80+ Funny Tiger Jokes for Kids

Tigers are some of the most majestic and awe-inspiring animals in the world, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a bit of fun with them! Kids of all ages love a good joke, and tiger jokes for kids are no exception.

From silly puns to zany one-liners, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. So, if you want to make your child roar with laughter, these tiger jokes for kids will do the trick.

Hilarious Tiger Jokes for Kids

1.  What do you call a tiger with glasses?

 A scientistiger!

2.  Why don’t tigers play cards in the jungle?

 Too many cheetahs!

3.  What do you call a tiger who likes to paint?

Stripe the artist!

4.  Why did the tiger go to school?

To learn how to purr-nounce words correctly!

5.  What did the tiger say when he saw a steak?

 That looks gr-r-reat!

6.  What did the tiger say when he saw his reflection in the mirror?

 That’s grrreat!

7.  What do you call a tiger who is always telling jokes?

 A purr-ankster!

8.  Why did the tiger cross the road?

 To get to the other pride!

9.  What’s a tiger’s favorite type of pizza?

 Pepperoni and stripes!

10.  Why was the tiger afraid of the computer?

 He was afraid he might get a byte!

11.  What do you call a tiger that loves to read?

A book-predator!

12.  What did the tiger say when he lost his tail?

 Where’s my tiger-tailor?

13.  Why did the tiger join the band?

 He wanted to play the tiger sax!

14.  Why don’t tigers play baseball?

 They’re afraid of getting caught in a cat-tle!

15.  What do you call a tiger that loves to dance?

 The tiger of the tango!

Hilarious Tiger Jokes for Kids

Dirty Tiger Jokes

Whether you’re looking for an icebreaker at a family gathering, or just want to bring some lighthearted laughter to your child’s day, here are some tiger jokes that are sure to do the trick.

16.  Did you hear the one about the tiger that went to the doctor?

 The doctor asked him,

17. “What’s wrong?”

 The tiger replied, “I’m feeling a bit striped!”

18.  Why did the tiger cross the road?

Because he was chasing the zebra!

19.  What did the tiger get when he went to the store?

 Stripe-y shoes!

20.  What do you call a tiger with a sore throat?

A purr-fectly sick tiger!

21.  Why don’t tigers like to take baths?

 They’re afraid they’ll get stripes all over!

22.  What do you call a tiger in a supermarket?

An aisle-cat!

23.  What do tigers eat for breakfast?


24.   What do you call a tiger who’s been to the dentist?

 A toothy tiger!

25.  What did the tiger say when it saw a giraffe?

“There’s a big cat in town!”

26.   Why don’t tigers like to fly?

Because they’re afraid of the stripes!

27.   What did the tiger say when it ate the whole apple?

That was one tiger-iffic snack!”

28.  What did the tiger drink at the pool party?


29.  What did the tiger say when it saw the giraffe?

 What a neck-lace!

30.  What did the tiger say when it saw the zebra?

 What a stripy suit!

31.   What did the tiger say when it saw the lion?


32.  What did the tiger say when it saw the hyena?

What a laugh!

Tiger Jokes for Adults

33.  Why do tigers always win at poker?

 Because they have a killer poker face.

34.  What do you call a tiger that has just eaten a clown?

 A laughing stock.

35.  Why did the tiger invite the sheep over for dinner?

To have a lamb roast.

36.  How do you know if a tiger has a cold?

 He’ll have a big catarrh.

37.  What do you call a tiger with a broken tail?

A wagless tiger.

38.  Why don’t tigers like fast food?

 Because they can’t catch it.

39.  What do you call a tiger with a degree in accounting?

 A financial predator.

40.  Why did the tiger go on a diet?

He wanted to reduce his waistline.

41.  What do you call a tiger that has a gambling problem?

A wild card.

42.  Why don’t tigers play hide and seek?

Because they are always spotted.

43.  Why did the tiger get a ticket?

Because he was caught speeding in the jungle.

44.  What do you call a tiger that likes to eat strawberries?

A berry ferocious beast.

45.  What do you call a tiger that’s just won a race?

The fastest cat on earth.

46.  How do you catch a tiger?

You climb up a tree and act like a banana.

47.  What do you get if you cross a tiger with a kangaroo?

A striped jumper.

48.  Why did the tiger refuse to go to school?

 He already knew how to pounce on his prey.

49.  How do you make a tiger change its stripes?

You can’t, but you can try to paint them a different color.

50.  How do you make a tiger laugh?

 Tell him a joke about a lion!”

Hilarious Tiger Jokes for Kids

Tigers are majestic creatures that capture the imagination of both adults and kids alike. Whether you’re looking for a chuckle or a hearty guffaw, these tiger jokes for kids will be sure to make you roar with laughter!

51.  What did the tiger say when he saw a lion?

 “Look what the cat dragged in!”

52.  What do tigers do when they’re mad?

 They growl!

53.  What did the tiger say when he saw a mouse?

 “I’m not afraid of any mouse!”

54.   What did the tiger say when he saw a zebra?

“I’m gonna stripe you!”

55.   What did the tiger say when he saw a giraffe?

“That’s a tall drink of water!”

56.  What did the tiger say when he saw a monkey?

“Don’t monkey around with me!”

57.   What did the tiger say when he saw a rhinoceros?

“That’s one tough customer!”

58.  What do you call a tiger that plays guitar?

A rock-a-tiger!

59.  Why did the tiger lose at poker?

Because he was playing with a cheetah!

60.  Why don’t tigers like fast food?

Because they can’t catch it!

61.  Why did the tiger go on vacation?

 To get away from all the lion around!

62.  What do you call a tiger who loves to sing?

 A crock-a-tiger!

63.  Why did the tiger cross the road?

To get to the other pride!

74.  What do you call a tiger who tells jokes?

A sniggering striped comedian!

Hilarious Tiger Jokes for Kids

65.  What do you call a tiger that’s just woken up?

A rise-and-shiner!

66.  How do you stop a tiger from charging?

Take away its credit card!

Kids Jokes about Tigers

Whether they’re at home or in the classroom, these jokes will bring a smile to your kids’ faces. Plus, tiger jokes are a fantastic way to get your kids thinking about animals and the environment.

So what are you waiting for? Grab some paper, and pencils, and get your kids laughing with these tiger jokes for kids!

67.  Why did the tiger wear a suit?

 Because he was going to a fancy-pants party!

68.  Why do tigers like to play hide and seek?

 Because they’re always the king of the jungle!

69.  Why don’t tigers like fast food?

Because they can’t catch it!

70.  Why did the tiger cross the road?

 To get to the other pride!

71.  Why did the tiger go to school?

 To learn how to roar-ithmetic!

72.  Why did the tiger go to space?

 To see if it was paw-sible!

73.  What did the tiger say when he saw a comedian?

 That’s paws-itively hilarious!

74.  Why don’t tigers play poker in the jungle?

Because there are too many cheetahs!

75.  Why did the tiger go to the doctor?

 Because he was feeling roar-ful!

76.  What do you call a tiger who is a musician?

 A grrrroove master!

77.  Why did the tiger start a band?

To play some wild music!

78.  Why did the tiger go to the art museum?

To see the paw-traits!

79.  What do you call a tiger with glasses?

A see-tiger!

80.  Why did the tiger go on a diet?

He wanted to be a little more lean and mean!

81.  Why don’t tigers use computers?

Because they prefer to use their paws!

82.  What did the tiger say to the elephant at the waterhole?

 Nothing, he just gave him a tiger nod!

83.  Why did the tiger visit the bank?

 To get a loan for his roar-ing business!

Short Funny Tiger Jokes for Kids

84.What do you call a tiger with glasses? An “eye of the tiger”!

85.How do you apologize to a tiger? You say, “I’m sorry for stripes, I mean, for tripping over your tail!”

86.Why don’t tigers trust fast food? Because they know it’s a real “fast-food” chain!

87.What’s a tiger’s favorite day of the week? “Striped-saturday”!

88.What did the tiger say after a big meal? “I’m stuffed… with stripes!”

89.Why did the tiger bring a ladder to the jungle? To go to the “striped-floor”!

90.What do you call a tiger that’s a musician? A “rock ‘n’ roarer”!

Tiger Woods Jokes One Liners

91.”Tiger Woods is so good at golf, even his golf balls are afraid to miss the hole!”

92.”Tiger Woods has so many trophies; he probably uses them as tees!”

93.”They say Tiger Woods is a golf legend. I guess that’s why he’s always ‘fore’-giving.”

94.”Tiger Woods is proof that you can be a ‘tiger’ on the golf course and a ‘gentleman’ off of it.”

95.”Tiger Woods is so talented; he could probably score a hole-in-one in a mini-golf windmill!”

96.”Tiger Woods is the only golfer who can drive ‘fore’ miles!”

97″Tiger Woods is like a human GPS on the golf course – he always finds the ‘hole’ way!”

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Final Thoughts

We hope these tiger jokes for kids have brought a smile to your face and made you laugh! Kids of all ages can enjoy these silly jokes, so have a great time sharing them with your family and friends. With these tiger jokes, you can really roar with laughter!

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