100+ Hilarious Polar Bear Jokes for Kids

Polar bear jokes are an excellent source of fun and entertainment for kids. Kids love to laugh and giggle, and what better way to do that than with some hilarious polar bear jokes?

Polar bears live in the Arctic, and their unique look and behavior make them an excellent source of comic relief. So, here are some funny polar bear jokes for kids!

Funny Polar Bear Jokes for Kids

1. How do polar bears stay cool in the summer?

They have their own ice caps

2.  What do polar bears like to do for fun?

 Chill out on icebergs

3.  How do polar bears communicate?

They use their bear hands

4.  What did the polar bear say when it met the walrus?

Nice tusks!

5.  Why do polar bears never get lost?

They always have a good compass

6.  Why don’t polar bears like to dance?

 They always break the ice

7.  What’s the recommended diet for a polar bear?

 A seal in each paw!

8.  When a polar bear spotted an igloo, what did it exclaim?

“I just love these things! Crunchy on the outside – with a nice chewy center!”

9. After the dentist fixed its tooth, what did the polar bear eat?

The dentist!

10.  What do you get when you breed a polar bear and a seal?

A polar bear.

11.  When polar bears get caught in the rain, what are they called?

 Grizzly bears.

12.  What does a happy polar bear look like?

It has four legs and a flipper.

13.  How can you prevent a polar bear from charging?

 Insist that it pays cash!

14.  Who is a polar bear’s favorite playwright?

 None other than Shakes-bear.

15.  What do you call a polar bear with claustrophobia?

 A claw-heterophobic bear.

16.  Why do polar bears reside only in the north pole?

 They don’t want to be bipolar bears by living at both poles.

17.  What is the polar bear’s favorite web series?

 They love watching ‘Paws-terity.’

18.  What do you call a polar bear who loves rainy weather?

A drizzly-polar.

19.  What is the name of a bear that only eats vegetables?

A herbivorous bear.

20.  What do you call a bear that is always busy?

 A panda-monium.

Funny Polar Bear Jokes for Kids

Dirty Polar Bear Jokes

Polar bears have become popular for their unique white coats and striking features. They’re also the perfect source of inspiration for some funny jokes! If you’re looking for some polar bear jokes for kids, you’ve come to the right place. Check out the following.

21.  Why did the polar bear decline the job offer at the Arctic office?

 The company’s altitude wasn’t appealing.

22.  What’s on the menu for polar bears during lunchtime?

An ice-cold burger.

23.  How did polar bears escape the pandemic?

They’ve been isolated on ice for years.

24.  What’s the polar bear’s favorite headgear?

 An icy cap to keep their cool.

25.  Why don’t polar bears like wearing shoes?

 They love going barefoot.

26.  What do you call a rain-soaked polar bear?

A drizzly bear seeking shelter.

27.  Why are polar bears excellent car racers?

 They always end up in the pole position.

28.  How do polar bears create their laws?

 They stamp them with the seal of approval.

29.  Did you hear about the polar bear who swore to remain silent?

 His lips were sealed forever.

30.  Did you hear about the ice-skating polar bear?

 They call him the roller bear on ice.

31.  Have you heard the heartwarming love story of two polar bears?

 It was love at first frost.

32.  Why are polar bears the life of the party?

They know how to break the ice and get everyone talking.

33.  How do polar bears catch fish?

With their bare hands, of course!

34.  Where do polar bears stash their cash?

 In snow banks, their natural savings accounts.

35.  Where do polar bears go to dance?

 At the annual snowball, of course!

36.  Why don’t polar bears indulge in fast food?

 They can’t catch it, so they stick to their natural diet.

37.  Why do polar bears sport fur coats?

Because anoraks would look terrible on them!

38.  What’s the polar bear’s favorite dessert?

 Ice cream, is always served chilled.

Polar Bear Jokes for Adults

Polar bears: they’re one of the cutest and most beloved animals in the world. And they’re also the source of some pretty hilarious jokes! Here’s a collection of polar bear jokes for adults that’s sure to bring some giggles and smiles to your family.

39.  What playwright is beloved by polar bears?

Shakespeare – or should we say, Shakes-bear?

40.  What do you call a sun-loving polar bear?

A solar bear, of course!

41.  Why are polar bears blessed with thick, white fur?

 To shield them from the elements.

42.  What is the preferred beverage of polar bears?

 A frosty cup of tea, naturally.

43.  Where do polar bears cast their votes?

The North Pole, of course.

44.  Why do polar bears solely inhabit the North Pole?

If they resided at the South Pole, they would be bipolar bears.

45.  Why do polar bears dislike snow jokes?

They find them unbearable.

46.  What was the reason for the polar bear’s confusion?

He couldn’t find his bearings.

47.  What do you call a polar bear that has a fear of small spaces?


48.  After the dentist fixed his tooth, what did the polar bear eat?

 The dentist.

49.  What cheese is attractive to polar bears?

 Camembert. (Come-on-bear)

50.  How much do polar bears weigh?

Enough to break the ice.

51.  What do you call a bear that likes to dance?

 A boogie bear.

52.  Did you hear about the polar bear who is great at target sports?

They’re called the archer bear.

53.  What would you call a sunbathing polar bear?

A solar bear.

54.  Have you heard of the polar bear who’s an influencer on social media?

She loves taking Polaroid pictures.

55.  What type of bear can dissolve in icy water?

 Only polar bears.

Polar Bear Jokes Break Ice

These following jokes are sure to get a chuckle from kids of all ages. So, why not have some polar bear fun with your kids today?

56.  What does a polar bear order at a fast-food restaurant?

An ice burger meal.

57.  How do polar bears hunt for fish?

They dive in with their powerful paws.

58.  Why do polar bears prefer to go barefoot?

They love the feel of the icy ground.

59.  What do you call a polar bear with triple ears?

 A polar tri-bear.

60.  What do you call a polar bear that’s a licensed dentist?

 A molar expert bear.

61.  What do you call a toothless polar bear?

 A gummy bear.

62.  Where do polar bears go to dance?

 They show off their moves at the snowball dance.

63.  Why did the polar bear lose his way?

 He couldn’t find his north paw.

64.  What is the latest polar bear hairstyle?

 Frosty tips are still in fashion.

65.  Have you heard the romantic tale of two polar bears?

 It was love at first frost.

66.  What is a polar bear’s go-to cereal?

They love a bowl of Ice Flakes.

67.  Why should you avoid watching Netflix with a polar bear?

 They are always paw-singing and rewinding.

68.  Why didn’t polar bears get affected by Covid?

They were already experts in social distancing on the icy tundras.

69.  What is a healthy snack that polar bears love?

 They snack on iceberg lettuce and snow peas.

70.  Why are polar bears a hit at parties?

 They break the ice with their playful antics.

71.  Why did the polar bear bride cancel the wedding?

She got too chilly.

72.  What distinguishes a polar bear from a panda bear?

Several thousand miles, for starters.

73.  Have you heard of the polar bear that kept mum?

He had his lips sealed and refused to talk.

74.  Where do polar bears keep their stash?

 They keep their money in snowbanks.

75.  What is a polar bear’s favorite dessert?

They can’t resist a scoop of ice cream.

Best Polar Bear Jokes for Kids

76.  Have you heard about the polar bear who became a writer?

He was waiting for his manuscript to be accepted.

77.  Why was the polar bear so quiet?

His mouth was sealed shut.

78.  Where do polar bears keep their savings?

In icy vaults.

79.  What did the young polar bear say to the stranger?

I’m not too familiar with you.

80.  Why are polar bears great at social gatherings?

They can effortlessly break the ice.

81.  Why was the polar bear feeling down?

He was stuck at home and isolated from his friends.

82.  What was the stylish polar bear wearing?

A chic coat made from high-quality fur.

83.  Did you hear about the nervous polar bear bride?

 She got cold feet and almost called off the wedding.

84.  Why don’t polar bears appreciate ropes?

They don’t find them cool enough.

85.  Which bear scares polar bears the most?

 Bear Grylls is their greatest fear.

86.  Where do polar bears go to dance?

They attend the snow ball events.

87.  What kind of cake is the polar bear’s favorite?

Blueberry muffins are their go-to dessert.

88.  Who is the polar bear’s favorite playwright?

 They have a soft spot for Shakespeare.

89.  How can a polar bear stop a TV show?

By pressing the pause button with their paws.

90.  Did you hear about the polar bear who loves skating?

 They’re known as the ice-skating bear.

91.  What is the polar bear’s preferred fast food?

 They enjoy eating iced burgers.

Polar Plunge Jokes

92.  What is the polar bear’s favorite drink?

 They enjoy a refreshing cup of frosty tea.

93.  What fantasy character does a polar bear adore?

 Jon Snow.

94.  What is the currency of choice for polar bears?

Cold cash.

95.  What’s the polar bear scientist’s preferred element?


96.  Why doesn’t the polar bear go on vacation?

It prefers hi-bear-nation.

97.  What do you call a dream about polar bear attacks?

A bite-mare!

98.  What accessory do polar bears love most?

 An ice cap.

99.  Why did the polar bear turn down the job at the North Pole?

 He didn’t like the company’s altitude.

100.  What was the polar bear doing at the North Pole?

 Just chilling.

101.  What’s the best thing about the Arctic?

 It’s hard to say, but there’s definitely something cool about it.

102.  Why did the polar bear cut down the fir tree?

 To make a fur coat.

103.  What do you get when you cross a polar bear with a marine invertebrate?

 A coral bear.

104.  Cross a polar bear and a grizzly bear?

You made a mistake, now hide from it!

105.  How easy is it to keep a pet polar bear?

Very, they live on ice.

106.  What is a polar bear’s favorite dessert?

Arctic sorbet.

107.  Why do bears without ears have trouble hearing?

 Because they have no ear-to-ground connection.

108.  What do you get when you mix a polar bear and a Lamborghini?

A snow-speedster.

109.  What kind of shoes do bears wear?

 None, they prefer to go bear-foot.

110.  How does a panda confuse its enemies?

 By using bamboozlement tactics.

111.  Why did the stuffed grizzly bear go to bed early?

 It was feeling paw-ly.

Polar Bear Joke Why Am I So Cold

Certainly, here are 7 variations of the classic “How much does a polar bear weigh?” joke:

112.”How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice! Hi, I’m [Your Name], nice to meet you!”

113.”Do you know how much a polar bear weighs? Not as much as the icebreaker it rides to parties!”

114.”How heavy is a polar bear? Just enough to give you a chilling introduction.

115.”What’s the weight of a polar bear? Well, it’s enough to ‘bear’ this cold-shouldered pun. Hi, I’m [Your Name]!”

116.”Can you guess the weight of a polar bear? It’s heavy enough to make an ice-breaking first impression. Hi, I’m [Your Name]!”

117.”Do you have any idea how much a polar bear weighs? Enough to smash the ice and make an unforgettable introduction. Hi, I’m [Your Name]!”

118.”How much does a polar bear weigh? Just the right amount to break the ice and start a great conversation. Hi, I’m [Your Name]!”

How Much Does a Polar Bear Weigh Joke

Certainly, here are 7 variations of the classic “How much does a polar bear weigh?” joke:

119.”How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice! Hi, I’m nice to meet you!”

120.”Do you know how much a polar bear weighs? Not as much as the icebreaker it rides to parties!”

121.”What’s the weight of a polar bear? Well, enough to give you a chilly introduction.

122.”Can you guess the weight of a polar bear? It’s heavy enough to make an ice-breaking first impression.

123.”Do you have any idea how much a polar bear weighs? Enough to smash the ice and make an unforgettable introduction. Hi,

124.”How much does a polar bear weigh? Just the right amount to break the ice and start a great conversation. Hi,

125.”What’s the polar bear’s weight? Enough to make this introduction as cool as the Arctic.

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Final Thoughts

These are just a few of the funny polar bear jokes for kids. There are hundreds of jokes out there featuring polar bears, so you can be sure to find plenty more to keep your kids entertained and laughing. So, if you’re looking for a fun and humorous way to make your kids giggle, try out some of these polar bear jokes!

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