55+ Funny Snake Jokes for Kids

It’s always fun to make kids laugh, and snake jokes for kids are a great way to do just that. Kids love snakes, from the scary ones that slither through the grass to the friendly ones that live in aquariums.

Whether you’re looking for a way to break the ice at a kids’ party, or just want to make your little ones chuckle, here are some of the best snake jokes for kids that are sure to get a good giggle.

Snake Jokes for Kids

1.  What did the snake say when it saw the Easter Bunny?

 “Oh, look! A slithery Easter treat!”

2.   What did the snake say when it ran into a wall?

“Ouch! That’s going to leave a slithery mark!”

3.  Why did the snake go on a job interview?

To get a coiled position!

4.  Why do snakes always win at video games?

Because they have lots of rattles!

5.  Why did the snake take a break from work?

He needed to hissss-terectomy!

6.  What did the snake say when he heard a joke?


7.  Why did the snake wear a vest?

To hold hiss-sidentials!

8.  Why did the snake cross the road?

To get to the reptile store on the other side!

9.  Why don’t snakes ever argue?

Because they always find a hiss-terical solution!

10.  How do snakes send letters?

With hiss-terical mail!

11.  What do you call a snake that’s a famous musician?

A hiss-terical icon!

12.   do you call a snake that builds robots?

A mechanical hiss-teria!

13.  What do you get if you cross a snake and a calculator?

A hiss-terical mathematician!

14.  What do you call a snake that’s a chef?

A hiss-terical cook!

15.  What do you get if you cross a snake and a spider?

A hiss-terical arachnid!

16.  What did the snake say when he met the porcupine?

I don’t want to get stuck with you!

17.  What do you call a snake that’s a cowboy?

A sidewinder!

18.  Why did the snake get a job at the circus?

Because he was a good python-tamer!

Snake Jokes One Liners

19.  Why did the snake go to school?

 To learn how to hiss-tory.

20.  How do snakes start a letter?

With hiss and kisses.

21.  What kind of snake wears a hat?

A boa constrictor!

22.  What did the snake say when it saw the garden?

“This is my territory!”

23.  What did the snake say when it saw a fly?

 “Yum, dinner!”

24.  What did the snake say when it saw a frog?

 “Ribbit! I’m gonna get you!”

25.  What did the snake say when it saw a crocodile?

“I’m gonna get outta here!”

26.  Why did the snake cross the road?

 To get to the reptile store.

27.  Why did the snake use a calculator?

To adders up.

28.  What do you call a snake that’s always telling jokes?

 A hiss-terical snake.

29.  What do you call a snake that works for a sandwich shop?

A sub-verter.

30.  Why did the snake break up with his girlfriend?

 She was a viper.

31.  Why did the snake go to the doctor?

It had a reptile dysfunction.

32.  What do you call a snake that’s a member of a rock band?

A rattle ‘n’ roll snake.

33.  Why did the snake join a circus?

 It wanted to be a tight-coil walker.

34.  What do you call a snake that’s always playing pranks?

 A sneak.

35.  Why did the snake go on a diet?

It wanted to be a slimmer reptile.

36.  Why did the snake get a job as a lifeguard?

 It was a good swimmer.

37.  What did one snake say to the other snake when they bumped into each other?

“I hiss you.

Snake Jokes for Kids

Funny Snake Jokes

Snakes may not be the most popular animals, but that doesn’t mean kids can’t enjoy some funny snake jokes! If your little ones are fascinated by these creatures, then they’ll be sure to love these silly snake jokes.

38.  What is a snake’s favorite subject in school?


39. What did the snake say when it crossed the road?

 “Don’t worry, I’m on my way!”

40.   What did the snake say when it saw a fly?

 “What a tasty snack!”

41.  Why did the snake go to school?

To learn how to hiss-terically laugh!

42.  Why don’t snakes like to play basketball?

 They always end up in the hiss-stands!

43.  How do you make a snake laugh?

You tickle its hiss-terical spot!

44.  What do you call a snake that tells tall tales?

 A fib-rattlesnake!

45.  What did the snake say when it got a job as a telephone operator?

“Hiss is snake speaking!”

46.  What do you call a snake that plays the guitar?

 A venomous rockstar!

47.  How do you know if a snake is a good dancer?

 It has great hiss-tory!

48.  Why did the snake buy a new car?

 Its old one had a broken hiss-ter!

49.  What did the snake say when it got a brand new hat?


50.  What do you call a snake that’s a doctor?

 A stethoscope-adder!

51.  Why did the snake buy a suit?

It wanted to look sss-spectacular!

52. What do you call a snake that’s a comedian?

 A hiss-terical joker!

53.  Why don’t snakes ever get bored?

 They always have something sss-ensational to do!

54.  How do you tell the difference between a snake and a math teacher?

 A snake will never hiss-take a number!

55.  What did the snake say when it got a present?

 “Ssss-thanks a lot!”

Bad Snake Jokes

Snake jokes for kids can be a great way to get children laughing and having fun. From silly puns to clever comebacks, snake jokes can be a great source of entertainment.

Whether you’re looking for a laugh to kick off a party or something to break the ice, these snake jokes are sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face.

56.What do you call a snake that’s always in a hurry?

 A “hiss-toric”.

 57.What did the snake say after it ate a flea?

 “That was a small meal!”

 58.What did the snake have to do after he ate the mouse?

  He had to go to mice-citation.

59.What did the snake say when it saw a fly?

 “That looks like a tasty treat!”

60.How can you tell if a snake is angry?

 He hisses in anger.

61.What did the snake say when it saw a rabbit?

 “That looks like lunch!”

62.What did the snake say when it saw a turtle?

 “That looks like a slow snack!”

 63.What did the snake say when it saw a frog?

 “That looks like a hop-tastic meal!”

 64.What did the snake say after it ate a centipede?

“That was a hundred times better!”

 65.What did the snake say after it ate a worm?

 “That was a wriggly meal!”

66.Why did the snake go on a diet?

It wanted to be a slimmer rattler!

67.What did the snake say when it slipped and fell down the hill?

“I’ve got no legs to stand on!”

68.Why did the snake cross the road?

 To get to the other ssssside!

69.How do snakes keep fit?

They do sidewinder size!

70.Why don’t snakes take up playing cards?

 Because they’re always dealing with adders!

71.Why did the snake become a math teacher?

It was an expert in the multiplication table!

72.How do snakes express their love?

They give each other hugs and hisses!

73.What do you call a snake that’s always on the go?

 A mobile viper!

74.Why did the snake feel depressed?

 It had a lot of adders on its mind!

75.Why don’t snakes ever have to take a bath?

Because they’re always shedding their skins!

76.Why do snakes always know their way around the jungle?

They have rattlesnake!

77.What did the snake say to the turtle?

“Can I slither on your back for a ride?”

78.What do you call a snake that’s always making jokes?

A hiss-terical comedian!

79.How do snakes greet each other?

They hiss and make up!

80.Why don’t snakes ever have to worry about losing their jobs?

 Because they’re always venomployed!

Knock Knock Snake Jokes

81.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Snake who?

Snake your head, I’m not kidding!

82.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Ana who?

Ana constrictor!

83.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Hisssssss who?


84.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Viper who?

Viper-nado is coming!

85.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Rattler who?

Rattler-y nice to meet you!

86.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Hiss who?

Hiss is a terrible joke!

87.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Slinky who?

Slinky the snake, how do you do?

88.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Sidewinder who?

Sidewinder you’re going to tell me a good joke?

89.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Python who?

Python your head and think of a good joke!

90.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Asp who?

Asp-iring comedian!

81.Knock knock.

Who’s there?

King Cobra.

King Cobra who?

King Cobra-me up a good joke!

82.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Boa who?

Boa constrictor!

83.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Venom who?

Venomous snake, don’t mess with me!

84.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Serpent who?

Serpent you glad we’re telling jokes?

Knock Knock Snake Jokes

85.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Fang who?

Fang-tastic joke!

86.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Mamba who?

Mamba a good joke for me!

87.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Adder who?

Adder we going to tell jokes all day?

88.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Cobra who?

Cobra-y and tell me a joke!

89.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Noodle who?

Noodle your way out of this joke!

90.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Boop who?

Boop the snake on the nose!

91.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Venomous who?

Venomous-ly funny!

92.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Racer who?

Racer-y funny joke!

93.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Hognose who?

Hognose if I have a good joke?

94.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Fangs who?

Fangs for the laugh!

95.Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Garter who?

Garter a joke for me?

Snake Jokes for Adults

96.What’s a snake’s favorite type of music?

Hiss and Roll!

97. What did the snake say to the other snake?

 “You hiss, I’ll miss!”

98.Why did the snake go to school?

To get an education!

99. What did the snake say when it was asked why it had such a big mouth?

“It helps me eat more mice!”

100. Why did the snake cross the road?

 To get to the other slide!

101.What did the snake say when it saw itself in the mirror?

Yikes! I’m a fright!”

102.What did the snake say to the other snake?

 “You’re looking a bit hissy today!”

103.What did the snake say when it was lost?

“Oh, no! I’ve gone as-slither!”

 104.What did the snake say when it saw a bee?

“Oh, bee-hive! I’m out of here!”

105.Why do snakes always turn up late to the party?

Because they have trouble getting out of their skin.

106.Why did the snake go to the doctor?

Because he had a rattle in his throat.

107.What do you call a snake that’s always late?

A procrasti-slither.

108.Why don’t snakes like to play hide and seek?

Because they’re always the ones that get found.

109.Why did the snake go to the bar?

He wanted to have a drink and shed his skin.

110.What did the snake say when it saw a bird?

“Look, a flying rat!”

 111.What did the snake say when it was caught in a net?

“I’m stuck in a knot!”

112.What do you call a snake that’s trying to get away?

 A slithery escape artist!

 113.What did the snake say when it saw a mouse?

“Look, a snack!”

 114.What did the snake say when it was cornered?

“I’m in a slippery situation!”

115.What did the snake say when it saw a rabbit?

 “Look, a hopping snack!”

Best Snake Jokes for Kids

Whether you’re looking for a laugh or something silly to share, these snake jokes for kids are sure to keep everyone in stitches. So, grab a few of these jokes and get ready to make everyone smile.

116.Why did the snake go to school?

 To learn how to hissss-tory.

117.How do you measure a snake?

 In inches…they don’t have feet!

118.What do you call a snake that’s a magician?

 A hiss-terical snake.

119.Why did the snake cross the road?

To get to the hiss-side.

120.How does a snake make a phone call?

 On a hiss-terical phone.

121.What do you call a snake that works for a circus?

 A sidewinder.

122.Why did the snake take a break from hiss-ing?

 Because he needed to rattle-relax.

123.How do you catch a snake?

With a snake trap!

124.What do you call a snake that’s a musician?

 A rapper!

125.Why did the snake wear a bowtie?

 He wanted to look hiss-terical.

126.What do you call a snake that’s a detective?

 A private hiss-tigator.

127.What do you call a snake who works in a factory?

 A rattlesnake.

128.Why did the snake break up with his girlfriend?

 Because she was a hiss-terical!

129.How do you know when a snake is scared?

 They shed their skin!

Short Funny Snake Jokes for Kids

130.Why don’t snakes like fast cars? Because they can’t “adder” control!

131.What do you call a snake who is 3.14 meters long? A “python”!

132.What’s a snake’s favorite subject in school? Hisss-tory!

133.What do you get when you cross a snake and a pie? A python!

134.Why did the snake bring a ladder to the library? Because it wanted to go up the “bookshelf”!

135.What do you call a snake who tells jokes? A “hiss-ter” comedian!

136.What did the snake give his girlfriend? His love and a goodnight “hissss”!

Funny Snake Jokes for Kids Clean

137.What’s a snake’s favorite subject in school? Hiss-tory!

138.Why did the snake bring a ladder to the playground? Because it wanted to go down the slide!

139.How do you make a snake laugh? You tickle its funny bone… if it had one!

140.What do you call a snake that’s 3.14 meters long? A “python”!

Funny Snake Jokes for Kids Clean

141.Why don’t snakes like fast food? Because they can’t digest it without a hiss-tory of indigestion!

142.What’s a snake’s favorite dance? The Mamba, of course!

143.What did the snake say when it bumped into a wall? “I’m so ssss-orry!”

Funny Sayings About Snakes

144.”When a snake says ‘trust me,’ you might want to think twice before you hiss-itate!”

145.”Snakes make great mathematicians – they’re always ready to shed their skins and start anew!”

146.”In the world of snakes, it’s all about ‘scale’ and error.”

147.”If you’re feeling hiss-terical, just remember that laughter is the best snake-tion!”

148.”A snake’s idea of a great party is a real hiss-tertainment!”

149.”When life gets tangled, just remember, even snakes shed their skin and start fresh.”

150.”A snake’s advice for staying calm: Just sssssmile and let it ssss-slide!”

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Final words

Snake jokes can be a great way to add some fun to any conversation with kids. Not only are these jokes funny, but they can also help teach kids about snakes and their behavior. With a wide variety of snake jokes to choose from, kids of all ages can enjoy a good laugh. So, the next time you need a laugh, grab a few snake jokes and get ready to have a good time!

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