140+ Funny Penguin Jokes for Kids

Penguin jokes are a classic source of child-friendly humor. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or just a fan of waddling jokes, these penguin jokes for kids will surely bring a smile to the little ones’ faces.Penguins can be quite funny creatures, and many of these jokes use their unique characteristics to create lighthearted laughs.From silly puns to knock-knock jokes, these penguin jokes are sure to bring a giggle or two. So, without further ado, here are some of the best penguin jokes for kids.

Funny Penguin Jokes for Kids

1. Why aren’t penguins found in Great Britain? They’re scared of Wales.

2.  What store does a penguin visit to buy a new tail? A retail shop.

3.  What is smarter than a talking penguin? A spelling bee champion.

4.  What do you call a chilly penguin? A Brrr-d.

5.  Who is in charge of the penguin navy? Admiral Byrd.

6.  Why are penguins great at racing? They always start in the pole position.

7.  What salad is a penguin’s favorite? Iceberg lettuce.

8.  What type of eggs do evil penguins lay? Deviled eggs.

9.  Why did the penguin cross the road?The chicken was taking the day off.

10.  Where do penguins watch movies?At the dive-in theater.

11.  What do you get when you breed a penguin and an alligator? I’m not sure, but don’t try hugging it!

12.  What did the penguin say after going shopping? “Put it on my bill.”

13.  Where do penguins go to dance?The snow ball.

14.  Where do penguins keep their money? In a snowbank.

15.  Why did the penguin cross the road? To go with the flow.

16.  What’s a penguin’s go-to lunch?Icebergers.

17.  How does a penguin make pancakes? With their flippers.

18.  Who is a penguin’s favorite aunt?Aunt-Arctica.

19.  What song do penguins sing at a birthday party? “Freeze a Jolly Good Fellow.”

Funny Penguin Jokes for Kids

Penguin Jokes One Liner

20.  A penguin ordered an Iceberg-er combo at the McDonald’s joint.

21.  I spotted a penguin today, flashing a wide grin.

22.  For a swim, penguins head over to the south pool.

23.  The season is changing, and it’s penguining to look a lot like Christmas.

24.  When faced with a choice, penguins resort to flipping a coin.

25.  Penguins have a thing for coin flipping to make decisions.

26.  I regret writing a penguin book on a non-digital medium.

27.  Among penguins, Aunt-arctic is the most beloved relative.

28.  Breaking the ice with a giant penguin is my go-to when meeting new people.

29.  During a coffee break, a penguin companion expressed their desire for a fishy treat.

30.  The penguin found itself trapped at the supermarket’s checkout counter.

31.  Thirsty penguins resorted to drinking water directly from the beak-ers.

32.  The Russian spies had to recall their penguins upon discovering the presence of Navy Seals.

33.  Penguins use their beaks to carry fish, as they have no pockets.

34.  In retrospect, using paper would have been a better choice for my book on penguins.

35.  “Hooray for our frozen friend! Frrrr-eeeezz-er is here to attend!”

36.  “When penguins triumph and achieve the win, It’s a Peng-win! Let the celebrations begin!”

Penguin Jokes for Adults

37.  What is a penguin’s favorite food? Fish-on-the-go.

37.  Where is a penguin’s favorite place to sit? Anywhere that’s chill.

38.  How do penguins construct their homes? By assembling igloo bricks.

39.  How do penguins quench their thirst? Sipping through their beaks.

40.  What would you call a group of penguins in the Arctic? Misplaced, since penguins only live in the Antarctic.

41.  What do you prescribe for an ill penguin? A dose of tweetment.

42.  What is black, white, and sunburnt all over? A penguin after a long day in the sun.

43.  Have you heard the one about the egg that was broken? Yes, it made me crack up.

44.  Why do penguins store fish in their beaks? Because they lack pockets for carrying.

45.  How do penguins communicate with each other? By giving each other flippers.

46.  Where do penguins go to cool off in the summer? The ice cream parlor.

47.  What’s a penguin’s favorite game?Ice, ice baby.

48.  Why did the penguin cross the road? To prove he wasn’t a chicken.

49.  What do you call a group of penguins singing together? A chorus line.

50.  Why don’t penguins like talking on the phone? They always get a cold reception.

51.  What’s a penguin’s favorite sport?Ice hockey.

52.  What do penguins use to clean their igloos? Chill brushes.

Penguin Jokes Biscuit

53.  What did the Penguin say when it found out its joke had been stolen? “You’ve got to be flipper crazy!”

54.  Why did the penguin cross the road? To get to the other side of the cookie!

55.  What did the penguin say when his friend gave him a box of unique cookies? “Thanks! I’ve never tasted anything so flippin’ delicious!”

56.  Why don’t penguins like rain? Because it melts their ice cream cones!

57.  What did the penguin say when he saw a walrus coming out of the water? “Oh co-walrus!”

58.  What did the emperor penguin order at the restaurant? A Fish Bite and a Flipper Flip!

59.  What did the penguin say when it saw a polar bear? “Whoa! That’s one big tuxedo!”

60.  What did the penguin say when he bought a biscuit? “This is my boat-biscuit!”

61.  Why did the penguin cross the ice? To get to the other (biscuit) slide!

62.  What do you call a flightless bird that loves to play jokes? A practical penguin!

63.  What do you call a penguin with no friends? A lame-brent.

64.  What did the mother penguin say to her child when it brought home a biscuit? “Oh wow! That’s one unique Penguin Joke!”

65.  What did the starfish say when he saw a biscuit shaped like a penguin? Wow, that’s one cool party animal!

66.  Why don’t penguins fly? Because they’d rather waddle in the air!

67.  What did the penguin say when he ate a biscuit? Brr-crumbs!

Penguin Jokes Dirty

68.  What type of dance do penguins prefer? Pole dancing.

69.  What do you offer a sick penguin? Some unique medical treatment.

70.  How do penguins unwind? They net fish and chill.

71.  How do penguins make decisions? They flip a coin.

72.  Why did two penguins jump upon meeting?  To break the ice.

73.  What headgear do penguins wear?Ice caps.

74.  Who is a penguin’s beloved relative? Aunt Arctic.

75.  What is a penguin’s preferred beachwear? A beak-ini.

76.  Who is a penguin’s favorite pop icon? Seal.

77.  What is a penguin’s lunch? Ice burg-ers.

78.  What is a penguin’s favorite pasta?Penguini.

79.  Where do penguins go to watch movies? At the dive-in.

80.  Who is a penguin’s dear family member? Aunt Arctic.

81.  How do penguins take their whiskey? On the rocks.

82.  What’s black, white, and red all over? A penguin with a sunburn.

83.  What do penguins eat for breakfast? Frosties.

Penguin Jokes Dirty

84.  What’s smarter than a talking penguin? A spelling bee.

85.  How does a penguin chef cook pancakes? With his flippers.

86.  What’s a happy penguin called? A pen-grin.

87.  Why didn’t the penguin jump off the iceberg? He had cold feet.

88.  How does a penguin construct its house? Igloos it together.

89.  How do penguins pass exams? They wing it.

90.  What does a magic-performing penguin say to his crowd? Pick a cod, any cod.

91.  How do you contact a penguin? Extend a wing.

92.  Who heads the penguin navy? Admiral Byrd.

93.  What do evil penguins lay? Deviled eggs.

94.   Where do penguins go to dance?The snow ball.

95.  Why did the penguin cross the road twice? To prove he wasn’t chicken.

Penguin Jokes Chocolate

96.  What did the penguin say when he was offered chocolate? I’ll have a waddle!

97.  Why did the penguin join a chocolate club? So that he could meet new people who shared his sweet tooth!

98.  What did the baby penguin say when his mom gave him some chocolate? “Is this going to slide down my throat easily?”

99.  What did the penguin say when he wanted chocolate? I scream, you scream, we all scream for Antarctic-o!

100.  What did the polar bear say to the penguin? Brrr, you look cool!

101.  What did the penguin say when he saw a box of chocolates? “Ice cream!”

102.  What do you call a secret meeting of penguins? A coco-nclusion!

103.  Why did the penguin scoff at his reflection? He thought he was looking at a chocolate-covered waffle!

104. What do you call a sad penguin? A blue-berry!

105.  How do penguins make pancakes?With their flippers, of course.

106.  Where does a 500-pound penguin sit? Anywhere she pleases.

107.  What is black and white and goes around in circles? A penguin on a merry-go-round.

108.  What kind of footwear do penguins wear to bed? Slippers.

109.  What is a penguin’s preferred winter hat? An ice cap.

110.  Why don’t penguins like chocolate? Because they prefer ice cream!

111.  What do you get when you cross a penguin and a chocolate bar? A choco-penguin!

112.  Why did the penguin bring chocolate to the party? Because he didn’t want to be the only one without a sweet tuxedo!

113.  How do you make a chocolate penguin? First, melt the chocolate, then dip a penguin in it!

114.  Why did the penguin refuse to eat the chocolate? Because he was already stuffed with fish!

115.  What do you call a group of penguins who love chocolate? The Choco-cool Penguins!

116.  Why did the penguin cross the road with a chocolate bar? To get to the other slide!

117.  How does a penguin eat chocolate? With his flippers, of course!

118.  What’s a penguin’s favorite type of chocolate? Flakey bars!

119.  What do you get when you mix a penguin and a chocolate fountain? A choco-pen-guin!

Best Penguin Jokes for Kids

120.  Why did the penguin wander in the desert? It was lost.

121.  What do penguins enjoy for their birthday treat? A fish cake.

122.  How do penguins decide between two options? They flip a coin.

123.  What do you call a chilly penguin?A bird.

124.  What is a lady penguin’s beachwear called? A beak-ini.

125.  How do penguins prepare for medical issues? They seek medical tweet-ment.

126.  What did the penguin magician say during his act? “Pick a cod, any cod.”

127.  Why was Pete the Penguin so well-liked? He was an ice guy.

128.  What is a penguin’s top Disney movie choice? Frozen.

129.  Which part of a penguin has the most feathers? The outside.

130.  What is a penguin’s go-to midnight snack? Starfish.

131.  How do carpenter penguins construct their homes? They igloo them together.

132.  Why are penguins unable to fly?They lack the height to become pilots.

133.  What did the ocean do when the penguins approached? It just waved.

134.  What motivated the penguin to cross the street? It was the chicken’s day off.

135.  What is black and white and sunburned? A penguin that spent too long in the sun.

136.  Why did the penguin take a job?For the halibut.

137.  What do you call a group of lost penguins in Times Square? 100 penguins.

138.  Where do penguins sit in their office? In ice cubicles.

139.  How do you distinguish black and white penguins? The white one is walking towards you, while the black ones are walking away.

140.  Why did the penguin embark on a sea journey? To reach the other side.

Short Funny Penguin Jokes for Kids

141.Why don’t penguins like talking to strangers at parties? Because they find it hard to break the ice!

142.What’s a penguin’s favorite relative? Aunt-Arctica!

143.How do you make a penguin laugh? Tell it a great ice-breaker joke!

144.What do you call a penguin in the desert? Lost!

Short Funny Penguin Jokes for Kids

145.What do you get when you cross a penguin and a snowman? Frostbite!

146.Why don’t penguins like talking on the phone? Because they’re afraid of the cold calls!

146.How does a penguin build its house? Igloos it together!

Funny Penguin Jokes for Kids Clean

147.Why don’t you ever see penguins in the UK? Because they’re afraid of Wales!

148.What do you get if you cross a penguin and a kangaroo? A jumpin’ penguin!

149.How does a penguin build its house? Igloos it together!

150.What do you call a penguin in the desert? Lost!

151.What’s a penguin’s favorite snack? Ice-cream!

152.Why don’t penguins like talking on the phone? Because they’re afraid of the cold calls!

153.What do you call a group of penguins at the North Pole? Lost in migration!

Penguins in a Bathtub Jokes

154.Why did the penguin bring a bathtub to the Antarctic? Because it wanted to have a “cool” bath, of course!

155.What do penguins use to take a bath? An ice-scraper!

156.How do penguins make bath time fun? They add a little “ice-sicle” to the water!

157.Why don’t penguins like showering in the morning? Because they prefer “chill”axing in the evening!

158.What’s a penguin’s favorite part of a bubble bath? The “ice”bergs of bubbles, of course!

159.How do you know when a penguin is done with its bath? When it says, “I’m feeling ice and clean!”

160.Why did the penguin bring a rubber ducky to the bathtub? Because even penguins need a “quacking” good time!

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Penguin jokes for kids are a great way to bring some laughter and joy into their lives. They can be used to help children understand the differences between species and to practice their sense of humor.

Penguins are also a wonderful way to teach children about the importance of conservation and protecting our environment. Whether you’re looking for some fun humor or a serious conversation about the environment, penguin jokes for kids are a great way to start.

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