90+ Best Mermaid Jokes for Kids

Mermaids are magical creatures of the sea, and they often capture the hearts and imaginations of kids. Not only are they mysterious and beautiful creatures, but they also have a fun and playful side that can be great for a laugh.

If you’re looking for a way to bring some mermaid-inspired fun into your home, check out these mermaid jokes for kids!

Funny Mermaid Jokes for Kids

1.  What did the mermaid wear to the party?

An algae-bra!

2.   What do mermaids put on their French fries?


3.  How do mermaids style their hair?

 With a seaweed spray!

4.   Why are mermaids so friendly?

Because they always have a smile on their face!

5.   What did the mermaid say when she saw a shipwreck?

 “Oh no, it’s a sunken treasure!”

6.   What did the mermaid say when she saw a shark?

“Yikes! I better swim away quickly!”

7.  What did the mermaid say when she saw her reflection in the mirror?

“Fish don’t have eyes!”

8.  Why did the mermaid go to the beach?

 To find her lost comb of course!

9 . What do mermaids eat for breakfast?

Fish and chips, of course!

10.  Did you know that mermaids use their tails to wave hello?

 That’s why mermaids wave with their tails instead of hands.

11.  What do you get when you cross a mermaid and a cow?

 A milkmaid!

12.  Why did the mermaid wear seashells?

Because she outgrew her B-shells!

13.  How do mermaids communicate with each other?

 They use shell phones!

14.  Why did the mermaid swim across the ocean?

 To get to the other tide!

15.  What is a mermaid’s favorite snack?

Fish and ships!

16.  What do you call a group of singing mermaids?

 An a-cappella pod!

17.  Why do mermaids like math?

They’re good at using their scales!

18.  What did the mermaid say to the octopus?

Stop ink-insulting me!

19. Why do mermaids make bad tennis players?

 Because they always play below the surface!

20.  What do you call a mermaid who runs away from her problems?

 A sea-scape artist!

21.  Why don’t mermaids ever get sick?

Because they have a strong immune system!

22.  How do mermaids stay in shape?

 They do water aerobics!

23.  What do mermaids use to clean their houses?


24.  What do you get when you cross a mermaid and a porcupine?

A mer-pine!

Funny Mermaid Jokes for Kids

Mermaid Jokes One Liners

Kids love mermaids! They are magical and mysterious, so it’s no wonder why they have been a source of fascination for generations.

But what better way to get a giggle out of your little ones than with some funny mermaid jokes? Here are some of the best mermaid jokes for kids.

25.  Why did the mermaid wear seashells?

Because she grew out of her B-shells!

26. How do mermaids call their friends?

On their shell-phones!

27.  What do mermaids use to keep their hair in place?


28.  Why do mermaids make bad detectives?

 They’re always too easily baited!

29.  What do you call a mermaid on a farm?

 An “aqua-cow”!

30.  Why did the mermaid swim across the ocean?

 To get to the other tide!

31.  How do mermaids clean their tails?

With tide pods!

32.  What’s a mermaid’s favorite subject in school?


33.  What do you call a mermaid who loves math?

A calcu-lus!

34.  Why did the mermaid go to the seance?

 To talk to her dead sea-mother!

35.  How do you know if a mermaid is happy?

 She flips her fins!

36.  Why did the mermaid bring a ladder to the beach?

To climb up onto the shore-reef!

37.  What do you call a mermaid who’s good with technology?

A cyber-siren!

38.  Why don’t mermaids like sushi?

Because they’re afraid of being eaten themselves!

39.  “Why did the mermaid cross the ocean?

To get to the other tide!””

Little Mermaid Jokes

These Mermaid jokes will make your mermaid-loving kids giggle and laugh as they explore the magical, underwater world of mermaids.

Have fun telling them at the dinner table, or to the kids at the beach. Either way, these jokes are sure to get a few smiles and a few laughs.

40.  What did Ariel do when she found out that she was a mermaid?

She screamed “Dinglehopper!”

41.  Why did Ariel break up with her boyfriend?

 He took her for granted and never let her have her “fin” way!

42.  How does Ariel communicate with her friends?

 She uses her “shell” phone!

43.  What’s Ariel’s favorite TV show?

“Whale of Fortune”!

44.  What did Ariel say when she bumped into Ursula at a party?

“Long time no sea!”

45.  Why did Ariel stop hanging out with Sebastian?

 Because he was too crabby!

46.   Why did Ursula the sea witch want to turn Ariel into a mermaid?

 So she could get her hands on Ariel’s voice.

47.   What did Prince Eric think when he first saw Ariel?

He thought she was a seal!

48.   Why did Sebastian have to leave Ariel’s room every night?

Because she was afraid that he would sing her to sleep!

49.  Why did Ariel go to the surface?

 To see what’s up!

50.  What did the little mermaid say when she lost her voice?

 Nothing, she just waved!

51.  What did Ursula say when Ariel asked for her help?

You want what?”

52.  What did Ariel say when she saw a human for the first time?


53.  What did Sebastian say when Ariel chose the human prince?

 “It’s a mistake!”

Little Mermaid Jokes

54.  What do mermaids wear to parties?

Seaweed dresses!

55.  Why did the mermaid cross the sea?

To get to the other tide!

56.  What did the mermaid say when she saw a shark?


57.  What did the mermaid say when she saw the bottom of the ocean?

“What a view!”

58.  Where do mermaids go on vacation?

The beach!

59.  What did the mermaid say when she saw a boat?

“Sail away!”

60.  Why did the mermaid cross the ocean?

To see what was on the other side!

61.  Why did the mermaid go to the bottom of the ocean?

To find lost treasure!

62.  Why don’t mermaids like swimming in the ocean?

Because the water’s too deep!

63.  What did Ariel’s dad say when he saw her hanging around the seahorse?

“Seahorse-ing around again?”

64.  What did Ariel do when she heard about the new underwater theater?

She was over-seas with excitement!

65.  What do you call a lobster that can’t move?

 A crawfish!

66.   What did Ariel say when she saw the new underwater roller coaster?

“Let’s ride the waves!”

The Little Mermaid Jokes For kids

These fun mermaid jokes for kids are sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face! So, the next time you’re looking for a bit of mermaid-themed fun, give these a try! Your kids will be laughing in no time!

67.  Why did the little mermaid wear seashells?

Because she grew out of her B-shells!

68.  Why did Ariel move to the shore?

Because she wanted to meet Prince Eric!

 She went swimming!

69.  What did Sebastian say when he found a pearl?

“A pearl for a pretty girl!”

70.  Why did The Little Mermaid never get married?

 Because she was always looking for her prince!

71.  Why did The Little Mermaid always wear a crown?

 Because she was a princess!

72.  Why did Ariel wear seashells as a bra?

Because she outgrew her B-shells!

73.  What do you call a crab who is always grumpy?

A crabby patty!

74.  Why did King Triton get an ocean view?

Because he shell-ed out for it!

75.  Why was Ariel bad at math?

Because she could never count all the fish in the sea!

76.  What do you get when you cross a mermaid and a snowman?

Frosty the Snow Mermaid!

77.  What do you call a mermaid who is always on time?


78.  Why did Ariel quit her job at the seafood restaurant?

She couldn’t work in a place that served her friends!

79.  Why did Sebastian the crab get a ticket?

He was caught shell-fishing without a license

80.  What do you call a mermaid who loves to cook?

Ariel Deen!

81.  Why was Ariel afraid to swim in the dark?

Because she was afraid of the sharks with flashlights!

82.  Why did Ariel have trouble writing her name?

She didn’t have a pen, only a quill-tipped fin!

Best Mermaid Jokes for Kids Clean

83.Why did the mermaid bring a seashell to the party? Because she wanted to “shell”-ebrate in style!

84.How do mermaids call their friends underwater? They “shell” them on their clam-phones!

85.What do mermaids use to clean their hair? An “ocean-ditioner”!

86.Why did the mermaid blush? Because she saw the ocean’s bottom!

87.What did the mermaid use to fix her shipwrecked boat? Mer-magic!

88.What do you call a mermaid who loves math? An algaebraic mermaid!

89.What’s a mermaid’s favorite subject in school? “Aqua”-nomics!

Little Mermaid Jellyfish

90.In the depths of the ocean, where the water is cool,
There’s a mermaid named Ariel, not your typical school.

91.She’s got friends in the sea, quite a sight to see,
Little jellyfish companions, as graceful as can be.

92.They glow and they shimmer, in the dark they’re a light,
Guiding Ariel through the depths of the ocean at night.

93.With their tendrils aglow, in colors so bright,
These jellyfish friends light up her underwater life.

94.They dance and they twirl, in a mesmerizing ballet,
Ariel and her jellyfish friends, a magical display.

95.So if you’re ever swimming where the sea creatures play,
Look for Ariel and her jellyfish, they’ll brighten your day.

96.In the world under the sea, where the mermaid takes flight,
Little jellyfish friends make her world oh so bright.

Black Little Mermaid Jokes

97.Why did the Little Mermaid bring a fork to the underwater party? Because she wanted to “sea-food” in style!

98.What’s a Little Mermaid’s favorite instrument? The “coral-net”!

99.Why did the Little Mermaid swim to music class? To catch some “tuna” notes!

100.How does the Little Mermaid ask for a favor? She says, “Can you lend me a hand-fin?”

Black Little Mermaid Jokes

101.What did the Little Mermaid use to fix her hair? “Under the sea-spray”!

102.Why did the Little Mermaid bring a treasure chest to school? She wanted to show her “shelleagues” her favorite things!

103.What’s a Little Mermaid’s favorite subject in school? “Ocean”-ometry!

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Final Thoughts

Mermaid jokes are a great way to bring a smile to your kid’s face. They can be a fun way to get your kids to laugh and have a good time. With so many mermaid jokes available, you’re sure to find one that your kids will love. So, dive into the deep and have a whale of a time with mermaid jokes for kids!

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