100+ Best Ninja Jokes for Kids

It’s time for a little fun in the dojo! We’ve gathered some of the best ninja jokes for kids that are sure to have them in stitches. So grab your ninja stars and get ready for some ninja-sized laughter!

Funny Ninja Jokes for Kids

1.  Why did the ninja go to the dentist?

 To get rid of his bad breath- Jokes about Ninjas

2.  What did the ninja say when he was offered a taco?

I’ll take it in ‘stealth’ mode!”

3.  What did the ninja say when he was asked why he doesn’t like cake?

“There’s too much sneaking around.”

4.  What did the ninja say when he cut a corner?

 “I took a shortcut!”

5.  What did the ninja say when it was cold outside?


6.  Why did the Ninja go to school?

To learn new tricks!

7.  What did the Ninja say when he watched a scary movie?

 “I’m not scared, I’m ninjatizing!”

8.  Why was the ninja always cool?

Because he had a lot of fans!

9.  What do you call a ninja who is always on time?

 A punctual-ty!

10.  What is a ninja’s favorite kind of pizza?


11.  Why did the ninja cross the road?

To get to the other side!

12.  What do you call a ninja who loves to read?

 A book-kage!

13.  What do you call a ninja with a cold?

 A sneezyashi!

14.  How do you catch a ninja?

You don’t! They’re too sneaky!

15.  What do you call a ninja who is always sleeping?

 A snorin-ja!

16.  What do you call a ninja with a broken leg?

A hop-a-lon!

17.  What do you call a ninja who loves to play video games?

A game-kage!

18. Why did the ninja bring a ladder to the party?

To climb the food table!

19.  What do you call a ninja who is good at math?

A numbershiro!

20.  Why did the ninja take up gardening?

To learn how to sneak up on a plant!

21.  What do you call a ninja who loves to dance?

 A twirl-kage!

22.  Why did the ninja wear a yellow shirt?

To blend in with the bananas!

23.  What do you call a ninja who loves to sing?

A croon-kage!

24.  What do you call a ninja who always tells jokes?

 A pun-kage!

25.  Why did the ninja go to the bank?

To make a stealthy withdrawal!

26.  What do you call a ninja who is always lost?

 A path-less-ogen!

Funny Ninja Jokes for Kids

Ninja Jokes for Kids Funny

These funny Ninja jokes for kids are sure to get a laugh out of everyone. So, get your little ninjas ready for some action and some fun with these hilarious Ninja jokes!

27.  Why don’t ninjas like to eat at buffets?

Because they can never stay in line!

28.   What did the ninja say when it was cold outside?


29.   Why did the Ninja go to school?

To learn new tricks!

30.  What did the Ninja say when he watched a scary movie?

“I’m not scared, I’m ninjatizing!”

31.  What do ninjas wear to parties?

 Silent Suits!

32.  What did the ninja say when it sneezed?


33.  Why did the ninja break up with his girlfriend?

 Because he wanted some space.

34.  How do you know if a ninja is at your party?

 Don’t worry, they’ll let you know.

35.  What did the ninja say to the pizza guy?

Keep the change, I’ll be back.

36.  Why do ninjas always carry a spoon with them?

 In case they need to stir up some trouble.

37.  What do you call a ninja who’s always late?

A tardy-tobi.

38.  Why did the ninja go to art school?

To master the art of stealth.

39.  Why do ninjas wear masks?

So they can “mask” their emotions.

40.  How do you know if a ninja is good at math?

They can solve any problem with a ninja-star.

41.  Why don’t ninjas like to watch movies?

Because they always spoil the ending.

42.  What’s a ninja’s favorite type of shoe?


43.  How do you catch a ninja?

You don’t. They catch you.

44.  Why don’t ninjas ever get sick?

 They have strong “immune-ninjas”.

45.  What do you call a group of ninjas in a hot tub?

 A soapy stealth party.

46.  How does a ninja like his coffee?

 With a side of “Kiai”.

47.  Why did the ninja go to the grocery store?

To get some “stealthy-steak” for dinner.

48.  Why did the ninja bring a ladder to school?

 To climb the “rank” in his class.

49.  What do you call a ninja who’s always cold?

 A “Frosty-Fu”

Ninja Turtle Jokes for Kids

Whether they’re a fan of Ninjago, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or just love martial arts, these jokes will be sure to make them laugh. So, without further ado, here are some of the best ninja jokes for kids around:

50.  Why did Michelangelo eat pizza with chopsticks?

 Because he was a ninja turtle!

51.  What does Donatello say when he makes a mistake?

“Cowabunga, I did it again!”

52.  Why did the four Ninja Turtles go to the store?

To get some Shell-ies!

53.  What did the Ninja Turtles say when they saw a shirt?

Shell yeah!”

54.   Why did Michelangelo paint the Sistine Chapel?

He wanted to give it a fresh


55.  What did the turtle say when he couldn’t find his web slinging friend?

 Where’s my spider-shelled buddy?

56.   What did the Ninja Turtle say when he found out Easter was coming?

“Cowabunga, I’m ready for some egg hunting fun!”

57.  What do you call a ninja turtle who’s good at math?

Leonardo DiCapri-math!

58.  Why did Raphael cross the road?

To get to the pizza on the other side!

59.  What did the ninja turtle say when he ran out of pizza?

“I’m shell shocked!”

60.  Why did Donatello quit being a ninja turtle?

 Because he wanted to become a computer geek!

61.  What do you call a ninja turtle who loves to dance?


62.  How does a ninja turtle answer the phone?


63.  Why did Michelangelo get stuck in the sewer?

 Because he couldn’t find his way out of the pizza box!

64.  What do you get when you cross a ninja turtle with a snowman?

Frosty the ninja turtle!

65.  Why did the ninja turtle refuse to go swimming?

 He didn’t want to be mistaken for a turtle soup!

66.  What do you call a ninja turtle who likes to play tricks on his friends?

 Prankster Michelangelo!

67.  How does a ninja turtle stay warm in the winter?

 By wearing a shell-e-toe!

68.  Why did the ninja turtle go to the doctor?

 Because he was feeling shell-ly!

69.  What do you call a ninja turtle who’s always eating salad?

 Leonardo DiCapri-salad!

70.  Why did the ninja turtle bring a ladder to the party?

 Because he heard the pizza was on the roof!

71.  What do you call a ninja turtle who’s really into fitness?

Michelangelo Buff-a-roni!

72.  How does a ninja turtle clean his room?

 With a shell-a-vac!

73.  Why did the ninja turtle wear a seat belt?

To keep his shell from cracking in case of an accident!

74.  What do you call a ninja turtle who’s always sleepy?


75.  Why did the ninja turtle go to the disco?

 To show off his shell-a moves!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Jokes for Kids

76.  Why did the turtle cross the road?

To get to the shell station!

77.  What do you call a ninja turtle with four eyes?

A: Four-eyed foot!

78.   Why did the Ninja Turtles go to the bank?

 To get some shell-ter.

79.  What did the big turtle say to the little one?

Shell we dance!’

80.   What did the scientist say when he found out about the teenage mutant ninja turtle?

 He said, “Turtle power!”

81.  What did Michelangelo say when he saw a van full of pizza?

“Let’s get cheesy!”

82.  What did the turtle say when he went to the disco?

 Let’s get this shell-a-party started!

83.  Why don’t turtles ever get into fights?

 They prefer to shell out their problems!

84.  What do you call a group of turtles playing instruments?

 A shell ensemble!

85.  Why did the ninja turtle go to the doctor?

 He had a shellphone stuck in his ear!

86.  What did the turtle say to the snail when he caught up with him?

 Hey, slow down!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Jokes for Kids

87.  What’s a ninja turtle’s favorite type of music?

Shell Rock!

88.  Why did the turtle go to the bank?

 To get his shell-fund in order!

89.  How do you make a turtle smile?

You give him a shell-phone!

90.  Why did the ninja turtle break up with his girlfriend?

 She said he was too shellfish!

91.  What did the turtle say to the other turtle when he asked him for a ride?

Hop on my back and we’ll shell-ebrate!

92.  Why don’t turtles play tennis?

They don’t like to be rushed!

93.  What do you call a turtle who flies?

 A shell-i-copter!

94.  Why did the turtle refuse to go to the beach?

 He didn’t want to be mistaken for a sandcastle!

Jokes About Ninjas

Whether you’re looking for something to break the ice at a children’s birthday party or just want to give your kids a few chuckles, ninja jokes are sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face. Here are some of our favorite ninja jokes for kids:

95.  What do you call a ninja who loves to bake?

 A ninja-baker!.

96.  Why did the ninja wear a red shirt?

Because he wanted to blend in with the tomatoes.

97.   What did the ninja say to the pizza?

“You have been sliced!”

98.  How do you spot a ninja at a party?

Don’t worry, they’ll let you know.

99.  What do you call a ninja who is always on time?


100.  What do you call a ninja who’s always sleeping?

A nap-jitsu master.

101.  How does a ninja make a cup of tea?

They sneak-tea.

102.  What do you call a ninja who loves to garden?

A lawn-shinobi.

103.  Why did the ninja go to the doctor?

 He had a case of stealth infections.

104.  What do you call a ninja who’s a lawyer?

A ninja-gator.

105.  Why did the ninja bring a ladder to the party?

He wanted to be a high-profile guest.

106.  What do you call a ninja who’s a comedian?

A pun-ja warrior.

107.  Why did the ninja go to the park?

To practice his shadow boxing.

108.  Why don’t ninjas use elevators?

Because they prefer to take the stealth-ways.

109.  Why did the ninja go to the bank?

To check his balance, of course!

Best Ninja Jokes for Kids Clean

110.What’s a ninja’s favorite type of shoes? Sneakers!

111.Why did the ninja go to art school? To learn how to draw blood!

112.How do you greet a ninja? “Hi-ya!”

113.What do you call a ninja who’s always late? Tardy-kiri!

114.Why did the ninja bring a ladder to the bar? Because he wanted to get to the high spirits!

115.What do you call a ninja who tells jokes? A pun-ja!

116.How do you catch a ninja? You wait until they’re “out of the shadows,” and then you say, “Gotcha!”

Funny Ninja Quotes

117.”I’m not saying I’m a ninja, but no one has ever seen me and a ninja in the same room together.”

118.”Ninjas don’t need alarm clocks. We wake up at the break of ninja.”

119.”Ninjas have it all figured out – stealth mode on, adulting mode off.”

120.”Why did the ninja go to therapy? To work on his inner peace.”

121.”A ninja’s secret to success: When life gives you lemons, throw them back – with precision.”

122.”In a world full of plainclothes people, be a ninja in a three-piece suit.”

123″The best way to win a debate? Bring a ninja star to a battle of wits.”

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Final Thoughts

We hope your kids had a blast with these Ninja Jokes for Kids! With these silly jokes, your kids can have a great time with their friends and family. So, next time when your kids are looking for some fun, don’t forget to share these Ninja Jokes for Kids!

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