90+ Best Moon Jokes for Kids

If your kids are anything like mine, then they love a good joke, especially one about the moon! Moon jokes for kids are a great way to engage their imaginations and help them learn more about the night sky.

From fun riddles to silly puns, there’s sure to be something to make your kids laugh. Here are some of our favorite moon jokes for kids.

Funny Moon Jokes for Kids

1.  What did the moon say to the earth?

“I’m going through a phase!”

2.  Why did the moon go to the doctor?

Because it was feeling a little tide down.

3.   What do Moon rocks taste like?

Out of this world!

4.  How did the moon say goodbye?

With a little wave eclipse!

5.  Why did the moon go to the bar?

 Because he was looking for a little craters.

6.  What did the moon say when it tried to break dance?

“Oh my stars, I’m spinning!”

7.  Why did the moon go to the bank?

To get some change!

8.  What do you call a werewolf on the moon?

 A lunatic!

9.   Why did the cow jump over the moon?

To get to the Milky Way!

10.  Why don’t astronauts ever use the bathroom on the moon?

Because it’s full!

11.  How does the moon cut his hair?

Eclipse it!

12.  Why did the moon refuse to eat dinner?

Because it was already full!

13.  Why did the moon become an astronaut?

To see his face up close!

14.  Why did the moon join a band?

Because it wanted to be a rock star!

15.  How does the moon get from one place to another?

In a rocketship!

16.  Why did the moon go to the doctor?

Because it was feeling a little spacey!

17.  What is a moon’s favorite day of the week?


Funny Moon Jokes for Kids

Best Jokes About the Moon

Are you ready to get your kids giggling and laughing with some hilarious moon jokes? Whether you’re an astrophysicist in the making or just looking for some lighthearted fun, these moon jokes are sure to make your kids smile.

18.  What do you call a moon that’s been running all day?

A Marathon!

19.  Where does the moon go when it takes a break?

To Luna Park!

20.   Why did the man jump on the moon?

 He wanted to see what all the hype was about!

21.   What did the Moon say when it saw two people walking hand in hand?

 Nothing, it just waved!

22.   What did the Moon say after it saw a spaceship?

“That’s one small step for man, one giant laugh for me!”

23.   Why did the moon go out with a giraffe?

 Because it was too high for any other date!

24.  What did the Moon say to Earth when they first met?

 “Hey, nice to eclipse you!”

25.   What did the Moon say to the Earth?

 “What’s up, man?”

26.  Why did the moon skip dinner?

Because it was already full!

27.  What do you call a werewolf on the moon?

A lunatic.

28.  Why did the moon go to the bank?

 To get its quarters back.

29.  What did the moon say to its therapist?

 I feel like I’m just going through phases.

30.  Why did the cow jump over the moon?

 Because the farmer had cold hands.

31.  What do you call a fake moon?

An im-pasta.

32.  Why did the moon join the gym?

To get in shape for its full moon cycle

33.  What did one astronaut say to the other astronaut on the moon?

I don’t know, they were spaced out

34.  What did the moon say to the sun?

 You’re so bright, you’re blinding me!

35.  Why was the moon arrested?

For stealing the sky’s shine.

Jokes on Moon

36.  Why is the Moon always unhappy?

Because it’s constantly going through its phases.

37.  How does NASA organize a party on the Moon?

 They planet!

38.  Why did the cow jump over the Moon?

 To get to the Milky Way!

39.  Why did the Moon go to the therapist?

It had a phase problem.

40.  What do you call a fake Moon rock?

 A counter-feet.

41.  Why do people hate going to the Moon?

Because it’s a chore that’s literally out of this world.

42.  Why did the Moon skip dinner?

It was full after its last quarter.

43.  Why did the Moon join a band?

It wanted to be a full moon every night.

44.  What do you get when you cross an astronaut with a tortilla?

 An enchilada.

45.  Why don’t aliens eat Moon rocks?

Because they crack their teeth on the craters!

46.  Why did the Moon go to the doctor?

It was feeling a little “lunar-tic”.

47.  How do you know if a Moon rock is a boy or a girl?

 Check for craters.

48.  What do you call a cat that’s been on the Moon?

 An Astro-cat

Funny Moon Jokes

Are you looking for some fun and educational moon jokes for kids? If so, you’ve come to the right place!

Moon jokes are a great way to get your kids exploring the night sky and having fun with astronomy. From puns to riddles, here’s a list of some of the best moon jokes for kids.

49.  Why did the moon go to the doctor?

 Because it was feeling a little half-ill.

50.   What did the man on the moon do when he heard a joke?

He laughed out of this world!

51.  What do you call a moon that’s not there?

A void moon.

52.   What did one moon say to the other moon?

 You’re out of this world!

53.   Why did the astronaut take his telescope to the moon?

He wanted to get a better look at the stars.

54.  Why did the moon refuse to go to the party?

 Because it was already full!

55.  Why is the moon always happy?

Because it’s always full!

56.  What did the moon say to the astronaut?

 Nothing, it just waved!

57.  How does the moon cut its hair?

Eclipse it!

58.  Why did the cow jump over the moon?

 To get to the Milky Way!

59.  Why is the moon so bad at telling jokes?

Because it’s always in the wrong phase!

60.  Why did the moon join the basketball team?

 It wanted to shoot for the stars!

Funny Moon Jokes

61.  Why was the moon so upset?

Because it missed its eclipse!

62.  What do you call an alien on the moon?

 An “extra-lunar-restrial”!

63.  What did the moon say to the other night?

 “I’m full!”

64.  What did the moon say when it saw a comet?

 “Hey, there’s a shooting star!”

65.   What did the moon say when it was feeling down?

 “I’m so blue!”

66.   What did the moon say when it saw a UFO?

 “Whoa, that’s out of this world!”

67.  What did the moon say when it was asked to stay up late?

I’m over the moon!”

68.  What did the moon say when it saw the sun for the first time?

“Wow, you’re bright!”

69.  Why did the aliens go to the moon?

To visit their lunar relatives!

70.  Why did the moon go on a diet?

It was trying to reduce its crater-ite!

Clever Moon Jokes for Kids

Moon jokes for kids are an entertaining way to educate and entertain children about the moon and its many features. Whether your kids are just beginning to learn about the moon or they’re already moon enthusiasts, these jokes are sure to be a hit!

71.  What did the moon say when it first saw the sun?

Moon: “Wow, you’re huge!”

72.  Why don’t astronauts ever visit the dark side of the moon?

 Because it’s always night there!

73.  Why did the moon stay out late?

Because it was moonlighting!

74.  What did the moon say to the stars?

Moon: “You guys really outshine me!”

75.  What did one moon provide to the other?

A lunar eclipse!

76.  What did the moon say to the stars in the sky?

 Moon: “You guys really make me shine!”

77.  What do you call a fake moon?

A lunar-tick!

78.  Why did the moon stop going to the gym?

 Because it was already full!

79.  Why was the moon feeling sad?

Because it had a crater attitude.

80.  How does the moon cut its hair?

Eclipse it!

81.  Why did the moon go to the bank?

To get some quarters!

82.  How does the moon clean its room?

With a waning mop!

83.  Why did the moon go to the doctor?

Because it had a case of phases.

84.  What do you call a moon that’s always grumpy?

 A lunar-tic!

85.  Why was the moon jealous of the sun?

 Because it always gets to be the star of the show!

Best Moon Jokes for Kids Clean

86.What do you call a bear that chases the moon? A lunar-tic!

87.Why was the math book sad on the moon? Because it had too many problems!

88.What did one moon say to the other moon? “I’ll see you in the crescent-ary!”

89.Why was the moon so good at playing hide and seek? Because it’s always up for a little “eclipse” of the game!

90.What do you get if you cross a werewolf with the moon? A very bad night!

91.How do you throw a space party on the moon? You plan-et!

92.Why did the astronaut break up with the moon? Because he needed space!

Funny Sayings About the Moon

93.”The moon: Earth’s most reliable nightlight, no batteries required!”

94.”Why did the moon become an astronaut? Because it wanted to say ‘Hi’ to the stars!”

95.”The moon’s the original introvert – it only shows up at night to avoid small talk with the sun.”

96.”The moon’s phases are like cosmic emojis, expressing itself in crescent, gibbous, and full-face!”

97.”If the moon had a favorite song, it would be ‘Talking to the Moon’ by Bruno Mars.”

98.”The moon may be far away, but it still manages to be the Earth’s most radiant long-distance relationship!”

99.”Remember, even on the darkest nights, the moon is there to remind you that there’s always a brighter side to life!”

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Final Thoughts

We hope you and your kids enjoyed these moon jokes for kids. They’re sure to bring a smile to their faces and help them learn more about the night sky. So grab a blanket and get ready to have some fun under the stars!

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