say to the other rainbow?

 “You color my world!”

61.  How do you know if a rainbow is messy?

 It leaves a colorful trail!

62.  Why did the rainbow break up with the cloud?

Because it was too controlling!

63.  What do you get when you cross a leprechaun and a rainbow?

A pot of gold at the end of every arch!

64.  What do you call a rainbow that’s gone on a diet?

A light prism!

65.  Why did the rainbow go to the dentist?

To get a brighter smile!

66.  Why did the rainbow join the gym?

 To get in shape for its next appearance!

67.  What did one rainbow say to the other?

 You’re so colorful, you make me beam!

68.  What do you call a rainbow that can play music?

A harp of many colors!

69.  How do you know if a rainbow is happy?

 It’s beaming with joy!

70.  Why did the rainbow go to the bank?

To get its pot of gold checked!

71.  What do you call a rainbow that’s always late?

 A tardy-bow!

Bad Rainbow jokes

Whether you’re looking for funny rainbow jokes to use at school, during family game night, or just for fun, we’ve got you covered. So go ahead and spread some rainbow cheer today and make everyone’s day a little brighter!

72.  Where did the rainbow go after it rained?

 It went to Prism-ville because its colors touched their prism!

73.  What did the rainbow say after a storm?

 I’ve seen brighter days.

74.  Why aren’t there any purple rainbows?

 Because nobody has yet discovered the power of violet-ray technicolor!

75.  How does a rainbow get to work?

 It takes the Pot of Gold Line.

76.  What did the rainbow say after it broke up with its cloud?

 Nothing, it just went away with a gray face.

77.  How do you make a rainbow even more unique?

Add some bad jokes!

78.  What did the rainbow say after everyone laughed at its bad jokes?

“Why so blue?”

79.  What did the rainbow say after it ended?

 Nothing – It just went out of sight!

80.  Why couldn’t the rainbow get a job?

Because it didn’t have any colorful resume paper.

81.  Why did the rainbow turn red?

 Because it was embarrassing to be seen with all those other colors!

82.  What did the rainbow say when it finished its job?

I’m out of this world!

83.  What did the rainbow say after it rained?

All my colors are washed out!

Bad Rainbow jokes

84.  What did the rainbow say to the cloud?

You look a little dark – let me add some color!

85.  What did the rainbow say to its friends?

 Nothing, it was too colourful.

86.  What does a rainbow eat for breakfast?

Color Flakes!

87.  Why did the rainbow cross the road?

To get to the other hue!

88.  What did the rainbow say after it failed its math test?

I probably should have curbed my enthusiasm.

89.  Why did the rainbow never turn back?

Because it didn’t have legs to stand on!

90.  What did the rainbow say after it broke up?

I guess, you could say the sky was looking a bit sketchy.

91.  Why did the rainbow cross the street?

 To see its other side!

92.  Why did the rainbow cross the street?

 Because it was looking for a pot of gold at both ends!

93.  What did the rainbow say after it broke up with its partner?

 I guess you could say, we went our separate ways.

94.  What did the rainbow say when it saw a cloud?

 Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!

95.  What did the rainbow say when it saw a cloud coming?

Here comes trouble!

96.  What did the rainbow say when it couldn’t find its pot of gold?

I’m at a loss!

97.  What did the rainbow say before it went down?

“Wow, that was one unique bad!”

98.  What do you call a rainbow with no colors?

A monochrome arc.

99.  Why did the rainbow lose its job?

 Because it couldn’t color inside the lines.

100.  Why didn’t the double rainbow ever have any gold at its end?

 Because rainbows don’t carry pots filled with money!

Short Funny Rainbow Jokes for Kids

101.Why did the rainbow apply for a job? Because it wanted to be a “color-ful” employee!

102.What did one raindrop say to the other at the end of the rainbow? “See you at the pot of gold!”

103.How does a rainbow apologize? It says, “I’m sorry for being a little too colorful today!”

104.Why did the leprechaun bring a ladder to the rainbow? To take its picture at a higher resolution!

105.What did one cloud say to the other cloud when they saw a rainbow? “You go high, and I’ll go low, and we’ll high-five in the middle!”

106.Why don’t rainbows like to play hide and seek? Because they always stand out!

107.What’s a rainbow’s favorite type of music? Heavy “downpour” and “light”ning strikes!

Somewhere Over the Rainbow Jokes

108.Why did Dorothy and her friends bring an umbrella on their journey “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”? Because they heard it might rain cats and dogs!

109.What did the Scarecrow say when he finally reached the end of the rainbow? “I think I’ll ask for a brain upgrade next time!”

110.Why did Toto, the dog, refuse to follow Dorothy over the rainbow? He said, “I’ll stick to chasing rainbows in my dreams, thank you!”

111.How does the Wicked Witch of the West feel about rainbows? She’s green with envy!

112.What do you call a leprechaun who guards the pot of gold “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”? A “guardian of the golden arches!”

113.Why did the Munchkins love rainy days? Because it was the best time to follow the rainbow to the pot of gold without the Wicked Witch around!

114.What’s Dorothy’s favorite game to play “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”? Follow the Yellow Brick Rainbow!

Funny Rainbow Jokes for Kids Clean

115.Why did the rainbow bring a sunhat to the sky? Because it wanted to keep its colors from fading in the sunshine!

116.What do you call a rainbow that tells jokes? A “humor-vibgyor”!

117.What do you get if you cross a rainbow with a computer? A colorful screen saver!

118.How do you make a rainbow laugh? You tickle its funny bone!

119.Why did the little cloud bring an umbrella to the rainbow party? Because it heard the forecast was a chance of rainbow showers!

120.What did one rainbow say to the other? “You’re a real spectrum of light-heartedness!”

121.How do rainbows stay in shape? They exercise by doing “light” cardio and “hue”-lates!

Jokes About Rainbows and Colors

122.Why did the color green break up with the color yellow? Because it felt blue and wanted a little more “independence”!

121.What’s a rainbow’s favorite type of sandwich? Rainbow sprinkles between colorful bread slices!

122.How do you organize a space party for colors? You planet!

123.What did one color say to the other at the art gallery? “I’m really drawn to you!”

124.Why was the color red so confident? Because it knew it was “in the red-hot center of attention”!

Jokes About Rainbows and Colors

125.Why did the blue color go to therapy? Because it was feeling a little “out of the cyan”.

126.What did the painter say when he ran out of colors for his masterpiece? “I’m feeling hue-ted!”

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Final Thoughts

Rainbows bring a lot of cheer to any day, and so do rainbow jokes for kids! We hope these jokes help you spread some sunshine on a rainy day or just make someone smile. Have any other rainbow jokes you like to tell? Share them with us in the comments!

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