100+ Funny Cookie Jokes for Kids

We all love cookies. From the crunchy ones to the soft, chewy ones, there’s nothing like a cookie to satisfy a sweet tooth. But did you know that cookies can also make for some great jokes?  

Sure, it might sound a bit silly, but kids love silly jokes and if you can make them chuckle with a cookie joke, then you’re doing something right! Let’s start with the classic ones! There’s nothing quite like a good joke to lighten the mood and put a smile on your face. Kids especially love jokes, and cookie jokes are a great way to get them giggling.

Whether you’re baking cookies with your kids, serving them up at a birthday party, or just looking for a way to make your little one smile, these cookie jokes for kids are sure to put a smile on everyone’s face!

Best Cookie Jokes for Kids

1.  What did one cookie say to the other?

 “I’m feeling crumby today!”

2.  What did the cookie say when it saw the milk?

 “I’m drunk!”

3. What did the chocolate chip cookie say to the other cookies?

“Hey, I’m feeling a little crumby today!”

4. Why don’t cookies get along with other desserts?

 Because they have a chip on their shoulder!

5.  What do you call a spider in a cookie jar?

 A confection critter!

6. Why couldn’t the cookie go out and play?

 Because he was feeling crumby!

7. What do you call a cookie that’s good at math?

A smart cookie!

8. How do you make a cookie laugh?

Tickling its chocolate chips!

9. Why did the cookie go to the library?

To get its chips in shape!

10. Why did the cookie go to the gym?

To work off its extra dough!

11. What do you call a cookie that can sing?

A soprano cookie!

12. What did the cookie say to the other cookie?

“You’re one smart cookie!”

13. Why don’t cookies go to school?

Because they’re already baked!

14. What’s a cookie’s favorite song?

“Whip It Good” by Devo!

15. Why did the cookie go to space?

To visit the Milky Way!

16. What do you call a cookie that’s always on the go?

 A rolling scone!

17. How do you make a cookie feel better?

 Give it a chocolate chip hug!

18. What did one cookie say to the other cookie at the party?

 “Hey, want to dance? We’re a great batch!”

19. What do you call a cookie that’s always telling jokes?

A gingerbread maniac!

20. Why did the cookie break up with the milk?

 It was lactose intolerant!

21. What’s a cookie’s favorite sport?

Figuring skating!

22. What’s a cookie’s favorite book?

“The Dough of Pooh” by A. A. Milne!

23. Why did the cookie go to the doctor?

It was feeling crumbly!

24. What do you call a cookie that’s really rich?

 A billionaire bar.

Best Cookie Jokes for Kids

Funny Cookie Jokes for Kids

Cookie jokes are the perfect treat for a special occasion or just for fun! Kids love the sweet taste of cookies and the humorous punchlines that come along with them.

Whether you’re looking for a way to keep your little ones entertained or just to add a bit of extra fun to your day, these cookie jokes are sure to be a hit.

25. What did the cookie say when it saw a


26. What did the cookie say when it saw a dog?

“Oh, crumbs!”

27. What did the cookie say when it saw an ant?

 Oh no, don’t crumb!

28.  What did the cookie say when it saw you coming?

 “Oh, crumbs!”

29.  What did the sunflower say when another flower asked for her opinion?

 “Seed it, I’m all ears!”

30.  What did the cookie say when it saw you coming?

“Oh, crumbs!”

31. What did the sunflower say when another flower asked for her opinion?

 “Seed it, I’m all ears!”

32. What do you get when you cross a cookie with a snowman?

Frosted flakes!

33. Why did the chocolate chip cookie go to school?

 To become a smart cookie!

34. What did the cookie say to the cup of coffee?

“You’re brew-tiful!”

35. What do you call a fake noodle?

 An impasta

36. . What do you call a fake cookie?

An imposter!

37. Why did the cookie break up with his girlfriend?

She was a wafer too thin for him.

38. What do you get when you cross a cookie with an octopus?

A cooktopus!

39. Why did the cookie go to the library?

To get some cookie books!

40. Why did the cookie go to space?

 To visit the Milky Way!

41. Why did the cookie go to the doctor?

Because it was feeling crumbly!

42. What do you call a cookie that’s tough to chew?

 A jawbreaker!

43. What do you get when you cross a cookie with a bear?

 A Teddy Graham!

44.  What’s a cookie’s favorite game?

Cookie Monster Mash!

45.  What did the cookie say to the cookie cutter?

 You’re one sharp cookie!

Jokes About Cookies

Cookies are a delicious treat that everyone loves. But, did you know that cookies can also be funny? Kids love jokes, and cookie jokes are the perfect way to make them laugh! Whether you’re looking for a quick giggle or an all-out belly laugh, these cookie jokes for kids will do the trick!

46.  Why did the cookie go to the doctor?

Because it was feeling crumbly!

47.  How do you make a cookie laugh?

Put it in the cookie jar and tell it a funny joke!

48.  What do you call a cookie that’s too big for its britches?

 A chip off the old block!

49.   Why did the cookie join the police force?

 It wanted to catch the gingerbread man!

50. Why did the cookie break up with his girlfriend?

 She was too crumbly!

51. What do you get when you cross a cookie with a snowman?

Frosted flakes!

52. Why did the cookie go to space?

 To find the Milky Way!

53. How do you make a cookie sad?

 Break its heart in half!

54. What did the cookie say to the baking sheet?

You’re my better half!

55. Why don’t cookies go to the gym?

They don’t want to get baked!

56. What do you call a cookie that’s always late?

 A procrasti baker!

57. What do you call a cookie that’s always up for a challenge?

A tough cookie!

58. Why did the cookie go to the library?

I wanted to check out the cookbooks!

59. What did the cookie say when it saw two other cookies talking?

 “Hey, what’s up, biscuit?”

60. What do you call a cookie that gets into trouble?

 Nice-cream man!

61.  What did the cookie say when he saw his reflection in the mirror?

“Wow, I’m looking crumb-elievable!”

Hilarious Jokes About Cookies

These Following cookie jokes are sure to bring a smile to your child’s face and make them laugh out loud.

Whether you’re looking for a joke to tell at a birthday party or just something to make your little one laugh, these cookie jokes are sure to do the trick. So, the next time you’re looking to make your kiddo giggle, try out one of these cookie jokes and see what happens!

62. What do you call a cookie that’s good at math?

 A Smartie-pants cookie!

63. Why don’t oysters give out cookies?

Because they’re shellfish!

64. What did the cookie say when it saw its friend?

“Hey there, chippy!”

65. What do you call a cookie that’s always late?

 A tardy-treat!

66. Why did the cookie break up with its girlfriend?

 She was too crumbly!

67. What do you get when you cross a cookie with a snowman?


68. What do you call a cookie that’s feeling sad?

 A blue-chip cookie!

69. Why did the cookie go to school?

To become a smart cookie!

70. What do you call a cookie that’s always on the move?

 A roamin’ cookie!

71. What do you call a cookie that’s always telling jokes?

 A wisecracker!

72. What did the cookie say to the flour?

 “You’re the missing ingredient in my life!”

73. Why do cookies always go to the gym?

 Because they want to be a-dough-rable.

Gluten Free Cookie Jokes for Kids

Are you looking for some fun and silly cookie jokes to keep your kids laughing? We’ve got you covered! No matter if your kids like snickerdoodles, oatmeal raisin, or chocolate chip, there’s a joke for them. So, without further ado, here are some cookie jokes for kids!

74.  What did one gluten free cookie say to the other?

 If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!

75. What do gluten free cookies like to watch on TV?

The baking channel!

76.  What do you call a cookie that can’t get enough flour?

A gluten-freebie!

77.  Why did the cookie cry?

A: Because he was feeling crumby!

78. What did the gluten-free chocolate chip cookie say to its friends?

A: I’m feeling crumby today!

79.  What do you call a cookie that’s gluten-free?

A: A safe snack!

Gluten-Free Cookie Jokes

80. Why did the gluten-free cookie go to the doctor?

 It was feeling crummy.

81. What did the gluten-free cookie say when it saw a wheat field?

 “I can’t be wheat you!”

82. What do you call a gluten-free cookie that’s afraid of everything?

 A scaredy-crumb.

83. Why did the gluten-free cookie feel left out at the party?

 It was the odd-cookie-out.

84. What do gluten-free cookies say when they’re feeling happy?

 “I’m on a roll!”

85. Why did the gluten-free cookie get a job as a detective?

It wanted to solve the case of the missing crumbs.

86. What do you get when you cross a gluten-free cookie with a muffin?

 A muffin-cookie hybrid that’s both gluten-free and delicious.

87. How did the gluten-free cookie win the race?

 It took a crumb-shortcut.

88. Why did the gluten-free cookie refuse to dance?

 It didn’t want to crumble under pressure.

89. What do you call a gluten-free cookie that’s also a musician?

A cookietarist!

90. Why did the gluten-free cookie go to space?

 To prove that it’s out-of-this-world delicious.

91. What did the gluten-free cookie say to the chocolate chip?

“You complete me!”

92. What do you call a gluten-free cookie that’s always in a hurry?

 A speed-cookie.

93. Why did the gluten-free cookie break up with the milk?

 It said they were better off as just acquaintances.

94. What do you call a gluten-free cookie that’s also a comedian?

 A pun-derful treat!

95.  What did the cookie say when it saw a gluten free diet?

Oh no, crumb-elievable!

96. What did the gluten-free cookie say when it saw the other cookies?

“Wow, I’m feeling so excluded!”

Short Funny Cookie Jokes for Kids

97.Why did the cookie go to the doctor? Because it was feeling crumby!

98.What do you call a cookie that can sing? A “tuneful” treat!

99.How does a chocolate chip cookie keep its secrets? It chocolate chips them away!

100.What’s a cookie’s favorite board game? Snack and Ladders!

101.Why did the gingerbread cookie go to school? To get a little “breading”!

102.What did one cookie say to the other cookie at the bakery? “I’m your biggest fan!”

103.What kind of ball doesn’t bounce? A snowball – especially if it’s a snowball cookie!

Fortune Cookie Jokes for Kids

104.Why did the fortune cookie go to school? To get a little “wonton” knowledge!

105.What do you call a fortune cookie that can predict the weather? A “sooth-sayer”!

106.How do you make a fortune cookie giggle? Tickle its funny “phrase”!

107.What do you call a cookie that tells the future? A “prophesycicle”!

108.What did the one fortune cookie say to the other? “You crack me up!”

109.How does a fortune cookie answer the phone? With “wonton”!

110.Why was the math book sad when it opened a fortune cookie? Because it already had too many problems!

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Final words

These cookie jokes for kids are sure to bring some giggles to the kitchen. Kids of all ages can join in on the fun by making their own cookies and telling their own cookie jokes. Invite some friends over and have a baking party, where everyone takes turns telling their own jokes and laughing their way to a delicious batch of cookies.

With a few simple ingredients and a few imaginative jokes, kids of all ages can have a good time while making cookies. So next time you’re making cookies, don’t forget to get your kids involved and enjoy some great laughs while baking up a batch of delicious cookies.

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