100+ Best Whale Jokes for Kids

Whale jokes for kids are a great way to make learning about whales fun and entertaining. Kids love the chance to laugh and these jokes are sure to bring a smile to their faces.

Whether you’re looking for something to share with your class or just want a few laughs, these whale jokes for kids should do the trick.

Hilarious Whale Jokes for Kids

1.  What do you call a whale that plays the guitar?

 A whale-o-lin!

2.  Why do whales sing?

 Because they can’t talk!

3.  What do you call a whale in a top hat and tails?

 A whale of a gentleman!

4.  Why did the whale cross the ocean?

 To get to the other tide!

5.  What do you get when you cross a whale and a kangaroo?

 A jumping whale!

6.  What do you call a whale with a cold?

 A snot-sicle!

7.  Why don’t whales like playing cards?

Because they’re always swimming with the sharks!

8.  What do you call a whale that flies?

 A blimpback whale!

9;  What do you call a whale that plays sports?

 A swim-jock!

10.  How do you know if a whale is lying?

 Its nose is growing!

11.  Why did the whale go to the doctor?

 It had a case of the whale-aches!

12.  What do you call a whale that likes to dress up?

 A humpback-dresser!

13.  What do you call a whale that’s always singing?

 A carol-whale!

14.  Why don’t whales like riding bikes?

Because they always get stuck in the spokes!

15.  What do you call a whale that’s good at math?

 A calcu-whale!

16.  How do whales stay in shape?

They go to the fin-ness center!

17.  What do you call a whale that’s friends with a shark?

 A whale of a buddy!

18.  How do you make a whale laugh?

Tell it a whale of a joke

19.  What’s a whale’s favorite type of note?

 A bassoon!”

20.   “Why did the whale swim in circles?

He was trying to make a point!”

21.  “Why did the whale cross the ocean?

To get to the other tide!”

22.   “What did the humpback whale get for Christmas?

 A calendar!”

Hilarious Whale Jokes for Kids

Whale Jokes for Adults

Whale jokes are a great way to bring a smile to everyone’s face. Kids especially love them, and they’re sure to get a kick out of these funny jokes about whales.

23.  What do you call a whale that’s always singing?

A whale-o.

24.  Why did the whale go to the bank?

 To get some krill.

25.  What did the baby whale say when he saw his father?

Whale hello there.

26.  Why do whales never make good detectives?

They always blow their cover.

27.  Why did the whale cross the ocean?

To get to the other tide.

28.  How does a whale order at a restaurant?

By using a whale menu.

29.  What do you call a group of whales that sing together?

A boy band.

30.  Why do whales make bad musicians?

They can’t carry a tuna.

31.  What did the whale say when she bumped into the boat?

 Sorry, I didn’t sea you there.

32.  What do you call a whale that’s good at playing video games?

 A whale of a gamer.

33.  Why don’t whales ever play basketball?

 They’re afraid of the killer whales.

34.  What do you call a whale that’s always on time?

 A whale-oiled machine.

35.  What do you get when you cross a whale and a vampire?

 Count Blubber.

36.  Why do whales always have the best parties?

 They know how to throw a killer whale time.

37.  What do you call a whale that wears a suit and tie?

 A corporate whale.

38.  Why did the whale go to the doctor?

 It had a whale of a headache.

39.  How do whales communicate with each other?

 By using their whale phones.

40.  What do you call a whale that’s good at math?

 A whiz whale.

Whale Jokes Dirty

41.  What do you get when you cross a whale with a grape?

 A whale that knows how to whine!

42.  Why don’t whales like playing cards?

They’re always sitting on the deck!

43.  What did the baby whale say when it bumped into the concrete wall?


44.  What do you call a whale that can solve math problems?

 An Orca-strated mathematician!

45.  What’s a whale’s favorite game?

Swallow the leader!

46.  How do you know if a whale is wearing lipstick?

When it leaves a lip print on the glass!

47.  Why do whales make bad detectives?

Because they can’t keep their blowholes shut!

48.  What do you call a whale that can play an instrument?

 An orca-stra musician!

49.  Why did the whale go to the doctor?

 It had a killer whale!

50.  How do you communicate with a whale?

 You drop it a line!

51.  What do whales sing to each other on Valentine’s Day?

 “Whale you be mine?”

52.  Why do whales make terrible party guests?

 They’re always “blowing” their noses!

53.  What do you get when you cross a whale with a cat?

 A fat cat!

54.  Why did the whale refuse to share his toys?

 Because he was a little shellfish!

55.  What did the whale say when he was stuck in traffic?

“I’m having a whale of a time!”

56.  How do whales greet each other?

With a fin-five!

57. What did the whale say when he saw a bucket of fish?

 “Take me to your leader!”

58.   What did the whale say when he saw a school of fish?

“It’s time for lunch!”

59.   How do whales communicate?

 They sing underwater songs to each other!

60.  What do you call a whale that likes to play games?

A Play-a-whale

61.  What is a whale’s favorite game?

Hide and Seek-fin!

62.   What do you call two whales talking to each other?


63.   How do you make a whale float?

Add some seahorses!

64.  What did the baby whale say when he saw a shark?

“Whoa! Mama, look at the size of that fin!”

65.   What do you give a whale when it’s sick?


Fat Whale Jokes

66.  Why don’t whales ever get a speeding ticket?

 Because they always obey the whale signs!

67.  What do you call a whale that plays the guitar?

 A rock ‘n’ roe!

68.  What do you get when you cross a whale with a kangaroo?

 A whale-jumper!

69.  What did the whale say when it bumped into the iceberg?

 “Whale, that was unexpected!”

70.  Why did the whale go to the dentist?

To get its teeth whale-flossed!

71.  How do you know if a whale is happy?

It waves its tail a lot!

72.  Why did the whale cross the ocean?

To get to the other tide!

73.  What did the baby whale say to the mommy whale?

 “Can I have a krill pill?”

74.  Why did the whale join the swim team?

 To get in fin-shape!

75.  Why don’t whales ever argue?

Because they don’t want to create a rift in their pod!

76.  What’s a whale’s favorite kind of sandwich?

Peanut butter and jelly-fish!

77.  Why do whales always have colds?

Because they’re always whale-sneezing!

78.  What do you call a whale that’s always happy?

A jolly roger!

79.  How do whales call each other on the phone?

With a shell-phone!

80.  What did the whale say when it saw the boat?

“Oh buoy!”

81.  Why did the whale go to the disco?

To get its fluke on!

82.  How do whales listen to music?

With their orca-stral lobes

83.  “Why did the whale cross the ocean?”

“To get to the other tide!”

84.   “Why did the whale go on vacation?”

 “To see the world!”

Funny Whale Jokes for Kids

Are you looking for some fun and silly whale jokes for your little ones? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Here We’ve compiled some of the best whale jokes for kids that will have them laughing out loud!

85.  Why don’t whales ever get arrested?

Because they always stay in their own “juris-diction”!

86.  What do you call a whale that can perform a magic trick?

A “whale of a wizard”!

87.  Why did the whale go to the doctor?

Because he was feeling a little “blue”!

88.  What do you get when you cross a whale and a unicorn?

 A “narwhal”!

89.  What is a whale’s favorite kind of sandwich?

Peanut butter and “jellyfish”!

90.  Why did the whale cross the ocean?

 To get to the other tide!

91.  What do you call a whale that plays the guitar?

 A “whale-tarist”!

92.  Why did the whale join the Navy?

To see the “world”!

93.  What do whales use to clean their floors?

A “mop-sosaurus”!

94.  What do you call a group of whales that perform a concert?

 An “orca-stra”!

95.  How do you make a whale smile?

Tell it a “whale of a joke”!

96.  What do you call a whale that is always cold?

A “blu-bee”!

97.  What did the whale say to the submarine? “

Can you hear me now?”

98.  Why don’t whales wear shoes?

Because they prefer to go “barefoot”!

99.  What do you get when you cross a whale and a kangaroo?

A “jumpy whale”!

100.  What do you call a whale that likes to play hide and seek?

 A “whale-o-hider”!

101.  Why do whales sing?

 To make some “fin-tastic” music!

102. What do you call a whale that loves to dance?

A “whale-o-rama”!

103.  How does a whale ask for help?

 It “whales” for it!

104.  What do you call a whale that’s always on the phone?

A “whale-a-holic”

Cute Whale Puns

105.  What do you call a baby whale once it’s been weaned from its mother?

 A wean-ite.

106.   How do two whales communicate with each other while swimming in the ocean?

They wail together!

107.   Why did Mr. Whale leave his krill dinner early?

 Because he had big fin-ale plans later on that evening!

108.   What does an idealistic whale like most about life at sea?

 Its bay of opportunity and optimism!

109.  Why did the humpback whale jump out of the water?

To make a splash!

Funny Whale Jokes for Kids

110.   What do whales call their friends?

 Fin-tastic pals!

111.   How does a sperm whale greet its friends?

 With a hearty “Whalecome!”

112.   What time do baby belugas need to be in bed by?

 Eight o’clock Whale (eight o’clock).

113.  Where do dolphins go when they need inspiration for writing stories?

The library of seakel (sea- novel).

114.  Why did the whale cross the ocean?

 To get to the other tide!

115.  What do you call a group of whales playing in the sea?

 A bask-ette!

116.  Where does one find whales when studying English grammar?

In dolphiNouns and verbraCetus!

117.   what kind of music do deep water whales listen to?

 Subsonic BoomBass!

118. What did the whale do when he heard a funny joke?

He spouted laughter!

119.  What did the ocean say when it saw a humpback whale?

“Wow, there’s an impressive blubber!”

120.  What do you call a whale that can’t stop singing?

 A “whale choir-dagger”!

121.  Why did the whale cross the ocean basin?

 To get to the other tide!

122.  How does a whale greet each other when they meet in the ocean?

By exchanging fins and flukes!

123.  What’s a baby whales favorite game at Sea World?

Whale of a Game!

124.  What do you call a whale with an itch?

A scratchy baleen!

125.  Why did the whale cross the ocean?

To get to the other tide-em!

126.  How do whales like their fish served up?

Whale done.

127.  Why did the whale cross the ocean?

 To get to the other tide!

128.  Why did the whale cross the ocean?

 To get to the other tide.

129.  When do two whales tell each other secrets?

 During whale whispers.

Killer Whale Jokes

130.  Why don’t killer whales play cards in the ocean?

 Because there are too many cheetahs!

131.  Why did the killer whale break up with his girlfriend?

 She kept whaling on him.

132.  Why did the killer whale cross the ocean?

 To get to the other tide.

133.  Why did the killer whale join a band?

He wanted to play the orca-stra.

134.  Why did the killer whale refuse to play hide and seek?

 He was always orca-strated.

135.  What did the killer whale say to the seal?

Anything you can do, I can do better.

136.   What did the killer whale say when he was asked to do a trick?

 Sure, I’ll give it a splash!

137.  Why did the killer whale eat the clock?

 He wanted to have a whale of a time.

138.  Why did the killer whale refuse to go to the beach?

He was afraid of being harpooned.

139.  Why did the killer whale go to school?

He wanted to get a higher edu-whale-cation.

140.  What do you call a killer whale that plays the guitar?

 An orca-stra-ter.

141.  What do you call a killer whale that’s good at math?

 An orca-culator.

142.  What do you call a killer whale with a cold?

 An orca-sicle.

143.  What do you call a killer whale that’s always on the move?

A whale-o-rama.

144.  What do you call a killer whale that’s always telling jokes?

An orca-smile.

145.  Why did the killer whale get kicked out of the library?

He was talking too loudly about his favorite book, “Moby-Dick.”

146.  What do you call a killer whale that’s really into yoga?

An orca-strained.

147.  Why did the killer whale become a detective?

He wanted to solve the case of the missing fish

Kids Jokes about Whales

148.  What do you call a whale that wears a suit?

A blubber businessman!

149.  Why did the whale cross the ocean?

To get to the other tide!

150.  How do you know if a whale is happy?

 They flipper around!

151.  What do you get when you cross a whale and a school teacher?

 A great lesson in whale communication!

152.  What do you call a whale with a cold?

A Sneeze-al!

153.  Why don’t whales use computers?

 They prefer to use their own Whale-net!

154.  How do you know if a whale is telling a joke?

 They Whale-laughs!

155.  What do you call a whale that plays the guitar?

A heavy metalhead!

156.  How do whales stay in touch with each other?

They use their whale phones!

157.  What do you call a whale that’s always on the go?

A Wander-Whale!

158.  Why did the whale go to the doctor?

It had a case of the flu-ke!

159.  How do you know if a whale is cold?

They start to shiver-me-blowhole!

160.  What do you get when you cross a whale with a porpoise?

A whorpoise!

161.  Why do whales make bad detectives?

 They always blow their cover

162.  How do you know if a whale is telling a lie?

Their tale doesn’t match their blowhole!

163.  What do you call a whale that’s always telling jokes

 A comedian-whale!

164.  Why do whales like to sing?

They enjoy making a big splash with their music!

165.  What did the whale say when it swallowed a clownfish?

 This tastes a little funny!

166.  What do you call a whale that’s always sad?

 A blue whale!

167.  Why did the whale break up with the octopus?

 They were just too different – it was like trying to mix oil and water

Fat Whale Jokes

168.Why did the fat whale go on a diet? Because it couldn’t fit into its blubber-jeans anymore!

169.What do you call a pod of overweight whales? A “heavy-set” of whales!

170.How does a fat whale stay cool in the summer? It uses its own blubber as a personal shade!

171.What’s a fat whale’s favorite meal? Anything that’s “whale-sized”!

172.Why don’t fat whales make good motivational speakers? Because they always say, “Just go with the blubber!”

173.How do you know when a whale has had too much to eat? When it starts singing “I Will Always Love Food” instead of “I Will Always Love You”!

174.What did the fat whale say to its friend who was trying to lose weight? “Don’t be so shallow; it’s what’s on the inside that counts!”

Best Whale Jokes for Kids Clean

175.Why did the whale bring a towel to the ocean? Because it wanted to have a “whale” of a time drying off!

176.What do you call a whale with a sun hat? Shady!

177.How do you make a whale smile? Tell a funny “tail”!

178.What did the ocean say to the whale? Nothing, it just waved!

179.How do whales send messages underwater? They use “whale-mail”!

180.What do you call a friendly whale who loves to sing? A “tuna” of joy!

181.What’s a whale’s favorite game? Swallow the leader!

Whale Quotes Funny

182.”I’m not a beach body; I’m more of a beach-ball-shaped body, like a whale!” — Unknown

189.”Why did the whale cross the road? To get to the other tide!” — Unknown

190.”Whale, hello there! I’ve got a whale of a tale to tell you!” — Unknown

191.”Some days I’m more ‘whale’ than others, but I still swim through life with a grin!” — Unknown

Whale Quotes Funny

192.”Life’s too short to take yourself too seriously. Be a little ‘whaley’ and enjoy the journey!” — Unknown

193.”I don’t have a six-pack; I have a whale-tail.” — Unknown

194.”They say I’m overweight, but I prefer ‘oceanically endowed.'” — Unknown

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We hope these funny whale jokes for kids brought some smiles and laughter to your day! Whether you’re looking for jokes to tell at a party or just want something to keep your little ones entertained, these whale jokes are perfect. So dive into these jokes and have some whale-y good fun!

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