155 + Funny Sheep Jokes for Kids

Kids love a good joke, and what better way to bring a smile to their faces than with a few sheep jokes? Sheep jokes are perfect for any age, and they’re sure to get a giggle out of even the most serious of children.

So if you’re looking for some laughs for your little ones, here are some hilarious sheep jokes for kids that are sure to have them in stitches.

Sheep Jokes for Kids

1.  What did the sheep say when it saw a crying lamb?


2.   What do you call a sheep that likes to take long naps?

 A wooly sleeper.

3.   What did the sheep say when the farmer told him to move?


4.  What do you call a sheep that can’t stop talking?

 A baa-baa-talker.

5.   What did the sheep say when it saw a big dog?


6.   What did the sheep say when it saw a mountain it couldn’t climb?

 Baaaaaaaaaaaad idea!

7.  Why did the sheep cross the road?

To get to the baa-haha store!

8.  What did the sheep say when the farmer asked him to be sheared?

Baaaaaaad idea!

9.  Why don’t sheep like to play cards?

Because they’re afraid of the BAAAACK!

10.  What did the sheep say when it went to the dentist?

“Baaah-d breath!”

11.   What did the baby sheep say after it was born?


12.  Why did the sheep cross the road?

to get to the baaahhh-ber shop!

13.   What did the sheep say when it was sad?


14.   What did the sheep say when it saw a wolf?

 “Baaaah – run!”

Sheep Jokes One-Liners

15.  What do you call a sheep that can’t stop talking?

 A baa-baa-baa-the sheep! It’s sure to get a laugh.

16.  What did the sheep say when it sneezed?


17.   What do you call a sheep that can’t find its way home?

A lost lamb!

18.   Why did the sheep cross the road?

 To get to the baa-r!

19.  Why did the sheep go to the gym?

To get a little ewe-cercise.

20.  Why did the sheep go to the hair salon?

To get a ewe-nique haircut.

21.  Why did the sheep cross the road?

 To get to the baaaaa-rber shop.

22.  Why did the sheep go to the doctor?

To get a woolly check-up.

23.  What do you call a sheep that plays the piano?

A lamb-inist.

24.  Why do sheep never go to the movies?

 Because they always fall asleep during the ewe-tainment.

25.  Why do sheep always have trouble getting up in the morning?

Because they hit the snooze-ewe button too many times.

26.  Why did the sheep become an actor?

It wanted to be a ewe-nique star.

27.  Why did the sheep become a detective?

To solve the baaaa-d mysteries.

28.  What do you call a sheep that is always cold?

 An ice-sheep.

29.  Why did the sheep become a politician?

To bring a new ewe-nique perspective to the issues.

Sheep Jokes for Kids

Sheep Jokes for Adults

30.  What do you call a sheep that’s always on time?

An ewe-nique clock!

31.  Why did the sheep go to the doctor?

Because it had a ewe-nique problem.

32.  What do you call a sheep that doesn’t like to be sheared?

A woolly bully!

33.  How do you count a flock of sheep when you can’t sleep?

You use a ewe calculator!

34.  What do you call a sheep that’s a big fan of heavy metal music?

 A baaadass!

35.  What did the sheep say when it saw itself in the mirror?

“Well, I’ll be ewe-nique!”

36.  How does a sheep say “Merry Christmas”?

Fleece Navidad!

37.  Why do sheep always have to have the last word?

Because they’re ewe-nique!

38.  What do you call a group of sheep playing instruments?

 A band of musicians!

39.  What do you call a sheep that’s always getting into trouble?

 A wooly delinquent!

40.  Why did the sheep go to the party?

 To get its groove ewe-nique!

41.  What do you call a sheep that’s always on the go?

 A woolly wanderer!

42.  How do sheep get to sleep at night?

They count ewes instead of sheep!

43.  What do you call a sheep that’s really good at math?

 A ewe-nique calculator!

44.  What do you call a sheep that’s always lying?

 A wooly fibber!

45.  What did the sheep say when it saw a bunch of cows?

 “Well, that’s udderly ridiculous!”

46.  What do you call a sheep that’s always in the gym?

 A wooly muscle!

Sick Sheep Jokes

47.  What do you call a sheep who’s had too much to drink?

 A wooly, intoxicated lamb!

48.   What did the sheep say when it was cold outside?

 “Time to get my wooly coat on!”

49.   What did the sheep say when it was feeling overwhelmed?

 “I’m so baaaaaaaa-sy!”

50.   What did the sheep say when it was feeling brave?


51.  What did the sheep say when it needed a break?

 “Time for a baaa-cation!”

52.  Why do sheep always look so sad?

Because they know the mutton.

53.  What did the sheep say when it saw the wolf?

 Baaaaad Wolf!

54.   What did the sheep say when it got a haircut?


55.  What did the sheep say after it ate its dinner?

 That was baah-brilliant!

56.   What did the sheep say when it saw a rainbow?

A: Baaaa-eautiful!

57.  Why did the sheep go to the doctor?

Because it had a ewe infection!

58.  How do you make a sheep happy?

You wool them with kindness!

59.  What do you call a sheep that’s good at martial arts?

 A lamb-chop!

60.  Why did the sheep go to outer space?

To find ewe-nique planets!

61.  What do you call a sheep that’s always in a bad mood?

A woolly bully!

62.  Why did the sheep take a bath?

To get rid of the ewe-nique smell!

63.  What do you call a sheep that’s a magician?

A ewe-nique trickster!

Sick Sheep Jokes

64.  Why did the sheep take a break from knitting?

 It had too many ewe-nique purls!

65.  What do you call a sheep that’s always on time?

 A punctual ewe!

66.  How do you know if a sheep is feeling sick?

It has a bad attitude!

67.  What do you call a group of sheep playing instruments?

A band of musicians!

68.  What did the sheep say when it saw the wolf?


69.   What did the sheep say when it was sunburned?


70.  What do you call a sheep who lives in a tree?

 A baa-baa-boo!

71.   What did the little lamb say to the big sheep?

 Baa-baa-black sheep, have you any wool?

72.  Why did the sheep cross the road?

 To get to the baa-baa-shop!

73.   Why did the farmer put a bell around the sheep’s neck?

 So he could hear it baa-ing!

74.   What did the sheep say when it saw a wolf?


Dirty Sheep Jokes

75.  What did the sheep say when it was cold?

 “Baaaaah, I’m freezing!”

76.   What do you call a sheep that’s afraid of water?

A baa-d swimmer!

77.   What did the sheep say when it saw a wolf?


78.  What did the sheep say when it got caught in a fence?

 “Help! I’m stuck in a baa-a-a-d place!”

79.   What did the sheep say when it saw a bee?

 “Baa-a-a-d bee!”

80.  What did the sheep say when it saw a dog?


81.  What did the sheep say when it saw a cat?


82.   What did the sheep say when it saw a cow?


83.  What’s the difference between a duck and a sheep?

 A duck says quack and a sheep says baa!

84.  Why did the sheep cross the road?

 To get to the baaaa-rber shop!

85.  What did the sheep say when it was late for school?

Baaaa-d timing!

86.  What did the sheep say when it was asked to do its math homework?

Baaaaa-d math!

87.  What did the sheep say when it was asked to do its spelling homework?

Baaaaa-d spelling!

88.  What did the sheep say when it was asked to do its science homework?

Baaaaa-d science!

89.  What did the sheep say when it was asked to do its history homework?

 Baaaaa-d history!

90.  Why don’t sheep like to go to the movies?

Because they can’t baaaa-re it!

91.  What did the sheep say to the shepherd?


92.  What did the sheep say when he saw a wolf?


93.  What did the sheep say when it was cold outside?


94.  What did the sheep say when it was lost?


95.   What did the sheep say when it saw a new friend?


96.  What did the sheep say to the shepherd?

“Baa-rmy, aren’t you?”

97.  Why did the sheep cross the road?

 To get to the baa-rber shop!

98. Why did the sheep go to the bank?

For some wool-d!

99.  Why did the sheep go to the store?

 To get some fleeces!

100.  Why did the sheep go to the movies?

 She wanted to see the baaaaa-ck to the future!

101.   What did the sheep say when she saw her reflection?

 Baaaaa-d hair day!

102.   What did the sheep say when she saw a ghost?


 103.  Why did the sheep go to the hospital?

She had a baaaaa-d cold!

104.  What did the sheep say when she wanted something?

Baaaaa-g me!

Cute Sheep Jokes for Kids

When it comes to making your kids laugh, sheep jokes are a great way to get them giggling. Whether you’re looking for a quick one-liner or a more involved joke to make your kids laugh, these sheep jokes for kids are sure to get the job done.

105.  Why did the sheep go to the doctor?

Because it had a ewe infection!

106.  Why did the sheep go to the hair salon?

 To get a ewe-nique hairstyle!

107.  What do you call a sheep that plays the guitar?

A ewe-nique strummer!

108. Why did the sheep go to the library?

 To borrow some ewe-nique books!

109.  Why did the sheep cross the road?

To get to the baa-ther side!

110.  What do you call a sheep that doesn’t like to share?

 A ewe-nique hoarder!

111.  Why did the sheep go to space?

 To visit the ewe-nique-ted planets!

112.  What do you call a sheep that is always happy?

A ewe-nique joy!

113.  Why did the sheep go to school?

To learn some ewe-nique skills!

114.  What do you call a sheep that is good at math?

A ewe-nique problem solver!

115.  What do you call a sheep that is always sleepy?

 A ewe-nique snoozer!

116.  Why did the sheep go to the beach?

 To soak up some ewe-nique sun!

117.  What do you call a sheep that loves to paint?

 A ewe-nique artist!

118.  Why did the sheep go to the gym?

To work on its ewe-nique physique!

Jokes about Sheep and Shepherds

Kids of all ages can join in on the fun with these fun and silly sheep jokes. Whether you’re looking for a quick joke to tell your kids before bedtime or you need some ideas for a sheep-themed party, these jokes are sure to get everyone laughing.

119.  Why did the shepherd take a nap in the pasture?

He was counting sheep!

120.  Why do sheep never have to worry about money?

Because they always have their ewe-nion!

121.  What do you call a sheep that can play music?

A ewe-phonia!

122.  Why do sheep always have a good sense of humor?

They always find the ram-bunctious things funny!

123.  What did the sheep say to the shepherd?

“Thanks for ewe-sing me!”

124.  Why did the sheep go to the doctor?

It had a ewe-nique condition!

125.  What do you call a sheep that loves to party?

A woolly good time!

126.  Why do shepherds always carry a bell with them?

To keep the sheep in line!

127.  Why do shepherds never win at poker?

 Because they always have a tell-ewe!

128.  What do you call a sheep that is always on time?

A ewe-nique clock!

129.  Why did the sheep go to the beauty salon?

 It wanted to get its ewe-phoria back!

130.  What do you call a sheep that can do magic tricks?

 A ewe-dini!

131.  Why don’t sheep go on vacation?

They’re always on the lamb!

132.  What do you call a sheep that is always complaining?

 A ewe-sive!

133.  Why do shepherds always have trouble finding a girlfriend?

 Because they’re always ewe-sing their sheep!

134.  What did the sheep say when it saw its reflection in the mirror?

“Hey, that’s a ewe-nique-looking sheep!”

135.  Why did the sheep go to the airport?

 It wanted to take a ewe-ropean vacation!

138.  What do you call a sheep that is good at math?

A ewe-nique decimal

Church Jokes about Sheep

139.  Why do sheep never go to church?

Because they prefer to ewe-nite in peace!

140.  How does a sheep get to church?

By using the baa-throom!

141.  What did the sheep say to the pastor?

 “Let us pray-rrrrr!”

142.  What do you call a sheep who sings hymns?

A ewe-nique choir member!

143.  How do you keep a sheep quiet during a sermon?

You need to use some sheeple earplugs!

144.  What do you call a sheep who’s a troublemaker in church?

 A baad influence!

145.  How do you know if a sheep is religious?

 They always say “Amen!” instead of “Ewe-men!”

146.  Why don’t sheep donate to the church?

 Because they don’t have any money- they’re always fleeced!

147.  What did the sheep say to the pastor on Easter Sunday?

“I’m wool-ly excited for the resurrection!”

148.  Why do sheep love attending church?

They enjoy singing psalms and ewe-logizing!

149.  What do you call a sheep who’s a member of the church choir?

A baa-roque soprano!

150.  Why do sheep prefer going to church on a sunny day?

So they can bask in the Lord’s warm fleece!

151.  What do you call a sheep who’s always asleep during the sermon?

 A snoozer!

152.  What did the sheep say to the pastor during a baptism?

“Please don’t ewe-se the holy water on me!”

153.  How does a sheep prepare for church?

 They put on their ewe-niform!

154.  What do you call a sheep who’s a devout churchgoer?

A baa-ptic!

155.  Why do sheep love hymns about grace?

Because they always need wool-some forgiveness!

156.  How do you know if a sheep is a devout churchgoer?

They’re always saying “Holy ewe-nity!”

157.  What do you call a sheep who’s always praying?

A wooly sinner!

158.  How do you know if a sheep is excited to go to church?

They’re always saying “Let’s get the flock to church

Funny Sheep Jokes for Kids Clean

159.What do you call a sheep that does karate? A lamb-chop!

160.Why did the sheep bring a ladder to the pasture? It wanted to go baaa-ck to the top!

161.How do sheep greet each other on the farm? With a “fleece” bump!

162.What do you get when you cross a sheep and a kangaroo? A woolly jumper!

163.Why did the sheep bring a notebook to the meadow? Because it wanted to write a “ewe-log” of its adventures!

Funny Sheep Jokes for Kids Clean

164.How do sheep stay in shape? They do “ewe-robics”!

165.What do you call a mischievous sheep? A “ram-bunctious” one!

Short Funny Sheep Jokes for Kids

166.Why did the sheep bring a bell to the pasture? Because it wanted to be the “baaa-rking” sheep!

167.What do you call a sheep with no legs? A cloud!

168.How do sheep say “Merry Christmas”? “Fleece Navidad!”

169.What do you get when a sheep dances at a party? A “wool-shaker”!

170.What’s a sheep’s favorite game? Baa-dminton!

171.How does a sheep stay cool in the summer? It uses the “baaa-rbecue”!

172.Why did the sheep go to the movies? Because it heard the popcorn was “baaa-ter” there!

Funny Story About Sheep

173.In a land known as Numberdale, the sheep had an odd quirk. Each sheep was assigned a number at birth, and they took their numbers very seriously.

174.The number-obsessed sheep had a leader named Ewenice, who was always preoccupied with making sure the numbers matched up perfectly in the flock.

175.One day, a mischievous sheep named Shearlock decided to play a prank. He swapped the numbers on all the other sheep while they were grazing.

176.Chaos erupted as the sheep tried to find their correct numbers. Ewenice was utterly baffled, and the whole flock was in a state of “ewe-phoria.”

177.Shearlock couldn’t contain his laughter, and soon, even Ewenice couldn’t help but chuckle. The sheep realized that, in the end, it was all just a harmless joke.

178.From that day on, the sheep of Numberdale learned that sometimes it’s okay to lighten up and not take numbers too seriously.

179.Shearlock’s pranks became legendary, and the flock lived happily, knowing that a little laughter could solve even the most puzzling of situations in Numberdale.

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Final Thoughts

Hopefully, these sheep jokes for kids have given you some laughs and provided some entertainment for your little ones.

If you’re still looking for more funny jokes, why not check out our other collections for kids or take a look at our jokes for adults? Either way, we’re sure you’ll find plenty of great jokes to make everyone in your family smile.

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